• Title/Summary/Keyword: Orange3

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The Condition of Production of Artificial Fruiting Body of Cordyceps militaris (Cordyceps militaris 인공자실체 형성조건)

  • Choi, In-Young;Choi, Joung-Sik;Lee, Wang-Hyu;Yu, Young-Jin;Joung, Gi-Tae;Ju, In-Ok;Choi, Young-Keun
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.27 no.4 s.91
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    • pp.243-248
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    • 1999
  • To compare the morphological and cultural characteristics of Cordyceps militaris, forming conditions of artificial fruiting body production were investigated in this experiment. The stroma shapes of artificial fruiting body were confirmed to club and/or stick. However, both shapes were same color as a orange. Perithecia of stroma was semi-egg shape and was ranged from $30{\sim}90{\times}90{\sim}130\;{\mu}m$ and it's asci was narrowly cylindric. Ascospore of perithecia was belong to filiform and multiseptate. The conidia of C. militaris was centurally grown and shaped with globose, long clavate type, floccose, centrally raised during anamorph stage. When it was cultured between glass and PP bottle, production of artificial fruiting body, pinheading ratio and total yield were higher in PP bottle. The optimum illumination was 1,000 lx for the those production. The culture medium of barley, wheat and hulled rice showed higher artificial fruiting body compared to that of silkworm. Pinheading and yield of it's isolates was decreased at more than three subsequent transculture.

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Morphological and Genetic Characteristics of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Isolated from Newly Emerging Static-Symptom Anthracnose in Apple

  • Jeon, Yongho;Cheon, Wonsu
    • 한국균학회소식:학술대회논문집
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    • 2014.10a
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    • pp.34-34
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    • 2014
  • Filamentous fungi of the genus Colletotrichum (teleomorph, Glomerella) are considered major plant pathogens worldwide. Cereals, legumes, vegetables, and fruit trees may be seriously affected by this pathogen (1). Colletotrichum species cause typical disease symptoms known as anthracnoses, characterized by sunken necrotic tissue, where orange conidial masses are produced. Anthracnose appears in both developing and mature plant tissues (2). We investigated disease occurrence in apple orchards from 2013 to 2014 in northern Gyeongbuk province, Korea. Typical anthracnose with advanced symptoms was observed in all apple orchards studied. Of late, static fruit spot symptoms are being observed in apple orchards. A small lesion, which does not expand further and remains static until the harvesting season, is observed at the beginning of fruit growth period. In our study, static symptoms, together with the typical symptoms, were observed on apples. The isolated fungus was tested for pathogenicity on cv. 'Fuji apple' (fully ripe fruits, unripe fruits, and cross-section of fruits) by inoculating the fruits with a conidial suspension ($10^5$ conidia/ml). In apple inoculated with typical anthracnose fungus, the anthracnose symptoms progressed, and dark lesions with salmon-colored masses of conidia were observed on fruit, which were also soft and sunken. However, in apple inoculated with fungi causing static symptoms, the size of the spots did not increase. Interestingly, the shape and size of the conidia and the shape of the appressoria of both types of fungi were found to be similar. The conidia of the two types of fungi were straight and cylindrical, with an obtuse apex. The culture and morphological characteristics of the conidia were similar to those of C. gloeosporioides (5). The conidia of C. gloeosporioides germinate and form appressoria in response to chemical signals such as host surface wax and the fruitripening hormone ethylene (3). In this study, the spores started to germinate 4 h after incubation with an ethephon suspension. Then, the germ tubes began to swell, and subsequently, differentiation into appressoria with dark thick walls was completed by 8 h. In advanced symptoms, fungal spores of virtually all the appressoria formed primary hyphae within 16 h. However, in the static-symptom fungus spores, no primary hyphae formed by 16 h. The two types of isolates exhibited different growth rates on medium containing apple pectin, Na polypectate, or glucose as the sole carbon. Static-symptom fungi had a >10% reduction in growth (apple pectin, 14.9%; Na polypectate, 27.7%; glucose, 10.4%). The fungal isolates were also genetically characterized by sequencing. ITS regions of rDNA, chitin synthase 1 (CHS1), actin (ACT), and ${\beta}$-tubulin (${\beta}t$) were amplified from isolates using primer pairs ITS 1 and ITS 4 (4), CHS-79F and CHS-354R, ACT-512F and ACT-783R, and T1 and ${\beta}t2$ (5), respectively. The resulting sequences showed 100% identity with sequences of C. gloeosporioides at KC493156, and the sequence of the ${\beta}$t gene showed 100% identity with C. gloeosporioides at JX009557.1. Therefore, sequence data from the four loci studied proves that the isolated pathogen is C. gloeosporioides. We also performed random amplified polymorphic DNA-PCR, which showed clearly differentiated subgroups of C. gloeosporioides genotypes. The clustering of these groups was highly related to the symptom types of the individual strains.

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Changes of Nutrient Composition and Retention Rate of Sweet Pepper by Different Types and Blanching Method (단고추 종류와 데침처리에 따른 영양성분 변화 및 잔존율 비교)

  • Kim, Honggyun;Hwang, Jin Bong;Kim, Se Na;Choi, Youngmin;Kim, So-Min;Han, Hye-Kyung;Yang, Mi-Ran;Kim, Haeng Ran
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.433-440
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: To provide the nutritional information of sweet peppers, we have evaluated changes of nutrient content and retention rates by different sweet pepper types and blanching method. Methods: Four types of raw and blanched ($100^{\circ}C$, 30 sec) sweet peppers were prepared and their weight, nutrient content (3 water soluble vitamins, 10 minerals) and retention rates were analyzed. Results: The weight of blanched sweet peppers was decreased than that of raw sweet peppers. From the results of the two-way analysis, the type of sweet pepper had a greater influence than blanching method used on the thiamine, riboflavin, folate and vitamin C contents (but not niacin) (p<0.05). Red pimento contained the most thiamine (0.1 mg/100 g), riboflavin (0.16 mg/100 g), folate ($47.89{\mu}g/100g$) and total niacin (0.11 mg/100 g). Red paprika contained high levels of riboflavin (0.15 mg/100 g) and folate ($44.96{\mu}g/100g$). Orange paprika contained the highest vitamin C content (116.29 mg/100 g). In addition, the mineral content, with the exception of Se, was strongly influenced by the type of sweet pepper rather than the blanching method (p<0.001). The K content of sweet peppers was higher than other minerals. Overall, after blanching, high retention rates (over 70%) were observed in all types of sweet peppers. However, the retention rates of thiamin, vitamin C and Se showed lower levels (less than 70%). Conclusion: The vitamin and mineral contents depends more on the type of sweet pepper; although vitamin and mineral (except Se) contents showed some changes after blanching. Our results can be utilized to determine the effects of cooking processes on nutritional information.

Food Behaviors and Food Preferences of the Teenagers in Urban, Fishing, and Rural Areas (일부 농어촌과 도시 청소년들의 식행동 특성 및 식품기호도)

  • 김말분;이연경;이혜성
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.341-354
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the food behaviors and food preferences of teenagers by regional groups. The subjects were composed of 365 third grade students in middle schools from urban, rural and fishing areas in Kyungpook province. The data was collected by using a survey questionnaire. The results of the study are summarized as follows: Eating habits of 21-47% of the subjects, according to the regions, were poor and female students in large city showed the best eating habits while female students in fishing village showed the poorest eating habits. Out of the three regional groups studied, the subjects from the fishing villages had the highest rates of skipping meals and eating between meals. Out of all the people investigated, thirty to forty percent had unbalanced diets, the highest percentage coming from the urban areas and the lowest from the fishing villages. All together an allergic reaction to food was the highest in the fishing villages' subjects and female students were more sensitive compared to the male students. Students from the urban area had higher frequency of symptoms of lactose intolerance. Upon the investigation of the subjects 'food preferences, they preferred boiled rice to any other rice as a staple food. Cha jang myun was the most preferred out of all noodles and breads. It was found that teenagers preferred one course meal such as fried rice to a rice-centered regular meal. Out of all various meat soups, beef soup and beef-rib soup were preferred the most. As for subsidiary foods the most preferred were soybean paste stew and cuttlefish stew which they ate daily. There was a very high preference for fried foods, the most favored being pork cutlet followed by fried vegetables, sweet potatoes, and minced meat. The most preferred cooked vegetables were bean sprouts and seasoned cucumber. Seasoned cubed radish roots were the most preferred kind of kimchi. For desserts there was a very high preference for the following fruits: apples, plums, strawberries, and oranges. For beverages the most popular choice were chocolate drinks followed by orange juice, apple juice, milk and tomato juice. According to these investigations, most teenagers liked daily foods which they are used to. The study showed that on the whole the teenagers had poor eating habits. A problem that needs immediate attention is that female students and students from the fishing villages have a high rate of skipping meals. It is expected that the results of this food preference test of teenagers could be useful in the meal planning of middle school lunch programs in the future.

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Antioxidant Activity and Total Phenolic Contents of Grape Juice Products in the Korean Market (시판 포도 주스의 항산화 활성 및 총 페놀 함량)

  • Lee, Hye-Ryun;Jung, Bo-Ra;Park, Joo-Young;Hwang, In-Wook;Kim, Suk-Kyung;Choi, Jong-Uck;Lee, Sang-Han;Chung, Shin-Kyo
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.445-449
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    • 2008
  • The total phenolic content and antioxidant activities of grape and fruit juice products in the Korean market were examined The total phenolic content was measured by the Folin-Ciocalteau method, and antioxidant activities were evaluated by FRAP and DPPH assays. The total phenolic content of the grape juice products were within the range $57.95{\sim}205.64\;mg/L$. Orange juice had the strongest antioxidant activity, apple juice the weakest, and grape juice was intermediate. Grape juice products exhibited a wide range of antioxidant activities. Especially, GU4, GU5, and GU9 exhibited about 80% of the DPPH radical scavenging activities, similar to the antioxidant activities by the FRAP assay. The antioxidant activities by FRAP and DPPH assays were well correlated with the total phenolic content of grape juice products (> 0.97).

Clothing Culture and Korean Women (복식문화와 여성)

  • 임숙자
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.113-124
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    • 1996
  • This research was designed to find out what is a distictive feature of the design elements of Korean women's costume and its influence by analizing the trend of Korean women's constume during the period of 1890 and 1995. The research was analized by a total of 854 random samples of clothing styles collected from materials in the museums and from articles of three leading newspapers and one of the best women's magazines in Korea. The changing trend of Korean women's costume was found out to be as follows: 1. In around 1910s, the trend of Korean women's costume has been changed into two-tier structure of both Korean and Western styles, and the typical and traditional Korean women's street wears such as 'Chang-ot' and 'Tsdechima' have been gradually diminished. 2. From 1920s, length of the Korean skirt, which was unnecessarily long and inconvenient, has been getting shorter for the convenience of walking. In addition, Korean women's underwear has become simplified, and sports wear could be seen for the first time in Korea. 3. During 1960s, the Western clothing styles have been increased rather than Korean styles as the street wear of the Korean women. 4. In 1970s, blue jeans, mini-skirts and casual wears have become a trend or fashion for women in Korea. 5. In 1980s, a fashion of unisex mode has arrived in this country, and from the year of 1987, wearing of panties among the Korean women has been increased rather than skirts wearing for the street wear. 6. During 1990s, various forma of complex styles came into being in such styles as so-called 'orange class style,' 'protruding navel T-shirts' and 'runner wear speedy.' From mid-1990s, Korean women have turned out to prefer the cute and light costumes by placing emphasis on the image of intellectual, professional and functional wears. The changing special feature of the Korean women's clothing designs could be distinctively observed during 1960s as the modernization policies in Korea have been processed during the period. The clothing trend before 1960 was to change and to solve problems of inconvenient and impractical wears, but the trend after 1960 was seen as a change to confirm a trend of the world fashion. From mid-1990s, however, preference of Korean women's self-conceited conception socially and an unquestionable changing pattern of Korean women's life.

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Mycorrhizae Formation, Growth and Mineral Nutrient Uptake of Poncirus trifoliata in Response to P Application in Volcanic Ash Soil (화산회토양에서 인산 시용 수준별 탱자 유묘의 공생균근 형성과 생육 및 무기양분 흡수)

  • Kang, Seok-Beom;Moon, Doo-Khil;Chung, Jong-Bae
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.311-322
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    • 2003
  • Mycorrhizae is well known to increase the uptake of P and other mineral nutrients of plants. But if available P levels in soil is too low or high, mycorrhizae formation is limited. This study was carried out to determine the optimum level of available P for mycorrhizae formation of Poncirus trifoliata (trifoliate orange) seedling in volcanic ash soil. Eight levels of P in the range $0-1050mg\;kg^{-1}$ were applied with double superphosphate, and in each P level mycorrhizal fungi inoculated and uninnoculated treatments were included. The seedlings were grown in a greenhouse for 5 months and mycorrhizae formation, growth, and nutrient uptake were measured. As P application level increased, mycorrhizae formation increased at lower range of P application and the highest formation ratio of 43% was found at $100mg\;kg^{-1}$ P level ($2.6mg\;kg^{-1}$ available P in soil). At further higher levels of P application, mycorrhizae formation was rather suppressed. Seedling growth was increased by the inoculation of mycorrhizal fungi, and maximum growth was found at $100mg\;kg^{-1}$ P level where mycorrhizae formation was highest. The growth and mineral nutrient uptake of Poncirus trifoliata seedling represented a significant positive correlation with mycorrhizae formation at all P treatments.

Quality Properties and Preference of Fermented Gastrodia elata Blume (발효천마분말의 품질특성과 기호도 조사)

  • Kim, Jeong-Mee;Moon, Yong-Sun;Yoon, Kyung-Young;Suh, Sang-Gon
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.507-514
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    • 2010
  • This study was performed to reduce unpleasant taste and flavor of $Gastrodia$ $elata$ Blume as well as to improve utilization as functional food materials using fermentation. The component, antioxidant activity, and taste test were compared between fresh and fermented $Gastrodia$ $elata$ Blume powder (FGP). FGP contained higher level of total fat, protein, mineral, and fiber than raw material. The pH of FGP was higher compared to raw $Gastrodia$ $elata$ Blume powder (RGP), and antioxidant activity was as high as vitamin C regardless material status (raw vs. fermented). This result indicated that its activity was not decreased by fermentation. Dispersiveness and solubility of $Gastrodia$ $elata$ Blume powder was the best in 60-70 mesh. For sensory evaluation, FGP or RGP was mixed with either orange juice or yoghurt. The results showed that overall preference, taste, flavor, texture, and color were better in fermented $Gastrodia$ $elata$ Blume drinks than in raw ones. It is plausible that unpleasant taste and flavor of $Gastrodia$ $elata$ Blume was declined by fermentation. Thus, fermentation can be easily applied to eliminate unpleasant smell in $Gastrodia$ $elata$ Blume, and FGP can be mixed with other beverages to produce healthy food and drinks.

Color Analysis of Disney Animation Villain Characters (디즈니 애니메이션 악당 캐릭터의 색채분석)

  • Sung, Rea;Kim, Hyesung
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.69-85
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    • 2021
  • In the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, not only artificial intelligence, big data, robots, and biotechnology, but also cultural industries that require human creativity will lead. Among the cultural industries, the animation industry has high industrial utilization value due to its high connection with other industries. Among them, animation characters play the most important role as the subject leading the story of animation. In particular, the villain character not only serves as a medium for the main character to lead the story, but also captivates the audience with a different presence from the main character, adding to the fun and completeness of the animation. These characters consist of visual elements such as form and color, of which color is a tool that effectively conveys the character's personality and role to the audience, and is the first visual element to be considered in delicately describing the character's emotions and the relationship between characters. Therefore, this study attempts to analyze the color of the villain character. To this end, we will select eight Disney animations to derive the characteristics of the villain character's color by analyzing the color, value, chroma, and color association of the colors used in the Disney villain character. As a result of the analysis, the colors mainly used by Disney to convey the villain's image were red (R) and Orange (YR), and there was no difference depending on the times or animation production methods. Second, the brightness of Disney villain characters appeared to be the same medium/famous regardless of the times and production methods, and the frequency of use of high brightness was very low. In terms of saturation, the frequency of use of high and low saturation was high. Third, blackish (Bk), Strong (S), dull (Dl), and deep (Dp) tones were mainly used for tones. In particular, in recent 3D animations than previously produced 2D animations, the use of low chroma and the high black mixing rate increased. Fourth, it can be seen that Disney uses color as a visual method to more clearly express the psychology of the villain character using color association. In conclusion, the color selection of animation characters should be carefully considered as a tool to convey the character's personality, role, and emotion beyond simply using color, and the color selection of characters using color associations and symbols strengthens the narrative structure. It is hoped that this study will help analyze and select the character color of animation.

Breeding of Lilium Asiatic 'Lovely LiASong' as an F1 Hybrid for Pot (일대잡종 분화용 아시아틱나리 'Lovely LiASong' 육성)

  • Song, C.Y.;Park, B.M.;Moon, J.Y.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.5-11
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    • 2018
  • There is a need to breed and distribute domestic varieties for Lilium Asiatic hybrids because most of the lily bulbs cultivated in Korea imported from foreign country. The genetic resources of Lilium Asiatic hybrids, 'Buff Pixie', 'Orange Matrix' and 'Tiny Puppet', which were collected from 2001, had been self-pollinated from 2004 to 2012. In 2012, Lilium Asiatic 'Lovely LiASong' as an F1 hybrid was bred through crossing 'L2-12-1' and 'L2-35-4' obtained by 4th self-fertilization. 'Lovely LiASong' had a bowl shaped single flower with a few spots and medium-sized flower, 8.7cm in flower diameter. The number of flowers per plant was 4.9, which was relatively more flowers than other cultivars. And the flower inflorescence had umbellate and racemose while the attitude of longitudinal axis was erect. The plant height was 33.4cm with 30.4 leaves per plant and 7.2cm in leaf length. The 'Lovely LiASong' showed a high consumer preference because it had a relatively longer flowering period, larger flower diameter and number of flowers than those of the control, 'Tiny Ghost'.