• 제목/요약/키워드: North Korean Issue

검색결과 164건 처리시간 0.024초

A Qualitative Study on the Adjustment of Separated Families in South and North Korea : Focusing on Separated Families Living in South Korea (남북이산가족의 적응에 관한 질적 고찰 : 남한 거주 이산가족을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Youn-Shil
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.183-207
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to improve the understanding of the essential experience of Separated Families in South and North Korea in a socio-cultural context and to explore their post-separation adjustment process from the perspective of the families. Major findings in this study are summarized as follows. First, 'han' was the central phenomenon that the participants experienced following their separation. Second, the core issue in the process of post-separation adjustment was 'accepting the separation and rearrangement of reality for reunion', and over time the participants went through four stages in their adjustment process: the stage of being overwhelmed, the stage of conflict, the stage of awareness, and the stage of acceptance. Third, the main factors affecting the participants' adjustment were supportive systems, available resources(individual variables) and interaction with other separated families. fourth, four types were observed in the typology of adjustment and reunion of the participants.

Orientaion of Korean unification psycholoy through Germany mental health research (독일의 정신건강 연구를 통해 본 한국의 통일심리학 방향)

  • Jung-Min Chae ;Seong-Yeul Han ;Jong-Han Yhi ;Myong-Ja Keum
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.91-114
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    • 2007
  • This study was performed to decide how to do research and resolve on mental health problems of the people after reunification, which is recognized as ultimately important issue. At first we analyzed the case of Germany. To do so, we reviewed the existing research, which included various issues such as reunification for the Germans, chronological research flow analysis, the issues of mental health, research methods for mental health problems, therapy for mental health problems and so on. And then we sought the ways to connect research for the North Korean defectors and unification era, and suggested the several research orientation and methods for mental health study of the unification period.

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Effect of Venture Business Tendency of North Korea Refugee Families on Adaptation to South Korean Society and Family Health (북한이탈주민의 벤처창업 성향이 남한사회 적응성과 가족건강성에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Baek Man;Byun, Sang Hae
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 2015
  • This paper aims to analyze how the Venture Business Tendency of North Korean refugees affects social adaptation and family health, and to provide proposals for policy making on the issue. For the purpose, we specifically suggest analysis of activation plan that 48 Venture Business North Korean managed Enterprise types, Entrepreneur type, Business type, Gender, Profit etc. As a result of analysis of actual proof, First, The Venture Business North Korean refugees managed need to consult to be technology business professionally because they features to be self-employment than expertise and knowledge basis type. Second, the rate of success of North Korean refugees is researched that female is higher than male. Third, to support Venture Business of North Korean refugees, they need one on one incubating support syspen why they are inexperienced in network, technical skills. Fourth, Venture Business Tendency of North Korean refugees affects social adaptation and family health. Since mid 1990's, North Korean refugees have come to South Korea through China or third countries due to collapsing economy of North Korea. In an effort to help those escaping from North Korea, the Seoul government provided them with a 3-month settlement program. But they have had experienced difficulties in communication, cultural assimilation, and confusion in their value system and identity. For the purpose, one-on-one interview was carried out on 45 North Korean refugees living in Seoul and neighboring cities, and the interviewed group was classified into three categories: single households, single-parent families and families with parents. The study findings demonstrated four policy alternatives to help improve quality of life of North Korean refugees and to help their successful settlemen.

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The influence of North Korean defectors' psychological characteristics on their alienation (탈북자들의 심리적 특성이 소외감에 미치는 영향 - 탈북자들과 남한주민들 간의 비교를 중심으로 -)

  • Jae-Chang Lee;Young-Man Kim
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.41-66
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    • 2005
  • The goal of this study was to investigate factors influencing North Korea defectors's psychological alienation by comparing South Koreans and North Korean defectors in the sense of values, lifestyles, attribution styles and stereotypes. To pursue this goal, a questionnaire was distributed to 143 South Koreans and 99 North Korean defectors, According to results, in comparison with South Koreans, North Korean defectors placed more values on 'nation' than 'individual or family', on the 'support of parents' than 'a great success', In the lifestyles, the North Korean defectors than South Koreans put higher significance in 'traditional familism', 'traditional collectivism', 'social consciousness', and 'traditional hierarchy'. As for stereotypes, South Korean people considered the North Korean defectors defiant, critical, egoistic, and competitive people. Also, South Koreans perceived North Korean defectors as more negatively than North Korean defectors did themselves. In case of alienation, North Korean defectors reported that their workplace was the most common place where they were alienated. As a result of investigating factors investigating the North Korean defectors' alienation, it showed that 'affluent life' in their values, 'cultural openness' in the lifestyles, and 'inside attribution' in the attribution styles were critical. Finally, it discussed limitations of the present study and the research required in the future.

A program for enhancing the South Koreans' and North Korean defectors' interpersonal abilities and accultural abilities (남한주민과 북한이탈주민의 대인관계와 문화적응 향상을 위한 프로그램)

  • Seong-Yeul Han ;Jong-Han Yhi ;Myong-Ja Keum;Jung-Min Chae ;Yeong-Yi Lee
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.33-54
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    • 2007
  • This study was performed to develop a group counseling program for the South Koreans and the North Korean defectors to identify mutual cultural characteristics and personal traits, and to acquire adaptation capacity for the other's culture and interpersonal relationship. And then we validated the effect of this group program. This program was based on the existing program even if that was not validated through research work. Actually this program was for encouraging the South Koreans and the North Korean defectors to acquire interpersonal ability through mutually dependent and cooperative work based on the equal status naturally and to adjust themselves to corresponding culture. Each session continued for 1.5 hour per week. And the sessions were done for 4 weeks. This research was analysed, and the results were compared with control group's results. The results showed that treatment group revealed significantly positive outcomes than control group. But, five participants among the North Korean defectors were dropped out in the course. So North Korean defectors' credibility got lowered.

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Recreation Ecology and Visitor Carrying Capacity Management: Implications for Protected Areas in East Asia

  • Leung, Yu-Fai;Lee, Ju-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.53-58
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    • 2003
  • Ever-growing recreation, tourism and ecotourism worldwide have become a significant factor of resource degradation in many protected areas. Managers of these areas are increasingly challenged to implement policies, strategies and actions that would protect the resource base while providing quality visitor experience. One major issue in managing protected area visitations is that of carrying capacity, or the question of "how much use is too much\ulcorner". Scientific studies of visitor impacts, often known as recreation ecology, has generated a knowledge base that provides valuable input to the visitor carrying capacity management process adopted by the U.S. National Park Service. This paper aims at (a) providing an overview of recreation ecology research and its application in managing visitor carrying capacity, and (b) examining the relevance of recreation ecology to East Asian protected areas with special reference to the visitor capacity issue.ity issue.

The Study on Political Stances based on Editorials of Korean Newspapers (한국 신문 사설의 정치적 성향 분석 연구)

  • Ban, Hyun
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • 제4권3호
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    • pp.87-92
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    • 2018
  • This paper aims to investigate political stances of news producers or news organizations by analyzing editorials from two Korean newspapers, Chosun Ilbo and the Hankyoreh, which are totally different in ideology, both qualitatively and quantitatively. In particular, the headlines from 16 editorials and 14 editorials from the two newspapers respectively published from May 28 to June 27 were analyzed in terms of political stances to a U.S-North Korea Summit. Moreover, two editorials published right after the U.S-North Summit were quantitatively analyzed within Martin and White (2005)'s framework. As a result, it was found that Chosun ilbo showed a negative stance to the summit by employing the 'feeling' factor within an attitude component most frequently, whereas the Hankyoreh was overwhelmingly positive toward the issue and the dialogue expansion factor within an engagement component is most frequently used to deliver its positive stance toward the issue.

Food Security Problems in North-East Asia and Cooperative Measures in the 21st Century (21세기 동북아 식량안보문제와 지역간 협력방안)

  • Kwon, Yong Dae
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.182-189
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    • 2000
  • The issue of food security will become one of the most widely concerned area of public policy in North East Asia coming 21st century. Although those countries such as China, Japan, South and North Koreas and Mongolia places emphasis on the need to have stable and reliable capacity for food production, it will be highly possible for these regions to experience the shortage of food supply due to growing population, expanding urbanization and rapid industrialization within next decade. Since world food markets are characterized as unstable structure and dominated by large multinational firms, their reliances on importing staple food may create the aggravation of food shortage problem in emergency situations. One possible proposal for solving food security in north-east region might be movements toward multilateral food supply assurance agreements as a component of trade negotiations among these countries. As measures for cooperation for securing food supply in these regions, following principles would be suggested; 1) encouraging agricultural cooperation based on private business, 2) exchange of technical and human resources rather than material support, 3) developing mutual concern and benefits, 4) managing joint buffer stock for staple food.

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The Utilization of Dental Hygienists in Oral Healthcare Exchanges between the South and North Korea

  • Ahn, Eunsuk;Han, Ji-Hyoung;Kang, Kyung-Hee;Jang, Young-Eun;Jeon, Ki-Ha;Park, Jeong-Ran
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.63-69
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    • 2021
  • Background: This study aimed to identify the role of dental hygienists in exchanges between North and South Korea to lower gaps in the level of dental healthcare between the two countries by conducting a Delphi survey with specialists and identifying alternative policies regarding the utilization of dental hygienists in such exchanges. Methods: Two Delphi surveys were conducted with the participation of nine specialists, and descriptive statistical analyses including mean and standard deviation were performed on the collected data. Results: Among methods of exchange and cooperation regarding oral healthcare under the current North Korean medical system, the issue considered most urgent was the "establishment of oral healthcare infrastructure." The most important short-term strategy was identified as the "selection and formation of partnerships in the field of inter-Korean oral health exchange and cooperation." The mid-term strategy was identified as the "establishment of cooperation in the dental industry, centered on educational cooperation projects." The long-term strategy included "joint R&D projects, oral health surveys, and business development." In order to determine how best to use dental hygienists during inter-Korean exchanges and cooperation, the respondents placed urgency on the "establishment of joint cooperation projects for oral health promotion and early examination and the treatment of dental diseases and planning of community research projects" and "the role of oral health education and media development for residents." Conclusion: Cooperation is necessary regarding the preparation of oral healthcare exchanges that aim to encourage unity between North and South Korea and reduce the gaps between the North and South regarding oral health conditions. Therefore, continuous and reasonable discussions and research are needed regarding the utilization of dental hygienists in such exchanges.

North Korean Defectors' depression through the CES-D and the Rorschach test (CES-D와 로샤검사를 통해 본 북한이탈주민의 우울감)

  • Jong-Nam Kim;Yun-Kyung Choi;Jung-Min Chae
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.41-61
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    • 2008
  • This study was performed to investigate the North Korean defectors's depression through the CES-D and a projective test simultaneously. So 40 North Korean defectors and 40 South Koreans participated in this study. The results are the following. First, the North Korean defectors demonstrated more higher CES-D scores than the South Koreans, while there were not significant differences in the Rorschach depression-related indexes, DEPI, CDI, S-CON between two groups. Second, at the analysis of the sex difference effect, women among the North Korean defectors showed the most high CDI index scores. In addition, we analyzed the mean differences between two groups for morbid content, shading response, achromatic response, human movement response, form dimension response, Lamda, and the number of total response. However, there are not significant differences between two groups for those variables, except for form dimension(FD) response. It suggested the probability that the North Korean women defectors could experience more psychological distress underlyingly than the North Korean men defectors. Third, most importantly, the correlation between CES-D and DEPI in the Rorschach test was significantly different in the two groups(the North Korean defectors and the South Koreans). In conclusion, the self-report of the North Korean defectors on depression could be exaggerated. So we should be cautious to interpret the self report results of the North Korean defectors.

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