• Title/Summary/Keyword: Panel seemingly unrelated regression

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Influence of Weather and Atmospheric Conditions on Public Transportation Ridership: Using Panel Seemingly Unrelated Regression Model (기상 및 대기환경에 의한 대중교통 이용변화: Panel-SUR 모형을 활용하여)

  • Jahun Koo;Sujae Kim;Hyungkyoo Kim;Sangho Choo
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.47-61
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    • 2024
  • Public transportation require access trips to the stops, which are significantly affected by external environmental factors. This study examined the changes in public transportation usage based on these characteristics in relation to external environments. The analysis focuses on the 25 administrative districts of Seoul, using data on public transportation usage, weather, and air quality from 2023. The analysis used a Panel-SUR model, showing that deteriorating weather and air quality reduce public transportation usage. The impact of the variables was greater on weekends than on weekdays, likely because non-essential trips, which mainly occur on weekends, can be influenced by external environmental conditions when choosing whether to travel. The air quality-related variables have a smaller impact on subways than buses, likely because bus stops are more exposed to external environments.

Estimation and Comparison of Regional Environmental Kuznets Curves for CO2 emissions in Korea (국내 지역별 이산화탄소 배출에 대한 환경 쿠즈네츠 곡선 추정 및 비교)

  • Lee, Gwang Hoon
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.53-76
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    • 2010
  • This paper attempts to estimate and compare environmental Kuznets curves (EKC) for$CO_2$ emissions of five regions constituting South Korea. For this, panel data of $CO_2$ emission for these regions are constucted for the period 1990 - 2007. Close inter-dependency among these five regions is considered by using a seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) model. In addition to real per-capita income, price index of energy sources and population dens ity are included as control variables. Results of estimates show the robust existence of EKC's in all these regions. EKC turning points of five regions range between 13.7 and 21.6 million Korean Won, showing a large variation. This difference among regions should be conisidered for the effective implementation of policies targeting the reduction of $CO_2$ emmission. In addition, the increase of energy price is found help reduce the $CO_2$ emmision while the rise of population density seems to lead to the increase of $CO_2$ emission.

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Analysis of the Impact Factors to Organizational Performance of the Volunteers Centers (자원봉사센터의 조직성과 영향요인 분석)

  • Jang, Seok-Jun;Kim, Jun-Hyeon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.186-195
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this research is to explain what affects the volunteer center's performance on the basis on the program logic model. We assume that internal factors and external factors influence the organizational performance. For the empirical analysis, we use SUR(seemingly unrelated regression). The major findings of this research are as follows: Frist, organizational budget as internal factors are important influential factors. Second, civil society's capacity variable and stakeholder's support variable affect positively volunteer center's performance. Third, the contract out variable's effect as an operation types is not proven statistically. In case of estimating the multi organizational performance, lastly, the SUR method is prefer to the OLS method in the aspect methodology. However, more systemic study is complemented the panel data for organizational performance.

Knowledge Production Function in South Korea : An Empirical Analysis (우리나라 지식생산함수 : 실증분석)

  • Cho, Sang-Sup;Jung, Dong-Jin
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.383-405
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    • 2007
  • In this paper we estimate knowledge production function for 15 South Korean industry sectors using panel data. To accommodate the influence of inter-sectoral interactions on the creation of knowledge, we estimate parameters for related knowledge production functions using the Dynamic Seemingly Unrelated Regression(DSUR) model proposed by Mark et al. (2005). We find the elasticity of knowledge production with respect to the size of research staff to be 0.25 and that with respect to the existing stock of knowledge to be 0.35. The fact that the elasticity of new knowledge creation with regard to the existing knowledge stock is below 1 in South Korea corroborates the view that the rate of long-term growth of her economy is chiefly determined by the elasticity related to production functions of goods and services and the rate of population growth, and that her government policy, to ensure a continued growth for the Korean economy, must shift the focus of R&D policies from the current direct intervention-centered model to one consisting of indirect measures, namely supporting knowledge management and diffusion and the creation of a knowledge sharing system. In terms of R&D policy implications it could be consider that the national knowledge production system should strengthen the cumulative process of knowledge accumulation and population for research and development. Our country R&D policy, also, need to adopt a global approach to increase knowledge stock at the highest levels of a country.

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The Analysis of Cost Structure and Productivity in the Korea and Japan Railroad Industry (한국과 일본 철도산업의 비용구조와 생산성 분석)

  • Park, Jin-Gyeong;Kim, Seong-Su
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.24 no.2 s.88
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    • pp.65-78
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    • 2006
  • This paper investigates the cost structure ot the Korea and Japan railroad industry with respect to density, scale and scope economies as well as productivity growth rate using a generalized trans)og multiproduct cost function model. The paper then assumes that the Korea and Japan railway companies pi·educe three outputs (incumbent railway passenger-kilometers. Shinkansen passenger-kilometers, ton-kilometers of freight) using four input factors (labor, fuel, maintenance, rolling stock and capital). The specified cost function includes foul other independent variables: track lengths to reflect network effects, two dummies to reflect nation and ownership effects, and time trend as a proxy for technical change. The simultaneous equation system consisting of a cost function and three input share equations is estimated with the Zellner's iterative seemingly unrelated regression. The unbalanced panel data used in the paper, a total of 154 observations. are collected from the annual records of the Korea National Railroad (KNR) for the yews $1977{\sim}2003$, Japan National Railways (JNR) for the years $1977{\sim}1984$. seven Japan Railways (JR's) for the years $1987{\sim}2003$. The findings show that the Korean and Japanese railways exhibit product-specific and overall economies of density but product-specific diseconomies of scale with respect to incumbent railway passenger-kilometers, Shinkansen-kilometers and ton-kilometers. However, the railways experience mild overall economies of scale which result from economies of scope associated with the joint production of incumbent railway/Shinkansen and feight, freight/incumbent railway and Shinkansen except Shinkansen/incumbent railway and freight. In addition, the economies of density and scale in the KNR, JR east, JR central, and JR west companies at the point of the years $1990{\sim}2003$ average is generally analogous to the above results at the point of sample average. There also appear to be economies of ssope associated with the joint Production of the incumbent railway and Shinkansen in JR central but diseconomies of scope in JR East and JR West. The findings also indicate that the productivity growth rate of the privately-owned JR's is larger than that of the government-owned KNR.