• Title/Summary/Keyword: Numerical data

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Semi-active Control of a Seismically Excited Cable-Stared Bridge Considering Dynamic Models of MR Fluid Damper (MR 유체 댐퍼의 동적모델을 고려한 사장교의 반(半)능동제어)

  • Jung, Hyung-Jo;Park, Kyu-Sik;Spencer, B.F.,Jr;Lee, In-Won
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.63-71
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    • 2002
  • This paper examines the ASCE first generation benchmark problem for a seismically excited cable-stayed bridge, and proposes a new semi-active control strategy focusing on inclusion of effects of control-structure interaction. This benchmark problem focuses on a cable-stayed bridge in Cope Girardeau, Missouri, USA, for which construction is expected to be completed in 2003. Seismic considerations were strongly considered in the design of this bridge due to the location of the bridge in the New Madrid seismic zone and its critical role as a principal crossing of the Mississippi River. In this paper, magnetorheological(MR) fluid dampers are proposed as the supplemental damping devices, and a clipped-optimal control algorithm is employed. Several types of dynamic models for MR fluid dampers, such as a Bingham model, a Bouc-Wen model, and a modified Bouc-Wen model, are considered, which are obtained from data based on experimental results for full-scale dampers. Because the MR fluid damper is a controllable energy-dissipation device that cannot add mechanical energy to the structural system, the proposed control strategy is fail-safe in that bounded-input, bounded-output stability of the controlled structure is guaranteed. Numerical simulation results show that the performance of the proposed semi-active control strategy using MR fluid dampers is quite effective.

High Bit-Rates Quantization of the First-Order Markov Process Based on a Codebook-Constrained Sample-Adaptive Product Quantizers (부호책 제한을 가지는 표본 적응 프로덕트 양자기를 이용한 1차 마르코프 과정의 고 전송률 양자화)

  • Kim, Dong-Sik
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.19-30
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    • 2012
  • For digital data compression, the quantization is the main part of the lossy source coding. In order to improve the performance of quantization, the vector quantizer(VQ) can be employed. The encoding complexity, however, exponentially increases as the vector dimension or bit rate gets large. Much research has been conducted to alleviate such problems of VQ. Especially for high bit rates, a constrained VQ, which is called the sample-adaptive product quantizer(SAPQ), has been proposed for reducing the hugh encoding complexity of regular VQs. SAPQ has very similar structure as to the product VQ(PQ). However, the quantizer performance can be better than the PQ case. Further, the encoding complexity and the memory requirement for the codebooks are lower than the regular full-search VQ case. Among SAPQs, 1-SAPQ has a simple quantizer structure, where each product codebook is symmetric with respect to the diagonal line in the underlying vector space. It is known that 1-SAPQ shows a good performance for i.i.d. sources. In this paper, a study on designing 1-SAPQ for the first-order Markov process. For an efficient design of 1-SAPQ, an algorithm for the initial codebook is proposed, and through the numerical analysis it is shown that 1-SAPQ shows better quantizer distortion than the VQ case, of which encoding complexity is similar to that of 1-SAPQ, and shows distortions, which are close to that of the DPCM(differential pulse coded modulation) scheme with the Lloyd-Max quantizer.

Estimation of Dynamic Vertical Displacement using Artificial Neural Network and Axial strain in Girder Bridge (인공신경망과 축방향 변형률을 이용한 거더 교량의 동적 수직 변위 추정)

  • Ok, Su Yeol;Moon, Hyun Su;Chun, Pang-Jo;Lim, Yun Mook
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.1655-1665
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    • 2014
  • Dynamic displacements of structures shows general behavior of structures. Generally, It is used to estimate structure condition and trustworthy physical quantity directly. Especially, measuring vertical displacement which is affected by moving load is very important part to find or identify a problem of bridge in advance. However directly measuring vertical displacement of the bridge is difficult because of test conditions and restriction of measuring equipment. In this study, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is used to suggest estimation method of bridge displacement to overcome constrain conditions, restriction and so on. Horizontal strain and vertical displacement which are measured by appling random moving load on the bridge are applied for learning and verification of ANN. Measured horizontal strain is used to learn ANN to estimate vertical displacement of the bridge. Numerical analysis is used to acquire learning data for axis strain and vertical displacement for applying ANN. Moving load scenario which is made by vehicle type and vehicle distance time using Pearson Type III distribution is applied to analysis modeling to reflect real traffic situation. Estimated vertical displacement in respect of horizontal strain according to learning result using ANN is compared with vertical displacement of experiment and it presents vertical displacement of experiment well.

An Adaptive Load Control Scheme in Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 Networks (계층적 모바일 IP 망에서의 적응형 부하 제어 기법)

  • Pack Sang heon;Kwon Tae kyoung;Choi Yang hee
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.29 no.10A
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    • pp.1131-1138
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    • 2004
  • In Hierarchical Mobile Ipv6 (HMIPv6) networks, the mobility anchor point (MAP) handles binding update (BU) procedures locally to reduce signaling overhead for mobility. However, as the number of mobile nodes (MNs) handled by the MAP increases, the MAP suffers from the overhead not only to handle signaling traffic but also to Process data tunneling traffic. Therefore, it is important to control the number of MNs serviced by the MAP, in order to mitigate the burden of the MAP. We propose an adaptive load control scheme, which consists of two sub-algorithms: threshold-based admission control algorithm and session-to-mobility ratio (SMR) based replacement algorithm. When the number of MNs at a MAP reaches to the full capacity, the MAP replaces an existing MN at the MAP, whose SMR is high, with an MN that just requests binding update. The replaced MN is redirected to its home agent. We analyze the proposed load control scheme using the .Markov chain model in terms of the new MN and the ongoing MN blocking probabilities. Numerical results indicate that the above probabilities are lowered significantly compared to the threshold-based admission control alone.

Effects of pH and Temperature on the Adsorption of Cationic Dyes from Aqueous Suspension by Maghnia Montmorillonite (수용액으로부터 양이온 염료 흡수에 대한 pH 및 온도 효과)

  • Elaziouti, A.;Laouedj, N.
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.208-217
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    • 2011
  • The effects of pH and temperature on the removal of two dyes (neutral red; NR and malachite green oxalates; MG) from aqueous effluents using Maghnia montmorillonite clay in a batch adsorption process were investigated. The results showed the stability of the optical properties of MG in aqueous solution and adsorbed onto clay under wide range of pH 3-9. However, the interaction of NR dye with clay is accompanied by a red shift of the main absorption bands of monomer cations under pH range of 3-5, whereas, those of neutral form remains nearly constant over the pH range of 8-12. The optimal pH for favorable adsorption of the dyes, i.e. ${\geq}$90% has been achieved in aqueous solutions at 6 and 7 for NR and VM respectively. The most suitable adsorption temperatures were 298 and 318 K with maximum adsorption capacities of 465.13mg/g for NR and 459.89 mg/g for MG. The adsorption equilibrium results for both dyes follow Langmuir, Freundlich isotherms. The numerical values of the mean free energy $E_a$ of 4.472-5.559 kj/mol and 2.000-2.886 kj/mol for NR and MG respectively indicated physical adsorption. Various thermodynamic parameters, such as ${\Delta}H^{\circ}$, ${\Delta}S^{\circ}$, ${\Delta}G^{\circ}$ and Ea have been calculated. The data showed that the adsorption process is spontaneous and endothermic. The sticking probability model was further used to assess the potential feasibility of the clay mineral as an alternative adsorbent for organic ion pollutants in aqueous solution.

Collision Analysis of STF Impregnated Kevlar Fabric Using the 3D-Shell Element (쉘요소를 활용한 STF 함침된 Kevlar Fabric의 방탄해석)

  • Lee, Duk-Gyu;Park, Jong-Kyu;Jung, Wui-Kyung;Lee, Man-Young;Kim, See-Jo;Moon, Sang-Ho;Son, Kwon-Joong;Cho, Hee-Keun
    • Composites Research
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.24-32
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    • 2016
  • Ballistic impact analyses have been performed with the Kevlar fabric impregnated with STF(shear thickening fluid). Multi-layer laminates modeled with 3D isoparametric shell elements were used for the performance analysis and their results are compared with experimental results. Both experiments and numerical analyses have been done to verify the usefulness of STF to enhance the impact resistance performance. The results showed that STF increases friction within a bundle of fiber, and this phenomena is more apparent in the velocity range of under near 450 m/s. In this research, it is emphasized that FEA analyses of STF impregnated Kevlar fabric laminate were successfully conducted using shell elements. Moreover, the effectiveness of the technique and accuracy were verified through the comparison with reliable experimental data.

Interpretation of Finite HMD Source EM Data using Cagniard Impedance (Cagniard 임피던스를 이용한 수평 자기쌍극자 송신원 전자탐사 자료의 해석)

  • Kwon Hyoung-Seok;Song Yoonho;Seol Soon-Jee;Son Jeong-Sul;Suh Jung-Hee
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.108-117
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    • 2002
  • We have introduced a new approach to obtain the conductivity information of subsurface using Cagniard impedance over two-dimensional (2-D) model in the presence of horizontal magnetic dipole source with the frequency range of $1\;kHz\~1\;MHz$. Firstly, we designed the method to calculate the apparent resistivity from the ratio between horizontal electric and magnetic fields, Cagniard impedance, considering the source effects when the plane wave assumption is failed in finite source EM problem, and applied it to several numerical models such as homogeneous half-space or layered-earth model. It successfully provided subsurface information even though it is still rough, while the one with plane wave assumption is hard to give useful information. Next, through analyzing Cagniard impedance and apparent resistivity considering source effect over 2-D models containing conductive- or resistive-block, we showed that the possibility of obtaining conductivities of background media and anomaly using this approach. In addition, the apparent resistivity considering source effect and phase pseudosections constructed from Cagniard impedance over the isolated conductive- and resistive block model well demonstrated outlines of anomalies and conductivity distribution even though there were some distortions came from sidelobes caused by 2-D body.

Analysis of Three-dimensional Water Waves Created by a Hydrofoil Using a Higher-Order Boundary Element Method (고차경계요소법을 이용한 수중익에 대한 3차원 조파문제 해석)

  • Il-Ryong Park;Ho-Hwan Chun;Sung-Hwan Kim;Dong-Dai Ha
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 1998
  • In the present paper, the hydrodynamic characteristics of three dimensional hydrofoils moving with a constant speed below the free surface using a higher-order boundary element method based on 9-node Lagrangian curvilinear elements are investigated. A bi-quadratic spline scheme is employed to improve the numerical results on the free surface. To validate the present scheme, the calculated results are compared with the analytic solutions for a submerged sphere and a spheroid showing a good agreement. For the validation of the hydrofoil study, the computed lift and drag of a hydrofoil having $NACA64_{1}A412$ section with aspect ratio(A.R.) of 4 are compared with the experimental data by Wadlin et al.[28]. The comparison covers a number of variations of angle of attack and submergence depth. Then, using an A.R. hydrofoil with NACA0012 section, the free surface on the lift and drag are investigated and these are compared with the previous results. The wave elevations and patterns created by the aforementioned submerged bodies are also investigated with Froude numbers and submergences.

  • PDF

Development of Biotope area ratio Estimation Model using GIS (GIS를 활용한 생태면적률 산정 모델 개발)

  • Lee, Ji-Soo;Lee, Seung-Wook;Lee, Seung-Yeob;Hong, Won-Hwa
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this research is to evaluate an accurate biotope area ratio model with efficiency and convenience of database management through promoting sustainable development to provide people amenities in a new town. In particular, the biotope area ratio is used not only in the environment impact assessment but Green building certification criteria. But now there is no any index map of biotope. So it is very hard to implement with data for supplement results. In this research, we suggest the model of integrated attributable information. The evaluation of biotope area ratio is to include a basic land use planning map and a building coverage area which is a wall of greening surface and roof. In case of non building coverage area, the evaluation of biotope area ratio is to include water space, artificial ground, natural ground and pervious gap-pave. A weighted value on the spatial information is combined into the information. And then the merged one is given a land use planning information in a block. In the weighted value on the space type information, it is possible to in its circumstances. Therefore, it can be substituted a correspondence of numerical change for various values elastically in this model.

Comparative Analysis for Clustering Based Optimal Vehicle Routes Planning (클러스터링 기반의 최적 차량 운행 계획 수립을 위한 비교연구)

  • Kim, Jae-Won;Shin, KwangSup
    • The Journal of Bigdata
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.155-180
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    • 2020
  • It takes the most important role the problem of assigining vehicles and desigining optimal routes for each vehicle in order to enhance the logistics service level. While solving the problem, various cost factors such as number of vehicles, the capacity of vehicles, total travelling distance, should be considered at the same time. Although most of logistics service providers introduced the Transportation Management System (TMS), the system has the limitation which can not consider the practical constraints. In order to make the solution of TMS applicable, it is required experts revised the solution of TMS based on their own experience and intuition. In this research, different from previous research which have focused on minimizing the total cost, it has been proposed the methodology which can enhance the efficiency and fairness of asset utilization, simultaneously. First of all, it has been adopted the Cluster-First Route-Second (CFRS) approach. Based on the location of customers, we have grouped customers as clusters by using four different clustering algorithm such as K-Means, K-Medoids, DBSCAN, Model-based clustering and a procedural approach, Fisher & Jaikumar algorithm. After getting the result of clustering, it has been developed the optiamal vehicle routes within clusters. Based on the result of numerical experiments, it can be said that the propsed approach based on CFRS may guarantee the better performance in terms of total travelling time and distance. At the same time, the variance of travelling distance and number of visiting customers among vehicles, it can be concluded that the proposed approach can guarantee the better performance of assigning tasks in terms of fairness.