• Title/Summary/Keyword: Pedestrian facility

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Evaluation on Practical Use of Raw Data for 3D Indoor Space Modeling (3차원 실내공간 모델링 원시자료의 활용도 평가)

  • Kim, Yun Ji;Yoo, Byoung Min;Lee, Jiyeong
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.33-43
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    • 2014
  • As the number of people who live indoor space has been increased, the interest in 3D indoor spatial information has been grown. Object-Oriented 3D indoor space modeling including indoor spatial information has performed in level of detail 4, and modeling data is able to be constructed based on various raw data which are as-built drawing, laser scanning, BIM data, and camera. 3D indoor space modeling has been worked based on established indoor space modeling process, and the result can be used for various application fields such as indoor space pedestrian navigation, facility management, disaster management, and so on. However, the modeling process has limitations to perform indoor space modeling efficiently, because the process is complicated and wastes time at modeling work. In this paper, we propose evaluation on practical use of raw data for 3D indoor space modeling purpose on supporting efficient indoor space modeling through analyzing the established process. Therefore, we define the requirements to evaluate the practical use of raw data and propose the verification method. In addition, as-built drawing which has been used in Seoul 3D indoor space modeling project will be applied to proposed method as a raw data.

The Classification according to the Correlation between TOD Planning Factors and the Seoul Metropolitan Subway Influential Area by Using MDS Analysis (다차원척도법(MDS)을 활용한 지하철 역세권과 TOD계획요소의 연관성에 따른 유형분류)

  • Kim, Seong-Eun;Won, You-Ho
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.167-176
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    • 2013
  • The City Complex Development and TOD originated from the Compact City are entrenched domestically. The New Urban Development such as these changes Structure of Urban space from the Automobile to the Public Transportation. Also, Transit-Oriented Development is drawing attention as sustainability because it has effects of Environment as Green growth. However, An empirical Study is insufficient about Influence Factors of Transit Oriented Development. Therefore This study sets up the Density spaced 1000m apart of Transit Oriented than the existing and did 7 Types considered of Accessibility, Complexity and Design Element according to the Factorial analysis. As a result, this study drew that (1) 'intraregional accessibility of public transit', (2) 'degree of development', 'pedestrian-friendly facility', (3) 'interzonal accessibility of public transit', (4) 'land-use of the city centre', 'complex using of rail station area', 'complementary public transit' are related 201 in number of the Subway stations according to the Multi-dimensional scaling.

An Architectural Study on the Building Remains at the Site of Beopsusa Temple in Seongju - With a focus on the remains of Buildings No.2 and 3 - (성주 법수사지 건물지에 대한 건축적 고찰 - 2호, 3호 건물지를 중심으로 -)

  • Hyun, Seung-Wook
    • Journal of the Regional Association of Architectural Institute of Korea
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.131-137
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    • 2018
  • The two recent excavations at the site of Beopsusa Temple in Seongju revealed that it contained eight building remains, three pedestrian facilities, four drainage facilities, two walls, three embankments, and an estimated pagoda remain. Even though this investigation was restricted to some sections of the site, it confirmed remains of architectural significance and thus attracted the attention of concerned researchers. This study thus set out to make an architectural survey of the site based on the excavation results and examine the characteristics and nature of remains of Buildings No.2 and 3 at the site. The planar analysis results show that Building No.2 (Remains 2-2) at the site of Beopsusa Temple was a gable-roofed building with a single story including 6 kan(間) in the front and 4 kan(間) in the flank and that Building No.3 (Remains 3-3) was a single-story building with a hipped-and-gable roof including 5 kan(間) in the front and 3 kan(間) in the flank. The most noteworthy remain of this excavation was the north-south square platform discovered at the Building No.2 at the site. It is estimated as a high chair platform used for Buddhist sermons. It was confirmed only at the lecture hall remains of Hwangnyongsa Temple and Anyangsa Temple in the nation and had never been found at remains related to Chinese and Japanese Buddhist Temples, being regarded as a very important and unique artifact. Since it was found at the remains of Building No.2, they was estimated as the lecture hall remain at the site. Found at the remains of Building No.3 at the site, the oblong altar remains were also very unique and rare and never found at other Buddhist temple sites. The inside of oblong altar was evenly covered with roof tiles instead of rubble, and there were small crushed stones for internal division, which is an altar construction method distinctly different from its counterparts at other Buddhist temple sites. Those findings raise the possibility high that a wooden facility was put up at the top of oblong remains.

A Study on the Current Status Analysis of Reasonable Accommodations at Exhibition Facilities (전시시설의 정당한 편의 제공 실태에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kyoo Il;Kim, In Soon;Lee, Ki Jung;Lee, Tae Eun
    • 재활복지
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.311-338
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    • 2013
  • The Act of Disability Discrimination and Rights Restriction was enacted in 2008 states that all services including cultural and artistic activities should be fair and easily accessible for disabled. The aim of this study was to determine how to improve the facilities and services for the disabled in exhibition facilities and provide complementary guidelines for amenities designed for people with disabled. The conclusions identified through this study are as follows: 1) It should be installed pedestrian safe passage so that visitors could access from the entrance of the ground to inside of the exhibition facility. 2) The floor of the exhibition hall should be installed not slip, and dangerous obstacles placed in the corridor should be removed. 3) It Should be considered that visually impaired and wheelchair users are use different facilities at toilet and elevator. 4) To guide the visually impaired and hearing impaired it should be prepared palpable map, braille signage, miniature and brochures. 5) Visually impaired and hearing impaired can experience the exhibits by using a variety of senses, therefore it may need to provide assistive devices and human services.

Analysis of Behavior of Seoullo 7017 Visitors - With a Focus on Text Mining and Social Network Analysis - (서울로 7017 방문자들의 이용행태 분석 -텍스트 마이닝과 소셜 네트워크 분석을 중심으로-)

  • Woo, Kyung-Sook;Suh, Joo-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.16-24
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the usage behavior of Seoullo 7017, the first public garden in Korea, to understand the usage status by analyzing blogs, and to present usage behavior and improvement plans for Seoullo 7017. From June 2017 to May 2020, after Seoullo 7017 was open to citizens, character data containing 'Seoullo 7017' in the title and contents of NAVER and·DAUM blogs were converted to text mining and socialization, a Big Data technique. The analysis was conducted using social network analysis. The summary of the research results is as follows. First of all, the ratio of men and women searching for Seoullo 7017 online is similar, and the regions that searched most are in the order of Seoul and Gyeonggi, and those in their 40s and 50s were the most interested. In other words, it can be seen that there is a lack of interest in regions other than Seoul and Gyeonggi and among those in their 10s, 20s, and 30s. The main behaviors of Seoullo 7017 are' night view' and 'walking', and the factors that affect culture and art are elements related to culture and art. If various programs and festivals are opened and actively promoted, the main behavior will be more varied. On the other hand, the main behavior that the users of Seoullo 7017 want is 'sit', which is a static behavior, but the physical conditions are not sufficient for the behavior to occur. Therefore, facilities that can cause sitting behavior, such as shades and benches must be improved to meet the needs of visitors. The peculiarity of the change in the behavior of Seoullo 7017 is that it is recognized as a good place to travel alone and a good place to walk alone as a public multi-use facility and group activities are restricted due to COVID-19. Accordingly, in a situation like the COVD-19 pandemic, more diverse behaviors can be derived in facilities where people can take a walk, etc., and the increase of various attractions and the satisfaction of users can be increased. Seoullo 7017, as Korea's first public pedestrian area, was created for urban regeneration and the efficient use of urban resources in areas beyond the meaning of public spaces and is a place with various values such as history, nature, welfare, culture, and tourism. However, as a result of the use behavior analysis, various behaviors did not occur in Seoullo 7017 as expected, and elements that hinder those major behaviors were derived. Based on these research results, it is necessary to understand the usage behavior of Seoullo 7017 and to establish a plan for spatial system and facility improvement, so that Seoullo 7017 can be an important place for urban residents and a driving force to revitalize the city.

The Effect of Shading on Pedestrians' Thermal Comfort in the E-W Street (동-서 가로에서 차양이 보행자의 열적 쾌적성에 미치는 영향)

  • Ryu, Nam-Hyong;Lee, Chun-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.60-74
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    • 2018
  • This study was to investigate the pedestrian's thermal environments in the North Sidewalk of E-W Street during summer heatwave. We carried out detailed measurements with four human-biometeorological stations on Dongjin Street, Jinju, Korea ($N35^{\circ}10.73{\sim}10.75^{\prime}$, $E128^{\circ}55.90{\sim}58.00^{\prime}$, elevation: 50m). Two of the stations stood under one row street tree and hedge(One-Tree), two row street tree and hedge (Two-Tree), one of the stations stood under shelter and awning(Shelter), while the other in the sun (Sunlit). The measurement spots were instrumented with microclimate monitoring stations to continuously measure microclimate, radiation from the six cardinal directions at the height of 1.1m so as to calculate the Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) from 24th July to 21th August 2018. The radiant temperature of sidewalk's elements were measured by the reflective sphere and thermal camera at 29th July 2018. The analysis results of 9 day's 1 minute term human-biometeorological data absorbed by a man in standing position from 10am to 4pm, and 1 day's radiant temperature of sidewalk elements from 1:16pm to 1:35pm, showed the following. The shading of street tree and shelter were mitigated heat stress by the lowered UTCI at mid and late summer's daytime, One-Tree and Two-Tree lowered respectively 0.4~0.5 level, 0.5~0.8 level of the heat stress, Shelter lowered respectively 0.3~1.0 level of the heat stress compared with those in the Sunlit. But the thermal environments in the One-Tree, Two-Tree and Shelter during the heat wave supposed to user "very strong heat stress" while those in the Sunlit supposed to user "very strong heat stres" and "exterme heat stress". The main heat load temperature compared with body temperature ($37^{\circ}C$) were respectively $7.4^{\circ}C{\sim}21.4^{\circ}C$ (pavement), $14.7^{\circ}C{\sim}15.8^{\circ}C$ (road), $12.7^{\circ}C$ (shelter canopy), $7.0^{\circ}C$ (street funiture), $3.5^{\circ}C{\sim}6.4^{\circ}C$ (building facade). The main heat load percentage were respectively 34.9%~81.0% (pavement), 9.6%~25.2% (road), 24.8% (shelter canopy), 14.1%~15.4% (building facade), 5.7% (street facility). Reducing the radiant temperature of the pavement, road, building surfaces by shading is the most effective means to achieve outdoor thermal comfort for pedestrians in sidewalk. Therefore, increasing the projected canopy area and LAI of street tree through the minimal training and pruning, building dense roadside hedge are essential for pedestrians thermal comfort. In addition, thermal liner, high reflective materials, greening etc. should be introduced for reducing the surface temperature of shelter and awning canopy. Also, retro-reflective materials of building facade should be introduced for the control of reflective sun radiation. More aggressively pavement watering should be introduced for reducing the surface temperature of sidewalk's pavement.