• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ocean Mapping

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A Study on the Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation of Carbon/Carbon Composite Disks

  • Im, Kwang-Hee;Jeong, Hyun-Jo;Yang, In-Young
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.320-330
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    • 2000
  • It is desirable to perform nondestructive evaluation (NDE) to assess material properties and part homogeneity because the manufacturing of carbon/carbon brake disks requires complicated and costly processes. In this work several ultrasonic techniques were applied to carbon/carbon brake disks (322mm ad, 135mm id) for the evaluation of spatial variations in material properties that are attributable to the manufacturing process. In a large carbon/carbon disk manufactured by chemical vapor infiltration (CYI) method, the spatial variation of ultrasonic velocity was measured and found to be consistent with the densification behavior in CYI process. Low frequency (e.g., 1-5MHz) through-transmission scans based on both amplitude and time-of-flight of the ultrasonic pulse were used for mapping out the material property inhomogeneity. Images based on both the amplitude and the time-of-flight of the transmitted ultrasonic pulse showed significant variation in the radial direction. The radial variations in ultrasonic velocity and attenuation were attributed to a density variation caused by the more efficient densification of pitch impregnation near the id and od and by the less efficient densification away from the exposed edged of the disk. Ultrasonic velocities in the edges of the disk. Ultrasonic velocities in the thickness direction were also measured as a function of location using dry-coupling transducers ; the results were consistent with the densification behavior. However, velocities in the in-plane directions (circumferential and radial) seemed to be affected more by the relative contents of fabric and chopped fiber, and less by the void content.

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Beam-Like Ship Vibration Analysis in Consideration of Fluid (유체력을 고려한 보-유추 선체진동 해석)

  • Son, Choong-Yul
    • Journal of KSNVE
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.206-213
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    • 1999
  • In the beam-like ship vibration analysis. three-dimensional correction factor(J-factor) can be calculated by considering the three-dimensional effect of the two-dimensional added mass. However, existing method is time-consuming with low accuracy in respect of global vibration analyses for vessels with large breadth. In this paper, to improve the demerit of the previous method, a new method of the beam-like ship vibration analysis is introduced In this method. the three-dimensional fluid added mass of surrounding water is calculated directly by solving the velocity potential problem using the Boundary Element Method (BEM). Then the three-dimensional added mass is evaluated as the lumped mass for each strip. Also, the beam-like ship vibration analysis for the structural beam model if performed with the lumped mass considered. It was verified that this new method is useful for the beam-like ship vibration analysis by comparing results obtained from both the existing method and the new method with experimental measurements for the open top container model.

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Automatic National Image Interpretability Rating Scales (NIIRS) Measurement Algorithm for Satellite Images (위성영상을 위한 NIIRS(Natinal Image Interpretability Rating Scales) 자동 측정 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Jeahee;Lee, Changu;Park, Jong Won
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.725-735
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    • 2016
  • High-resolution satellite images are used in the fields of mapping, natural disaster forecasting, agriculture, ocean-based industries, infrastructure, and environment, and there is a progressive increase in the development and demand for the applications of high-resolution satellite images. Users of the satellite images desire accurate quality of the provided satellite images. Moreover, the distinguishability of each image captured by an actual satellite varies according to the atmospheric environment and solar angle at the captured region, the satellite velocity and capture angle, and the system noise. Hence , NIIRS must be measured for all captured images. There is a significant deficiency in professional human resources and time resources available to measure the NIIRS of few hundred images that are transmitted daily. Currently, NIIRS is measured every few months or even few years to assess the aging of the satellite as well as to verify and calibrate it [3]. Therefore, we develop an algorithm that can measure the national image interpretability rating scales (NIIRS) of a typical satellite image rather than an artificial target satellite image, in order to automatically assess its quality. In this study, the criteria for automatic edge region extraction are derived based on the previous works on manual edge region extraction [4][5], and consequently, we propose an algorithm that can extract the edge region. Moreover, RER and H are calculated from the extracted edge region for automatic edge region extraction. The average NIIRS value was measured to be 3.6342±0.15321 (2 standard deviations) from the automatic measurement experiment on a typical satellite image, which is similar to the result extracted from the artificial target.

A Study on the Mapping of Wind Resource using Vegetation Index Technique at North East Area in Jeju Island (영상자료의 식생지수를 이용한 제주 북동부 지역의 풍력자원지도 작성에 관한 연구)

  • Byun, Ji Seon;Lee, Byung Gul;Moon, Seo Jung
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 2015
  • To create a wind resource map, we need a contour map, a roughness map and wind data. We need a land cover map for the roughness map of these data. A land cover map represents the area showing similar characteristics after color indexing based on the scientific method. The features of land cover is classified by Remote sensing technique. In this study, we verified the application of the NDVI technique is reasonable after we created the wind resource map using roughness maps by unsupervised classification and NDVI technique. As a result, the wind resource map using the NDVI technique showed a 60% accordance rate and difference in class less than one. From the results, The NDVI technique is found alternative to create roughness maps by the unsupervised classification.

Automatic Pattern Setting System Reacting to Customer Design

  • Yuan, Ying;Huh, Jun-Ho
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.1277-1295
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    • 2019
  • With its technical development, digital printing is being universally introduced to the mass production of clothing factories. At the same time, many fashion platforms have been made for customers' participation using digital printing, and a tool is provided in platforms for customers to make designs. However, there is no sufficient solution in the production stage for automatically converting a customer's design into a file before printing other than designating a square area for the pattern designed by the customer. That is, if 30 different designs come in from customers for one shirt, designers have to do the work of reproducing the design on the clothing pattern in the same location and in the same angle, and this work requires a great deal of manpower. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a technology which can let the customer make the design and, at the same time, reflect it in the clothing pattern. This is defined in relation to the existing clothing pattern with digital printing. This study yields a clothing pattern for digital printing which reflects a customer's design in real time by matching the diagram area where a customer designs on a given clothing model and the area where a standard pattern reflects the customer's actual design information. Designers can substitute the complex mapping operation of programmers with a simple area-matching operation. As there is no limit to clothing designs, the variousfashion design creations of designers and the diverse customizing demands of customers can be satisfied at low cost with high efficiency. This is not restricted to T-shirts or eco-bags but can be applied to all woven wear, including men's, women's, and children's clothing, except knitwear.

Big Data Processing and Performance Improvement for Ship Trajectory using MapReduce Technique

  • Kim, Kwang-Il;Kim, Joo-Sung
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.24 no.10
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    • pp.65-70
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    • 2019
  • In recently, ship trajectory data consisting of ship position, speed, course, and so on can be obtained from the Automatic Identification System device with which all ships should be equipped. These data are gathered more than 2GB every day at a crowed sea port and used for analysis of ship traffic statistic and patterns. In this study, we propose a method to process ship trajectory data efficiently with distributed computing resources using MapReduce algorithm. In data preprocessing phase, ship dynamic and static data are integrated into target dataset and filtered out ship trajectory that is not of interest. In mapping phase, we convert ship's position to Geohash code, and assign Geohash and ship MMSI to key and value. In reducing phase, key-value pairs are sorted according to the same key value and counted the ship traffic number in a grid cell. To evaluate the proposed method, we implemented it and compared it with IALA waterway risk assessment program(IWRAP) in their performance. The data processing performance improve 1 to 4 times that of the existing ship trajectory analysis program.

A Particle-Grid Method for Efficient Sound Synthesis of Ocean Waves

  • Jong-Hyun Kim
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.10
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    • pp.157-164
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, we propose a technique that utilizes the physical properties of foam particles to synthesize foam sounds and efficiently control their size. A typical way to represent sound in physics-based simulation environments is to generate and synthesize virtual sounds. In particular, foam particles have a large number of particles, so synthesizing sounds using only particles is computationally expensive, and a way to reduce the amount of computation is to use spatial information, lattices. In this paper, we present a method for reliably mapping and clustering foam particles into a lattice space. Furthermore, we utilize this structure to control the loudness of the sound according to the location of the sound source and the audience. As a result, the method proposed in this paper proposes an efficient way to synthesize the sound of bubble particles, which utilizes the velocity and position of the bubble particles projected in the lattice space, and synthesizes the sound of bubble particles based on the position relationship of the audience and the directionality of the sound.

An Oceanic Current Map of the East Sea for Science Textbooks Based on Scientific Knowledge Acquired from Oceanic Measurements (해양관측을 통해 획득된 과학적 지식에 기반한 과학교과서 동해 해류도)

  • Park, Kyung-Ae;Park, Ji-Eun;Choi, Byoung-Ju;Byun, Do-Seong;Lee, Eun-Il
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.234-265
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    • 2013
  • Oceanic current maps in the secondary school science and earth science textbooks have played an important role in piquing students's inquisitiveness and interests in the ocean. Such maps can provide students with important opportunities to learn about oceanic currents relevant to abrupt climate change and global energy balance issues. Nevertheless, serious and diverse errors in these secondary school oceanic current maps have been discovered upon comparison with up-to-date scientific knowledge concerning oceanic currents. This study presents the fundamental methods and strategies for constructing such maps error-free, through the unification of the diverse current maps currently in the textbooks. In order to do so, we analyzed the maps found in 27 different textbooks and compared them with other up-to-date maps found in scientific journals, and developed a mapping technique for extracting digitalized quantitative information on warm and cold currents in the East Sea. We devised analysis items for the current visualization in relation to the branching features of the Tsushima Warm Current (TWC) in the Korea Strait. These analysis items include: its nearshore and offshore branches, the northern limit and distance from the coast of the East Korea Warm Current, outflow features of the TWC near the Tsugaru and Soya Straits and their returning currents, and flow patterns of the Liman Cold Current and the North Korea Cold Current. The first draft of the current map was constructed based upon the scientific knowledge and input of oceanographers based on oceanic in-situ measurements, and was corrected with the help of a questionnaire survey to the members of an oceanographic society. In addition, diverse comments have been collected from a special session of the 2013 spring meeting of the Korean Oceanographic Society to assist in the construction of an accurate current map of the East Sea which has been corrected repeatedly through in-depth discussions with oceanographers. Finally, we have obtained constructive comments and evaluations of the interim version of the current map from several well-known ocean current experts and incorporated their input to complete the map's final version. To avoid errors in the production of oceanic current maps in future textbooks, we provide the geolocation information (latitude and longitude) of the currents by digitalizing the map. This study is expected to be the first step towards the completion of an oceanographic current map suitable for secondary school textbooks, and to encourage oceanographers to take more interest in oceanic education.

The research on enhance the reinforcement of marine crime and accident using geographical profiling (지리적 프로파일링을 활용한 해양 범죄 및 해양사고 대응력 강화에 관한 연구)

  • Soon, Gil-Tae
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.48
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    • pp.147-176
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    • 2016
  • Korean Peninsula is surrounded by ocean on three sides. Because of this geographical quality over 97% of export and import volumes are exchange by sea. Foreign ship and international passenger vessels carries foreign tourist and globalization and internationalization increases this trends. Leisure population grows with national income increase and interest of ocean. And accidents and incidents rates are also increases. Korea Coast Guard's jurisdiction area is 4.5 times bigger than our country. The length of coastline is 14,963km including islands. One patrol vessel is responsible for 24,068km and one coast guard substation is responsible for 94km. Efficient patrol activities can not be provided. This research focus on this problem. Analyze the status and trends of maritime crime and suggest efficient patrol activities. To deal with increasing maritime crime rate this study suggest to use geographical profile method which developed early 1900s in USA. This geographical profile analyse the spatial characteristic and mapping this result. With this result potential crime zone can be predicted. One of the result is hot spot management which gives data about habitual crime zone. In Korea National Police Agency adopt this method in 2008 and apply on patrol and crime prevention activity by analysis of different criteria. Korea National Police Agency analyse the crime rate with crime type, crime zone and potential crime zone, and hourly, regionally criteria. Korea Coast Guard need to adopt this method and apply on maritime to make maritime crime map, which shows type of crime with regional, periodical result. With this geographical profiling we can set a Criminal Point which shows the place where the crime often occurs. The Criminal Points are set with the data of numerous rates such as homicide, robbery, burglary, missing, collision which happened in ocean. Set this crime as the major crime and manage the data more thoroughly. I expect to enhance the reinforcement of marine crime using this Criminal Points. Because this points will give us efficient way to prevent the maritime crime by placing the patrol vessel where they needed most.

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Phytohydrographic Plankton Studies during the First Half of the 20th Century in Korean Neritic Seas (20세기 전반 한국 근해역 플랑크톤의 식물수문학적 연구)

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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.483-494
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    • 2019
  • From the cosmopolitan superiority of the as the first world map completed in 1402 with surprisingly detailed images and contents on the Africa Continent it is reasonable to think that the Koreans in early fifteen century were already with highly up-to-date perspectives on the universe and world history and cultures. However, some 490 year later the first phytohydrographic plankton investigation in the neritic seas of Korea was performed by a Japanese company with sampling points covering from Tokyo Bay through Jeju neritic waters to Shanghai estuary, which was in turn preceded by the first oceanographic investigation other than the simple mapping Koreans seas by using two French sailboats. The first phytohydrographic plankton investigation in Korean seas were behind the world first oceanic plankton exploration, the German Plankton Expedition, by 25 years. Starting from the oceanographic investigation including phytohydrographic samplings in the whole Yellow Sea in 1915 the full-scale phytohydrographic plankton studies were tried in Korean seas which is well represented by the 1921 oceanographic investigation on the whole East Sea with 80 sampling stations. In 1932 two separate oceanographic investigations followed, one in the East Sea where 78 stations from Busan to southern Sakhalin Island were simultaneously visited by 50 research vessels for the physical, chemical, and biological oceanographic studies, and the other one in southern coast and western East Sea of Korea where ocean current observation as well as plankton sampling were made in 120 stations to understand the relationship between the ocean current and plankton distribution in the region. In 1933-1934 more intensified investigations on phytohydrography were carried out particularly in the East Sea as an integral part of the basic marine ecosystem studies for the Myeong-Tae (Alaska Pollock) resources estimation. Scientists' attitude for the marine investigation and research activities seemed to be almost unchanging even to the year 1943, which could be reflected by the fact that publication of the results from the investigations performed in 1945 were finally done in 1967 at Tokyo. Some 70 years later from the mid-twenty century we might be standing on the turning-point of "need to be prepared" for the new era of changing paradigm by reviewing, archiving, and analyzing the prior information big data from the previous ocean observation and biohydrographic investigations. At the same time each professional societies for the above mentioned sciences might trigger a continuous project to reorganize and update the records on related bibliography and its history every 30 years.