• Title/Summary/Keyword: Particle property

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Difference in Filling Property between Two Types of Binder Treated Powders Made of Atomized or Reduced Iron Powder

  • Uenosono, Satoshi;Ozaki, Yukiko
    • Proceedings of the Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute Conference
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    • 2006.09a
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    • pp.175-176
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    • 2006
  • The filling property of the binder treated iron based powder made of atomized iron powder was compared with that of the one made of reduced iron powder. The latter one showed a better filling property than the former one, although the original reduced powder showed a worse flow rate. Changing the particle size distribution of the original atomized powder from wide to narrow like the original reduced iron powder, improved the filling property of the binder treated powder. As a result, the particle size distribution of the original iron powder was found to strongly affect the filling property of the binder treated powder.

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High Fastness Dyeing Technology of Polyester Microfiber with Several Disperse Dyes and Vat dye (수종의 분산 염료 및 환원염료에 의한 Polyester microfiber의 고견뢰 염색기술)

  • 백진주;권오대;손아름;이난형;김삼수
    • Textile Coloration and Finishing
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2003
  • Polyester microfiber has usually greater dye uptake than normal denier polyester fiber in same dyeing condition. In spite of this high dye uptake dyed microfiber fabric has not only low visual colour depth but also poor washing fastness property. In order to study high colouring dyeing technology and high washing fastness of polyester microfiber, dyeing property of polyester microfiber was investigated according to the dye solubility and particle size of used disperse dyes in aqueous dye solution. After disperse dyeing, dyed fabric with disperse dye was redyed with a vat dye without reduction clearing in order to obtain a high washing fastness property. The result were as followings ; A small particle sized disperse dyes such as C. I. Disperse Blue 56 and Red 60 showed high rate of initial exhaution compared with a large particle sized disperse dyes like C. I. Disperse Blue 165 and Red 343. In study of dyeing property of polyester microfiber with C. I. Vat Blue 1, polyester microfiber could achieve high dye uptake at a given optimum vatting process conditions. On the other hand, in consecutive dyeing with disperse and vat dye, K/S value of polyester microfiber with a small particle sized disperse dye increased without reduction clearings, but K/S value of polyester microfiber with a large particle sized disperse dye decreased with reduction clearings.

An Analysis of Driving Property of a Reflective Electronic Display Fabricated by Using Filtering Method of Non-moving Particles

  • Kim, Young-Cho
    • Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.233-236
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    • 2012
  • The driving properties of a particle-insertion method that filters non-moving particles are analyzed, by measuring its optical and electrical properties. An area that is occupied by the moved particles is proposed, as a desirable evaluation method for a reflective display. To compare the driving property of the particle-moving method with that of the reported simple particle-loading method, two panels are fabricated, according to the different particle-insertion methods, in the same panel condition, of which the width of ribs is $30{\mu}m$, the cell size is $220{\mu}m{\times}220{\mu}m$, the cell gap is $116-120{\mu}m$, the q/m value of the black particles is $+1.8{\mu}C/g$ and that for the white particles is $-4.3{\mu}C/g$. The particle-moving method has a filtering effect which excludes the non-moving particles, inserting only movable particles into the respective cell, so that a panel fabricated by the particle-moving method can drive most of the particles in a cell. Also, most of the particles move at the threshold voltage of 40 V, with enhanced reflectivity. The driving property is also verified by measurement of the occupation rate of the moved particles.

A study on the Effect of Aggregate Particle Shape on Property of Concrete (콘크리트용 부순 굵은 골재의 입형이 콘크리트의 물리적 성질에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Seo Ki Won;Lee Wook Jae;Kim Hag Youn;Kim Nam Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.209-212
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    • 2004
  • Recent economic development caused a vast use of mineral resources in Korea. Consequently, a supply of poor quality course aggregate (poor particle shape as well as poor gradation) in construction material become a social problem. In this study, an effect of aggregate particle shape on property of concrete was evaluated. The flat and elongation ratio of crushed aggregate was controled to 8, 15, 25, 35, and $47\%$ in order to evaluate fresh concrete behavior as well as physical properties in hardened concrete. Test result shows a poor aggregate particle shape cause a significant increase in entrapped air in fresh concrete, while no significant effect on hardened concrete property, such as strength as well as stiffness. This increase in entrapped air, however, believed to cause a significant decrease in concrete durability.

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A Numerical Study of Heat and Mass Transfer Model of LII for Nanoscale Soot Particles (나노크기의 매연입자에 대한 LII의 열-물질 전달 모델에 관한 수치적 연구)

  • Kim, Gyu-Bo;Shim, Jae-Young;Chang, Young-June;Jeon, Chung-Hwan
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.31 no.7 s.262
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    • pp.596-603
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    • 2007
  • As increasing interest for soot emission. etc in combustion systems, various studies are being carried out for the reduction and measurement techniques of soot. Especially, laser induced incandescence is the useful measurement technique which has distinguished spatial and temporal resolution for primary particle size, volume fraction and aggregated particle size etc. Time resolved laser induced incandescence is the technique for measuring primary particle size that is decided to solve the signal decay rate which is related to the cooling behavior of heated particle by pulsed laser. The cooling behavior of heated particle is able to represent the heat and mass transfer model which are involved constants of soot property for surround gas temperature on the our previous work. In this study, it is applied to the time-dependence thermodynamic properties for soot temperature instead of constants of soot property for surround gas temperature and compared two different model results.

Properties of the Poisson-power Function Distribution

  • Kim, Joo-Hwan
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.166-175
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    • 1995
  • When a neutral particle beam(NPB) aimed at the object and receive a small number of neutron signals at the detector without any errors, it obeys Poisson law. Under the two assumptions that neutral particle scattering distribution and aiming errors have a circular Gaussian distributions that neutral particle scattering distribution and aiming errors have a circular Gaussian distribution respectively, an exact probability distribution of neutral particles vecomes a Poisson-power function distribution. We study and prove some properties, such as limiting distribution, unimodality, stochastical ordering, computational recursion fornula, of this distribution. We also prove monotone likelihood ratio(MLR) property of this distribution. Its MLR property can be used to find a criteria for the hypothesis testing problem.

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Influence of Particle and Filter Charge on Filtration Property of Air Filter under Particle Loading (입자 및 필터 대전상태에 따른 입자부하조건에서 공기정화 필터의 여과특성)

  • Ji, Sung-Mi;Sohn, Jong-Ryeul;Park, Hyun-Seol
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.644-655
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    • 2012
  • As soon as a new air filter is applied to an air purification process, the filter gets loaded with dust particles. Thus, the study on the particle loading characteristics of air filter is very essential in order to understand the real filtration phenomena during filter use. In this study, we investigated the effect of particle and filter charge on the particle loading property of air filter. Charged filter and uncharged filter prepared by discharging the charged filter by isopropyl alcohol were used as test samples, and three types of particle having different charge states were supplied to filters tested. For neutralized particles there was a big difference in areal mass loading rates between charged and uncharged filters due to the very small amount of particle charge, on the other hand the difference was diminished for atomized particle and finally almost vanished for corona charged particles. The pressure drop of filter loaded with corona charged particles was only half of those for neutralized and atomized particles at the same areal mass loading because of the porous structure of particle deposit formed on filter fibers, caused by the space charge effect between particles.

Influences of Particle Property and Its Size Impact Damage and Strength Degradation in Silicon Carbide Ceramics (탄화규소 세라믹의 충격손상 및 강도저하에 미치는 입자의 재질 및 크기의 영향)

  • 신형섭;전천일랑;서창민
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.16 no.10
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    • pp.1869-1876
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    • 1992
  • The effect of particle property on FOD(foreign object damage) and strength degradation in structural ceramics especially, silicon carbide was investigated by accelerating a spherical particle having different material and different size. The damage induced showed significant differences in their patterns with increase of impact velocity. Also percussion cone was formed at the back part of specimen when particle size became large and its impact velocity exceeded a critical value. The extent of ring cracks was linearly related to particle size, however the impact of steel particle produced larger ring cracks than that of SiC particle. Increasing impact velocity the residual strength showed different degradation behaviors according to particle and its size. In the region the impact site represents nearly elastic deformation behavior, the residual strength was dependent upon the depth of cone crack regardless of particle size. However in elastic- plastic deformation region, the radial cracks led to rapid drop in residual strength.

Thermophoretic Particle Deposition Around a Circular Cylinder in a Uniform Laminar Air Dlow (균일 층류유동중에 있는 원형 실린더 주위의 열영동에 의한 입자 부착)

  • Hong, Gi-Hyeok;Gang, Sin-Hyeong
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.641-648
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    • 1996
  • Thermophoretic particle deposition on a circular cylinder in a uniform laminar air flow was numerically investigated using a control volume method based on the generalized non-orthogonal coordinate system. Variation of air properties due to the change of temperature was taken into account. Effects of variable property on the distribution of heat transfer and deposition rates of particle were discussed. A new correlation of thermophoretic particle deposition on a circular cylinder was proposed in the present study.

Effects of $SiO_2$ Particle-size on Fabrication Properties of LPS-SiC Ceramics (LPS-SiC 세라믹스의 제조특성에 미치는 $SiQ_2$ 입자크기의 영향)

  • Kim, Seong-Hoon;Yoon, Han-Ki;Kim, Bu-An
    • Proceedings of the Korea Committee for Ocean Resources and Engineering Conference
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.162-165
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    • 2006
  • In this study, Liquid Phase Sintered SiC (LPS-SiC) was fabricated by hot pressing method with $\beta$-SiC powder whose a particle size is 30nm and less on the average in argon condition at 1780 and $1800^{\circ}C$ under 20MPa. Alumina ($Al_2O_3$), yttria ($Y_2O_3$) and silica ($SiO_2$) were used for sintering additives. To investigate effects of particle-size and temperature on $SiO_2$, LPS-SiC was fixed $Al_2O_3$, $Y_2O_3$ and then particle-size of $SiO_2$ were changed as two kinds. The system of particle-size and temperature on sintering additives which affects a property of sintering os well os the influence depending on particle-size and temperature of sintering additives were investigated by measurement of sintering properties. Such as measurement of sintering density, vikers hardness and observing of microstructure were investigated to make sure of the optimum condition which is about matrix of $SiC_f/SiC$ composites. Base on the composition of sintering additives, microstructure and sintering property correlation, the effect of particle-size of sintering additives are discussed. An experimental method to investigate the dynamic characteristics of bums in extreme environmental condition is established.

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