and have come to be featured in cemeteries. These works were based on bringing landscape-harmony to long unclaimed tombs as well as abandoned tombs. Artists want to communicate with their intentions to their audience by directly reflecting it in their works. Furthermore, if the nature itself and the purpose of the artwork are clear, the viewers can easily maximize their understanding of the work they are viewing. This paper tries to add meaning to my works by introducing my portfolio to date and interpreting in via Daesoon Thought. Therefore, this paper may be considered as an attempt to interpret the chronological ideology behind my art. In order to examine the connection between my works and Daesoon Thought, commentary on the works should be presented first. , are on display in Yeonju Cemetery in Naju, Daegu, Anseong, Gyeonggi-do, and at the Gamyeon Academy in Ansan, Gyeonggi-do. In particular, honors those who lost their lives in April Third Jeju Uprising of 1948-1949. This work is subtitled, . As interpreted through Daesoon Thought, the work (Body Scape) relates to Virtuous Concordance of Yin and Yang (陰陽合德) for the unmarked graves in Naju of pauper's graves. And Sincerity, Respectfulness, and Faithfulness (誠·敬·信) correspond with the unmarked graves for the death-row convicts of Daegu prison house. The unmarked graves related to the scandal involving Ansan Sungam Academy are honored by the work titled . Along with the previously mentioned 'Unnamed Monument' for the Jeju Uprising, corresponds to the Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence.

  • Research on the Chapter Titled "Hangnok" from The Jeon-gyeong (『전경』 「행록」편 연구)

    • Ko, Nam-sik
      • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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      • v.32
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      • pp.31-76
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      • 2019
    • Lee Sang-ho published Jeungsan Cheonsa Gongsagi (Records of the Holy Works of Celestial Master Jeungsan) in 1926. Then, after complementing the book with additional materials, he published Daesoon Jeon-gyeong in the form of a religious scripture. Since then, Daesoon Jeon-gyeong has been expanded to a sixth edition which was published in 1965. The Haengnok of Daesoon Jinrihoe's The Jeon-gyeong, which was published decades later than Daesoon Jeon-gyeong describes Sangje's whole life year by year in five chapters starting from his descent to the human world all the way to his passing into heaven. It comprehensively contains the essential contents of other chapters from The Jeon-gyeong. This paper was written for the following three goals: first, to study the contents of Haengnok that summarize Sangje's life. Second, to see how its contents are related to descriptions from the other six chapters. Lastly, to discuss how certain verses have been changed from the way they appeared Daesoon Jeon-gyeong. When we compare these two scriptures, there are some verses that are found only in the Haengnok section of The Jeon-gyeong. For example, the verse that explains how Sangje's family name 'Kang' originated and how his ancestors came to live in Gobu area is described only in The Jeon-gyeong. The origin of the family name Kang is considered important because he descended into the world as a human bearing the family name Kang, and it is included in his official name that represents his divine position. Also, unique to The Jeon-gyeong are verses such as those describing "Samsin San (the three holy mountains) in the area where Sangje descended to and verses about the historical change of place names in the areas where Sangje lived. These verses have great significance in terms of their mystical aspects within Daesoon Thought. Secondly, the record about Sangje's Holy Works at Siru Mountain in The Jeon-gyeong is not found in Daesoon Jeon-gyeong. The Holy Works at Siru Mountain are important because they provide proof of Sangje's major activities during the period between his 3-year travel around the country and his Cheonji-gongsa (Reordering Works of the Universe). Next to be observed are some changes in verses that can be seen when comparing The Jeon-gyeong to Daesoon Jeon-gyeong. Of particular impostance here are the story of Sangje's Holy Work called 'King in White Cloth and General in White Cloth' and the description of Sangje's passing into heaven. Both records contain key changes that distinguish The Jeon-gyeong from Daesoon Jeon-gyeong.

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