• 제목/요약/키워드: Planetary gear transmission system

검색결과 46건 처리시간 0.025초

요소결합을 통한 파워트레인 시뮬레이션 소프트웨어 (I): 동력흐름 자동생성 모듈 개발 (Powerflow Simulation Software of the Automotive Powertrain through the Combination of the Components (I): Development of the Automatic Powerflow Generation Module)

  • 이승종;서정민
    • 한국정밀공학회지
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.43-51
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, the element combination algorithm for designing an arbitrary type of the automatic transmissions is proposed. The powertrain simulation software using this algorithm is then developed. The deliveries of the angular velocities and torques are only considered for the motion characteristics of the automatic transmissions. The effects of the vibration and noise are not considered. The automatic transmission is defined by the basic elements, i.e., planetary gear set, clutch, brake, shaft, general gear, and inertia. The transmission system is defined by the combination of these elements. The element combination matrices automatically generate the equations of motion for each shift. The self error-correcting algorithm is also developed to verify the element combination algorithm. This automotive powertrain simulation/design software with user-friendly graphic user interface has two main modules. The first module, the automatic powerflow generation module, mainly consists of the automatic powerflow and component generation algorithms. This paper covers the theory and application for the first module. The second module deals with the automatic system generation algorithm and will be discussed in the second paper.

Formal Verification of Twin Clutch Gear Control System

  • Muhammad Zaman;Amina Mahmood;Muhammad Atif;Muhammad Adnan Hashmi;Muhammad Kashif;Mudassar Naseer
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.151-159
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    • 2024
  • Twin clutch model enables the power-shifts as conventional planetary automatic transmission and eradicates the disadvantages of single clutch trans- mission. The automatic control of the dual clutches is a problem. Particularly to control the clutching component that engages when running in one direction of revolution and disengages when running the other direction, which exchange the torque smoothly during torque phase of the gearshifts on planetary-type automatic transmissions, seemed for quite a while hard to compensate through clutch control. Another problem is to skip gears during multiple gearshifts. However, the twin clutch gear control described in ["M Goetz, M C Levesley and D A Crolla. Dynamics and control of gearshifts on twin clutch transmissions, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 2005"], a significant improvement in twin clutch gear control system is discussed. In this research our objective is to formally specify the twin clutch gear control system and verify it with the help of formal methods. Formal methods have a high potential to give correctness estimating techniques. We use UPPAAL for formal specification and verification. Our results show that the twin clutch gear control model partially fulfills its functional requirements.

제품개발 초기단계의 생산공정설계를 위한 기계부품의 외형형상 합성에 관한 연구 (A Study on Part Configuration Shape Synthesis for Process Planning in the Early Design Stage)

  • 임진승;김용세;에릭왕
    • 한국정밀공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정밀공학회 2003년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.899-904
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    • 2003
  • Tight integration of product design and process planning in the early design stage would make bigger impact as wider spectrum of design and manufacturing alternatives can be pursued and evaluated. Thus the development of systematic computer-based support for this integration is desirable. For this integration and process planning in the early design stage. the systematic method to synthesize shape of part from functional requirements is crucial. This research presents the methods of functional decomposition from overall function or product and synthesizing shape of part based on functional relations extracted from functional decomposition using planetary gear transmission system as an example.

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제품개발 초기단계의 개념적 공정설계 지원을 위한 기계부품의 외형형상 합성에 관한 연구 (A Study on Mechanical Part Configuration Shape Synthesis for Supporting Conceptual Process Planning in the Early Design Stage)

  • 임진승;김용세;에릭왕
    • 한국정밀공학회지
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    • 제21권11호
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    • pp.140-148
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    • 2004
  • Tight integration of product design and process planning in the early design stage would make bigger impact as wider spectrum of design and manufacturing alternatives can be pursued and evaluated. Thus the development of systematic computer-based supporting for this integration if desirable. For this integration and process planning in the early design stage, the systematic method to synthesize shape of part from functional requirements is crucial. This research presents the methods of functional decomposition from overall function of product and synthesizing shape of part based on functional relations extracted from functional decomposition using planetary gear transmission system as an example.

The Development of Walking Tractors for Asian Agriculture

  • Phongsupasamit, Surin;Sakai, Jun
    • 한국농업기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국농업기계학회 1993년도 Proceedings of International Conference for Agricultural Machinery and Process Engineering
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    • pp.1102-1109
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    • 1993
  • This paper describes the research and development of Walking Tractors and Tillage Implements for Phase I (1991-1992) . The project consists of : (1) the study and need for the development of the walking tractors for Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries ; (2) the comparison in the use of the walking tractors and their transmission systems that are made in Thailand and aborad : and (3) the design of future walking tractors for Asian farmers in developing countries. The design of the walking tractors is concentrated to provide the ease to farmers, especially the elderly and female which will play an important role in the future agriculture of Thailand due to the lack of manpower. In addition , the design of the walking tractors is also aiming for small-scale farmers, the majority that have limited land capital. The walking tractors consist of several components but the most important one is the " Transmission System" . Thus, the research is concentrated in the devel pment an design of the a new transmission system. The new machine , currently developed, is named after the Chulalongkron University as " Chular Walking Tractor " , model SPJS -60. The tractor uses a 6-7 horsepower diesel engine with three forward gears and one reverse gear. The tractor also uses the latest gearing technology so called planetary gearing system with steering clutches system that never been used in any earlier model. The advantages of the planetary gearing system are : (1) the final drive gear can be small, and can be designed to provide higher strength with less wearing resistance, (2) the system eliminates a shaft which is used in other systems, thus reduces the weight and the manufacturing cost . Furthermore, the Chular Walking Tractor has an additional power take off shaft that can be used or linked with other standard agricultural implements.

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요소결합을 통한 파워트레인 시뮬레이션 소프트웨어 (II): 시스템 자동결합 모듈 개발 (Powerflow Simulation Software of the Automotive Powertrain through the Combination of the Components (II): Development of the Automatic System Generation Module)

  • 이승종;서정민
    • 한국정밀공학회지
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.52-59
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, the automatic system generation algorithm based on the element combination algorithm discussed in the first part of this paper for designing an arbitrary type of the automatic transmissions is proposed. The powertrain design software using these algorithms is developed. This automotive powertrain design software with user-friendly graphic user interface has two main modules. The first module, the automatic power flow generation module, is already discussed in the previous paper. The second module dealing with the automatic system generation algorithm is discussed in this paper. The power-flow simulation software fur the arbitrary type of powertrain is then developed. The simulation and experimental results of the vehicle equipped with two planetary gear type automatic transmission are compared to validate the proposed algorithms and developed software. The simulation results demonstrate the good agreement with the experimental results.

단일 모드를 갖는 동력분기식 무단변속기의 실용성에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Practicability of A Power Splitted Continuously Variable Transmission with Single Mode)

  • 성상훈;박노길;이형우
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • 제31권1호
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    • pp.34-43
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    • 2007
  • As a method to improve the poor torque capacity on the continuously variable transmission(CVT), power splitted devices(PSD) reducing the power entering into the transmission has been considered. But this kind of PSD requires for the variator to be a large coverage of the speed ratio (CSR) Since the CSRs of the well-known push belt or the toroidal ones are not enough large, the power splitted CVTs (PSCVTs) using them should be made with multiple modes. inevitably adding the do9 clutches and the associated accessories. In this paper a PSCVT with single mode is conceptually designed A new continuously variable unit (CVU) consisting of the paired inner and outer spherical rotors is used. The CVU has large CSR and excellent compactness. As a PSD. a variable bridge (VB) using the Planetary gear units (PGUs) is considered because it has an upper bound on the power ratio. An optimal design to minimize the effective efficiency of the PSCVT is carried out. Through the performance analysis on the designed model, good expectation on the practicability in the heavy vehicle system is shown.

확장된 네트워크기법을 이용한 정유압 기계식 번속장치의 동력전달 특성해석 (Analysis of Power Transmission Characteristics for Hydro-mechanical Transmission Using Extended Tetwork theory)

  • 김원;정순배;김현수
    • 대한기계학회논문집A
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    • 제20권5호
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    • pp.1426-1435
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    • 1996
  • In this paper. a network theory for generaltransmission systme was extended considering the direction of power flow. Also, a modified network model was suggested for a node with 4 shafts in order to verify the power flow. Based on the extended network theory, a simulation program was developed to analyze a hydro-mecaanical tranmission(HMT) system consistion of two hydrostatic pump motors, severeal planetary gear trains steer differential gear. The simulation result showed that the extendednotwork analysis program develped can predict the power circulation as well as the magnitude of torque and speed for each transmission element and can be used design tool for genaral power transmission system.

정유압 기계식 변속기의 조향시 동력 순환 특성 (Power Circulation Characteristics of Hydro-Mechanical transmission System in Steering)

  • 김진석;김원;정용호;정순배;김현수
    • 한국자동차공학회논문집
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 1997
  • Power flow characteristics of a hydro-mechanical transmission system(HMT) are investigated for tracked vehicle in steering. A HMT consisting of two hydrostatic pump motors(HST), several planetary gear trains and steer differential gear is considered. In order to obtain the direction and magnitude of the power flow of the HMT, network theory for the general power transmission is used. Network model for the HMT in steering is developed, which consists of shafts, nodes and transmission elements such as clutch, gear, etc. Power flow analysis procedure consists of two stages : (1) traction force analysis in steering, (2) power flow analysis in HMT. Torque and speed of every transmission element of the HMT is determined from the network analysis. Also, efficiency, mechanical and hydraulic power loss including HST, are obtained. In addition, the regenerative power flow resulting from steering can be studied in graphic display. The power flow analysis program(PCSTEER) developed in this work can be used as a useful design tool for the tracked vehicle with HMT.

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트랙터용 토로이달식 무단변속기 개발(1): 변속기 메커니즘 (Development of Toroidal Type Continuously Variable-Speed Transmission for Agricultural Tractor(1): Transmission Mechanism)

  • 김의한;이재천
    • 한국자동차공학회논문집
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    • 제10권3호
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    • pp.218-226
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    • 2002
  • This study was carried out to develop continuously variable-speed transmission(CVT) fur an agricultural tractor. The full-toroidal variator mechanism with flour discs and six rollers was utilized as a device fur changing speed ratio continuously. In system layout design, the sizes of the roller cylinders and the end-load cylinder, which were critical factors for controlling the variator, were designed. The planetary gear unit and six pairs of the gear assemblies were designed to establish the maximum speed of the vehicle at 30 ㎞/hr. In addition, the hydraulic clutch, the silent chain, the hydraulic manifold and the electronic controller were designed. Based on the design, a prototype CVT was developed and tested. Test results show that the CVT developed in this study could successfully provide variable speed of the tractor.