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Analysis and Prospect of North Korean Legislation System - Focused on the 'Legislation Law' of North Korea - (북한의 법제정(입법) 체계의 분석 및 전망 - '법제정법'을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Jeong-Won
    • Journal of Legislation Research
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    • no.53
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    • pp.9-59
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    • 2017
  • Recently, the aspect of regulating the legal system in North Korea has increased in quantity and shows the improvement of the evaluation of the lack of systematic consistency in the past. North Korean legislation has been negatively criticized for its lack of function and role of the legislative body and ambiguity of the legal system. In particular, the newly adopted "Legislation Law" in relation to the revision of the legislative system of North Korea contains important and clear contents to understand the legislative system and procedures of North Korea. The contents of the "Legislation Law" can be found a glimpse of the process by which the framework and procedures of the North Korean legislative process are organized more systematically. The North Korean legislation provides legal and institutional grounds for promoting internal and external policies under the Kim jong-un's regime. North Korea is focused on the nuclear issue, so there is limited information on other areas. In light of this, the purpose of this study is to examine the legislative theory and system of North Korea, and outline the theoretical basis of North Korea's emphasis on strengthening socialist judicial life, the socialist legal system, and the state theory of socialist rule of law. In addition, it can be analysed the content of actual legal reform in light of North Korea's legislative theory and system. In the study, it will examine the legislative system of North Korea and its characteristics by examining the legislative process and legislative process of North Korea. Moreover, it can be compared the contents of the Legislative Law of China with the legislative process of the DPRK and examine its characteristics. We will look at the challenges to the legislative system in North Korea and look into the future direction of the legislation. Kim jong-un's announcement of the revised legislation until recently through the publication of the 2016 Supplementary Codes is an important data for the current state of the North Korean legislation. This is because it confirms the content of the laws and regulations already known through "Democratic Chosun(a newspaper issued by North Korea Cabinet)'s statutory interpretation." However, in the case of laws and regulations related to the North Korean political system, it is still a remnant of the lagging legislation that the announcement is delayed, or it remains undisclosed or confidential. North Korean laws are developed and changed according to the changes of the times. In particular, the contents of the maintenance of foreign investment and the foreign economic law system and related internal legal system are found to change in accordance with the development direction of the socioeconomic system. If the direction of Kim jong-un's regime is to be expanded to the path of reform and opening up in the economic sector, the revision of the related laws and regulations will accelerate. Securing the transparency and objectivity of the North Korean legislative process and procedures will help to broaden the understanding of the inter-Korean legal system and to seek institutional measures for inter-Korean integration. In the future, in-depth research on the North Korean legal system will be emphasized as a basis for ultimately forming a unified Korea's legal system.

Research on development of organization analysis system in accordance with the defense environment changes (국방환경변화에 따른 군 조직진단체계 발전방향 연구)

  • Kim, Gi-Hyun
    • Journal of National Security and Military Science
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    • s.13
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    • pp.43-81
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    • 2016
  • Security environment we face in the Korean Peninsula is unexpectable. Tensions between Seoul and Pyeongyang and its threats are continuously evolving. Kim Jung Un will keep on conducting provocations and DPRK's isolation will result uncertainty to their objective and intention. KPA is centered on ground forces with conventional weapons but they possess modernized missiles and nuclear capabilities. What's more concerning is that North Korea continuously pursue and develop nuclear weapons and missile capabilities. Pursuing defense reform is inevitable for the ROK to deal adequately against the security threats posed by the North and to prepare for the environment of future warfare. If we are satisfied with the current capabilities then our military capabilities and security status will retrogress. We have to reorganize our units to make a small but FMC, smart military organization. Organization analysis is an urgent issue for reorganizing units. However, it isn't an easy task to reform an organization. There are vague parts for analysis and strong resistance from the people within the organization. Therefore should not focus on the reduction of people and the organization. Organization reform should be done with the acknowledgement of most of the personnel and should focus on the task and its method. These should be reflected to the organization analysis.

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Nuclear Weapons Deployment and Diplomatic Bargaining Leverage: The Case of the January 2018 Hawaiian Ballistic Missile Attack False Alarm

  • Benedict E. DeDominicis
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.110-134
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    • 2023
  • North Korea's development and deployment of nuclear weapons increases Pyongyang's diplomatic bargaining leverage. It is a strategic response to counteract the great expansion in US leverage with the collapse of the USSR. Post-Cold War American influence and hegemony is justified partly by claiming victory in successfully containing an allegedly imperialist Soviet Union. The US created and led formal and informal international institutions as part of its decades-long containment grand strategy against the USSR. The US now exploits these institutions to expedite US unilateral global preeminence. Third World regimes perceived as remnants of the Cold War era that resist accommodating to American demands are stereotyped as rogue states. Rogue regimes are criminal offenders who should be brought to justice, i.e. regime change is required. The initiation of summit diplomacy between US President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un occurred following the January 2018 Hawaiian ballistic missile false alarm. This event and its political consequences illustrate the efficacy of nuclear weapons as bargaining leverage for so-called rogue actors. North Korea is highly unlikely to surrender those weapons that were the instigation for the subsequent summit diplomacy that occurred. A broader, critical trend-focused strategic analysis is necessary to adopt a longer-term view of the on-going Korean nuclear crisis. The aim would be to conceptualize long-term policies that increase the probability that nuclear weapons capability becomes a largely irrelevant issue in interaction between Pyongyang, Seoul, Beijing and Washington.

A Study on the Legal Status of North Korean Defectors (북한 탈북자의 법적지위에 관한 고찰 - 난민인정과 보호를 중심으로 -)

  • Son, Hyun-Jin
    • Journal of Legislation Research
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    • no.53
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    • pp.109-147
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    • 2017
  • North Korean defectors had left North Korea often to escape from food shortages in the mid-1990s. Since the 2000s, the reasons of their flee from North Korea have more resulted from their exposure to external information, and a desire for democracy and freedom. However, North Korean defectors living in China are not recognized as refugees and thus subject to various human rights violations including forced repatriation. It needs to be thought that wether North Korean defectors who escape from North Korea are political refugees under international law. If they are not recognized as refugees in their new countries, it is imperative to consider a possible way to protect their human rights under international law. The problem of recognition of the refugee status of a person is a matter of involving the sovereignty of individual countries, however, the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees should provide protection of their unique rights, as recognizes by the UNHCR, and their status should be treated as a refugees issue in a broad sense. In the future, it is a necessary to establish international solidarity among individual countries, the UN General Assembly, the decisions of the Human Rights Council and support of UNHCR, to anticipate the need for the refugee recognition and the protection of International Human Rights in preparation for possible mass defections and refugees from North Korea.

A Study on the Evaluation Criteria for the Remaining Life of Hydro-Generator Stator Insulation (수력 발전기 고정자 권선의 절연수명 평가기준 설정에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, D.H.;Kim, Y.J.;Kim, J.B.;Park, M.S.;Kim, H.G.;Lee, S.J.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1996.07c
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    • pp.1769-1773
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    • 1996
  • The remaining life of generator stator winding has been the controversial issue amomg many experts in this area. The report from Japan claims that they can predict the remaining life of generator winding, while the North American has the negative opinion about it. This study aimed at verifying the validity of both Japanese criteria and North American argument on evaluation of generator winding insulation. Non destructive and destructive tests were performed on two hydro-generators. The test results showed that the trend analysis of stator winding insulation was the better option.

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Accurate Power Sharing in Proportion for Parallel Connected Inverters by Reconstructing Inverter Output Impedance

  • Huang, Shengli;Luo, Jianguo
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.1751-1759
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    • 2018
  • This paper presents parallel-connected inverters to achieve accurate proportional power sharing. Due to line impedance mismatch, reactive power cannot be distributed proportionally when using the conventional Pω and QE droop. In order to realize reactive proportional power sharing, the ratio of the droop coefficients should be inversely proportional to their power-sharing ratios. Meanwhile, the ratio of the line impedance should be inversely proportional to the desired power-sharing ratio, which is very difficult to be met in practice. In order to deal with this issue, a practical control strategy is presented. By measuring the PCC voltage and using the virtual impedance, the output impedance of individual inverters is reconstructed to counteract the line impedance effect. In order to guarantee system stability, a low pass filter is designed to suppress the bandwidth of the line compensation. Finally, the simulation and experimental results are given to verify the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy.

Research of the Mechanism of Low Frequency Oscillation Based on Dynamic Damping Effect

  • Liu, Wenying;Ge, Rundong;Zhu, Dandan;Wang, Weizhou;Zheng, Wei;Liu, Fuchao
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.1518-1526
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    • 2015
  • For now, there are some low frequency oscillations in the power system which feature low frequency oscillation with positive damping and cannot be explained by traditional low frequency oscillation mechanisms. Concerning this issue, the dynamic damping effect is put forward on the basis of the power-angle curve and the study of damping torque in this article. That is, in the process of oscillation, damping will dynamically change and will be less than that of the stable operating point especially when the angle of the stable operating point and the oscillation amplitude are large. In a situation with weak damping, the damping may turn negative when the oscillation amplitude increases to a certain extent, which may result in an amplitude-increasing oscillation. Finally, the simulation of the two-machine two-area system verifies the arguments in this paper which may provide new ideas for the analysis and control of some unclear low frequency phenomena.

Policy research and energy structure optimization under the constraint of low carbon emissions of Hebei Province in China

  • Sun, Wei;Ye, Minquan;Xu, Yanfeng
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.409-419
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    • 2016
  • As a major energy consumption province, the issue about the carbon emissions in Hebei Province, China has been concerned by the government. The carbon emissions can be effectively reduced due to a more rational energy consumption structure. Thus, in this paper the constraint of low carbon emissions is considered as a foundation and four energies--coal, petroleum, natural gas and electricity including wind power, nuclear power and hydro-power etc are selected as the main analysis objects of the adjustment of energy structure. This paper takes energy cost minimum and carbon trading cost minimum as the objective functions based on the economic growth, energy saving and emission reduction targets and constructs an optimization model of energy consumption structure. And empirical research about energy consumption structure optimization in 2015 and 2020 is carried out based on the energy consumption data in Hebei Province, China during the period 1995-2013, which indicates that the energy consumption in Hebei dominated by coal cannot be replaced in the next seven years, from 2014 to 2020, when the coal consumption proportion is still up to 85.93%. Finally, the corresponding policy suggestions are put forward, according to the results of the energy structure optimization in Hebei Province.

Positioning and Brand Extension Strategies of Hyundai Genesis in the Domestic and North-American Markets (한국 및 북미시장에서 제네시스의 포지셔닝과 상표확장 전략)

  • Sunkyu Jun;Young Suk Hyun;Yoojeong Jeong
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.85-111
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    • 2011
  • The present study analyzes Hyundai Genesis' introduction in the domestic and the North-American markets in terms of positioning and brand extension strategies in each market. Genesis was positioned to 'A domestic luxury car that looks like a foreign premium brand' in the domestic market and was positioned to 'Quality of luxury car for a price of near-luxury car' in the North-American market. Hyundai brand was extended to Genesis in the North-American Market, but not in the domestic market. The present study examines the backgrounds that resulted in different position concepts in the markets and analyzed the marketing tactics to realize the position concepts. Specifically, we discussed the brand extension strategy that was adopted in the North-American market in terms of its pros and cons. The present study noticed a need for modifying and/or strengthening positioning strategies to face competitive environments and suggests an issue to be discussed with respect to the changes in the positioning strategies.

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Study on the North Korean Law in Estimating the Damages caused by Personal Injury (북한법상 인신사고에 대한 손해액 산정기준)

  • Hyun, Dooyoun
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.47-82
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    • 2019
  • Inter-Korean exchanges and cooperation, in the process, will inevitably lead to various legal disputes, one of which is the issue of compensation for personal injury. The purpose of this study is to present the standards of settlement of disputes between the residents of North and South Korea by examining the North Korean compensation law on the calculation of damages due to personal injury and comparing it with the South Korean compensation law. Understanding the North Korean compensation law is a critical and urgent task, as exchanges and cooperation between the two Koreas are expected to increase in the future. For the South Korean compensation law does not have specific provisions on the estimation of damages, the specific methods and standards for estimating damages are determined by court precedents. The South Korean courts categorize the damages caused by personal injury into active property damages, passive property damages and emotional distress damages and calculate the amount of each damages. On the other hand, the North Korean Compensation for Damage Act stipulates the categories of damage by dividing the cases of personal injury into 1) infringement of health(§41), 2) disability due to infringement of health(§42), and 3) death resulting from human infringement(§44). In addition, the North Korea Compensation for Damage Act specifies the calculation of compensation for damages(§43, §51). Furthermore, South Korea widely acknowledges emotional distress damages for personal injury, whereas North Korea does not recognize emotional distress damages in principle.