• Title/Summary/Keyword: Oceanographic observation data

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Optical Properties of Sea Water in Tokyo Bay (동경만에서의 해수의 광학적 성질)

  • YANG Yong-Rhim;MORINAGA Tsutomu
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.234-240
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    • 1986
  • Optical properties of sea vater were studied in Tokyo Bay, Japan, based on the data obtained from six oceanographic station in April, 1985. The observation of surface and underwater irradiances of sea water for eight kinds of wavelength (378, 422, 481, 513, 570, 621, 653, and 677 mm) of sun light was conducted using the underwater irradiameter (Isigawa ${\sharp}SR-8$). The mean attenuation coefficient of the sea water appeared to be 0.335($0.081{\sim}0.862$) and the attenuation coefficient of the sea water for each wavelength appeared as 0.268 for 378nm, 0.354 for 422nm, 0.274 for 481nm, 0.256 for 513nm, 0.284 for 570nm, 0.356 for 621nm, 0.425 for 653nm, and 0.464 for 677nm. The transparency was 5.0m ($2.5{\sim}6.5m$), water color was 10.2 ($8{\sim}14.0$) in the study area and the sun altitude was $53.62^{\circ}$ ($38.54^{\circ}{\sim}66.23^{\circ}$). The relationship between attenuation coefficient (K) and transparency (D) was K= 2.22/D ($1.30/D{\sim}3.54/D$). The rates of light penetration for eight kinds of wavelength (378, 422, 481, 513, 570, 621, 653, and 677 nm) were computed with reference to the surface light intensity each. The mean rates of light penetration in proportion to depths were $62.72\%$ ($42.23{\sim}78.43\%$) in 1 m layer, $11.91\%$ ($1.34{\sim}29.67\%$) in 5m layer, $2.64\%$ ($0.023{\sim}8.80\%$) in 10m layer, and $0.50\%$ ($0.02{\sim}3.99\%$) in 20 m layer. The rate of light penetration at the transparency layer with reference to the surface light intensity was shown as $12.51\%$ ($2.91{\sim}27.25\%$).

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The Characteristics of Fishing Ground in the Adjacent Sea of Naro Island (2) - Seasonal Variation of Watermass - (나로도 주변해역의 어장학적 특성 (2) -수괴의계절변화 -)

  • 김동수;주찬순;박주삼
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2003
  • In order to investigate the seasonal variation of watermass in the adjacent sea of Naro Island, oceanographic observation on the fishing grounds were carried out by the training vessel of Yosu National University on winter, spring, summer, and autumn in 2000. The results obtained are summarized as follows ; 1) the watermass in the fishing ground were divided into the coastal water (30.0∼31.4psu), mixing water (31.5∼32.9psu) and the offshore water (33.0∼35.0psu) according to the distribution of salinity from T-S diagram plotted all salinity data observed on winter, spring, summer, and autumn in 2000. 2) the ranges of temperature and salinity were from 4.$3\circ_C$ to 10.1$^{\circ}C$ and from 33.1psu to 34.9psu in winter, from 8.$1\circ_C$ to 13.$7\circ_C$ and from 33.1psu to 34.3psu in spring, from 14.5$^{\circ}C$ to 24.$2\circ_C$ and from 30.5psu to 34.1psu in summer, and from 14.$5\circ_C$ to 18.$6\circ_C$ and from 30.1psu to 34.0psu in autumn, respectively. 3) the distribution of watermass in the fishing ground varied largely each seasons, but a general tendency on the distribution was obtained. That is, in winter and spring the offshore water was distributed most widely and in summer the coastal and mixing water occupied the fishing ground but in autumn the mixing water prevailed. 4) variation of temperature and salinity were appeared between the surface and 20m layer in the sea aduacent to Naro Island. Therefore, in the summer the thermocline were made between surface and 20m layer with vertical gradients of 4.$0\circ_C$/7m.

Time-series Variation of Sea Surface Salinity in the Southwestern East Sea (동해 남서부 해역 표층염분의 시계열 변동)

  • Jeong, Hee-Dong;Kim, Sang-Woo;Lim, Jin-Wook;Choi, Yong-Kyu;Park, Jong-Hwa
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.163-177
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    • 2013
  • An instrumented ferry made two transects per day across two current systems which are the North Korean Cold Current and the East Korean Warm Current over the years 2012-2013 from Gangneung to Ulleungdo in the southwestern East Sea. Seawater properties of these transects were measured with high spatial and temporal resolution for an extended period of time. Here the salinity records from the transects with the oceanographic observation data from East Sea Fisheries Institute of NFRDI, AVISO daily current chart and GOCI Chlorophyll-a image in 2012 and 2013 are used to study the time-series variation of salinity at the surface. The high salinity section with the range of 33.15~34.12 occurred on the transect mainly in the middle of eddy, and western boundary of strong northward current from June to October. We can found low salinity waters in both sides of the high salinity section. It is estimated that the western low salinity waters with the range of 30.58~33.20 accompanied by southward current were derived from the NKCC and the eastern waters with the range of 31.30~33.24 accompanied by northward current were derived from the Tsushima Surface Water. The lowest salinity of NKCC is confirmed in this study as 30.36. It is found that the western waters below 33.00 extended extremely toward the east about 110 km area from Gangneung and toward the south around Jukbyon coastal area as a 5~10 m layer. We can find its volume of low saline waters transport is not neglectable compared with that of Tsushima Current region in the western part of the East Sea. In this study we named it as the North Korean Low Saline Surface Water in summer.