• Title/Summary/Keyword: Particulate emission factor

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A Study on the Emission Factors of Air Pollutants for the Melting Furnaces of the Iron and Steel Industry (철강산업 용융로의 대기오염물질 배출계수 산정 연구)

  • 석광설;방선애;홍지형;이석조;김대곤;이대균;허정숙;이은정
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.571-578
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to estimate of emission factors of the air pollutants for the melting furnaces for the iron and steel industry. The result of this study is able to obtaine the emission factor of particulate matters (PM), sulfur dioxide. nitrogen oxides for melting furnace. The emission factors of each pollutants were as follows : - the emission factor varied between 6.13E-03~6.12E-01 kg/ton for PM -1.59E-01~2.45E+00kg/ton for $SO_2$ - 6.82E-02~6.88E-01 kg/ton for NOx, respectively. Analysis of the differences in the emission factors of ours and U.S. EPA's yielded the following results for the Wilcoxon method : p>0.05. The statistical analysis showed no differences in the our emission factors and U.S. EPA's

A Study on the Enhancement of Inventories for Precursors (NOx, SOx) Released from Open Burning of Agricultural Waste Vinyl Causing the Secondary Generation of Particulate Matters

  • Kim, Tae-Han;Choi, Boo-Hun
    • Journal of People, Plants, and Environment
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.195-207
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    • 2021
  • Background and objective: While response measures to particulate matters in rural areas are limited due to poor inventory record keeping in the agricultural sector, it is necessary to control agricultural waste vinyl and the emission of precursors released from open burning and the secondary generation of particulate matters. Currently, the open burning emission calculation method uses the definition prescribed in CAPSS by the National Institute of Environmental Research. Methods: This study presented an open burning emission calculation formula for agricultural waste vinyl, which is included as agricultural waste. As for activity data, the open burning ratio of agricultural waste vinyl, and the annual incineration volume provided in the Status Survey by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs were applied. The emission factor was generated through incineration tests on three agricultural plastic film samples collected by the Korea Environment Corporation. Results: Among precursors, SOx and NOx were selected and their emission features were monitored with incineration experiment infrastructure based on the EPA 5G method. The highest emission concentration by agricultural waste type was concentrated in the first and second quarters. As for emission factor of SO2, it was calculated at 98.25 g/kg for mulching-use LDPE, 52.31 g/kg for greenhouse-use LDPE, and 14.40 g/kg for HDPE. As for NOx, it was calculated at 18.21 g/kg for mulching-use LDPE, 16.49 g/kg for greenhouse-use LDPE, and 10.67 g/kg for HDPE. Conclusion: This test confirmed the incineration features of PE-based plastics, ascertained the SOx emission factor that had not been included in open burning in the past, and established that low NOx emission concentration is interfered by soil mixed with livestock excretions. The findings from this study are expected to contribute to improving the system for controlling air pollutants in rural environments.

The Study on the Emission Characteristics of HAPs and PM from the Motor Vehicle Paint Facility (자동차 도장시설에서 발생하는 유해대기오염물질 및 미세먼지의 배출특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Han-Na;Bong, Choon-Keun;Kim, Yong-Gu;Jeon, Jun-Min
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.713-721
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    • 2013
  • This study is about emission characteristics of HAPs and particulate matters emitted by spray of paint and organic solvent usually used in vehicle paint facilities. To analyze emission characteristics of HAPs and particulate matters emitted from vehicle paint facilities are calculated based on the measuring emission quantity of pollutants based on the amount of paint used (kg) and unit area ($m^2$) by paint manufacturers (J company, K company, and R company). In cases of paint manufacturers (J, K, and R), average emission factors of VOCs, carbonyl compound, particulate matter, and PAHs per 1 kg of paint were 327.81 g/kg, 5.98 g/kg, 336.70 g/kg, and 0.0078 g/kg respectively. The average emission factors of VOCs, carbonyl compounds, particulate matters, and PAHs by unit area were $171.55g/m^2$, $3.10g/m^2$, $176.27g/m^2$, and $0.0036g/m^2$ respectively.

Analysis of the Fine Particulate Matter Particle Size Fraction Emitted from Facilities Using Solid Refuse Fuel (고형연료제품 사용시설에서 배출되는 미세먼지 입경분율 분석)

  • You, Han-Jo;Jung, Yeon-Hoon;Kim, Jin-guil;Shin, Hyung-Soon;Lim, Yoon-Jung;Lee, Sang-Soo;Son, Hae-Jun;Lim, Sam-Hwa;Kim, Jong-Su
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.719-725
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: With the growth of national interest in fine particulate matter, many complaints about pollutants emitted from air pollution emitting facilities have arisen in recent years. In particular, it is thought that a large volume of particulate pollutants are discharged from workplaces that use Solid Refuse Fuel (SRF). Therefore, particulate contaminants generated from SRF were measured and analyzed in this study in terms of respective particle sizes. Methods: In this study, particulate matter in exhaust gas was measured by applying US EPA method 201a using a cyclone. This method measures Filterable Particulate Matter (FPM), and does not consider the Condensable Particulate Matter (CPM) that forms particles in the atmosphere after being discharged as a gas in the exhaust gas. Results: The mass concentration of Total Suspended Particles (TSP) in the four SRF-using facilities was 1.16 to 11.21 mg/Sm3, indicating a very large concentration deviation of about 10 times. When the fuel input method was the continuous injection type, particulate matter larger than 10 ㎛ diameter showed the highest particle size fraction, followed by particulate matter smaller than 10 ㎛ and larger than 2.5 ㎛, and particulate matter of 2.5 ㎛ or less. Contrary to the continuous injection type, the batch injection type had the smallest particle size fraction of particulate matter larger than 10 ㎛. The overall particulate matter decreased as the operating load factor decreased from 100% to 60% at the batch input type D plant. In addition, as incomplete combustion significantly decreased, the particle size fraction also changed significantly. Both TSP and heavy metals (six items) satisfied the emissions standards. The measured value of the emission factor was 38-99% smaller than the existing emissions factor. Conclusions: In the batch injection facility, the particulate matter decreased as the operating load factor decreased, as did the particle size fraction of the particulate matter. These results will help the selection of effective methods such as reducing the operating load factor instead of adjusting the operating time during emergency reduction measures.

PM10 Emission Estimation from LNG G/T Power Plants and Its Important Analysis on Air Quality in Incheon Area (인천 지역 LNG G/T발전소의 미세먼지 (PM10) 배출량 평가 및 주변 대기질 영향 분석)

  • Gong, Bu-Ju;Park, Poong-Mo;Dong, Jong-In
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.461-471
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    • 2015
  • Base on emission factors derived from National Institute of Environmental Research, Particulate matter from combined cycle power plants (CCPPs) has been estimated to be a important source of $PM_{10}$. Generally there is no serious emission of particulate matter in CCPPs. because the fuel of them is natural gas. But emission gas after long shut down season has very high dust content. Therefore $PM_{10}$ emission rate is dependent on its operation mode. In this study, particulate dispersion study for new city near CCPPs complex has performed using CALPUFF model for three case. $PM_{10}$ concentration has big difference between normal operation and 2 case start-up condition after long shutdown. In normal operating conditions, daily $0.32{\sim}0.50{\mu}g/m^3$ influence on of the surrounding area. But when 1~2 aerobic high concentration discharged conditions, average concentration is higher about $9.2{\sim}34.1{\mu}g/m^3$ than normal operating conditions.

Emission Characteristics of Particulate Matters from Under-fired Charbroiling Cooking Process using the Hood Method (Hood Method를 이용한 직화구이 음식점의 미세먼지 배출 특성)

  • Lee, Jun-Bok;Kim, Heung-Joo;Jung, Kweon;Kim, Shin-Do
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.315-321
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    • 2009
  • Under-fired charbroiling cooking processes are known as important contributors of particulate matter (PM). In this study, we characterized the emission of particulate matters from under-fired charbroiling cooking processes using the hood method. Accumulated mass concentration of $PM_{10}$ was 92.2~99.5% and particle size of 2.0~2.5 ${\mu}m$ was highest. The concentration of PM increased very sharply at the beginning of charbroiling meats and then gradually decreased as the charbroiling continued. PM concentration also increased very sharply when gravy from meat spilled onto the frame of fire. However, mass concentration during charbroiling using only charcoals was very low compared to that of meats. We estimated the emission factors of charcoal, pork belly and pork shoulder respectively; 0.01~0.02 g/kg, 5.02~6.26 g/kg, 2.86~4.15 g/kg of $PM_{2.5}$, 0.01~0.03 g/kg, 7.44~7.91 g/kg, 4.54~5.56 g/kg of $PM_{10}$, and 0.02~0.05 g/kg, 7.59~7.95 g/kg, 4.93~5.68 g/kg of TSP. The emission factors of charcoal were negligible and the emission factors of pork belly were higher than that of pork shoulder. Emission rates of particulate matters from under-fired charbroiling cooking process were estimated as 578,009~1,265,152 kg/yr of $PM_{2.5}$, 917,539~1,598,619 kg/yr of $PM_{10}$ and 996.358~1,606,703 kg/yr of TSP. But emission factors should be verified with an in-stack cascade impactor because the reported method involves some assumptions.

Estimation of Source Contribution of Particulate Matter in Taegu Area using Factor Analysis (다변량 통계분석법을 이용한 대구지역 부유분진의 오염원 기여도 추정)

  • 최성우;송형도
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2000
  • The objective of this study was to identify the sources and to estimate the source contributions to the atmospheric TSP(total suspended particulate matter) and PM-10(particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters less than 10$\mu\textrm{m}$) concentration in Taegu area. A total of 84 samples was collected during the January to December 1999. TSP and PM-10 were collected on filters by portable air sampler, and heavy metals in TSP and PM-배 were analyzed by ICO(Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometery) after preliminary treatment. The results were follow as : First, annual average of TSP and PM-10 concentration was 123 and 69$\mu\textrm{g}$/㎥ respectively. The concentration of TSP and PM-10 were highest in winter season compared to other seasons. Second, the concentration of Al, Fe, Mn were higher in TSP than in PM-10, indicating that these heavy metals are generally associate with natural contributions. Third, metal combinations showed that a high correlation among concentrations of heavy metals were follows: As Al, Fe and Mn in TSP ; Ni, Cr, Cd and Pb in PM-10. Finally, Statistical analysis was performed using Principal Components Analysis(PCA) in order to find possible sources of the pollutants. The factor analysis was permitted to identify four major sources(soil/road dust resuspension, waste incineration, furl combustion, vehicular emission) in each fraction. These source accounted for at least 83, 85% of variance of TSP and PM-10 concentration in Taegu area.

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Characteristics of Size Distribution and Fugitive Emissions of Particulate Matter in Foundries (주물사업장의 입자상물질 입경분포 및 비산배출 특성)

  • Park, Jeong-Ho;Jang, Min-Jae;Kim, Hyoung-Kab
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.30-37
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: This study was performed to measure and evaluate the concentration, size distribution and fugitive emission of particulate matter from process operations at foundries. Methods: Particle matter was collected from three foundries, and samples were also collected from a background site for calculating the fugitive emission concentration of the foundries. For the collection of the samples, a Nanosampler cascade impactor was used. Results: The concentration of TSP in the samples collected from the three foundries was $0.675{\sim}1.222mg/m^3$, $PM_{10}$ was $0.525{\sim}1.018mg/m^3$ and $PM_{2.5}$ was $0.192{\sim}0.615mg/m^3$. The mass size distribution was bimodal or monomodal with maximum peak at two stage(size $2.5{\sim}10{\mu}m$). The mass median aerodynamic diameter(MMAD) was $1.80{\sim}3.98{\mu}m$. The fugitive emission concentration of TSP varies in the range of 0.65 to $1.21mg/m^3$, which exceeds the emission standard of fugitive dust($0.5mg/m^3$). Conclusions: Particle concentration and size is an important industrial hygiene factor to protect foundry workers. Furthermore, the presence of high emission of particulate pollutants has a significant negative impact on the ambient air of the study area. Therefore, it is important to improve both the process and prevention facility in oder to reduce particulate pollutants in foundries.

Estimation of Emission Factor and Air Pollutant Emissions by Motor Vehicles (自動車에 의한 汚染物質 排出係數 및 排出量 算定에 관한 硏究)

  • 趙康來;金良均;董宗仁;嚴明道
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.55-64
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    • 1987
  • Actual driving pattern of each motor vehicle type was measured and analyzed in Seoul area and vehicle emission rate was measured and traffic data were used to estimate vehicular emission factor and motor vehicle-related air pollutant emission. The analysis of contribution ratio of each vehicle type showed that LPG taxi's took 38.1% of total vehicular CO, gasoline passenger cars 37.5%, therefore, these cars are major sources of CO, gasoline passenger cars took 45.4% of total vehicular HC, motorcycles 25.3%, LPG taxi's 16.2%, so motorcycles can be said to play an important role in HC emission. For NOx, buses and trucks were thought to be major sources as buses took 36.8% and truck 26.4%. Diesel vehicles, on the other hand, took most $SO_2$ and particulate matter emission. Total emission from motor vehicles in Seoul was estimated to be 547 t/day of CO, 68t/day of HC, 163t/day of NOx, 18t/day of $SO_2$ and 19t/day of paticulate matter.

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Improvement of Ammonia Emission Inventory Estimation Methodology for Fertilizer Application in the Agricultural Sector (농업부문 비료사용 농경지의 암모니아 배출량 산정방법 개선)

  • Choi, Hanmin;Hyun, Junge;Kim, You Jin;Yoo, Gayoung
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.237-242
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    • 2019
  • Ammonia is main precursor gas of secondary particulate matter and contributes almost 78% of total ammonia emission from the agricultural sector in Korea. The current method of estimating ammonia emission from fertilizer application, which contributes 7% of the total emission, has high uncertainty and needs to be improved to better predict PM2.5 concentration. In this study, we suggest an improvement method for ammonia emission quantification from fertilizer application. The first improvement was in the emission factor of NPK fertilizer by conducting a field study to verify the currently used factor. The improved NPK emission factor of 52.2 kg NH ton-1N was confirmed by comparing with the value from the EEA (European Environment Agency) and adjusting the value for the Korean climate and soil conditions. We also improved the amount of fertilizer usage by including the sales amount to the fertilizer supply amount of the Korean Farmers Association, increasing total fertilizer usage by 39.8%. As the statistical data on fertilizer supply and sales are compiled yearly, we estimated monthly emission of ammonia by considering cultivated areas and timing of fertilization for each crop. In summary, we suggest a novel and practical method to improve estimation methodology of ammonia emission from the field of fertilizer application: 1) emission factor of NPK fertilizer was reconfirmed; 2) total amount of fertilizer use was revised considering fertilizer sales; and 3) monthly emission of ammonia was realized by considering different crop practices. A bottom-up approach to compile activity data is needed to increase the estimation accuracy of monthly emission of ammonia, which is very helpful for predicting PM2.5 concentration.