• Title/Summary/Keyword: PHILS platform

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Application Development and Type Test for Smart Inverter Based on IEEE 1547-2018 Utilizing Power HILS (Power HILS를 활용한 IEEE 1547-2018 기반 스마트 인버터의 기술개발 및 형식시험 연구)

  • Shin, Danbi;Kang, Moses;Lee, Hyuna;Hong, Seonri;Yoon, Gihwan;Baek, Jongbok
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2022
  • In order to secure the reliability of the power system and to increase the penetration level of distributed energy resources (DERs), requirements such as IEEE 1547 have been revised to strengthen the grid connection standards for DER. This paper proposes a control scheme for smart inverter functions based on IEEE 1547-2018 that satisfy these standards, and introduces a power HILS-based test platform built for verification of smart inverter. Among the smart inverter functions, Volt-var and Frequency-watt allow the curve to be set from the upper level to comply with the interoperability and operation time of enable signals for each function are controlled by references from the upper level. According to the requirement, Volt-var and Frequency-watt are performed via power HILS platform and verified through the measurement results that all of the specified type tests were satisfied.