• Title/Summary/Keyword: Pinus densilora

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: Plant Commumity Structure of Pinus densiflora Forests in Odaesan National Park (오대산 국립공원 소나무림의 식물군집구조)

  • Lee, Kyong-Jae;Cho, Woo;Han, Bong-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.115-125
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    • 1996
  • To investigate the plant community structure in Pinus densiflora forests of Odaesan National Park, fourty plots(each size was 100m$^{2}$) were set up in Sogumgang and Woljongsa area. The classification by the TWINSPAN and DCA ordination techniques were applied to the survey area. Pinus densiflora forests were divided into five community types, which were Betula schmidtii-Acer pseudosieboldianum-Styrax obassia, Quercus variabilis-S. obassia, Q. serrata-Q. vareabilis, Q. mongolica, Abies holo[hylla. The successional trend of Pinus densiflora forests was seem to be seral stage from Pinus densiflora to Quercus spp.. And Abies holophylla was competition species with Pinus densiflora in Woljongsa area. So, management of Pinus densiflora forests requires to conserve for the diversity of mountain landscape resource and gene science.

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