• Title/Summary/Keyword: Orange3

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Strain Improvement of the Genus Pleurotus by Protoplast Fusion (원형질체(原形質體) 융합(融合)에 의한 느타리버섯속(屬)의 품종개발(品種開發))

  • Yoo, Young-Bok;You, Chang-Hyun;Cha, Dong-Yeul
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.200-211
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    • 1993
  • Somatic hybrids of Pleurotus florida ASI 2016 and Pleurotus ostreatus ASI 2018 were obtained by protoplast fusion. The 40 fusants($P1{\sim}P40$) was examined for the yield on fermented and pasteurized rice straw in a tray. The carpophore yield of them were showed as the range of $27.0{\sim}155.2$, based on parental values of 100(ASI 2018), The pilei of fusants between orange white colored P. florida and dark grey colored P. ostreatus had mixed colors in the young stage. Other breeding programmes were performed to improve new varieties with high yield and good quality. A new oyster mushroom variety, Wonhyeongneutaribeosus(P72), was developed at the Agricultural Sciences Institute, Rural Development Administration in 1990. This P.florida-ostreatus-ostreatus hybrid P72 was selected from 38 protoplast fusion products($P41{\sim}P78$) between P.florida-ostreatus recombinant P5-M 43-arg rib and P. ostreatus ASI 2-13-0 2001-19-pro orn. The yield indexes of 38 hybrids ranged $40.5{\sim}152.7$ compared with the parental values of 100(ASI 2001). Hybrid P72 was characterized by the large fruiting bundle of semispherical shape with long stipe and by the small and circular pileus, resulting in lower harvesting cost. A significant increase in carpophore production was observed in somatic hybrids of protoplasts due to heterosis. A comparision of hybrid with parents P72 was made using isozyme analysis. The esterase banding patterns could be characterized by new bands in the hybrids. Seven fusion products of four crosses between P.florida ASI 2016 and P. ostreatus ASI 2018 were analysed with respect to the distribution of progenies and segregation of gene markers by random basidiospore analysis. Segregation of alleles should yield progeny of four genotypes in a Mendelian ratio of 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 for prototrophs, auxotrophs of one parental type, auxotrophs of the other parental type, and auxotrophic recombinants, respectively. However, five fusants of them did not detect one parental, P.ostreatus, type. Basidiospores could yield progeny of 16 genotypes in the cross of one of the recombinant P5-M43-arg $rib{\times}P. ostreatus$ ASI 2-13-pro orn but the segregants of three fusants were not detected clearly. The allele ratio of loci could be expected 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 for arg, rib, pro and orn. The ratio, however, would be changed to 4 : 1 : 1 : 1 with increasing proportion of argo In almost all the fusants, prototrophic recombinants were recovered in large numbers against auxotrophic markers. Parental genotypes were recovered with the recombinant progeny amounting to $38.68{\sim}99.56%$. The analysis provides proof of heterokaryosis and strong evidence for haploidy of vegetative nuclei, a sexual cycle consisting of nuclear fusion and meiosis.

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Monitoring of Patulin levels in Fruit Juices and Beverages (과실쥬스 및 음료에서 파튤린 오염실태 조사)

  • Eom, Joon-Ho;Byun, Jung-A;Park, You-Gyoung;Seo, Eun-Chae;Lee, Eun-Mi;Kim, Mi-Ra;Sun, Nam-Kyu;Kim, Chang-Soo;Jung, Woo-Young;Jung, Rae-Seok;Na, Mi-Ae;Lee, Jin-Ha
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.56-62
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    • 2009
  • Patulin, a mycotoxin mainly produced by Penicillium and Aspergillus, is found in various foods. In the present, a maximum acceptable level for patulin is established at $50{\mu}g/kg(ppb)$ in apple juices and apple concentrates in Korea. But patulin may be detected in foods produced with other fruits. In the present study, patulin contamination was analyzed in 520 samples of fruit juices and beverages, and 50 samples of fruit juice concentrates. High performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) was applied to quantitatively analyze patulin levels in samples and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry(LC/MS/MS) was used to remove false positive results. The results showed that three samples of 520 fruit juices and beverages and five samples of 50 fruit juice concentrates were contaminated by patulin, $9.8-18.0{\mu}g/kg$ and $4.7-18.2{\mu}g/kg$ respectively. Contaminated samples were produced with apple, orange or pear. This indicates that it is necessary to extend the regulatory range of patulin. In the other hands, the present study confirmed the effectiveness of LC/MS/MS analytical method to remove false positive results.

Seasonal Changes in Colonization and Spore Density of Arbuscular-Mycorrhizae in Citrus Groves (감귤뿌리에서의 Arbuscular-Mycorrhizae 형성과 감귤원 토양중 포자밀도의 계절적 변화)

  • Kim, Sang-Youb;Oh, Hyun-Woo;Moon, Doo-Khil;Han, Hae-Ryong;Chung, Jong-Bae
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.174-181
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    • 1998
  • In four citrus grow of Satsuma mandarin (rootstock of trifoliate orange) including two grove of organical management and two groves of conventional management, spores of arbuscular mycorrhizal(AM) fungi were identified and seasonal changes in spore density in soils and AM colonization of citrus roots were investigated. AM colonization in weeds found in the groves were also examined. Three species of Glomus (G.deserticola, G. vesiculiferum, G. rubiforme ) and one unknown species of Acaulospora were observed in all of the groves. Annual mean density of AM fungal spores were in the range of 10,000${\sim}$40,000 per 100g soil with more spores in the organically-managed groves. The least spores were observed in December in all groves, and the most spores in April in the organically-managed groves while in February or April in the conventionally- managed. Annual mean AM colonization more 27% of citrus root were observed in the organically-managed with the high peaks in April and October and the minimum in August, while mean colonization less than 15% in the conventionally-managed with the peak in February and the minimum in different times depending on groves and years. AM colonization corresponded to a sigmoidal curve consisting of a laf phase during winter and a subsequent increase in spring, then succeeded by a maximum, and then a decrease at the end of vegetation. Fungal spore density and AM colonization showed a parallel pattern during the sample period. The seasonality appeared to be related more to the phenology of the plant than to the soil factors. Generally more spore density and AM colonization were found in organically managed groves. AM colonization was not correlated with available P and organic matter content in soil in this field investigation. Among sixteen weed species found in the groves, Astrogalus sinicus of Leguminosae, Portulaca oleracea of Portulacaceae showed high colonization in all groves and they can be considered as a source of inoculumn and host plants for propagation of AM fungi.

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Growth Characteristics and Productivity of Single Cross Maize New Hybrid for Silage and Grain, 'Yanganok' (사료용 옥수수 신품종 '양안옥'의 생육특성 및 수량성)

  • Son, Beom Young;Baek, Seong Bum;Kim, Jung Tae;Lee, Jin Seok;Ku, Ja Hwan;Kim, Sun Lim;Jung, Gun Ho;Kwon, Young Up;Ji, Hee Jung;Huh, Chang Suk;Park, Jong Yeol
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.94-99
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    • 2013
  • Yanganok, a new single cross variety, was developed by the maize breeding team at the National Institute of Crop Science (NICS), RDA in 2012. This hybrid, which has a high yield of grain was produced by crossing two inbred lines, KS164 and KS163. KS164 is the seed parent and KS163 is the pollen parent of Yanganok. It is a yellow-orange intermediate maize hybrid (Zea mays L.). After a preliminary yield trial and advanced yield trial of Yanganok (Suwon180) in Suwon for 2 years, a regional yield trial was carried out for its growth characteristics, and yields were determined at 4 different locations from 2009 to 2012, with the exception of 2010. It was named 'Yanganok'. The silking date of Yanganok is 2 days earlier than that of the check hybrid, Kwangpyeongok. Plant height of Yanganok is similar to Kwangpyeongok, but its ear height ratio is higher than that of Kwangpyeongok. It has resistance to lodging. Stay-green features of Yanganok are similar to those of Kwangpyeongok. The ear ratio of Yanganok is similar to Kwangpyeongok. It has moderate resistance to southern leaf blight (Bipolaris maydis) and strong resistance to northern leaf blight (Exserohilum turcicum). It has moderate resistance to black streaked dwarf virus (BSDV), ear lot and corn borer. The dry matter yield of Yanganok, 17.45 ton/ha, was similar to that of Kwangpyeongok. The total digestible nutrients (TDN) yield of Yanganok, 11.96 ton/ha, was similar to that of Kwangpyeongok. The grain yield of Yanganok, 8.32 ton/ha was similar to that of Jangdaok. Seed production of Yanganok went well due to a good match during crossing between the seed parent, KS164, and the pollen parent, KS163, in Yeongwol, and F1 seed yield was 1.79 ton/ha. Yanganok would be a suitable cultivar to all plain areas in the Korean peninsula.

Yield of Tuber Roots and Functional Substances According to the Planting Interval and Cultivation Period in Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L.) (재식간격 및 재배 기간에 따른 고구마 수량 및 유용성분 함량 평가)

  • Park, Won;Kim, Tae Hwa;Lee, Hyeong-Un;Lee, Im Been;Kim, Su Jung;Roh, Jae Hwan;Chung, Mi Nam
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    • v.66 no.4
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    • pp.383-391
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    • 2021
  • To develop a cultivation method for the mass production of sweetpotato cultivars, 'Juhwangmi' (orange tuber) and 'Sinjami' (puple tuber), the yield of tuber roots and content of various functional substances were analyzed according to planting intervals and growing periods. For 'Juhwangmi, the total yield of tubers was increased by respectively 36% and 54% and the yield of tubers over 300 g was increased by respectively 170% and 221% in the 140-day and 160-day cultivation plots compared with that in the 120-day cultivation plot at the 70×20 cm planting interval. Similarly, the total content of beta-carotene in the tubers increased as the cultivation period was extended. In particular, beta-carotene content at the 70×20 cm planting interval was the highest. For 'Sinjami', at the same planting interval, the total yield of tubers and yield of tubers over 300 g significantly increased as the growing period was extended. Within the same cultivation period, the yield of tubers over 300 g and the total anthocyanin content of 'Sinjami' were higher at the 70×30 and 70×35 cm planting intervals than at the 70×20 and 70×25 cm planting intervals in the 140-day and 160-day cultivation plots. Moreover, the total polyphenol and flavonoid content was significantly higher in 'Sinjami' than in 'Juhwangmi', and the values were the highest in the 160-day cultivation plots. In particular, the content of these two functional substances in tubers over 300 g was the highest at the 70×30 and 70×35 cm planting intervals.

A Study on Development of New Products by Old Chicken Meat (노폐계(老廢鷄)를 이용(利用)한 육제품(肉製品) 개발(開發)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Han, Sung Wook;Lee, Kyu Seung;Chang, Kyu Sup;Jeon, Chang Kie
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.87-102
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    • 1980
  • In order to investigate the utilization probability of two years old laying hen for W.L. and R.I.R. breeds, carcass weight and percentage were examined and dried old chicken meat products were manufactured for experiments. The results obtained are as follows. 1. Average living body weight were 1,635.40g for the W.L. breeds and 2,289.29g for the R.I.R. breeds and percentage carcass and lean meat for the W.L. were 58.73% and 43.95%, for the R.I.R. 60.34%, 41.98%, respectively. 2. In constitution percentage of carcass on different parts for W.L. and R.I.R. breeds, head were 4.13% and 3.94%, wing 9.97% and 8.62%, breast 32.54% and 20.94%, back 11.35% and 9.75%, thigh 30.75% and 31.34%, hypordermic fat 11.37% and 17.34%, respectively. 3. In constitution percentage of lean meat on different parts for W.L. and R.I.R. breeds, head were 4.03% and 3.95%, wing 9.47% and 9.79%, breast 39.37% and 38.14%, back 11.24% and 9.40%, thigh 36.16% and 38.74%, respectively. 4. In chemical composition of old chicken meat for W.L. breed, moisture was 68.18%, crude protein 22.80%, crude fat 2.70%, extract 5.15% and crude ash 1.18% and for R.I.R. breed, moisture was 68.04%, crude protein 22.18%, crude fat 3.13%, extract 5.45% and crude ash 1.21%. 5. Weight loss in steaming for W.L. at $121^{\circ}C$ for 30min., 60min., and 90min. were 54.91, 56.43 and 58.42%, respectively, and for R.I.R. were 45.23, 47.68 and 49.68%, respectively. 6. The yield of old chicken meat product per a hen were 253.01g for W.L. and 368.64g for R.I.R., the ratio for fresh meat weight and for carcass weight were 35.47% and 26.34% for W.L. breed and 38.25 and 26.83% for R.I.R. breed. 7. In chemical composition of old chicken meat product for W.L., moisture was 16.69%, crude protein 66.16%, crude fat 12.81%, crude ash 4.35%, and R.I.R., moisture 16.11%, crude protein 65.95%, crude fat 13.78% and crude ash 4.57%. 8. To investigate the physical properties which was main factor affecting the product quality, tensile strength, tear strength and elongation rate were measured. The adhesive force of the product made under pressure of $70kg/cm^2$ was similar to those of chipo which was the control product. 9. When measured the color of each protein product, lightness of the product pressed at $70kg/cm^2$ was better than that at $35kg/cm^2$, and the lightness of breast muscle product at $70kg/cm^2$ and chipo was not significant as 16.7% and 16.4%, respectively. Dominant wavelength of product pressed at $70kg/cm^2$ was very similar to chipo which was yellowish orange. 10. In the results of sensory evaluation test containing taste, color, chewing texture and oder of the meat product, when index of chipo as control product was 100, index of breast meat product was higher than that as 118.4, but miscellaneous product was 99.7 and thigh product was 96.2. 11. Summing up the results written above, the meat product utilizing two years old laying hen was compared favorably with its similar food such as chipo on the point of nutrition and physical properties as high protein food, therefore, it was thought that industrialization must be highly appropriate.

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Study on Fabric and Embroidery of Possessed by Dong-A University Museum (동아대학교박물관 소장 <초충도수병>의 직물과 자수 연구)

  • Sim, Yeon-ok
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.230-250
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    • 2013
  • possessed by Dong-A University Museum is designated as Treasure No. 595, and has been known for a more exquisite, delicate and realistic expression and a colorful three-dimensional structure compared to the 'grass and insect painting' work and its value in art history. However, it has not been analyzed and studied in fabric craft despite it being an embroidered work. This study used scientific devices to examine and analyze the Screen's fabric, thread colors, and embroidery techniques to clarify its patterns and fabric craft characteristics for its value in the history of fabric craft. As a result, consists of eight sides and its subject matters and composition are similar to those of the general paintings of grass and insects. The patterns on each side of the 'grass and insect painting' include cucumber, cockscomb, day lily, balsam pear, gillyflower, watermelon, eggplant, and chrysanthemums from the first side. Among these flowers, the balsam pear is a special material not found in the existing paintings of grass and insect. The eighth side only has the chrysanthemums with no insects and reptiles, making it different from the typical forms of the paintings of grass and insect. The fabric of the Screen uses black that is not seen in other decorative embroideries to emphasize and maximize various colors of threads. The fabric used the weave structure of 5-end satin called Gong Dan [non-patterned satin]. The threads used extremely slightly twisted threads that are incidentally twisted. Some threads use one color, while other threads use two or mixed colors in combination for three-dimensional expressions. Because the threads are severely deterioration and faded, it is impossible to know the original colors, but the most frequently used colors are yellow to green and other colors remaining relatively prominently are blue, grown, and violet. The colors of day lily, gillyflower, and strawberries are currently remaining as reddish yellow, but it is anticipated that they were originally orange and red considering the existing paintings of grass and insects. The embroidery technique was mostly surface satin stitch to fill the surfaces. This shows the traditional women's wisdom to reduce the waste of color threads. Satin stitch is a relatively simple embroidery technique for decorating a surface, but it uses various color threads and divides the surfaces for combined vertical, horizontal, and diagonal stitches or for the combination of long and short stitches for various textures and the sense of volume. The bodies of insects use the combination of buttonhole stitch, outline stitch, and satin stitch for three-dimensional expressions, but the use of buttonhole stitch is particularly noticeable. In addition to that, decorative stitches were used to give volume to the leaves and surface pine needle stitches were done on the scouring rush to add more realistic texture. Decorative stitches were added on top of gillyflower, strawberries, and cucumbers for a more delicate touch. is valuable in the history of paintings and art and bears great importance in the history of Korean embroidery as it uses outstanding technique and colors of Korea to express the Shin Sa-im-dang's 'Grass and Insect Painting'.

A Two-Stage Learning Method of CNN and K-means RGB Cluster for Sentiment Classification of Images (이미지 감성분류를 위한 CNN과 K-means RGB Cluster 이-단계 학습 방안)

  • Kim, Jeongtae;Park, Eunbi;Han, Kiwoong;Lee, Junghyun;Lee, Hong Joo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.139-156
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    • 2021
  • The biggest reason for using a deep learning model in image classification is that it is possible to consider the relationship between each region by extracting each region's features from the overall information of the image. However, the CNN model may not be suitable for emotional image data without the image's regional features. To solve the difficulty of classifying emotion images, many researchers each year propose a CNN-based architecture suitable for emotion images. Studies on the relationship between color and human emotion were also conducted, and results were derived that different emotions are induced according to color. In studies using deep learning, there have been studies that apply color information to image subtraction classification. The case where the image's color information is additionally used than the case where the classification model is trained with only the image improves the accuracy of classifying image emotions. This study proposes two ways to increase the accuracy by incorporating the result value after the model classifies an image's emotion. Both methods improve accuracy by modifying the result value based on statistics using the color of the picture. When performing the test by finding the two-color combinations most distributed for all training data, the two-color combinations most distributed for each test data image were found. The result values were corrected according to the color combination distribution. This method weights the result value obtained after the model classifies an image's emotion by creating an expression based on the log function and the exponential function. Emotion6, classified into six emotions, and Artphoto classified into eight categories were used for the image data. Densenet169, Mnasnet, Resnet101, Resnet152, and Vgg19 architectures were used for the CNN model, and the performance evaluation was compared before and after applying the two-stage learning to the CNN model. Inspired by color psychology, which deals with the relationship between colors and emotions, when creating a model that classifies an image's sentiment, we studied how to improve accuracy by modifying the result values based on color. Sixteen colors were used: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple, turquoise, pink, magenta, brown, gray, silver, gold, white, and black. It has meaning. Using Scikit-learn's Clustering, the seven colors that are primarily distributed in the image are checked. Then, the RGB coordinate values of the colors from the image are compared with the RGB coordinate values of the 16 colors presented in the above data. That is, it was converted to the closest color. Suppose three or more color combinations are selected. In that case, too many color combinations occur, resulting in a problem in which the distribution is scattered, so a situation fewer influences the result value. Therefore, to solve this problem, two-color combinations were found and weighted to the model. Before training, the most distributed color combinations were found for all training data images. The distribution of color combinations for each class was stored in a Python dictionary format to be used during testing. During the test, the two-color combinations that are most distributed for each test data image are found. After that, we checked how the color combinations were distributed in the training data and corrected the result. We devised several equations to weight the result value from the model based on the extracted color as described above. The data set was randomly divided by 80:20, and the model was verified using 20% of the data as a test set. After splitting the remaining 80% of the data into five divisions to perform 5-fold cross-validation, the model was trained five times using different verification datasets. Finally, the performance was checked using the test dataset that was previously separated. Adam was used as the activation function, and the learning rate was set to 0.01. The training was performed as much as 20 epochs, and if the validation loss value did not decrease during five epochs of learning, the experiment was stopped. Early tapping was set to load the model with the best validation loss value. The classification accuracy was better when the extracted information using color properties was used together than the case using only the CNN architecture.

Studies on the Repeated Toxicity Test of Food Red No.2 for 4 Weeks Oral Administration in SD Rat (SD랫드에서 식용색소 적색2호의 4주간 경구투여에 따른 반복독성시험에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo, Jin-Gon;Jung, Ji-Youn
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.42-49
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    • 2012
  • This study was carried out to investigate the toxicity of food Red No.2 in the Sprague-Dawley (SD) female rat for 4 weeks. SD rats were orally administered for 28 days, with dosage of 500, 1,000, 2,000 mg/kg/day. Animals treated with food Red No.2 did not cause any death and show any clinical signs. They did not show any significant changes of body weight, feed uptake and water consumption. There were not significantly different from the control group in urinalysis, hematological, serum biochemical value and histopathological examination. In conclusion, 4 weeks of the repetitive oral medication of food Red No.2 has resulted no alteration of toxicity according to the test materials in the group of female rats with injection of 2,000 mg/kg. Therefore, food Red No.2 was not indicated to have any toxic effect in the SD rats, when it was orally administered below the dosage 2,000 mg/kg/day for 4 weeks.

Potassium Physiology of Upland Crops (밭 작물(作物)의 가리(加里) 생리(生理))

  • Park, Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.103-134
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    • 1977
  • The physiological and biochemical role of potassium for upland crops according to recent research reports and the nutritional status of potassium in Korea were reviewed. Since physical and chemical characteristics of potassium ion are different from those of sodium, potassium can not completely be replaced by sodium and replacement must be limited to minimum possible functional area. Specific roles of potassium seem to keep fine structure of biological membranes such as thylacoid membrane of chloroplast in the most efficient form and to be allosteric effector and conformation controller of various enzymes principally in carbohydrate and protein metabolism. Potassium is essential to improve the efficiency of phoro- and oxidative- phosphorylation and involve deeply in all energy required metabolisms especially synthesis of organic matter and their translocation. Potassium has many important, physiological functions such as maintenance of osmotic pressure and optimum hydration of cell colloids, consequently uptake and translocation of water resulting in higher water use efficiency and of better subcellular environment for various physiological and biochemical activities. Potassium affects uptake and translocation of mineral nutrients and quality of products. potassium itself in products may become a quality criteria due to potassium essentiality for human beings. Potassium uptake is greatly decreased by low temperature and controlled by unknown feed back mechanism of potassium in plants. Thus the luxury absorption should be reconsidered. Total potassium content of upland soil in Korea is about 3% but the exchangeable one is about 0.3 me/100g soil. All upland crops require much potassium probably due to freezing and cold weather and also due to wet damage and drought caused by uneven rainfall pattern. In barley, potassium should be high at just before freezing and just after thawing and move into grain from heading for higher yield. Use efficiency of potassium was 27% for barley and 58% in old uplands, 46% in newly opened hilly lands for soybean. Soybean plant showed potassium deficiency symptom in various fields especially in newly opened hilly lands. Potassium criteria for normal growth appear 2% $K_2O$ and 1.0 K/(Ca+Mg) (content ratio) at flower bud initiation stage for soybean. Potassium requirement in plant was high in carrot, egg plant, chinese cabbage, red pepper, raddish and tomato. Potassium content in leaves was significantly correlated with yield in chinese cabbage. Sweet potato. greatly absorbed potassium subsequently affected potassium nutrition of the following crop. In the case of potassium deficiency, root showed the greatest difference in potassium content from that of normal indicating that deficiency damages root first. Potatoes and corn showed much higher potassium content in comparison with calcium and magnesium. Forage crops from ranges showed relatively high potassium content which was significantly and positively correlated with nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium content. Percentage of orchards (apple, pear, peach, grape, and orange) insufficient in potassium ranged from 16 to 25. The leaves and soils from the good apple and pear orchards showed higher potassium content than those from the poor ones. Critical ratio of $K_2O/(CaO+MgO)$ in mulberry leaves to escape from winter death of branch tip was 0.95. In the multiple croping system, exchangeable potassium in soils after one crop was affected by the previous crops and potassium uptake seemed to be related with soil organic matter providing soil moisture and aeration. Thus, the long term and quantitative investigation of various forms of potassium including total one are needed in relation to soil, weather and croping system. Potassium uptake and efficiency may be increased by topdressing, deep placement, slow-releasing or granular fertilizer application with the consideration of rainfall pattern. In all researches for nutritional explanation including potassium of crop yield reasonable and practicable nutritional indices will most easily be obtained through multifactor analysis.

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