• Title/Summary/Keyword: Norway

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The Effects of Free Trade Agreements on Korea's Fishery Products Import Market Integration (자유무역협정(Free Trade Agreements : FTA)이 국내 수산물 수입시장통합에 미친 효과)

  • Lim, Eun-Son;Kim, Ki-Soo
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.45-66
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    • 2017
  • Although the main objective of Free Trade Agreements (FTA) is market integration among member countries, there are limited studies supporting this impact. Our study explores whether FTA has enhanced market integration between South Korea and its FTA partners, focusing on South Korea's fishery product import market. We investigate two research questions concerning FTA impacts: first, whether trade costs declined when South Korea imported fishery products from its FTA partners after the FTA; second, if the speed of the convergence of South Korea-its FTA partners'price differential of imported fishery products on trade costs result to occur more quickly after the FTA. To determine these outcomes, we utilize a Threshold Autoregressive Model covering the sample periods from January 2002 to April 2017. Our findings demonstrate the effects of FTA on market integration are different among FTA partners. FTA has enhanced the market integration between South Korea and Norway, Vietnam, and Spain, respectively, but not for others. Therefore, we find positive evidence of FTA on fishery import market integration between South Korea and Norway, Vietnam and Spain, respectively.

Nonfatal Occupational Injuries in Norwegian Farmers

  • Svendsen, Kristin;Aas, Oddfrid;Hilt, Bjorn
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.147-151
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    • 2014
  • Background: Agriculture ranks among the most dangerous trades worldwide. There is, however, still a lack of knowledge on nonfatal injuries in agriculture. The aim of this study was to describe the nature and occurrence of nonfatal injuries in farmers in two counties in central Norway. Methods: A questionnaire was sent to 7,004 farmers in Norway. We asked for information about the respondents and the farm, whether the farmer had had work-related injuries on the farm during the past 12 months, and details about the incidence and seriousness of the injury. Results: A total of 2,699 respondents gave a response rate of 42%. Of the respondents, 249 (9.2%) reported one or more work-related injuries. The most usual cause of injury involved an animal, and >75% of these happened inside the outbuilding. Among these, 17.5% had a consequence of sick leave or a more serious result. When all the accidents were analyzed by stepwise logistic regression, only the variables: works alone, has >3,500 stipulated working hours at the farm, and the type of production were statistical significant explanatory variables for having an injury. Conclusion: Incorporating safety aspects to a greater extend in the design and construction of outbuildings would make a substantial contribution to injury prevention in agriculture.

A Study of Fisheries' Competitiveness in Korea, China and Japan (한.중.일 수산업의 산업경쟁력 분석)

  • Hong, Hyun-Pya;Lee, Heon-Dong;Ma, Chang-Mo;Baek, Eun-Young
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.127-148
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    • 2009
  • The objective of this paper is to evaluate of fisheries competitiveness in Korea, China and Japan. A joint research with researchers from Korea, China and Japan from 2007 to 2008 was conducted to analyze competitiveness of each respective fishery industry. An industry's competitiveness means the aggregated and potential abilities of the infrastructure, producers and other operators in the industry. The study improved the Norway-Iceland Model developed by the FCI Team(2005) and applied it to the fisheries of the 3 countries. To compare competitiveness of each fishery from the 3 countries, the study examined 87 items including 64 questions and 23 statistics items. Korea fisheries' competitive advantage over China is in marketing capability. Capabilities of fishing companies and fishing processors are also slightly over Japan's performance. However, Korea holds an absolute disadvantage over China and Japan when it comes to the macroeconomic environments and government support, industrial environments and infrastructure, and production and management. Korea's fishing companies and fishing processors especially are much weaker than those of China. In conclusion, Korea needs strategies to advance the industry's structure, China needs to expand the industry's base and Japan needs to differentiate the industry.

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Perceived Causes of Work-Related Sick Leave Among Hospital Nurses in Norway: A Prepandemic Study

  • Ose, Solveig Osborg;Ferevik, Hilde;Hapnes, Tove;Oyum, Lisbeth
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.350-356
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    • 2022
  • Background: Although sick leave is a complex phenomenon, it is believed that there is potential for prevention at the workplace. However, little is known about this potential and what specific measures should be implemented. The purpose of the study was to identify perceived reasons to take work-related sick leave and to suggest preventive measures. The study was completed before the COVID-19 pandemic emerged, and the risk factors identified may have been amplified during the pandemic. Methods: An in-depth cross-sectional survey was conducted across a randomly selected sample of hospital nurses in Norway. The national sample comprised 1,297 nurses who participated in a survey about their sick leave during the previous 6 months. An open-ended question about perceived reasons for work-related sick leave was included to gather qualitative information. Results: Among hospital nurses, 27% of the last occurring sick leave incidents were perceived to be work-related. The most common reasons were high physical workload, high work pace, sleep problems, catching a viral or bacterial infection from patients or colleagues, and low staffing. Conclusions: Over a quarter of the last occurring sick leave incidents among Norwegian hospital nurses are potentially preventable. To retain and optimize scarce hospital nursing resources, strategies to reduce work-related sick leave may provide human and financial benefits. Preventive measures may include careful monitoring of nurses' workload and pace, optimizing work schedules to reduce the risk of sleep problems, and increasing staffing to prevent stress and work overload.

An Analysis on the Trade Effect of FTA using Intensity of Trade (무역결합도를 활용한 FTA 효과 분석)

  • Jeong, Jae-Hwa
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.141-170
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    • 2012
  • There are a couple of methods to analyze the trade effect of FTA. Some compare bilateral trade amounts, partner's share in total export, or market share in partner's total import. Others set up partial equilibrium models or general equilibrium models for more sophisticated analyses. The purpose of this paper is to analyze bilateral trade between Korea and Chile, Singapore, Switzerland and Norway using the Intensity of Trade and Special Country Bias. The Trade Intensity Analysis focuses on how much the real trade diverges from the expected one which is derived by the Gravity Model, and it enable us to define how much the bilateral trade is closely related with each other compared with the rest of the world. Also by excluding the effects of changes in Trade Complementarity, it enables us to evaluate the trade effect of FTA. The results show that regarding Korea's export, the biggest trade effects are found with Norway, and the effects are evading after a couple of years of outstanding accomplishment with Chile and Singapore. With Switzerland, however, almost no effect is found. Regarding Korea's import, Norway has recorded the biggest advance into Korean market, whereas, other countries do not show significant changes.

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Housing Welfare Policies in Scandinavia: A Comparative Perspective on a Transition Era

  • Jensen, Lotte
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.133-144
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    • 2013
  • It is commonplace to refer to the Nordic countries of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Iceland as a distinctive and homogenous welfare regime. As far as social housing is concerned, however, the institutional heritage of the respective countries significantly frames the ways in which social housing is understood, regulated and subsidized, and, in turn, how housing regimes respond to the general challenges to the national welfare states. The paper presents a historical institutionalist approach to understanding the diversity of regime responses in the modern era characterized by increasing marketization, welfare criticism and internationalization. The aim is to provide outside readers a theoretically guided empirical insight into Scandinavian social housing policy. The paper first lines up the core of the inbuilt argument of historical institutionalism in housing policy. Secondly, it briefly introduces the distinctive ideal typical features of the five housing regimes, which reveals the first internal distinction between the universal policies of Sweden and Denmark selective policies of Iceland and Finland. The Norwegian case constitutes a transitional model from general to selective during the past quarter of a decade. The third section then concentrates on the differences between Denmark, Sweden and Norway in which social housing is, our was originally, embedded in a universal welfare policy targeting the general level of housing quality for the entire population. Differences stand out, however, between finance, ownership, regulation and governance. The historical institutional argument is, that these differences frame the way in which actors operating on the respective policy arenas can and do respond to challenges. Here, in this section we lose Norway, which de facto has come to operate in a residual manner, due to contemporary effects of the long historical heritage of home ownership. The fourth section then discusses the recent challenges of welfare criticism, internationalization and marketization to the universal models in Denmark and Sweden. Here, it is argued that the institutional differences between the Swedish model of municipal ownership and the Danish model of independent cooperative social housing associations provides different sources of resistance to the prospective dismantlement of social housing as we know it. The fifth section presents the recent Danish reform of the governance model of social housing policy in which the housing associations are conceived of as 'dialogue partners' in the local housing policy, expected to create solutions to, rather than produce problems in social housing areas. The reform testifies to the strategic ability of the Danish social housing associations to employ their historically grounded institutional relative independence of the public system.

A Study on the Comparisons of Flags of Convenience with International Ship Register (편의치적선제도와 국제선박등록제도와의 비교연구)

  • 박용섭;이태우;임종길
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Navigation
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.95-110
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    • 1991
  • This paper aims to investigated the origins and characteristics of flags of convenience(FOC) with International Ship Register(ISR), which was recently adopted by a few Western Europe countries(for example, Norway, U.K., France) and to compare FOC with ISR in terms of shipping policy, ship management, and expenses, and tax policy.

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IMO's tredency against the development of provisions for Gas-Fuelled Ships (가스를 연료로 사용하는 선박 규정 개발에 대한 IMO의 동향)

  • Lee, Young-Chan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Marine Engineers Conference
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    • 2006.06a
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    • pp.215-216
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    • 2006
  • At maritime safety committee 78th of IMO, the Norway suggested the development of provisions for installation and operation of gas fuelled internal combustion engine with the exception of LNG carrier. At first, this document decribes gas fuelled internal combustion engine, describes IMO's tredency under FP sub-committee, DE sub-committee and BLG sub-committee's purview. Furthermore, this paper proposes actions requested the development of this provisions in Republic of Korea.

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International Comparison of Tax Burdens of Shipping Companies (해운기업의 조세부담에 대한 국제 비교연구)

  • 이광로;이태우
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Navigation
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.255-267
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    • 2000
  • This paper aims to compare tax systems related to shipping companies among German, Norway, the Netherlands, UK and Korea and to identify which country has the most competitive edge in terms of tax burdens. The previous studies of international comparison of shipping competitiveness have been simply concerned with the international comparison of nominal tax rates of some foreign countries with Korea. One of their shortcomings have not fully considered tax systems inherent in the shipping industry, which may produce different conclusions. Having home it in mind, this study has tried to calculate effective tax rates among countries concerned, taking fully into account tax systems of the countries.

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