• 제목/요약/키워드: Nursing Frequency

검색결과 2,206건 처리시간 0.024초

교대근무 간호사의 혈액과 체액 노출 사고 예측 요인과 감염예방행위의 매개효과: 영과잉 가산 자료 분석방법을 적용하여 (Predictors of Blood and Body Fluid Exposure and Mediating Effects of Infection Prevention Behavior in Shift-Working Nurses: Application of Analysis Method for Zero-Inflated Count Data)

  • 류재금;최스미
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제50권5호
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    • pp.658-670
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: This study aimed to identify the predictors of blood and body fluid exposure (BBFE) in multifaceted individual (sleep disturbance and fatigue), occupational (occupational stress), and organizational (hospital safety climate) factors, as well as infection prevention behavior. We also aimed to test the mediating effect of infection prevention behavior in relation to multifaceted factors and the frequency of BBFE. Methods: This study was based on a secondary data analysis, using data of 246 nurses from the Shift Work Nurses' Health and Turnover study. Based on the characteristics of zero-inflated and over-dispersed count data of frequencies of BBFE, the data were analyzed to calculate zero-inflated negative binomial regression within a generalized linear model and to test the mediating effect using SPSS 25.0, Stata 14.1, and PROCESS macro. Results: We found that the frequency of BBFE increased in subjects with disturbed sleep (IRR = 1.87, p = .049), and the probability of non-BBFE increased in subjects showing higher infection prevention behavior (IRR = 15.05, p = .006) and a hospital safety climate (IRR = 28.46, p = .018). We also found that infection prevention behavior had mediating effects on the occupational stress-BBFE and hospital safety climate-BBFE relationships. Conclusion: Sleep disturbance is an important risk factor related to frequency of BBFE, whereas preventive factors are infection prevention behavior and hospital safety climate. We suggest individual and systemic efforts to improve sleep, occupational stress, and hospital safety climate to prevent BBFE occurrence.

가정간호 노인대상자의 처방약물복용 실태 및 복용 이행도 영향요인 (Medication Status and Adherence of the Elderly under Home Care Nursing)

  • 김영희;이미경;이승자;조명숙;황문숙
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.290-301
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: This study is a descriptive research intended to clarify the medication status of community-dwelling elders and to identify factors affecting their medication adherence. Methods: Data were collected using questionnaires and interviews from 101 subjects who had taken prescribed drugs for at least 7 days sampled among elderly people using home care nursing at a general hospital in Seoul. Results: According to the results of this study, medication adherence measured by pill counting was 88.3% and that measured by self-reporting was 94.6%. There were statistically significant differences in medication adherence according to major disease (p=.006), the number of admissions (p=.032), the number of drugs (p=.051), the frequency of medication (p=.026), and depression (r=-.205). In addition, depression was found to be a significant variable explaining the medication adherence with explanatory power 3.8% (p=.035). Conclusion: The presence of depression affected the elderly subjects' the medication adherence. Therefore, more concern and educational approaches are required to encourage elderly people to comply correctly with medication regimens particularly for elderly patients who have a malignant or long-lasting disease or who have to take multiple drugs or maintain a daily dosing frequency.

종양 전문 간호사의 직무 분석 (Development and Analysis of Job Description for Korean Oncology APN)

  • 오복자;이명남;강희선;김광성;김현옥;설미이;소향숙;신동옥;이광미;조미영;최소영;태영숙;홍정희
    • 종양간호연구
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.3-14
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: This study was designed to develop job description for Korean oncology APNs and assess importance, frequency, and difficulty for each of task elements listed on the job description. Method: Twenty-four oncology APNs or professors working at cancer centers or universities in Korea were enrolled in this study. They were asked to complete the questionnaires about frequencies, importances, and difficulties on the task elements for the APNs which had developed through a DACUM method. Descriptive statistics were produced by using SPSS WIN 10.0. Result: The job description of oncology APNs was identified 5 duties, 44 tasks, and 110 task elements. As for the all five duties, the average scores of the frequency, importance, and difficulty were 2.57, 2.25 and 2.52. And the role of educator was shown as the most important duty of the oncology ANPs, whereas the role of administer was the least. And the role of consultant was the most frequently performed by the oncology APNs. Conclusion: In this study, we could recognize the reality of oncology APNs' performances having wide spectrum from medical to nursing disciplines. For further verifying and improving performance, we need more precisely designed studies with more representative subjects.

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간호일지 상의 간호중재와 지각된 간호중재의 수행빈도 비교 -말기 암환자를 중심으로- (Comparison of Cancer Nursing. Interventions Recorded in Nursing Notes with Nursing Interventions Perceived by Nurses of an Oncology Unit - Patients with Terminal Cancer -)

  • 최윤자;장금성
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제35권3호
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    • pp.441-450
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: The purposes of this study were to determine the core nursing interventions in nursing notes and the practice which was perceived by nurses of an oncology unit with patients with terminal cancer. Also, comparing interventions in nursing notes with interventions in perceived practice was done. Method: Subjects were 44 nursing records of patients with terminal cancer who had died from Jan. to Dec. 2002 at C University Hospital and 83 nurses who were working on an oncology unit for more than one year. Data was collected using a Nursing Interventions Classification and analyzed by means of mean and t-test. Results: The most frequent nursing intervention was 'nausea management' in the nursing note and was 'medication administration: oral' in perceived practice. The frequency of nursing interventions in the nursing record was lower than in perceived practice. Conclusion: This study finds that nurses actually practice nursing care, but they may omit records. To correct for omitted nursing records, development of a systematic nursing record system, continuous education and feedback is recommended.

A Comparison of NANDA and CCC used in Hospital-based Home Health Care

  • Park, Hyeoun-Ae;Lee, Jin-Kyung;Lee, Hyun-Jung
    • Perspectives in Nursing Science
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2008
  • Background: Recent changes in the medical environment have increased the need for the home health care nursing in Korea. Even though the number of home health care patients is increasing, the major nursing problems have not been identified due to lack of a standardized nursing diagnosis. Aim: An investigative study was conducted to determine the frequency and appropriateness of nursing problems in hospital-based home health care patients in Korea using two internationally standardized nursing diagnosis classification systems. Methods: Nursing records of 249 hospital-based home health care patients were reviewed and nursing problems were identified using the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association Nursing Diagnosis Taxonomy I (NANDA) and the Clinical Care Classification of Nursing Diagnoses (CCC). Findings: Out of 463 nursing problems. 403 nursing problems were described using the NANDA whereas 427 nursing problems were described using the CCC. Nursing diagnoses not captured by the NANDA classification include nausea/vomiting, anorexia, risk for nutrition deficit, decreased blood pressure, dying process, blood sugar impairment. infection unspecified, and disuse syndrome. Nursing diagnoses not captured by the CCC include nausea/vomiting and anorexia. Conclusions: In describing nursing problems of home health care patients, it was found that the CCC was able to represent more diagnoses than the NANDA.

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간호사 국가시험 과목 통합을 위한 간호관리학 영역의 방향 (The Direction of Nursing Management Domain for Nursing Personal Licensing Examination Board)

  • 김문실;지성애;박광옥;김인숙;박현태
    • 간호행정학회지
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    • 제8권4호
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    • pp.515-534
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : This study was to provide a meaningful framework for establishment of the direction of Nursing Management area to get ready for Nursing Personal Licensing Examination Board. Method : Using methodological and descriptive research method, the research process was as follows: a preliminary work list which was performed by New Nurse related to nursing management area was made of such key information as the domain of nursing management work, the element of that domain, and the detail work content, by means of a broad review of literature related to nursing management on Licensing Examination for the new nurse. After this preliminary work list sought to obtain examination, consensus, and modification of expert group in the nursing management field, research instrument which was the work list performed by new nurse within nursing management area was to developed. And next, it was to survey various of the importance and the frequency of that work performance by registered nurse, nurse manager, and the professors to take responsible of nursing management. Finally, the educational content for nursing management at the level of baccalaureate was proposed by various analyzing of research results. Results : The work list which was performed by new nurse related to nursing management area consisted of 9 domains, 24 elements, and 80 detail work contents. After it was examined into such various analysis as descriptive statistics, ANOVA, mean range, and so on, of the importance perception of the work and the frequency of work performance, the educational contents for baccalaureate in nursing management which consisted of total 65 contents made up of 18 core contents and 47 essential contents, which new nurses have to necessarily know and perform within the nursing management area. Conclusion : The results of this study will contribute to identifying the work list of new nurses performed in nursing management area and also proposing the educational contents that was taught at the level of baccalaureate in nursing management area based on doing actually in nursing unit.

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가정호스피스 간호중재 표준서에 의한 임상간호활동 분석 (Analysis of Clinical Nursing Activities Using Home Hospice Nursing Intervention Standards)

  • 용진선
    • 성인간호학회지
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    • 제20권6호
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    • pp.960-972
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to validate the nursing intervention standards of home care to home care setting for a guide in giving quality care to home hospice patients. Methods: The developed nursing standards were applied to 79 home hospice patients at K hospital, C university. Data were collected through the developed nursing intervention standards of home care with 19 selected nursing interventions and 418 associated nursing activities from January to June in 2006. Results: The performance frequency was 509 times for total nursing interventions and 7,815 times for total associated nursing activities. The most frequently used nursing activity was 722 times(9.24%) on teaching prescribed medication, followed by surveillance(718 times, 9.18%), and vital signs & neurologic monitoring nursing intervention(701 times, 8.97%). The highest mean nursing activity performance rate showed on Intravenous therapy(82%), followed by dying care(81%), and vital signs & neurologic monitoring (80%). Among 418 nursing activities, there were three classifications: 168 as core activities, 165 as major, and 85 as accessory activities. Conclusion: The final validated nursing intervention standards can guide home care nurses to perform quality care and contribute to computerized nursing services and request of nursing fees.

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NIC 간호중재 분류체계를 이용한 간호중재분석;정형외과 간호단위를 중심으로 (Analysis of the Nursing Interventions performed by orthopedic surgery care unit using NIC)

  • 권미숙;박경숙
    • 간호행정학회지
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    • 제8권4호
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    • pp.655-667
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : This study analysis of nursing interventions and core nursing interventions performed orthopedic surgery care unit. Method : The data were collected from 55 nurses of 4 general hospital from July. 10, 2002 to Aug. 30, 2002. The instrument for this study was the Korean translation of 486 nursing intervention classifications developed by McColskey & Bulechek in 2000. In the 486 nursing interventions 350 nursing interventions were selected 8 among the 10 more than 5 years working group in orthopedic surgery care unit. Self frequency checking performed by 350 nursing interventions were used secondary questionnaire In the orthopedic surgery care unit nurses. Results : 1. The most frequently used nursing interventions domains were "Physiological : basic" and then "Physiological: complex", "Health system" "Behavior", "Family", "Safety". 2. Orthopedic surgery care unit core nursing interventions were performed several times a day by 50% or more of orthopedic surgery care unit and this result were 4 of domain, 11 of class, 26 core nursing interventions. This core nursing interventions were 5 of "Physiological : basic", 17 of "Physiological: complex", 1 of "Safety", 3 of "Health system" and have no "Behavior", "Family". Conclusion : This study analyzed nursing intervention of orthopedics and reestablished nursing intervention concept and I hope this study will be helpful for the nurse to be a professional by applying this to actual clinic, for development in qualified nursing and for establishment nursing information system.

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간호대학생의 자아탄력성과 임상수행능력과의 관계 (Ego-Resilience and the Clinical Competence of Nursing Students)

  • 이은경;박진아
    • 한국보건간호학회지
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.293-303
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: This study was performed to understand the relationship between ego-resilience and the clinical competence of nursing students. Methods: The subjects were 291 juniors and seniors who received clinical training from nursing universities in Gyeongsang, Jeolla, and Chungcheong. General characteristics, main study variables were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation; ego-resilience and clinical competence by general characteristics were analyzed using t-test, ANOVA; correlations between ego-resilience and clinical competence were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficients. Results: The mean score for ego-resilience was 3.44; and the mean score for clinical competence was 3.71. The data showed a positive correlation between ego-resilience and clinical competence. Conclusion: According to the results, there is a correlation between clinical competence and the ego-resilience of nursing students. Therefore, to enhance clinical competence, a follow-up study on the development of a program for advanced ego-resilience is needed.

영적 간호중재가 호스피스 환자의 불안과 우울에 미치는 효과

  • 윤매옥
    • 호스피스학술지
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.17-27
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    • 2002
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to elucidate the effects of spiritual nursing intervention on anxiety and depression of the hospice patients. This study was devised one group pretest-posttest design. The data was collected during the period from July 10 to September 25 in 2000 at the general hospital in cheonju city. The subjects were thirty-seven patients who referred the hospice service. Method: The tools were used Spielberger's State Anxiety Scale and Zung's Depression Inventory. The spiritual nursing intervention was carried out through Hymn, Scripture, Prayer, the therapeutic use of self over a period of three weeks. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, paired t-test. Results: 1.After the spiritual nursing intervention, state anxiety of hospice patients was reduced(t=6.237, p=0.000). 2.After the spiritual nursing intervention, depression of hospice patients was reduced(t=18.58, p=0.000). Conclusion: The hospice patients who were offered spiritual nursing intervention had lower anxiety & depression than those who were not offered spiritual nursing intervention. According to these results, spiritual nursing intervention can be regarded as an effective nursing intervention that relieved anxiety and depression of the hospice patients.

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