• 제목/요약/키워드: Number of teeth

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  • Jun, Eun-Min;Kim, Tae-Wan;Kim, Hyun-Jung;Nam, Soon-Hyeun;Kim, Young-Jin
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.268-277
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    • 2008
  • Authors evaluated 1171 patients at the department of Pediatric Dentistry in Kyoungpook National University Hospital through clinical records and radiographs. And the following features were studied ; age, sex distribution, number of mesiodens per patients, cause of discovery of mesiodens, location, status of eruption, shape and orientation of crown, complication, dental age of adjacent upper incisor tooth at the time of surgical extraction of mesiodens and the relationship between the resolution rate of complication after extraction of mesiodens and the dental age of adjacent upper incisor tooth, length of diastema, the eruption status of lateral incisor and the crowding status of premaxilla. The followings are the results : 1. The cause of discovery of mesiodens were as follows ; delayed eruption of the permanent incisors in 13.8%, midline diastema in 11.6%, radiographs taken for other reasons in 23.4% and for caries treatment in 15.1%. 2. Complication due to the presence of mesiodens did not occur in 36.8%, delayed eruption of adjacent teeth was observed in 16.1%, midline diastema in 34.4%, rotation in 8.8%, displacement in 2.4%, and crowding in 1.0% of all evaluated patients. 3. As for the dental age of adjacent upper incisor tooth at the time of surgical extraction of mesiodens, below 1/3 of total root length were observed in 3.5%, $1/3{\sim}1/2$ of total root length in 19.9%, $1/2{\sim}2/3$ of total root length in 54.7% and over 2/3 in 21.9% of all evaluated patients. 4. Resolution rate of delayed eruption after the extraction of mesiodens was significant higher in the group with the root length below 1/2. Resolution rate of midline diastema was significant higher in the group with diastema width below 3mm and with non-crowding of adjacent upper incisor teeth.

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Experimental brush wear pattern and cariostatic effect of Biscover (Biscover의 잇솔질에 따른 마모양상과 항우식 효과)

  • Oh, Eun-Ju;Park, Song-Soo;Jang, Mun-Ju;Jeon, Young-Mi;Kim, Jong-Ghee
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.214-222
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    • 2008
  • Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the experimental brush wear pattern of a light cured surface sealant, Biscover (Bisco, Schaumburg, IL), and to evaluate its cariostatic effect. Methods: Caries-free human premolars were used for the Biscover coating group (n = 90) and the control group (n = 10). The Biscover coating group was randomly assigned to nine subgroups of 10 each and the control group was assigned to two subgroups of 5 each according to the number of brushing strokes. An experimental 3-body wear test was conducted under different strokes of wear test. Tooth-brushing was accomplished with movement of each brush head set at a frequency of 100 rpm under a force of 1.5N, Surface roughness was tested before, and after Biscover coating, and after brushing. Then, each of the 10 teeth of both groups were placed in artificial caries inducing solution for 7 days. All tooth surfaces were assessed using scanning electron microscopy. Results: Biscover coated surfaces showed a smoother texture than enamel surfaces. The roughness was increased after experimental brushing and after 10,800 brushing strokes, the whole layer of Biscover wore out. However, teeth in the Biscover coating group had a cariostatic effect in cariogenic conditions. Conclusions: We suggest that white lesions in orthodontic patients can be suppressed by topical applications of Biscover.

Caries Prevention Effect of Water Fluoridation in Gimhae, Korea (김해시 수돗물불소농도조정사업의 영구치 우식예방효과)

  • Kim, Han-Na;Cho, Hyun-Hee;Kim, Min-Ji;Jun, Eun-Joo;Han, Dong-Hun;Jeong, Seung-Hwa;Kim, Jin-Bom
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.448-454
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    • 2014
  • The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a water fluoridation program (WFP) on prevention of dental caries in Gimhae City, Korea, with reference to the results of 2012 Korean National Oral Health Survey (KNOHS). In WFP population, 972 subjects including 8-, 10- and 12-year-old children in Gimhae City were examined in 2009. The WFP in Gimhae city has been implemented since 1999. 1872 subjects in non-fluoridated small and medium sized cities similar to Gimhae city were selected from 2012 KNOHS data as the control population. Two dentists who received training in KNOHS with an inter-examiner-agreement examined oral health status of all subjects. To assess the effects of WFP on dental caries, caries preventive fraction was estimated by assessing the differences of decayed, missing, and filled teeth (DMFT) index and decayed, missing, and filled surfaces (DMFS) index, DMFS in pit and fissures and smooth surfaces between WFP population and the control. Univariate analysis of variance adjusted for gender and number of fissure-sealed teeth or surfaces was conducted. DMFT of 12-year-old subjects (n=354) in WFP and control population (n=1,518) were 1.60 and 2.12, respectively, with an estimated prevention effect of 24.7%. Caries preventive fraction on pit and fissure, and smooth surfaces of WFP subjects was estimated 27.5% and 24.0%, among subjects aged 12 years, respectively. WFP in Gimhae City, Korea reduced the prevalence of dental caries and is recommended as a public oral health program where a fluoride-containing toothpastes are commonly used.

The Trend of Change in Oral and Maxillofacial Injuries of Pediatric Patients in the COVID-19 Pandemic: a Regional Emergency Medical Center and Dental Hospital Study (COVID-19 팬데믹 상황에서 소아 환자의 구강악안면 외상의 변화 추이: 단일 기관 연구)

  • Suebin Choi;Chankue Park;Jonghyun Shin;Taesung Jeong;Eungyung Lee
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.318-333
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze changes in dental trauma in children under the age of 12 during the period of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). March 2020, when COVID-19 was officially declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization, was set as the starting point for COVID-19. From March 2018 to February 2020, subjects in the pre-COVID-19 period were classified as the Pre-COVID-19 group, and from March 2020 to March 2022, subjects in the post-COVID-19 period were classified as the COVID-19 group. Information related to trauma was collected through electronic medical records. The number of trauma patients before and after the outbreak of COVID-19 decreased significantly. During the COVID-19 period, there was no significant difference in the male-female ratio or the distribution order of age groups. In the COVID-19 group of permanent teeth, the ratio of trauma caused by personal mobility was higher than trauma caused by sports. In the COVID-19 group of permanent teeth, the ratio of crown fracture with pulp involvement was significantly higher than the ratio of crown fracture without pulp involvement. Changes in trauma patterns caused by COVID-19 were observed more clearly in school-aged children than in preschool children. In a pandemic situation such as COVID-19, it is expected to be used as a good educational basis for knowing that frequent diagnoses can change due to changes in the environment.


  • Moon, Joo-Hoon;Park, Sang-Jin;Min, Byung-Soon;Choi, Ho-Young;Cho, Gi-Woon
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.100-115
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the distribution of calcitonin gene-related peptide containing nerve fibers in rat pulp after dentinl injury by means of immunohistochemistry and confocal laser scanning microscope. The Spague-Dawley rats weighing about 250-300gm were used. The animals were devided into normal control and experimental groups. Experimental animals were sacrified 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 21days after dentinal injury (dentin cutting, and then acid etching with 35% phosphoric acid) on the maxillary molar teeth. The maxillary teeth and alveolar bone were removed and immersed in the 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4), then were decalcified with 15% formic acid for 10 days. Serial frozen $50{\mu}m$ thick sections were cut on a cryostat. The rabbit CGRP antibody was used as a primary antibody with a dilution of 1:2000 in 0.01M PB. The sections were incubated for 48 hours at $4^{\circ}C$, and placed into biotinylated antirabbit Ig G as a secondary anti body with dilution of 1:200 in 0.01M PB and incubated in ABC(avidin-biotin complex). The peroxidase reaction was visualized by incubating the sections in 0.05% 3,3 diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride containing 0.02% $H_2O_2$. For the confocal laser scanning microscopic examination, Primary antibody reaction was same as immunoperoxidase stainning, but fluorescein isothiocyanate(FITC)-conjugate antirabbit IgG as a secondary antibody was used. The confocal laser scanning microscope was used for the examination. A series of images of optical sections was collected with a 20x objective at $3{\mu}m$ intervals throughout the depth of specimen. FITC fluerescence was registrated through a 488nm and 568nm excitation filter, and images were saved on optical disk. The stereoscopic images and three dimentionnal images were reconstructed by computer software, and then were analyzed. The results were as follows : 1. In normal control group, CGRP containing nerve fibers were coursed through the root with very little branching, and then formed a dense network of terminals in coronal pulp. 2. A slight increase in CGRP containing nerve fibers at 1 and 2day postinjury was noted subjacent to the injury site. In the 4day group, there were an extensive increase in the number of reactive fibers, followed by a partial return toward normal levels at 7~10 day postinjury, and return by 21days. 3. The sprouting of the CGRP containing nerve fibers was evident within 2day after dentinal injury, and by 4days there was a maximal increased, but was decreased at 7days and returned to normal 10~21 day postinjury. 4. In confocal laser scanning microscopic exammination, the distinct distribution pattern and sprouting reaction of CGRP containing nerve fibers were observed in stereoscopic images and three dimentional images. These results suggest that CGRP containing nerve fiber can be important role in the response to dental injury and pain regulation.

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Periodontal status of end-stage renal disease patients undergoing dialysis and referred for intraoral evaluation prior to kidney transplant surgery (투석을 받고 있으며 신장 이식 수술 전 구강내 평가를 위해 의뢰된 말기 신장 질환 자의 치주 상태)

  • Youn-Kyung Choi;Hye-Mi Jeon;Ji-Young Joo;Hyun-Joo Kim;Eun-Young Kwon
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.46-54
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the periodontal status of end-stage renal disease patients undergoing dialysis and referred for intraoral evaluation prior to renal transplantation surgery with those having normal kidney function. Materials and Methods: Patients who had been undergoing dialysis for end-stage renal disease and been referred to the Dental Clinic Center by the Department of Nephrology at University Hospital for intraoral evaluation prior to kidney transplantation surgery. For comparison of periodontal status, subjects without abnormalities in kidney function were matched with the patients by age and gender and selected as healthy controls. The patients' age, gender, comorbidities, type of dialysis received, and duration of dialysis were investigated by reference to their medical records, and data on their periodontal status were analyzed via the relevant periodontal records. Results: A total of 102 patients, including 51 dialyzed patients and 51 healthy control group subjects, participated in this study. In the patients with end-stage renal disease undergoing dialysis with periodontal probing depth of 5 mm or more, percentage of sites with clinical attachment level of 4 mm or more, percentage of teeth with bleeding on probing, number of missing teeth, and ratio of moderate to severe periodontitis were all significantly greater than in the healthy controls. Conclusion: The periodontal status of end-stage renal disease patients undergoing dialysis and referred for intraoral evaluation prior to kidney transplantation was worse than that of healthy controls.

The treatment of an edentulous patient with DENTCA$^{TM}$ CAD/CAM Denture (CAD/CAM Denture를 이용한 완전 무치악 환자 수복 증례)

  • Park, Joon-Ho;Cho, In-Ho;Shin, Soo-Yeon;Choi, Yu-Sung
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.19-25
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    • 2015
  • Nowadays, CAD/CAM is broadly used in dentistry for inlays, crowns, implant abutments and its spectrum is expanding to complete dentures. Utilizing CAD/CAM to fabricate complete dentures is expected to decrease chair time and the number of visits, thus decreasing total fabrication time, expenses and errors caused during fabrication processes. One of the systems using CAD/CAM, DENTCA$^{TM}$ CAD/CAM denture (DENTCA Inc. Los Angeles, USA) scans edentulous impressions, designs dentures digitally, fabricates try-in dentures by 3D printing and converts them into final dentures. Patients can wear final dentures after only 2 - 3 visits with satisfying adaptation. This case report introduces a 71-year-old male patient who visited to consult remaking of existing old dentures. Residual teeth with bad prognosis and root remnants were extracted and the patient used reformed existing mandibular denture for 2 months. And then DENTCA system started. One-step border molding was done using conventional tray of adequate size provided by DENTCA system and wash impression was taken. Gothic arch tracing was completed based on the vertical dimension of existing dentures. Both maxillary and mandibular trays were placed to the resultant centric relation and bite registration was taken. Then DENTCA scanned the bite registration, arranged the teeth, completed the festooning and fabricated the try-in dentures by 3D printing. The try-in dentures were positioned, occlusal plane and occlusal relations were evaluated. The try-in dentures were converted to final dentures. To create bilateral balanced occlusion, occlusal adjustment was done after clinical remounting using facebow transfer. The result was satisfactory and it was confirmed by patient and operator.


  • Kook, Min-Suk;Park, Hong-Ju;Kim, Su-Gwan;Kim, Young-Kyun;Cho, Yong-Seok;Choi, Gab-Lim;Oh, Young-Hak;Oh, Hee-Kyun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.341-349
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the $Osstem^{(R)}$ implants (US II/SS II implants) through the retrospective study for the clinical success rate during the installation of the $Osstem^{(R)}$ implants (US II/SS II implants) by using of the procedures of maxillary sinus floor elevation. Materials and methods: The current study was researched in the 6 medical institutions: Chonnam National University, Chosun University, Pusan DaeDong Hospital, Bundang Seoul National University Hospital, Ap-Seon Clinic, and All Clinic. Based on the total number of 116 patients whose treatment was the installation of the US II/SS II implants with the procedures of the maxillary sinus floor elevation, they were conferred on the dental records of the patients under the joint consultation of the 6 medical institutions. On the dental recording charts, there were included in as the following; the name of the institutions, gender, age, with or without smoking or drinking, with or without the generalized diseases, the height of the alveolar bone on the operational sites, elapsed edentulous state period, the state of the opposed or adjacent teeth, the methods of the maxillary sinus floor elevation, secondary time period for surgery, the lengths, types, and diameters of implants, with or without bone transplantation or the types of bone, postoperative current bone height, current adjacent soft tissue state of the implants, with or without the success of the installations of the implants. We have done our survey with the clinical and radiolographical examinations and dental questionaries. The success and survival rate of the implants was evaluated. Results 1. Total number of the patients with the installation of the US II implants were 62. The 252 numbers of US II implants were installed on the 89 maxillary sinuses. The patient's mean age was 54.1 years old and there were 36 men and 27 women. 2. Total number of patients with the installation of SS II implant were 57. The 165 numbers of SS II implants were planted on the 80 maxillary sinuses. Their mean age was 48.7 years old and there were 37 men and 20 women. 3. The follow-up period was 30.7 months(21-49 mon) on average. The vertical bone loss of installed implants after the procedures of the maxillary sinus elevation was 1.1 mm on average in SS II and 1.3 mm on average in US II. There existed no statistical significance on each group. The mean enlarged bone height after the maxillary sinus floor elevation was 8.2 mm. 4. For the procedures of the maxillary sinus elevation, the Lateral approach technique occupied 87.1%, which was the most used one. In addition, the most frequently used transplanted bone was autogenous bone only which was 72.7% during the maxillary sinus floor elevation. 5. The complication of maxillary sinus floor elevation were perforation of sinus membrane, disesthesia on doner site, exposure of cover screw and exposure of maxillar bone. 6. The survival rate of US II and SS II after maxillary sinus floor elevation was 99.2% and 95.8%, respectively. And the success rate of US II and SS II after maxillary sinus floor elevation was 97.6% and 89.7%, respectively. Conclusion : On the evaluation of the analysis of our study, both US II and SS II implants showed the excellent clinical results by use of the procedures of maxillary sinus floor elevation.

The Influence of Food Habits on Body Stature of Children (어린이의 식습관(食習慣)이 체위(體位)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Mi-Suk;Mo, Su-Mi
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.7-15
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    • 1976
  • The Purpose of this study was to determine every possible correlation between food habits and body statures of primary school children, aged ten years old. This study was conducted from July to October of 1975. In July, prepared questionaires concerning life style, anthropometry, food preference, and food behavior were distributed through school teachers to 425 children; 219 boys and 206 girls, in the 5th grade of three elementary schools in the city of Seoul. Then, in October, when subjects had been classified into underweight/obese by statistical analysis, mothers of obese or underweight children were interviewed by the authors to determine weaning history, daily food consumption of their children, and opinions of various snacks for children. Analysis of results in terms of correlation coefficient, chisquare test and percentage calculations, are as follows: 1. Physical growth and development Boys Girls Height (cm) $134.8{\pm}5.74\;134.4{\pm}5.97$ Weight (kg) $30.0{\pm}4.27\;29.5{\pm}5.16$ Chestgirth (cm) $64.1{\pm}3.59\;63.3{\pm}3.81$ Arm circumference (cm) $18.3{\pm}1.61\;18.2{\pm}1.70$ Triceps skinfold thickness (mm) $10.9{\pm}5.13\;12.7{\pm}4.86$ Various indices of nutrition such as relative weight, relative chestgirth, $R{\ddot{o}}hrer's$ index, Kaup index, Vervaeck index were determined. 2. Food habits 1) Food $preference{\cdots}{\cdots}A$ varying number of foods were selected from 60 items were accepted. It was found that the food which children liked best was fruit and snacks were popular one. Lowest ranking among LIKED foods were from strongly flavored vegetables and organ meat. In general, girls had more food dislikes than did boys. Selected as liked foods were fruits, rice noodle soup, biscuits, and peanuts. Disliked foods were liver, green onions, onions, green pepper, mushrooms, oysters, shellfish, and pork. Items which children never ate before were liver, mushrooms, fish cake, boiled rice mixed with sorghum, mayonnaise, and fresh water firsh. Reasons which children gave for dislike were undesirable flavor and odor. 2) Food $behavior{\cdots}{\cdots}It$ was found that boys liked sweet and salty flavors more than did the girls who more often liked sour flavor. The majority of children enjoyed evening meals more than lunch and breakfast. A number of children skipped breakfast because of lack of appetite or lack of time before going to school. Snacks were the most popular food, especially among girls. Their snacking habits were formed by the encouragement of the mother, and the relieve boredom. Educational backgrounds of mothers and family economical levels of children were remarkable correlated with mothers' attitudes toward feeding of children. There were several interesting findings relating body stature to some other responses; such as that the obese child has a small number of brothers, higher birth order, higher educated mothers and higher family cultural background. It was also discovered that food perference, except for fat and oil group foods was not related to body stature. Sweet taste was liked best and pepperly taste was mostly disliked. Sour taste was popular in the group of underweight. Underweight children were more finicky, disliked snacking, and didn't get much attention from their mothers. 3) Correlation between body stature and nutrition during their infancy. The majority of children, both from obese and underweight, were breast fed as infant. Twenty five per cent of obese children and 17.4 per cent of underwight children started weaning at $1{\sim}6$ months old. The most popular supplemental food of weaning was cereal gruel for the obese group, while boiled white rice and cereal gruel were most common for the underweight group. Highly significant relationships were found between stature of parents and their children. In the obese group 47.8 per cent of fathers and 45.9 per cent of mothers were overweight; however, none of the fathers and only one mother was found to be underweight. In daily food consumption patterns, meals consisting of bread or noodle were popular in the obese group but disliked by the underweight group. The study found clear contrast in that the obese group liked meat and fish while the underweight group liked fruits and vegetables, especially kimchee. The obese children desired to eat cereal foods, milk and milk products, and fat foods while the underweight group desired to eat fruits and vegetables. Frequency of snacks per day was much greater in the obese group. Foods which mothers believed to be good for the health were carrots, cucumbers, fruits, milk, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and breads, while sweet foods such as candies, drinks. chocolate were considered not good for the teeth. Watching television was not significantly related to statures of children. Most significant relationships were found beween frequencies of family guest meals/and eating-out, and children's statures. Nutritional problems which have been considered for the malnourished children in addition to those of children who have a tendency toward obesity, must be taken into consideration in the development of proper nutrition education through the channels of regular school teaching and teaching by parents in the homes. Korean standards of anthropometric measurements for children should be revised, current measurements show much higher figures than present Korean standards.

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A multicenter clinical study of installed US II Plus/GS II Osstem implants after bone graft (골 이식술 후 Osstem Implant (US II Plus/GS II)의 다기관 임상연구)

  • Chung, Kwang;Oh, Chul-Jung;Ha, Ji-Won;Kook, Min-Suk;Park, Hong-Ju;Oh, Hee-Kyun;Kim, Su-Gwan;Kim, Young-Kyun;Kim, Woo-Cheol
    • The Journal of the Korean dental association
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    • v.50 no.12
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    • pp.743-754
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    • 2012
  • urpose : The purpose of this study was to evaluate the US II plus/GS II Osstem$^{(R)}$ implants through the study for the clinical success rate during the installation of the Osstem¢Á implants after bone graft. Materials and Methods : This study was researched in the 4 medical institutions: Chonnam National University, Chosun University, Bundang Seoul National University Hospital, and FM dental clinic from May, 2002 to September, 2009. Based on the total number of 60 patients whose treatment was the installation of the US II plus/GS II Osstem¢Á implants after bone graft, we evaluated success rate of implants. We analysis the distribution of patient's age and gender, edentulous area, bone type, fixture length and diameter, installation and loading time, donor site, bone graft material and method, antagonistic teeth, and survival and success rate. From these analyses we got the following results. Results : 1. In this study, the total number of patients who have been installed with US II plus implant was 27, and total of 52 implants were installed. The average age was 38.9, with 16 male, and 11 female patients. 2. The total number of patients who have been installed with GS II implant was 33, and total of 54 implants were installed. The average age was 49.7, with 24 male, and 9 female patients. 3. As for bone graft method, either autogenous bone or a mix of autogenous and heterogenous bone was used(88.4%) for US II plus. Chin, iliac, and Maxillary tuberosity were the donor sites for autogenous bone graft, and onlay method of bone graft was performed. 4. Allogenic bone or a mix of autogenous and heterogenous bone was used(77.8%) for GS II. Chin, ramus, and tibia were the donor sites for autogenous bone graft, and GBR method of bone graft was performed. 5. The duration from the installation of implants to setting of final prosthesis was average of 16 months and 10 months for US II plus and GS II respectively. Also, the final follow up period was average of 31 months and 28 months respectively. During this period, one GS II implant was removed from 1 patient due to failure of early osteointegration. 6. The survival rates were 100% and 98.1%, and success rates were 94.2% and 94.4% for US II plus and GS II implant respectively. Conclusion : On the evaluation of our clinical study, both US II plus and GS II Osstem¢Á implants showed the excellent clinical results after bone graft.