• Title/Summary/Keyword: Pear field

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Temperature-dependent Development of Pseudococcus comstocki(Homoptera: Pseudococcidae) and Its Stage Transition Models (가루깍지벌레(Pseudococcus comstocki Kuwana)의 온도별 발육기간 및 발육단계 전이 모형)

  • 전흥용;김동순;조명래;장영덕;임명순
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.43-51
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    • 2003
  • This study was carried out to develop the forecasting model of Pseudococcus comtocki Kuwana for timing spray. Field phonology and temperature-dependent development of p. comstocki were studied, and its stage transition models were developed. p comstocki occurred three generations a year in Suwon. The 1 st adults occurred during mid to late June, and the 2nd adults were abundant during mid to late August. The 3rd adults were observed after late October. The development times of each instar of p. comstocki decreased with increasing temperature up to 25$^{\circ}C$, and thereafter the development times increased. The estimated low-threshold temperatures were 14.5, 8.4, 10.2, 11.8, and 10.1$^{\circ}C$ for eggs, 1st+2nd nymphs, 3rd nymphs, preoviposition, and 1st nymphs to preoviposition, respectively. The degree-days (thermal constants) for completion of each instar development were 105 DD for egg,315 DD for 1st+2nd nymph, 143 DD for 3rd nymph, 143 DD for preoviposition, and 599 DD for 1 st nymph to preoviposition. The stage transition models of p. comstocki, which simulate the proportion of individuals shifted from a stage to the next stage, were constructed using the modified Sharpe and DeMichele model and the Weibull function. In field validation, degree-day models using mean-minus-base, sine wave, and rectangle method showed 2-3d, 1-7d, and 0-6 d deviation with actual data in predicting the peak oviposition time of the 1st and 2nd generation adults, respectively. The rate summation model, in which daily development rates estimated by biophysical model of Sharpe and DeMichele were accumulated, showed 1-2 d deviation with actual data at the same phonology predictions.

A Study on the Fallow of Depopulation Area in Rural Korea - The Case Study of Deoggali, Sangju Gun - (과소농촌지역(過疎農村地域)의 휴경요인(休耕要因)과 유형(類型) - 경북 상주시 사벌면 덕기리의 사례연구 -)

  • Lee, Han-Bang
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.74-90
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    • 2001
  • Serious depopulation has occurred since the rapid economic growth after $1965{\sim}1995$. As a result, nowadays most of mountain villages face difficulty in maintaining and managing their settlement, because of the elderly population and the extremely small size of the settlement. Population change is understood as the origin of depopulation problems and the criterion for the depopulation. This study aims to identify the problems of over-depopulation in rural Korea and to classify the patterns and process of follow and to provide policy alternatives. It consists with the three parts : identifying the problems of over- depopulation, classifying the socio-economic factors of fallow land, analyzing a detailed case study of follow land in over-depopulation rural area-Sangju Gun and to provide policy alternatives. The results are summarizes as follows: 1) In the study area, the amount of fallow and abandoned cultivated land has increased since 1975. With the increased urbanization, the cause of the increase in fallow and abandoned cultivated-land is the labor shortage of quantity and quality. The underlying reasons for the abandonment of farmland are poor field conditions and the lack of rented farmland. 2) The secondary cause is a relative labor shortage through specialization into intensive horticulture. In the study area, specialization into pear requires intensive labor input. It has caused a relative labor shortage. 3) The third causes are landowner and the lack of rented farmland due to labor shortage. The declining of agriculture and forestry have caused out-migration and increased non-residents' landowner. 4) The fallow patterns are devided into two types the less favored farmland fallow type, non-residents' landowner(out-migrator) fallow type. The significant causes of the increase in fallow and abandoned cultivated land are the labor shortage, intensive farming, less favored farmland conditions, non-residents' landowner. The factors which caused the follow processes in Korea are socio-economic factors (labor shortage, intensive farming, less favored farmland conditions) and cultural factor(non-residents' landowner, psychological ties between rural areas and urban areas).

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Design and Implementation of a Similarity based Plant Disease Image Retrieval using Combined Descriptors and Inverse Proportion of Image Volumes (Descriptor 조합 및 동일 병명 이미지 수량 역비율 가중치를 적용한 유사도 기반 작물 질병 검색 기술 설계 및 구현)

  • Lim, Hye Jin;Jeong, Da Woon;Yoo, Seong Joon;Gu, Yeong Hyeon;Park, Jong Han
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Next Generation Computing
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.30-43
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    • 2018
  • Many studies have been carried out to retrieve images using colors, shapes, and textures which are characteristic of images. In addition, there is also progress in research related to the disease images of the crop. In this paper, to be a help to identify the disease occurred in crops grown in the agricultural field, we propose a similarity-based crop disease search system using the diseases image of horticulture crops. The proposed system improves the similarity retrieval performance compared to existing ones through the combination descriptor without using a single descriptor and applied the weight based calculation method to provide users with highly readable similarity search results. In this paper, a total of 13 Descriptors were used in combination. We used to retrieval of disease of six crops using a combination Descriptor, and a combination Descriptor with the highest average accuracy for each crop was selected as a combination Descriptor for the crop. The retrieved result were expressed as a percentage using the calculation method based on the ratio of disease names, and calculation method based on the weight. The calculation method based on the ratio of disease name has a problem in that number of images used in the query image and similarity search was output in a first order. To solve this problem, we used a calculation method based on weight. We applied the test image of each disease name to each of the two calculation methods to measure the classification performance of the retrieval results. We compared averages of retrieval performance for two calculation method for each crop. In cases of red pepper and apple, the performance of the calculation method based on the ratio of disease names was about 11.89% on average higher than that of the calculation method based on weight, respectively. In cases of chrysanthemum, strawberry, pear, and grape, the performance of the calculation method based on the weight was about 20.34% on average higher than that of the calculation method based on the ratio of disease names, respectively. In addition, the system proposed in this paper, UI/UX was configured conveniently via the feedback of actual users. Each system screen has a title and a description of the screen at the top, and was configured to display a user to conveniently view the information on the disease. The information of the disease searched based on the calculation method proposed above displays images and disease names of similar diseases. The system's environment is implemented for use with a web browser based on a pc environment and a web browser based on a mobile device environment.