• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ontology Population

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Selection signature reveals genes associated with susceptibility loci affecting respiratory disease due to pleiotropic and hitchhiking effect in Chinese indigenous pigs

  • Xu, Zhong;Sun, Hao;Zhang, Zhe;Zhang, Cheng-Yue;Zhao, Qing-bo;Xiao, Qian;Olasege, Babatunde Shittu;Ma, Pei-Pei;Zhang, Xiang-Zhe;Wang, Qi-Shan;Pan, Yu-Chun
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.187-196
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    • 2020
  • Objective: Porcine respiratory disease is one of the most important health problems causing significant economic losses. To understand the genetic basis for susceptibility to swine enzootic pneumonia (EP) in pigs, we detected 102,809 single nucleotide polymorphisms in a total of 249 individuals based on genome-wide sequencing data. Methods: Genome comparison of susceptibility to swine EP in three pig breeds (Jinhua, Erhualian, and Meishan) with two western lines that are considered more resistant (Duroc and Landrace) using cross-population extended haplotype homozygosity and F-statistic (FST) statistical approaches identified 691 positively selected genes. Based on quantitative trait loci, gene ontology terms and literature search, we selected 14 candidate genes that have convincible biological functions associated with swine EP or human asthma. Results: Most of these genes were tested by several methods including transcription analysis and candidate genes association study. Among these genes: cytochrome P450 1A1 and catenin beta 1 (CTNNB1) are involved in fertility; transforming growth factor beta receptor 3 plays a role in meat quality traits; Wnt family member 2, CTNNB1 and transcription factor 7 take part in adipogenesis and fat deposition simultaneously; plasminogen activator, urokinase receptor (completely linked to AXL receptor tyrosine kinase, r2 = 1) plays an essential role in the successful ovulation of matured oocytes in pigs; colipase like 2 (strongly linked to SAM pointed domain containing ETS transcription factor, r2 = 0.848) is involved in male fertility. Conclusion: These adverse genes susceptible to swine EP may be selected while selecting for economic traits (especially reproduction traits) due to pleiotropic and hitchhiking effect of linked genes. Our study provided a completely new point of view to understand the genetic basis for susceptibility or resistance to swine EP in pigs thereby, provides insight for designing sustainable breed selection programs. Finally, the candidate genes are crucial due to their potential roles in respiratory diseases in a large number of species, including human.

Interaction between the Rice Pathogens, Fusarium graminearum and Burkholderia glumae

  • Lee, Jungkwan;Jung, Boknam;Park, Jungwook;Kim, Sungyoung;Youn, Kihun;Seo, Young-Su
    • 한국균학회소식:학술대회논문집
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    • 2014.10a
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    • pp.13-13
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    • 2014
  • Species belonging to the genus Fusarium are widely distributed and cause diseases in many plants. Isolation of fungal strains from air or cereals is necessary for disease forecasting, disease diagnosis, and population genetics [1]. Previously we showed that Fusarium species are resistant to toxoflavin produced by the bacterial rice pathogen Burkholderia glumae while other fungal genera are sensitive to the toxin, resulting in the development of a selective medium for Fusarium species using toxoflavin [2]. In this study, we have tried to elucidate the resistant mechanism of F. graminearum against toxoflavin and interaction between the two pathogens in nature. To test whether B. glumae affects the development of F. graminearum, the wild-type F. graminearum strains were incubated with either the bacterial strain or supernatant of the bacterial culture. Both conditions increased the conidial production five times more than when the fungus was incubated alone. While co-incubation resulted in dramatic increase of conidial production, conidia germination delayed by either the bacterial strain or supernatant. These results suggest that certain factors produced by B. glumae induce conidial production and delay conidial germination in F. graminearum. To identify genes related to toxoflavin resistance in F. graminearum, we screened the transcriptional factor mutant library previously generated in F. graminearum [3] and identified one mutant that is sensitive to toxoflavin. We analyzed transcriptomes of the wild-type strain and the mutant strain under either absence or presence of toxoflavin through RNAseq. Expression level of total genes of 13,820 was measured by reads per kilobase per million mapped reads (RPKM). Under the criteria with more than two-fold changes, 1,440 genes were upregulated and 1,267 genes were down-regulated in wild-type strain than mutant strain in response to toxoflavin treatment. A comparison of gene expression profiling between the wild type and mutant through gene ontology analysis showed that genes related to metabolic process and oxidation-reduction process were highly enriched in the mutant strain. The data analyses will focus on elucidating the resistance mechanism of F. graminearum against toxoflavin and the interaction between the two pathogens in rice. Further evolutionary history will be traced through figuring out the gene function in populations and in other filamentous fungi.

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Detection of genome-wide structural variations in the Shanghai Holstein cattle population using next-generation sequencing

  • Liu, Dengying;Chen, Zhenliang;Zhang, Zhe;Sun, Hao;Ma, Peipei;Zhu, Kai;Liu, Guanglei;Wang, Qishan;Pan, Yuchun
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.320-333
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    • 2019
  • Objective: The Shanghai Holstein cattle breed is susceptible to severe mastitis and other diseases due to the hot weather and long-term humidity in Shanghai, which is the main distribution centre for providing Holstein semen to various farms throughout China. Our objective was to determine the genetic mechanisms influencing economically important traits, especially diseases that have huge impact on the yield and quality of milk as well as reproduction. Methods: In our study, we detected the structural variations of 1,092 Shanghai Holstein cows by using next-generation sequencing. We used the DELLY software to identify deletions and insertions, cn.MOPS to identify copy-number variants (CNVs). Furthermore, we annotated these structural variations using different bioinformatics tools, such as gene ontology, cattle quantitative trait locus (QTL) database and ingenuity pathway analysis (IPA). Results: The average number of high-quality reads was 3,046,279. After filtering, a total of 16,831 deletions, 12,735 insertions and 490 CNVs were identified. The annotation results showed that these mapped genes were significantly enriched for specific biological functions, such as disease and reproduction. In addition, the enrichment results based on the cattle QTL database showed that the number of variants related to milk and reproduction was higher than the number of variants related to other traits. IPA core analysis found that the structural variations were related to reproduction, lipid metabolism, and inflammation. According to the functional analysis, structural variations were important factors affecting the variation of different traits in Shanghai Holstein cattle. Our results provide meaningful information about structural variations, which may be useful in future assessments of the associations between variations and important phenotypes in Shanghai Holstein cattle. Conclusion: Structural variations identified in this study were extremely different from those of previous studies. Many structural variations were found to be associated with mastitis and reproductive system diseases; these results are in accordance with the characteristics of the environment that Shanghai Holstein cattle experience.

Unchosen Cohabitation of Hannah Arendt and Precarity Politics of Judith Butler: Based on Body Politic and Ethical Obligation (한나 아렌트의 비선택적 공거와 주디스 버틀러의 프레카리티 정치학: 몸의 정치학과 윤리적 의무)

  • Cho, Hyun June
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.48
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    • pp.361-389
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    • 2017
  • This essay examines 'precarity politics' by Judith Butler, a well-known gender theorist and queer philosopher, in Notes Towards a Performative Theory of Assembly (2015) focused on concepts as unchosen cohabitation of Hannah Arendt and unwilled proximity of Emmanuel Levinas. Butler's precarity politics is the condition of our dispossessed political beings with fundamental vulnerability and interdependency that cannot choose with whom we will live on this Earth. Butler's political ethics is twofold: on one hand, she examines significance of 'action'' the most significant vita activa in the public area, and 'plurality'' the condition-not only the necessary condition but the possible condition-for a political life suggested by Hannah Arendt in Human Condition; on the other hand, Butler reflects upon global precarity based on a diasporic precarious life in the social world towards freedom and equality. Unchosen cohabitation of plural humans on Earth, and global pervasion of precarity, that indicates "politically induced condition in which certain populations suffer from failing social and economic networks of support and become differentially exposed to injury, violence, and death," so called "differential distribution of precariousness," are practical possibilities of ethical and equal cohabitation of different ethnic groups in the social world. Ethical obligations or ethical demand to respond to others' suffering in distance and proximity originated from precarity politics, mentioned in Precarious Life, Parting Ways, and Frames of War, could be non-foundational joint of plural people living together globally. We should presume the 'reversibility' of distance and proximity in others' suffering, based on responsiveness and responsibility of others, if we want to stay attuned to the pain of others we never chose to live together. That is the significance of Butler's 'precarity politics' with 'ethical obligation' to accept 'unchosen plurality' of living population on Earth, and 'reversibility between of distance and proximity,' in her 'new plural and embodied body politics' or 'new corporeal ontology', through human primary vulnerability, fundamental interdependency, being exposed and responsive to suffering of others.