• 제목/요약/키워드: Non-water-soluble Sanitary products

검색결과 2건 처리시간 0.02초

비수용성 위생용품 사용에 따른 물재생센터 개선방안: 서울시를 중심으로 (Study on the Improvement of Water Regeneration Center by Using Non-water-soluble Sanitary Products: Focusing on the case of Seoul City)

  • 김충곤;배윤환;신현곤
    • 유기물자원화
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    • 제31권2호
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    • pp.39-44
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    • 2023
  • 본 연구는 비수용성 위생용품의 수요와 공급이 증가하고 있는 상황에서 분뇨 및 하수처리시설의 물재생센터 처리과정중 비수용성 위생용품 관련 문제점을 분석하여 그 개선방안을 마련하고자 수행하였다. 그 결과, 물재생센터의 개선방안은 전처리설비에 주안점을 두어야 할 것이며 향후 설비교체시 하수처리시설의 경우에는 현실에 맞는 각종 제진기 설치를 제안하며, 분뇨처리시설은 조목스크린과 협잡물종합처리기 연계 또는 협잡물종합처리기 단독설치하는 방안을 제안한다. 또한 분뇨처리시설은 우선적으로 협잡물종합처리기 전단에 미세스크린을 설치하여 비수용성 물질을 분리하여야 하며 협잡물처리기의 유지관리 공간 확보가 필요하다.

Membrane Filter를 이용한 수산물 가공폐수처리에 대한 연구 (Research of Sea Food Wastewater Treatment using Membrane Filter)

  • 한동준
    • 환경위생공학
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.119-130
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    • 2007
  • Sea food wastewater including high concentration of organics and nutrients is hard to treat stably by established traditional activated sludge process. This research is aimed to obey more and more of strengthened the law and to secure stable effluents by using advanced treatment process applied membrane filter in aeration tank for treatment of wastewater from marine products. It must maintain pH of influent over 6.0 to keep up stably biological sludge of advanced treatment process. At 38hr of HRT, removal rates of TBOD and TCOD were 99.9% and 99.4% respectively and TSS also removed with high efficiency. Most organics in the effluent was constituted with soluble type materials, it caused that membrane filter installed aeration tank should remove minute suspended particles. The reactor was operated well to get stable treatment results for operation period, in spite of high loading of organics like that $0.67{\sim}1.67\;kgTBOD/m^3/day$ of organics loading and $0.10{\sim}0.21\;kgBOD_5/kgMLSS/day$ of F/M ratio. At $36{\sim}48hr$ of HRT, removal rates of T-N and T-P were $89.7{\sim}90.7%\;and\;91.5{\sim}96.0%$ respectively. It means this treatment process also work to remove nutrients of high concentration. Upon investigation of advanced treatment's operation factors, optimum SRT was about 30days and average SNR that showed tendency to increase according to increase water temperature was calculated 0.014 gN/g MLVSS/d. SDNR was risen in conformity to increase F/M ratio of Non-aeration tank and investigated as $0.038{\sim}0.051\;gN/gMLVSS/d$.