• Title/Summary/Keyword: Organizational legacy

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A Study on Users' Resistance toward ERP in the Pre-adoption Context (ERP 도입 전 구성원의 저항)

  • Park, Jae-Sung;Cho, Yong-Soo;Koh, Joon
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.77-100
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    • 2009
  • Information Systems (IS) is an essential tool for any organizations. The last decade has seen an increasing body of knowledge on IS usage. Yet, IS often fails because of its misuse or non-use. In general, decisions regarding the selection of a system, which involve the evaluation of many IS vendors and an enormous initial investment, are made not through the consensus of employees but through the top-down decision making by top managers. In situations where the selected system does not satisfy the needs of the employees, the forced use of the selected IS will only result in their resistance to it. Many organizations have been either integrating dispersed legacy systems such as archipelago or adopting a new ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system to enhance employee efficiency. This study examines user resistance prior to the adoption of the selected IS or ERP system. As such, this study identifies the importance of managing organizational resistance that may appear in the pre-adoption context of an integrated IS or ERP system, explores key factors influencing user resistance, and investigates how prior experience with other integrated IS or ERP systems may change the relationship between the affecting factors and user resistance. This study focuses on organizational members' resistance and the affecting factors in the pre-adoption context of an integrated IS or ERP system rather than in the context of an ERP adoption itself or ERP post-adoption. Based on prior literature, this study proposes a research model that considers six key variables, including perceived benefit, system complexity, fitness with existing tasks, attitude toward change, the psychological reactance trait, and perceived IT competence. They are considered as independent variables affecting user resistance toward an integrated IS or ERP system. This study also introduces the concept of prior experience (i.e., whether a user has prior experience with an integrated IS or ERP system) as a moderating variable to examine the impact of perceived benefit and attitude toward change in user resistance. As such, we propose eight hypotheses with respect to the model. For the empirical validation of the hypotheses, we developed relevant instruments for each research variable based on prior literature and surveyed 95 professional researchers and the administrative staff of the Korea Photonics Technology Institute (KOPTI). We examined the organizational characteristics of KOPTI, the reasons behind their adoption of an ERP system, process changes caused by the introduction of the system, and employees' resistance/attitude toward the system at the time of the introduction. The results of the multiple regression analysis suggest that, among the six variables, perceived benefit, complexity, attitude toward change, and the psychological reactance trait significantly influence user resistance. These results further suggest that top management should manage the psychological states of their employees in order to minimize their resistance to the forced IS, even in the new system pre-adoption context. In addition, the moderating variable-prior experience was found to change the strength of the relationship between attitude toward change and system resistance. That is, the effect of attitude toward change in user resistance was significantly stronger in those with prior experience than those with no prior experience. This result implies that those with prior experience should be identified and provided with some type of attitude training or change management programs to minimize their resistance to the adoption of a system. This study contributes to the IS field by providing practical implications for IS practitioners. This study identifies system resistance stimuli of users, focusing on the pre-adoption context in a forced ERP system environment. We have empirically validated the proposed research model by examining several significant factors affecting user resistance against the adoption of an ERP system. In particular, we find a clear and significant role of the moderating variable, prior ERP usage experience, in the relationship between the affecting factors and user resistance. The results of the study suggest the importance of appropriately managing the factors that affect user resistance in organizations that plan to introduce a new ERP system or integrate legacy systems. Moreover, this study offers to practitioners several specific strategies (in particular, the categorization of users by their prior usage experience) for alleviating the resistant behaviors of users in the process of the ERP adoption before a system becomes available to them. Despite the valuable contributions of this study, there are also some limitations which will be discussed in this paper to make the study more complete and consistent.

The Organization of the Archival Systems and Their Transformations in the first period of the Soviet UnionAn Essay for Reconstruction on the Classification System of Government-General of Chosun (소련 초기의 기록관리제도와 그 변화)

  • Cho, Ho-Yeon
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.10
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    • pp.324-370
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    • 2004
  • This paper aims to research the historical development of the archival systems in the Soviet Union from 1917 to the 1920's. The Russian revolution was the turning point not only for the political and social changes but for the archival administration in Russia, as it provided the new Soviet regime with the chances to reorganize the archival institutions under Bolshevik rule. However, we must not forget the fact that the Russian Archival Workers' Union had taken part in the organization of the archival systems together with the Bolshevik revolutionaries. The Soviet government intended to transform the decentralized and poorly organized archival systems in the prerevolutionary years into the centralized and bureaucratized ones. In this meaning, the decree signed be V. I. Lenin on 1 June 1918 was estimated as the real basis for the Soviet archival centralization. Lenin's archival decree of 1918 encompassed the entire national documentary legacy, which was gradually extended to all types and categories of manuscripts and archival records by successive legislation. The concept of state proprietorship of all documentary records was designated "Single State Archival Fond"(Edinyi Gosudarstvennyi arkhivnyi fond), which was renamed as "Archival Fond of the Russian Federation" after the collapse of the USSR. The independent state administrative agency, that is, "Main Administration of Archival Affairs"(Glavnoe upravlenie arkhivnym delom) was charged with the management of the entire "Single State Archival Fond". While the Soviet Union reorganized its archival systems in the twenties, the archival institutions became under the severe control of the government. For example, M. N. Pokrovskii, the well-known Marxist historian and the political leader, headed the organizational work of archives in the Soviet Union, which resulted in the exclusion of the prerevolutionary specialists from the archival field in the Soviet Union. However, the discussions over the concept of "the Archival Fond" by B. I. Anfilov helped to develop the archival theories in the USSR in the twenties. In conclusion, the Soviet Union, having emphasized the centralization of the archives, developed its archival systems from the early period, which were the basis of the systematic archival institutions in Russia.

A Scheme of Data-driven Procurement and Inventory Management through Synchronizing Production Planning in Aircraft Manufacturing Industry (항공기 제조업에서 생산계획 동기화를 통한 데이터기반 구매조달 및 재고관리 방안 연구)

  • Yu, Kyoung Yul;Choi, Hong Suk;Jeong, Dae Yul
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.151-177
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    • 2021
  • Purpose This paper aims to improve management performance by effectively responding to production needs and reducing inventory through synchronizing production planning and procurement in the aviation industry. In this study, the differences in production planning and execution were first analyzed in terms of demand, supply, inventory, and process using the big data collected from a domestic aircraft manufacturers. This paper analyzed the problems in procurement and inventory management using legacy big data from ERP system in the company. Based on the analysis, we performed a simulation to derive an efficient procurement and inventory management plan. Through analysis and simulation of operational data, we were able to discover procurement and inventory policies to effectively respond to production needs. Design/methodology/approach This is an empirical study to analyze the cause of decrease in inventory turnover and increase in inventory cost due to dis-synchronize between production requirements and procurement. The actual operation data, a total of 21,306,611 transaction data which are 18 months data from January 2019 to June 2020, were extracted from the ERP system. All them are such as basic information on materials, material consumption and movement history, inventory/receipt/shipment status, and production orders. To perform data analysis, it went through three steps. At first, we identified the current states and problems of production process to grasp the situation of what happened, and secondly, analyzed the data to identify expected problems through cross-link analysis between transactions, and finally, defined what to do. Many analysis techniques such as correlation analysis, moving average analysis, and linear regression analysis were applied to predict the status of inventory. A simulation was performed to analyze the appropriate inventory level according to the control of fluctuations in the production planing. In the simulation, we tested four alternatives how to coordinate the synchronization between the procurement plan and the production plan. All the alternatives give us more plausible results than actual operation in the past. Findings Based on the big data extracted from the ERP system, the relationship between the level of delivery and the distribution of fluctuations was analyzed in terms of demand, supply, inventory, and process. As a result of analyzing the inventory turnover rate, the root cause of the inventory increase were identified. In addition, based on the data on delivery and receipt performance, it was possible to accurately analyze how much gap occurs between supply and demand, and to figure out how much this affects the inventory level. Moreover, we were able to obtain the more predictable and insightful results through simulation that organizational performance such as inventory cost and lead time can be improved by synchronizing the production planning and purchase procurement with supply and demand information. The results of big data analysis and simulation gave us more insights in production planning, procurement, and inventory management for smart manufacturing and performance improvement.

NFC-based Smartwork Service Model Design (NFC 기반의 스마트워크 서비스 모델 설계)

  • Park, Arum;Kang, Min Su;Jun, Jungho;Lee, Kyoung Jun
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.157-175
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    • 2013
  • Since Korean government announced 'Smartwork promotion strategy' in 2010, Korean firms and government organizations have started to adopt smartwork. However, the smartwork has been implemented only in a few of large enterprises and government organizations rather than SMEs (small and medium enterprises). In USA, both Yahoo! and Best Buy have stopped their flexible work because of its reported low productivity and job loafing problems. In addition, according to the literature on smartwork, we could draw obstacles of smartwork adoption and categorize them into the three types: institutional, organizational, and technological. The first category of smartwork adoption obstacles, institutional, include the difficulties of smartwork performance evaluation metrics, the lack of readiness of organizational processes, limitation of smartwork types and models, lack of employee participation in smartwork adoption procedure, high cost of building smartwork system, and insufficiency of government support. The second category, organizational, includes limitation of the organization hierarchy, wrong perception of employees and employers, a difficulty in close collaboration, low productivity with remote coworkers, insufficient understanding on remote working, and lack of training about smartwork. The third category, technological, obstacles include security concern of mobile work, lack of specialized solution, and lack of adoption and operation know-how. To overcome the current problems of smartwork in reality and the reported obstacles in literature, we suggest a novel smartwork service model based on NFC(Near Field Communication). This paper suggests NFC-based Smartwork Service Model composed of NFC-based Smartworker networking service and NFC-based Smartwork space management service. NFC-based smartworker networking service is comprised of NFC-based communication/SNS service and NFC-based recruiting/job seeking service. NFC-based communication/SNS Service Model supplements the key shortcomings that existing smartwork service model has. By connecting to existing legacy system of a company through NFC tags and systems, the low productivity and the difficulty of collaboration and attendance management can be overcome since managers can get work processing information, work time information and work space information of employees and employees can do real-time communication with coworkers and get location information of coworkers. Shortly, this service model has features such as affordable system cost, provision of location-based information, and possibility of knowledge accumulation. NFC-based recruiting/job-seeking service provides new value by linking NFC tag service and sharing economy sites. This service model has features such as easiness of service attachment and removal, efficient space-based work provision, easy search of location-based recruiting/job-seeking information, and system flexibility. This service model combines advantages of sharing economy sites with the advantages of NFC. By cooperation with sharing economy sites, the model can provide recruiters with human resource who finds not only long-term works but also short-term works. Additionally, SMEs (Small Medium-sized Enterprises) can easily find job seeker by attaching NFC tags to any spaces at which human resource with qualification may be located. In short, this service model helps efficient human resource distribution by providing location of job hunters and job applicants. NFC-based smartwork space management service can promote smartwork by linking NFC tags attached to the work space and existing smartwork system. This service has features such as low cost, provision of indoor and outdoor location information, and customized service. In particular, this model can help small company adopt smartwork system because it is light-weight system and cost-effective compared to existing smartwork system. This paper proposes the scenarios of the service models, the roles and incentives of the participants, and the comparative analysis. The superiority of NFC-based smartwork service model is shown by comparing and analyzing the new service models and the existing service models. The service model can expand scope of enterprises and organizations that adopt smartwork and expand the scope of employees that take advantages of smartwork.