Kim Geon-Young;Kim Soo Jin;Koh Yong Kwon;Bae Dae Seok
Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
Mineralogical characteristics and genesis of phlogopite in the talc deposits of the chungnam area were studied. Mica is one of the major impurity of talc ores in the study area. Talc-related micas show typical phlogopite composition, whereas talc-unrelated micas show wide compositional variations between biotite and phlogopite. Phlogopite mainly occurs in the black-wall type zone, especially in the nodular talc ores near the outer part of talc ore bodies. Interleaving textures of phlogopite and chlorite are easily observed under the optical microscope and back-scattered electron images. Interleaving textures of phlogopite and talc are observed also. Examination of the phlogopite by transmission electron microscope reveals that 14 $\AA$ layers of chlorite are randomly interlayered within the 10 $\AA$ layers of phlogopite, which suggests that the genesis of phlogopite is closely related to chlorite. Considering the occurrence and mineralogical characteristics of phlogopite, and the possible origin of K for the formation of phlogopite, phlogopite of the study area was formed by interaction between talc ore body and hydrothermal solution containing sufficient K at the late stage of talc formation. K might be introduced from the granitic gneiss at the contact zone between the talc ore body and the granitic gneiss under favorable structural condition for the potash metasomatism.
The Daehung and Pyeongan talc mines are located in the Yoogoo area, Chungcheongnam-Do. These deposits occur as the complex vein type in the ultramafic rocks which intruded Precambrian gneiss. The talc ore formed from sepentinitt: originated from ultramafic rocks but some of those from hornblende gneiss. The talcification processes were considered here on the basis of the mineral assemblages, paragenesis, and geochemistry. It appears that there are five processes in talcification ; serpentine$\rightarrow$talc, phlogopite$\rightarrow$chlorite$\rightarrow$talc, phlogopite$\rightarrow$talc, hornblende$\rightarrow$chlorite$\rightarrow$talc, and hornblende$\rightarrow$talc. Among them, the most dominant alteration path is serpentine to talc in these deposits. EPMA data suggest that there might be interstratified minerals were in between parent mineral and talc such as serpentine and talc, and phlogopite and talc. It can be found that tremolite exists in between the inner and outer most part of talcified serpentinite blocks coated with phlogopite. Some of tremolites has been altered to talc. The quartz veins and carbonate minerals were found in the talc ore zone. It indicates that the hydrothermal solution played an important role in talcification. The hydrothermal alteration occured after sepentinization. Ore zones can be divided into two zones; talc-serpentine zone preserving a pseudormorph of olivine (mesh texture) and talc-phlogopite zone showing talcification from phlogopite directly or through chlorite. It can be concluded that the formation of major talc ore body was due to talcification of serpentinite and phlogopite by hydrothermal solution. A nature of hydrothermal solution was relatively pure water at the beginning of serpentinization, and was getting richer in silica composition. There was a large amount influx of K and AI with hydrothermal solution in the later stage, and increased $P_{CO_{2}}$ also. It suggests that phlogopite formed in later stages as a secondary mineral. So, the major part of the talc ore body was formed from one parents rocks, serpentinite originated from ultramafic rocks, by hydrothermal solutions at several times.
Phlogopite-bearing orthopyroxenite occurs in Andong ultramafic complex in a planar body of about 1 meter thick, and consists mostly of coarse subhedral to euhedral orthopyroxene crystals. Minor minerals are clinopyroxene, phlogopite, and plagioclase with trace chromian spinel, pentlandite, apatite, and zircon. Clinopyroxene occurs as either exolution lamella or interstitial fillings with phlogopite and plagioclase. Electron microprobe analysis showed that orthopyroxenes are entatite, while clinopyroxenes are diopside with little chemical variation through samples. Hydrous alteration resulted in the formation of talc, amphibole, and serpentine from orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and plagioclase, respectively. The orthopyroxenite was probably formed by the fractional crystallization of the ultramafic magma. Radiogenic dating of phlogopite and zircon of the orthopyroxenite would reveal the age of the Andong ultramafic complex.
The talc of the Daeheung, Pyeongan, and Cheongdang (Shinyang) talc deposits in the Yesan-Gongju-Cheongyang area is a hydrothermal alteration product of serpentinite originated from ultramafic rocks. The mineral assemblages in alteration zones are: serpentine, serpentine-talc, talc, talc-chlorite, talc-phlogopite-chlorite, and talc-tremolite-chlorite. Chemical distributions in both the Al2O3-FeO-MgO system and the immobile elements suggest that the serpentine-talc and talc rocks are the reaction product of ultramafic rocks and silicic hydrothermal solution without addition of other granitic components, whereas chlorite-, phlogopite-, and tremolite-bearing rocks are the metasomatic alteration product of serpentinite by hydrothermal solution affected by granitic gneiss. Discontinuities in the immobile element ratios of mineral assemblages are due to changes in their mineralogy. The relative contents of Al2O3, TiO2, Zr in the talc-phlogopite-chlorite and talc-tremolite-chlorite rocks increase irregularly with increasing phlogopite, tremolite, and/or chlorite contents in contrast to other ore types. But the relative contents of Cr, Ni, and Co are uniform in all the mineral assemblages. Chemistry of each mineral assemblage formed by steatitization of serpentinite suggests that Cr, Co, Ni, MgO, and Fe2O3 are relatively immobile during the alteration, whereas SiO2, Al2O3, CaO, and K2O are highly increased. The contents of chlorite, phlogopite, and tremolite in each mineral assemblage might be controlled by addition of Al2O3, K2O, and CaO, respectively. The high contents of other elements than immobile elements in the altered rocks as compared with unaltered rocks indicate that a large amount of elements were introduced from hydrothermal solution up to about 8∼41% in total mass showing maximum value in the talc-phlogopite-chlorite rock.
Phlogopite and kaersutite, showing distinctively different textural characteristics compared to the common phenocrysts, are observed in alkali basalt from Jeju Island. They occur as large crystals (2-10 mm) in host basalts, whereas fine-grained phlogopite and kaersutite occur in ultramafic mantle xenoliths and mafic gabbroic xenoliths, respectively, as an interstitial and microvein phases, or in corona textures (<1 mm). This textural characteristics of fine-grained grains clearly indicates secondary in origin. Phlogopite contains high $TiO_2$(4.1-6.9 wt%) and F(2.8-4.6 wt%) and relatively high mg#[=100Mg/(Mg+$Fe^t$) in mols, where $Fe^t$ is total iron](88-80), whereas kaersutite has high $TiO_2$(5.6-6.11 wt%) and much lower mg#s(68-64). Our textural observations and the geochemical character of these hydrous minerals suggest that they were unrelated to each other and mica formation happened early in the upper mantle before the mantle xenoliths had been trapped. In contrast, kaersutite formation has happened later, probably during the late stage of crystallization as intracrustal processes. The presence of phlogopite and kaersutitic amphibole is a direct evidence for K-, Ti-, F- and $H_2O$-bearing fluid/melt percolation in the lithosphere beneath Jeju Island, indicating that they are product of interaction between host rock/peridotite/fluid-melt. Thus, the upper mantle/lower crust beneath Jeju Island are metasomatized to various extents, characterized by a change in major metasomatic hydrous minerals from phlogopite to amphibole with decreasing depth.
Fluoro-phlogopite crystals (Mica) were synthesized by two different methods; firstly the crystal was crystallized from the melts, and secondly mica crystalline was obtained from the direct solid state reaction. Addition of $CaF_2$ in the mica batch revealed the lowering the solid state reaction temperature. SEM and XRD were employed to observe mica crystalline flakes and solid solution forms. As a starting raw material Pyrophyllite was used resulting in the formation of mica crystals.
Several vermiculite deposits occur as the alteration product from phlogopite in ultramafic rock, in the Hongseong and Cheongyang area, South Korea. Some quarries show well-defined weathering profile. Samples collected from those quarries were examined by XRD and chemistry to define a vertical variations in mineralogy and chemistry of the weathering profile developed on ultramafic rocks. The analysis by X-ray diffractometry showed that mineral compositions changed continuously as depth of profile increasing, the vermiculite-the phlogopite/vermiculite interstratified-the phlogopite. Chemical analysis of bulk samples in altered zone revealed that regardless of composition and kinds of mineral in the rock, there are significant increase of MgO, CaO and $H_2O$, and decrease of K as depth of profile decrease reflecting the characteristics in vermiculitization. Also, there was a tendency that weathering indicies of each sample horizon change gradually with increasing depth. This tendency can be explained as variations of degree of vermiculitization. The regular changes of mineralogical and chemical composition in vertical profile suggest that weathering is the most important process in vermiculitization in this area.
An attempt was made to derive a possible synthetic mechanism of Fluoro-phlogopite (Mica, 4Mg.$Al_2O_3$.$6SiO_2$.$K_2O$.$2MgF_2$) The pevention of fluorine vaporization turned out to be the key in the synthesis of Mica in question.l Consequently the quinary system of Mica was seperately synthesized ; frist 4MgO.$Al_2O_3-6SiO_2$(ternary system) was sintered at 135$0^{\circ}C$ and $K_2O$ and $MgF_2$ were added and second 4MgO.$Al_2O_3-6SiO_2$.$K_2O$ (quarternary system) was heat-treated at 135$0^{\circ}C$ and $MgF_2$ was added. The ternary system resulted in Proto-enstatite Cordierite and Spinel phases while Forsterite and Leucite were shown in the quarternay system . In both methods Fluoro-phlogopite was systhesized but the solid state reactions to form Mica from the ternary system and the quarternary system were different. High temperature reactions in the formation of Mica were investigated employing XRD, DTA and SEM The study of the synthesis of Mica indirectly suggested a method of phase analysis of quinary system(MgO-$Al_2O_3-SiO_2-K_2O-MgF_2$) and quarternary system(MgO-$Al_2O_3-SiO_2-K_2O-MgF_2$) at various temperatures.
The Rietveld structure refinement for the natural trioctahedral mica, phlogopite-1M (Parker Mine, Quebec, Canada) has been done by high resolution neutron powder diffraction at $25^{\circ}C$ and -263$^{\circ}C$. The structural formula of phlogopite determined by electron probe microanalysis is $K_2$(M $g_{4.46}$F $e_{0.83}$A $l_{0.34}$$Ti_{0.22}$)(S $i_{5.51}$A $l_{2.49}$) $O_{20}$(O $H_{3.59}$$F_{0.41}$). Cell parameters are a=5.30∼5.31 $\AA$, b=9.18∼9.20 $\AA$, c=10.18∼10.21 $\AA$, $\beta$=100.06∼100.08$^{\circ}$. Refinements converged to R values in the range of $R_{p}$=2.35%, $R_{wp}$=3.01%, respectively. In this study, the OH bond length is calculated to 0.93 $\AA$ at room temperature and 1.03 $\AA$ at -263$^{\circ}C$, and the angles between OH vector and (001) plane are obtained 93.4$^{\circ}$∼93.6$^{\circ}$. The decrease in the length of OH with the increase in temperature should be due to the hydrogen bonding in the structure of phogopite.e.e.f phogopite.e.e.
Our knowledge of the lithosphere beneath the Korean Peninsula has been improved through petrologic and geochemical studies of upper mantle xenoliths hosted by Quaternary intraplate alkali basalts from Jeju Island. The xenoliths are mostly spinel lherzolites, accompanied by subordinate harzburgite and pyroxenites. The mantle xenoliths represent residual mantle material showing textural and geochemical evidence for at least a three-stage evolution, fractional partial melting, recrystallization, and metasomatism. Their composition primarily controlled by early fractional melt extraction and porphyroclastic and mylonitic fabrics formed in a shear-dominated environment, which was subsequently modified by residual slab-derived fluids (or melts). Modal metasomatic products occur as both anhydrous phase(orthopyroxene) and hydrous phase (phlogopite). Late-stage orthopyroxene is more common than phlogopite. However, chemical equilibrium is evident between the primary and secondary orthopyroxene, implying that the duration of post-metasomatic high temperatures enabled complete resetting/reequilibration of the mineral compositions. The metasomatic enrichment pre-dates the host Jeju Quaternary magmatism, and a genetic relationship with the host magmas is considered unlikely. Following enrichment in the peridotite protolith in the mantle wedge, the upper mantle beneath proto-Jeju Island was transformed from a subarc environment to an intraplate environment. The Jeju peridotites, representing old subarc fragments, were subsequently transported to the surface, incorporated into ascending Quaternary intraplate alkali basalt. The result of this study implies that long term material transfer in the transformation of geotectonic setting from a subarc to intraplate may have played a significant role in the evolution of lithospheric mantle, resulting in the enriched mantle domains, such as EM I or EM II in the lithospheric mantle beneath East Asia.
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① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
경우 서비스 이용을 제한할 수 있습니다.
- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.