• Title/Summary/Keyword: Orchards

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Effect of Several Herbicides in the Polyethylene - film Mulched Young Mulberry Field (P.E. 필름피복(被覆) 밀식(密植) 뽕밭에서의 수종(數種) 제초제(除草劑) 처리효과(處理效果))

  • Kim, Ho-Rak;Kwon, Yong-Woong;Cho, Yong-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.202-210
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    • 1985
  • Requirements in weed control in a mulberry field are much similar to those in orchards, but also feature a longer period of weed control of various kinds of persistent weeds, i.e., spring, summer, and winter annuals as well as perennials. In addition the mulberry tree is relatively more sensitive to herbicide injury. Hence, very few herbicides have been used in mulberry field. The present study was conducted to evaluate the usefulness of oxyfluorfen in comparison with alachlor and simazine, which are registered for ordinary mulberry field in Korea, for weed control efficacy in the new, rapidly increasing practice of transparent polyethylene-film mulched and densely planted younger mulberry culture. Dominant spring weeds were Galium spp., Erigeron spp., Polygonum senticosum, and Chenopodium spp. in the non-mulched interbed area in contrast to the Digitaria spp. and Potulaca spp, under mulch. Dominant summer weeds were Digitaria spp., Portulaca spp., Erigeron spp., Artemisia spp. and Calystegia japonica in the non-mulched interbed area while weeds did not occur significantly during summer under mulch which were shaded by vigorously growing mulberry trees. The weeds occurred under mulch in spring reduced shoot growth of young mulberry tree resulting in the reduced yield of mulberry leaves for silkworms. The weeds occurred in the interbed area did not affect until May, but interfered later summer- and fall-growth of mulberry tree. Early single spring application of alachlor(EC), simazine(WP) or oxyfluorfen(EC) at a rate of 650 g, 750 g or 350 g ai per ha, respectively, controlled most annuals satisfactorily to fall in the mulched bed area. In the nonmulched interbed area, however, thrice does of alchlor or simazine was necessary for satisfactory control of spring weeds, followed by summer application of alachlor or simazine at twice dose level as tank mixture with paraquat at 490 g ai per ha for satisfactory control of summer to fall weeds. Single spring application of oxyfluorfen at a rate of 1400 g ai per ha was persistently effective to control satisfactorily even summer and fall weeds. However, heavy rainfall splashed soil borne oxyfluorfen to the lower branch leaves causing some leaf burns. Spring application of oxyfluorfen at a rate of 350 g ai per ha followed by summer application of oxyfluorfen and paraquat tank mixture (350 g ai + 490 g ai) was the best choice for the non-mulched interbed area weed control among the treatments.

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