• Title/Summary/Keyword: Phase distribution

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The Numerical Study on Effect of the Droplet Sizes on Internal Mass Transfer in the Spray Type Scrubber (분무형 스크러버에 내에서 액적크기에 따른 물질전달에 관한 전산해석적 연구)

  • Lee, Chanhyun;Chang, Hyuksang
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 2019
  • As regional air pollution gets worse by the sulfur oxides emitted from various types of vessels passing through the many countries, the International Maritime Organization establishes the emission control areas and regulates sulfur dioxide in those areas. In order to satisfy these regional regulations, the fuel selection method and the exhaust gas post-treatment device are applied to the ships. Due to the economic reasons, the post-treatment method of exhaust gas for reducing the amount of sulfur oxides discharged is mainly preferred. The scrubber which is dominantly used in the ships are the spray type system where the sprayed liquid drops used for capturing the soluble sulfur dioxides in the exhaust gas. The performance of the spray type system depends on the size distribution of the sprayed droplets. In order to evaluate this performance, we designed counterflow type scrubber and cyclone scrubber and evaluated the desulfurization efficiency and the amount of droplet evaporation according to the size of each droplet by using computational fluid dynamics. The Eulerian-Eulerian analysis method was used because the scrubber had a gas-liquid two-phase flow inside the scrubber. When the diameter of the droplet was $100{\mu}m$, $300{\mu}m$, $500{\mu}m$ and $700{\mu}m$. As a result, both of scrubbers showed high desulfurization efficiency and low evaporation amount at $500{\mu}m$ and $700{\mu}m$.

Seismic behavior of K-type eccentrically braced frames with high strength steel based on PBSD method

  • Li, Shen;Wang, Chao-yu;Li, Xiao-lei;Jian, Zheng;Tian, Jian-bo
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.667-685
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    • 2018
  • In eccentrically braced steel frames (EBFs), the links are fuse members which enter inelastic phase before other structure members and dissipate the seismic energy. Based on the force-based seismic design method, damages and plastic deformations are limited to the links, and the main structure members are required tremendous sizes to ensure elastic with limited or no damage. Force-based seismic design method is very common and is found in most design codes, it is unable to determine the inelastic response of the structure and the damages of the members. Nowadays, methods of seismic design are emphasizing more on performance-based seismic design concept to have a more realistic assessment of the inelastic response of the structure. Links use ordinary steel Q345 (the nominal yielding strength $f_y{\geq}345MPa$) while other members use high strength steel (Q460 $f_y{\geq}460MPa$ or Q690 $f_y{\geq}690MPa$) in eccentrically braced frames with high strength steel combination (HSS-EBFs). The application of high strength steels brings out many advantages, including higher safety ensured by higher strength in elastic state, better economy which results from the smaller member size and structural weight as well as the corresponding welding work, and most importantly, the application of high strength steel in seismic fortification zone, which is helpful to popularize the extensive use of high strength steel. In order to comparison seismic behavior between HSS-EBFs and ordinary EBFs, on the basis of experimental study, four structures with 5, 10, 15 and 20 stories were designed by PBSD method for HSS-EBFs and ordinary EBFs. Nonlinear static and dynamic analysis is applied to all designs. The loading capacity, lateral stiffness, ductility and story drifts and failure mode under rare earthquake of the designs are compared. Analyses results indicated that HSS-EBFs have similar loading capacity with ordinary EBFs while the lateral stiffness and ductility of HSS-EBFs is lower than that of EBFs. HSS-EBFs and ordinary EBFs designed by PBSD method have the similar failure mode and story drift distribution under rare earthquake, the steel weight of HSS-EBFs is 10%-15% lower than ordinary EBFs resulting in good economic efficiency.

Interpretation of volcanic eruption types from granulometry and component analyses of the Maljandeung tuff, Ulleung Island, Korea (울릉도 말잔등응회암의 입도와 구성원 분석으로부터 화산분화 유형 해석)

  • Hwang, Sang Koo;Lee, So-Jin;Han, Kee Hwan
    • Journal of the Geological Society of Korea
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    • v.54 no.5
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    • pp.513-527
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    • 2018
  • We have carried out granulometry and component analysis on pyroclastic deposits of the Maljandeung Tuff, Ulleung Island, to interpret the eruption types and prime dynamic mechanisms. It is divided into three members in the extracaldera area, each of which comprises the lithofacies of coarse tuffs and lapillistones in the lower part, and pumice deposits in upper one. The lithofacies present quantitative evidences in the granularity and component distribution patterns. As compared to the pumice deposits, the coarse tuffs and lapillistones exhibit a relative increase in both the lithic/juvenile and the crystal/juvenile ratios, and a preferential fragmentation of the juvenile fraction. The abundance of lithics and crystals in the tuffs and lapillistones can be attributed to preferential fragmentation of the aquifer-hosting rocks due to explosive evaporation of ground water, and indirect enrichment in lithics and crystals due to removal of juvenile fines from eruptive cloud. The above data exhibit that early phreatopmagmatic phase was followed by purely magmatic fragmentation phases. The coarse tuffs and lapillistones suggest phreatoplinian eruption derived from explosive interaction of magma with ground water near the conduit, while pumice deposits indicate magmatic eruption by magmatic explosion from juvenile gas pressure. In early stage, phreatoplinian eruption occurred from explosive magma/water interaction in connecting confining water with drawdown of the magma column in the conduit; Later it shifted to plinian eruption by explosive expansion of only magmatic volatiles in intercepting water influx due to higher magmatic gas pressure than confining water pressure with rising of the magma column in the conduit.

Residue and risk assessment of veterinary antibiotics in manure-based composts and agricultural soils (가축분뇨 유래 퇴비 및 농경지 중 축산용 항생제의 잔류 및 위해성 평가)

  • Paik, Min-Kyoung;Ryu, Song-Hee;Kim, Sung-Chul;Hong, Young-Kyu;Kim, Jin-Wook;Kim, Jeong-Gyu;Kwon, Oh-Kyung
    • Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.64 no.2
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    • pp.177-184
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    • 2021
  • While veterinary antibiotics are used only in a part of the dose administered, the rest are excreted as urine or feces. Residual antibiotics enter the adjacent agricultural environments by spraying manure-based composts on farmlands and lead to secondary pollution. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the technique for post management such as regulatory levels of antibiotics in the agricultural environments. This study was conducted to compare by different matrices the amount of residual antibiotics such as tetracyclines and sulfonamides, which are known to be frequently used in Korea and to practice risk assessment by different antibiotics in soils before and after application of composts. Pre-treatment with modified typical method using buffer and solid phase extraction showed the recovery of composts and soils was more than 70% at ppb level and the limits of detection were 0.13-0.46 and 0.05-0.25 ㎍/kg, respectively. Analysis of manure-based composts revealed concentrations from 5.38 to 196.0 ㎍/kg for tetracyclines, from below the detection of limit (BDL) to 259.0 ㎍/kg for sulfonamides. In case of agricultural soils, residual concentrations of selected veterinary antibiotics were ranged 0.30-53.3 ㎍/kg, BDL-4.16 ㎍/kg respectively and the concentration level of tetracyclines, which had higher soil distribution coefficient (Kd) values, was higher than that of sulfonamides. There was a difference in human risk assessment by different antibiotics in soil before and after application of composts. But, it was indicated that detection values of all of 5 antibiotics were very safe on the basis that Hazard Quotient was safe below 1.

Manufacturing Technique and Conservation of Bigyeokjincheolloe Bomb Shells Excavated from the Ancient Local Government Office and Fortress of Mujang-hyeon, Gochang (고창 무장현 관아와 읍성 출토 비격진천뢰의 제작기법과 보존처리)

  • Kim, Haesol;Huh, Ilkwon
    • Conservation Science in Museum
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    • v.24
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    • pp.17-36
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    • 2020
  • This paper describes the consevation treatment of eleven bigyeokjincheolloe bomb shells that were excavated from the Joseon-period local government office and fortress of Mujang-hyeon (present-day Mujang-myeon) in Gochang in 2018. It also provides information on the production method of the shells revealed through CT scanning, gamma-ray transmission imaging, and metallographic analysis. In preparation for the special exhibition "Bigyeokjincheolloe" at the Jinju National Museum in 2019 (July 16 to August 25), contaminants were removed from the shells and their surface was reinforced during the first phase of conservation treatment. Furthermore, the closures for the shells were identified for the first time. Regarding the production of the shells, the CT scanning and gamma-ray transmission imaging identified many blowholes in the interior of the body and the use of a chaplet on the side of one shell. The side of the body proved to be relatively thinner than the top and bottom. The traces of a hole for pouring molten metal into the center of the bottom indicates that molten metal was indeed emptied into the inverted body. In the metallographic analysis of two of the bodies and one lid, cementite and pearlite structures were identified on the body, indicating that it was made by casting. The presence of the ferrite structure with a partial distribution of the pearlite along with non-metallic inclusion in the lid suggested that the lid was made by forging.

Properties of translucent zirconia and lithium disilicate glass-ceramics: a literature review (반투명 지르코니아와 리튬디실리케이트 결정화유리의 물성에 관한 문헌고찰)

  • Cha, Min-Sang;Kim, Ye-Jin;Ko, Kyung-Ho;Park, Chan-Jin;Cho, Lee-Ra;Huh, Yoon-Hyuk
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2022
  • Although low translucency 3 mol% yttria stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal has excellent mechanical properties, it has limited application as a monolithic prosthesis. To improve these optical limitations, translucent zirconia has improved esthetics due to an increase in the cubic phase; however, it is accompanied by a decrease in mechanical properties simultaneously. Lithium disilicate has improved its mechanical properties through crystal size reduction and various heat treatment methods; therefore, its clinical application range is continuously increasing. Translucent zirconia shows a wide distribution of physical properties depending on the yttria content and lithium disilicate according to the size and density of crystal grains. As a result, the indications for translucent zirconia and lithium disilicate are increasing. Therefore, in this literature review, we intend to examine the rationale behind the material selection criteria in clinical situations and considerations for designing fixed dental prostheses including pontic, in particular, by summarizing recent studies.

Quantitative Comparison of Motion Artifacts in PET Images using Data-Based Gating (데이터 기반 게이팅을 이용한 PET 영상의 움직임 인공물의 정량적 비교)

  • Jin Young, Kim;Gye Hwan, Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.91-98
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    • 2023
  • PET is used effectively for biochemical or pathological phenomena, disease diagnosis, prognosis determination after treatment, and treatment planning because it can quantify physiological indicators in the human body by imaging the distribution of various biochemical substances. However, since respiratory motion artifacts may occur due to the movement of the diaphragm due to breathing, we would like to evaluate the practical effect by using the a device-less data-driven gated (DDG) technique called MotionFree with the phase-based gating correction method called Q.static scan mode. In this study, images of changes in moving distance (0 cm, 1 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm) are acquired using a breathing-simulated moving phantom. The diameters of the six spheres in the phantom are 10 mm, 13 mm, 17 mm, 22 mm, 28 mm, and 37 mm, respectively. According to maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax) measurements, when DDG was applied based on the moving distance, the average SUVmax of the correction effect by the moving distance was improved by 1.92, 2.48, 3.23 and 3.00, respectively. When DDG was applied based on the diameter of the phantom spheres, the average SUVmax of the correction effect by the moving distance was improved by 2.37, 2.02, 1.44, 1.20, 0.42 and 0.52 respectively.

A Study on the Distance Error Correction of Maritime Object Detection System (해상물체탐지시스템 거리오차 보정에 관한 연구)

  • Byung-Sun Kang;Chang-Hyun Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.139-146
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    • 2023
  • Maritime object detection systems, which detects small maritime obstacles such as fish farm buoys and visualizes distance and direction, is equipped with a 3-axis gimbal to compensate for errors caused by hull motion, but there is a limit to distance error corrections necessitated by the vertical movement of the camera and the maritime object due to wave motions. Therefore, in this study, the distance error of maritime object detection systems caused by the movement of the water surface according to the external environment is analyzed and corrected using average filter and moving average filter. Random numbers following a Gaussian standard normal distribution were added to or subtracted from the image coordinates to reproduce the rise or fall of the buoy under irregular waves. The distance calculated according to the change of image coordinates, the predicted distance through the average filter and the moving average filter, and the actual distance measured by laser distance meter were compared. In phases 1 and 2, the error rate increased to a maximum of 98.5% due to the changes of image coordinates due to irregular waves, but the error rate decreased to 16.3% with the moving average filter. This error correction capability was better than with the average filter, but there was a limit due to failure to respond to the distance change. Therefore, it is considered that use of the moving average filter to correct the distance error of the maritime object detection system will enhance responses to the real-time distance change and greatly improve the error rate.

Effectiveness of a Wave Resonator under Short-period Waves and Solitary Waves (공진장치를 이용한 단주기파랑과 고립파의 제어)

  • Lee, Kwang Ho;Jeong, Seong Ho;Jeong, Jin Woo;Kim, Do Sam
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.30 no.1B
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    • pp.89-100
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    • 2010
  • The performance evaluation of a conventional Wave Resonator at the entrance of harbors against solitary wave has been performed using 3D numerical wave flume. A wave resonator has been designed for the attenuation of the transmitted wave energy by trapping the short periodic incident waves only. In this study, however, the controlled performance of the wave resonator by its various widths has been numerically investigated for solitary waves. Source distribution method based on the Green function and the 3D one-field Model for immiscible TWO-Phase flows (TWOPM-3D) using 3D numerical wave flume were used for the short-periodic waves and the solitary waves, respectively, and these models were verified through the comparisons with the previous experimental and numerical results by other researchers. It was confirmed that the wave resonator is effective enough to control the solitary waves as well as the periodic waves when it compares with the case of no resonance system. Further, it was found that there is the optimal width of a wave resonator to attenuate the target solitary waves.

Development of 3-D Nonlinear Wave Driver Using SPH (SPH을 활용한 3차원 비선형 파랑모형 개발)

  • Cho, Yong Jun;Kim, Gweon Soo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.5B
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    • pp.559-573
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    • 2008
  • In this study, we newly proposed 3-D nonlinear wave driver utilizing the Navier-Stokes Eq. the numerical integration of which is carried out using SPH (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics), an internal wave generation with the source function of Gaussian distribution and an energy absorbing layer. For the verification of new 3-D nonlinear wave driver, we numerically simulate the sloshing problem within a parabolic water basin triggered by a Gaussian hump and uniformly inclined water surface by Thacker (1981). It turns out that the qualitative behavior of sloshing caused by relaxing the external force which makes a free surface convex or uniformly inclined is successfully simulated even though phase error is visible and an inundation height shrinks as numerical simulation more proceeds. For the more severe test, we also simulate the nonlinear shoaling and refraction over uniform beach of wedge shape. It is shown that numerically simulated waves are less refracted than the linear counterpart by Hamiltonian ray theory due to nonlinearity, energy dissipation at the bottom and side walls, energy loss induced by breaking, and the hydraulic jump occurring when breaking waves encounter a down-rush by the preceding wave.