• Title/Summary/Keyword: Non-Ground

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Comparison of the Effects of Non-elastic Taping on Patellar tendon Pain, Knee Muscle Strength and Gait in Patients with Patellofemoral Joint Pain Syndrome (비탄력 테이핑이 슬개대퇴관절 통증증후군 환자의 슬개건 통증과 슬관절부 근력, 보행에 미치는 영향 비교)

  • Jung, Sang-mo;Jung, Young-jun;Ahn, Seung-won
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2019
  • Background: Ground repulsion or impact on the ground during daily activities, sports, or occupational activities may cause injury to the knee when walking. Non-elastic taping is effective in treating these problems in previous studies. Non-elastic taping strengthens the structure of the soft tissues of the injured knee joint to maintain constant tension, improves muscle rearrangement and function, and improves proprioception. Based on previous studies, we intended to see the therapeutic changes of non-elastic taping in patients with patellofemoral joint pain syndrome. Methods: The non-elastic taping application method was applied to the patient three times for five hours for one week. Non-elastic taping was applied to the patellar tendon with little space above the skin segment of the patellar femur, with both sides fixed by taping. Muscle strength and gait change were evaluated with non-elastc taping. Results: The knee flexion, extension strength and gait evaluation of the knee joint with inelastic taping showed significant differences after treatment. There was a significant difference in the comparison between the two groups after the treatment method was applied (p<.05). Conclusion: As a result, this study confirms that the non-elastic taping method applied for the treatment of patellar femoral joint pain syndrome is effective in the treatment.

Evaluation of seismic design provisions for acceleration-sensitive non-structural components

  • Surana, Mitesh
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.611-623
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    • 2019
  • A set of mid-rise bare and uniformly infilled reinforced-concrete frame buildings are analyzed for two different seismic intensities of ground-motions (i.e., 'Design Basis Earthquake' and 'Maximum Considered Earthquake') to study their floor response. The crucial parameters affecting seismic design force for acceleration-sensitive non-structural components are studied and compared with the guidelines of the European and the United States standards, and also with the recently developed NIST provisions. It is observed that the provisions of both the European and the United States standards do not account for the effects of the period of vibration of the supporting structure and seismic intensity of ground-motions and thereby provides conservative estimates of the in-structure amplification. In case of bare frames, the herein derived component amplification factors for both the design basis earthquake and the maximum considered earthquake exceeds with their recommended values in the European and the United States standards for non-structural components having periods in vicinity of the higher modes of vibration, whereas, in case of infilled frames, component amplification factors exceeds with their recommended value in the European standard for non-structural components having periods in vicinity of the fundamental mode of vibration, and only for the design basis earthquake. As a consequence of these observations, as well as capping on the design force (in case of United states standard and NIST provisions), in case of the design basis earthquake, the combined amplification factor is underestimated for non-structural components having periods in vicinity of the higher modes of vibration of bare frames, and also for non-structural components having periods in vicinity of the fundamental mode of vibration of infilled frames. At the maximum considered earthquake demand, excepting non-structural components having periods in vicinity of the higher modes of vibration of bare frames, all provisions generally provide conservative estimates of the design floor accelerations.

Filtering Airborne Laser Scanning Data by Utilizing Adjacency Based on Scan Line (스캔 라인 기반의 인접 관계를 이용한 항공레이저측량 자료의 필터링)

  • Lee, Jeong-Ho;Yeom, Jun-Ho;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.359-365
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    • 2011
  • This study aims at filtering ALS points into ground and non-ground effectively through labeling and window based algorithm by utilizing 2D adjacency based on scan line. Firstly, points adjacency is constructed through minimal search based on scan line. Connected component labeling algorithm is applied to classify raw ALS points into ground and non-ground by utilizing the adjacency structure. Then, some small objects are removed by morphology filtering, and isolated ground points are restored by IDW estimation. The experimental results shows that the method provides good filtering performance( about 97% accuracy) for diverse sites, and the overall processing takes less time than converting raw data into TIN or raster grid.

Accuracy Assessment of DTM Generation Using LIDAR Data (LIDAR 자료를 이용한 DTM 생성 정확도 평가)

  • Yoo Hwan Hee;Kim Seong Sam;Chung Dong Ki;Hong Jae Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.261-272
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    • 2005
  • 3D models in urban areas are essential for a variety of applications, such as virtual visualization, GIS, and mobile communications. LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is a relatively new technology for obtaining Digital Terrain Models (DTM) of the earth's surface since manual 3D data reconstruction is very costly and time consuming. In this paper an approach to extract ground and non-ground points data from LIDAR data by using filtering is presented and the accuracy for generating DTM from ground points data is evaluated. Numerous filter algorithms have been developed to date. To determine the performance of filtering, we selected three filters which are based on the concepts for height difference, slope, and morphology, and also were applied two different data acquired from high raised apartments areas and low house areas. From the results it has been found that the accuracy for generating DTM from LIDAR data are 0.16 m and 0.59 m in high raised apartments areas and low house areas respectively. We expect that LIDAR data is used to generate the accurate DTM in urban areas.

A Consideration on 3-Phase Non-Loop, Multiple-Point Ground Method in 22.9[kV] CNCV Underground Cable Systems (22.9[kV] CNCV케이블 지중배전계통의 3상 비일괄 동심증성선 다중접지방식에 대한 이론적고찰)

  • Jeon, Myung-Su;Song, Joong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 2008
  • In 22.9[kV]-y distribution systems, underground cables are provided with 3-wire loop multiple-point ground in which each coaxial-neutral line of the distribution cable lines(A, B, C phases) is 3-wire common grounded at every connecting section. In the underground cable distribution systems, circulating current flows in the coaxial-neutral lines and its magnitude amounts to about $40{\sim}50[%]$ load currents, even though loads are balanced. This paper presents a new ground method to overcome such a problem and a comprehensive analysis in tows of current capacity of power cables, induced voltage of cable sheath, and electromagnetic interference voltage from power cable lines.

Change of the Moisture and Temperature in Planting Ground as Effected by Different Soil Thickness, Soil Mixture Ratios and Ground Cover Plants in the Green Roof System (옥상녹화에서 토심, 토양배합비 및 지피식물에 따른 식재지반 수분 및 온도변화)

  • Ju, Jin Hee;Yoon, Young Han
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.11-16
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    • 2010
  • This paper has attempted to investigate the change in soil moisture volume and temperature of architecture by planting ground(soil thickness and soil mixture ratio) and ground cover plants(Sedum sarmentosum, Zoysia japonica, Chrysanthemum zawadskii) for middle region green roof system. For this, a test was conducted on the roof of Konkuk University building from April 2009 to October 2009. In terms of treatment, five types(SL, $P_7P_1L_2$, $P_6P_2L_2$, $P_5P_3L_2$, $P_4P_4L_2$) depending on soil mixture ratio and two types(15cm, 25cm) by soil depth were created. Results of soil moisture volume by soil mixture ratio in the 15cm soil thickness showed that the difference was significance between simple soil and mixture soil treatment, however, the statistical significance was not recognized according to soil mixture ratio. In case of 25cm soil thickness, soil moisture volume by soil mixture ratio was more higher 7Vol.%~10Vol.% in the mixture soil than simple soil treatment. In terms of districts planted ground cover plants, soil volume moisture differed among plants in the order Zoysia japonica 17.74 Vol.%$34.86^{\circ}C$, district non-planted $27.49^{\circ}C$, Sedum sarmentosum $25.11^{\circ}C$, Chrysanthemum zawadskii $23.08^{\circ}C$, Zoysia japonica $24.45^{\circ}C$ respectively So, concrete surface showed more higher $5^{\circ}C{\sim}15^{\circ}C$ than other things among the all the time. Result of inner temperature of the architecture and soil, it was measured inner of architecture $25.69^{\circ}C$, inner district non-planted $24.29^{\circ}C$, Chrysanthemum zawadskii $23.90^{\circ}C$, Zoysia japonica $24.02^{\circ}C$, Sedum sarmentosum $25.13^{\circ}C$, respectively.

3D based Classification of Urban Area using Height and Density Information of LiDAR (LiDAR의 높이 및 밀도 정보를 이용한 도시지역의 3D기반 분류)

  • Jung, Sung-Eun;Lee, Woo-Kyun;Kwak, Doo-Ahn;Choi, Hyun-Ah
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.373-383
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    • 2008
  • LiDAR, unlike satellite imagery and aerial photographs, which provides irregularly distributed three-dimensional coordinates of ground surface, enables three-dimensional modeling. In this study, urban area was classified based on 3D information collected by LiDAR. Morphological and spatial properties are determined by the ratio of ground and non-ground point that are estimated with the number of ground reflected point data of LiDAR raw data. With this information, the residential and forest area could be classified in terms of height and density of trees. The intensity of the signal is distinguished by a statistical method, Jenk's Natural Break. Vegetative area (high or low density) and non-vegetative area (high or low density) are classified with reflective ratio of ground surface.

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Lateral Bearing Characteristics of Large Diameter Drilled Shafts by Casing Reinforcement Condition Using Non Linear Analysis (비선형해석을 이용한 케이싱 보강조건에 따른 대구경 현장타설말뚝의 수평거동특성)

  • Yoo, Jin-Ho;Moon, In-Jong;Lee, Kang-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2020
  • The lateral bearing characteristics are important factors in the case of large diameter drilled shafts and the measures to increase this are to improve the adjacent ground of the pile to increase the rigidity and to increase the rigidity of the pile itself. There are many suggestions for increasing rigidity by reinforcing casing on the pile, but few studies have been done related to this. Therefore, in this study, the lateral bearing characteristics according to casing reinforcement length were studied for each ground condition using non-linear analysis to evaluate the appropriate casing reinforcement length of the large diameter drilled shafts depending on the ground conditions. As a result, the lateral bearing characteristics of the large diameter drilled shafts are most effective if the casing reinforcement length ratio is 1.2, and depending on the ground conditions, the more loose the ground, the greater the reinforcement effect.

The Analysis of Non-linear Interaction Problem between the Consolidation ground and the Upper Structure (압밀지반과 상부구조의 비선형 상호작용의 해석)

  • 이외득;정진환
    • Computational Structural Engineering
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.327-336
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    • 1997
  • When a structure is built on the consolidation ground, the instant elastic deflection occures according to the characteristics of the ground and the load on it. And the corresponding contact pressure is established. But, as time passes, the secondary consolidating deflection is added to the instant elastic deflection, the upper structure, due to its flexural rigidity, resist to the additional curvature. So the variation of the contact pressure occurs. And this new contact pressure exerts influence on the consolidation form again. The new consolidation form exerts influence on the contact pressure in return. This kind of interaction continues till all the consolidation of the ground is finished. So the consolidation problem can not be definded as the linear problem. This paper intends to scheme an approximate iteration method to analyse this non-linear interaction problem between the upper structure and the lower consolidation ground which supports the former.

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Comparison of Univariate Kriging Algorithms for GIS-based Thematic Mapping with Ground Survey Data (현장 조사 자료를 이용한 GIS 기반 주제도 작성을 위한 단변량 크리깅 기법의 비교)

  • Park, No-Wook
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.321-338
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    • 2009
  • The objective of this paper is to compare spatial prediction capabilities of univariate kriging algorithms for generating GIS-based thematic maps from ground survey data with asymmetric distributions. Four univariate kriging algorithms including traditional ordinary kriging, three non-linear transform-based kriging algorithms such as log-normal kriging, multi-Gaussian kriging and indicator kriging are applied for spatial interpolation of geochemical As and Pb elements. Cross validation based on a leave-one-out approach is applied and then prediction errors are computed. The impact of the sampling density of the ground survey data on the prediction errors are also investigated. Through the case study, indicator kriging showed the smallest prediction errors and superior prediction capabilities of very low and very high values. Other non-linear transform based kriging algorithms yielded better prediction capabilities than traditional ordinary kriging. Log-normal kriging which has been widely applied, however, produced biased estimation results (overall, overestimation). It is expected that such quantitative comparison results would be effectively used for the selection of an optimal kriging algorithm for spatial interpolation of ground survey data with asymmetric distributions.