• 제목/요약/키워드: Paper packaging material

검색결과 186건 처리시간 0.019초

환경을 고려한 선진국의 지.판지 포장재 적용 추세 (Application of Paper and Paperboard Packaging for the Environmental Issues in U.S.A and E.U)

  • 김재능
    • 한국포장학회지
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 1996
  • The portion of the recycled paper and paper board packaging material has been the highest in recycled municipal solid waste since 1960 but still the portion of the discarded paper and paper board packaging material is the highest (32.3%) in whole discarded municipal solid waste in USA. In order to reduce more the discarded paper and paper board, the common municipal solid waste treatments were compared and recycling treatment was still recommended for the the discarded paper and paper board rather than of the waste treatments, landfill, incineration, and source reduction. In this paper, the obstacled of recycling treatment of the paper and paper board in municipal solid waste and new application of recycled paper and paper board packaging material are discussed.

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종이 기반과 플라스틱 기반 보건마스크 패키징의 환경영향 비교 (Comparison of Environmental Evaluation for Paper and Plastic Based Mask Packaging)

  • 강동호;고유진;오상훈;추고현;장지수;이준혁;심진기
    • 한국포장학회지
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    • 제30권1호
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 2024
  • In this study, environmental evaluation of high barrier coated paper (coating layer/paper) packaging is conducted in comparison with conventional aluminum laminated (PET/VMPET/LLDPE) plastic packaging. The target product for this packaging is a KF94 mask, which requires a high barrier of water and oxygen to maintain the filtration ability of the mask filter. The functional unit of this study is 10,000 mask packaging materials based on a material capable of blocking oxygen (<1 g/m2day) and moisture (<3 g/m2day) for the preservation of KF94 masks. In order to understand the results easily, paper-based mask packaging system divided into 6 stages (pulp, pulping & paper making, calendaring & coating, printing, packing and waste management), while plastic-based mask packaging consists of 5 stages (material production, processing, printing, packing, waste management) In case of paper-based mask packaging, most contributing stage is calendaring & coating, resulting from heat and electricity production. On the other hand, plastic-based mask packaging is contributed more than 30% by material production, specifically due to linear low density polyethylene and purified terephthalic acid production. The comparison results show that global warming potential of paper-based mask packaging has 32% lower than that of plastic-based mask packaging. Most of other impact indicators revealed in similar trend.

Functional Corrugated Board with Organic and Inorganic Materials in Food Packaging Applications: A Review

  • Gaikwad, Kirtiraj K.;Singh, Suman;Lee, Youn Suk
    • 한국포장학회지
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2016
  • Corrugated board provides packaging for most diverse industries with a share of over 50%, due to the numerous advantages they offer a good protection of the products. In other hand corrugated board fails in environmental conditions, indicating that relative humidity or temperature is higher. These effects directly damage the product packaged. To overcome on this problem recently corrugated boards produced with functional material, "functional corrugated boards," have become more available in the current market. A number of commercialized forms of functional material are coated or composited products with inorganic materials, for example "Nano clay" as representative. However, although the use of functional materials is increasing in corrugated boards, the several concerns such as over cost, environmental friendly materials, recycling, and toxicity affect consumer perceptions and acceptance. In the past, number of researcher focused on process of box compression and the utility of box compression testing etc., best of our knowledge there is no review paper which focus on the functional corrugated boards used in food packaging applications. This paper aims to review the availability of functional corrugated boards in the current market, past research studies on functional material and present the current status of functional corrugated boards in leading countries.

종이 앵글의 역학적 거동 분석과 강도 표준화 연구 (Mechanical Behavior Analysis and Strength Standardization of Paper Angle)

  • 박종민
    • 한국포장학회지
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2005
  • Paper angle, environment friendly packaging material, has been mainly used as an edge protector. But, we have perceived its application to package design of heavy product such as strength reinforcement or unit load system (ULS) in the future. Above all, understanding of buckling behavior for angle itself and compression strength and quality standard have to be accomplished for the paper angle to be used for this purpose. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the buckling behavior through theoretical and finite element analysis, and to develop compression strength model by compression test for symetric and asymetric paper angle. Based on the result of theoretical and finite element analysis, increasing rate of buckling of asymmetric paper angle was higher as applied load level was bigger and/or the length of angle was longer than that of symmetric paper angle. Decreasing rate of minimum principal moment of inertia was remarkably increased as the extent of asymmetric angle is bigger, and buckling orientation of angle was open direction near the small web. Increasing rate of maximum compression strength (MCS) for thickness of angle was smaller as the web size was bigger in symmetric angle. MCS of asymmetric angle of $43{\times}57$ and $33{\times}67$ was decreased $15{\sim}18%$ and $65{\sim}78%$, and change of buckling was increased $12{\sim}13%$ and $62{\sim}66%$, respectively.

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깨다식의 포장재에 따른 저장성 조사 (The Study on Storage Stability according to Packaging Material of Traditional Sesame Dasik)

  • 김진숙;한영실
    • 한국지역사회생활과학회지
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.179-187
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the preservation of traditional sesame dasik when stored in different packaging material by comparing its physical and sensorial characteristics. The quality and sensory characteristics of sesame dasik that were evaluated were moisture content, water activity, number of microflora, texture profile, Hunter color different value, and sensory properties (color, chewiness, overall acceptability, etc) during the storage at 35\pm1^\circ{C}$ temperature and $73\pm{2%}$ relative humidity. And the packaging materials were paper boxes (coated 0.02mm thickness polyethylene film), plastic boxes, and oriented polypropylene laminated film. Traditional sesame dasik is made from sesame powder 100g, honey 25g, rice syrup 25g, and table salt 0.5g. During the storage period, the changes in water content and water activity of sesame dasik with different packaging material showed a slight decline. On the other hand, it increased in hardness, and "a" and "b" value of Hunter color difference during the storage. Texture profile analysis data change in hardness was the greatest after the third day in a paper box, and it was affected by the moisture content of dasik and the temperature and relative humidity of the air. Therefore plastic boxes or oriented polypropylene laminated film was found to be better suited than paper boxes for storing sesame dasik.

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유전체 특성에 따른 UWB용 필터 특성에 관한 연구 (The Performance of Ultra-Wideband Filter with regard to dielectric materials)

  • 유찬세;이중근;정현철;유명재;이우성;강남기
    • 한국전기전자재료학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국전기전자재료학회 2006년도 하계학술대회 논문집 Vol.7
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    • pp.307-308
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, we propose an ultra wideband pass filter of ring type with embedded stripline stub. The fractional bandwidth was 98 % at the center frequency of 8 GHz and insertion loss was below 1 dB in passband. Two kinds of dielectric materials with the permittivity of 7.8 and 40, respectively were adopted in evaluating the suggested filter structure. As the permittivity of material became larger, the size of filter smaller as expected without any sacrifice in filter performance. In summary, the suggested filter structure has smaller size due to the embedded stripline stub and can be minimized by adopting dielectric material with higher permittivity again.

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바이오매스 기반 종이 플라스틱의 제조 및 응용에 대한 고찰 (A Study on Manufacturing of Paper Plastics Based on Biomass and Their Applications)

  • 윤광식;이동은;조대명
    • 한국포장학회지
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 2020
  • Recently, applications of biomass-based plastics have increased according to the eco-friendly policy of the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions in domestic and foreign government. In this study, a paper plastic composite was produced by compounding polypropylene and micronized paper powder that was prepared using dry pulverization technology. Subsequently, the specimen of paper plastic was verified with mechanical properties, formability and product safety test to confirm the suitable packaging materials for food packaging. Paper plastics showed slightly lower mechanical properties than currently commercialized PP composites. However, paper plastics are valuable materials as environmentally friendly carbon-reducing material because of high biocarbon content, light weight features and applicability of existing manufacturing machines or system.

Kimchi Packaging Technology: An Overview

  • Jeong, Suyeon;Yoo, SeungRan
    • 한국포장학회지
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.41-47
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    • 2016
  • This paper provides an overview of kimchi packaging technology, focusing on packaging materials, package design, and active/intelligent packaging technology for kimchi. From a packaging-material standpoint, although various materials have been used to ensure customer satisfaction and convenience, plastic is the most widely used material, in the form of bags, trays, pouches, and rigid containers. Additionally, recent efforts in the kimchi packaging industry have allowed companies to differentiate their products by using different packaging materials and technologies, while simultaneously improving product safety and quality. On the other hand, the biggest problem in kimchi packaging is excess $CO_2$ production, leading to package expansion and leakage. To alleviate this problem, the use of $CO_2$ absorbers, high $CO_2$-permeable films, and degassing valves, in addition to the use of different packaging systems, has been investigated. Active and/or intelligent packaging systems have been developed, to include active functions beyond simply inert, passive containment and protection of the kimchi product. However, most such approaches are not yet adequately effective to be useful on a commercial scale. Therefore, further studies are needed to resolve the limitations of each technology.