• 제목/요약/키워드: Non Government Organization

검색결과 134건 처리시간 0.026초

서울 도시철도 9호선의 운영분야 혁신방안 (Renovation plans of operation field of Seoul Metro Line 9)

  • 한우진;박정수
    • 한국철도학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국철도학회 2008년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.1441-1446
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    • 2008
  • Seoul Metro Line 9 (SML9) is the first subway line that private capital invests in Korea. SML9 will cross Seoul, linking the Gimpo Airport to the Gangnam district (25.5km) opening in the first half of 2009. SML9 has a new model in Korea constructed by metropolitan government and private company and operated by specialized public transportation service provider. SML9 is confronted with tough environment of stagnated public transportation and strong competitor, Olympic city expressway. And SML9 is under pressure for showing high efficiency as non-governmental organization from both customers and government. Consequently SML9 must lead the maximum efficiency by using its material and human resource. It is necessary that SML9 raise a competitive power and display its ability in active collaboration with relative organization and company. Hereupon, I propose renovation plans from viewpoint of operation field of SML9, (1) efficient train scheduling regime focusing on the combination of express and local train (2) close connection of other mean of transportation and (3) effective connection convention with Airport Railroad (AREX) as the line connected directly.

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국제보건 분야의 공공-민간 파트너십 현황과 과제 (Current Status and Issues on Public-Private Partnership of Global Health)

  • 이현숙;김춘배
    • 보건행정학회지
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.4-12
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    • 2014
  • Background: The purpose of this study is to investigate current status and investigation of government agencies, communities, corporates, hospitals, non-governmental organization, non-profit organization, and so on which performed Corporate Social Responsibility to global health issues. Methods: This paper focuses on analyzing definition and principle of public-private partnership (PPP), types of PPP, challenge of PPP through delphi survey and interview which need to be discussed by professional groups such as private groups, universities and researches, government decision makers, corporates, and hospitals for successful PPP. Results: Based on this analysis on global health issues of 237 groups, the results were shown that main global health issues of many hospitals were aids of the developing countries (48%). Main program was activities of overseas volunteers (30%) and most 152 groups (42%) supported Asia. Also, this paper gives a definition of PPP that is the growth together in PPPs as a way of fulfilling public tasks in partnership between the state administration and private enterprises to apply both strengths behind transparency, accountability. Conclusion: In conclusion, from the results of analysis, we suggest as prior setting of global issues for both demand and supply side and are served as the effective way by PPP on global health issues. Moreover, this study will be expanded on the sections of findings, multiple researches, discussion, and policy recommendations.

차세대 전자정부의 대민통합서비스 모델 연구 (A Study on the Integrated Civil Service Model of the Next e-Government)

  • 노규성;정진택
    • 디지털융복합연구
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2008
  • The e-Government in Korea has made such good results as improvement of official work productivity and citizen service quality. However, e-Government in Korea involves many problems and subjects to must solve, especially, at the side of citizen services. Every public organization as supplier provides each service of themselves to the civilians. Citizens feel inconvenience yet, because they must visit and are supplied various civil services to one public affair from several public institutions. When we consider the paradigm shift of the e-Government service, the status and problems of the e-Government in Korea required more better service model to the citizen. To realize the citizen oriented service, the integration and linkage of the system infrastructure and applications among governmental organizations are required. In this changed situation, when new one/non-stop service model of the digital government is developed and launched, the e-Government can supply better service to the citizens. In this study, the model that we suggest is among the new service models of the e-Government, named the Integrated Civil Service Model. The e-Government involving the Integrated Civil Service Model can make more outcome, such as better civil life convenience, cost-effective results by processing time and cost reduction for public affairs of citizens.

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사용자 중심의 공공서비스를 위한 디지털 정부 서비스디자인 개선방안 연구 (A Study on the Design Improvement of Digital Government for User-Centered Public Services in Korea)

  • 이은숙;차경진
    • 한국IT서비스학회지
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    • 제20권5호
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    • pp.137-146
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    • 2021
  • Recently, public participation in government policy design has been further expanded and public services perceived by users are expanding. At this time, the role of the digital government and the direction of the service to be pursued are user-centered, and above all, it is necessary to focus on the keywords of pre-emptive, preventive, and customized. In order to propose service quality improvement in the public sector, service user-centered classification and monitoring are integrated and the usability of government documents is improved. It is necessary to identify the needs of whether to provide a path for public participation. In the post-corona era, people are accessing quarantine information from the digital government every day. The government should proactively respond to the acceleration of digital transformation and the non-face-to-face demands of the people who experience non-face-to-face daily life. In order to evolve into a smart organization along with the innovation promotion plan and to provide customized services, it is necessary to use existing guides for institutional and technical improvement, along with new technology and data-based analysis, to strive for change management. The government should seek counter-measures that have advanced one step ahead by incorporating new high-tech IT with user-centered necessary services. This study aims to derive improvement plans to provide user-centered digital government service design when designing public services and collecting public opinions. Based on the e-government development model research and the existing research on user-centered service design in the public sector, institutional and technical measures are provided for the improvement of digital government service design.

전략적 지역혁신체재 구축을 위한 지역혁신협의회 조직에 관한 연구 - 강원도 사례를 중심으로 (A Study on the Organization Design of Regional Innovation Councils for Establishing Strategic Regional Innovation Systems: Based on Kang-Won Province Case)

  • 이주헌
    • 산학경영연구
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.195-214
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    • 2008
  • 지난 2004년 이후로 정부는 지역의 내생적 자립과 발전을 위한 핵심역량과 성장동력을 창출하기 위해 지역혁신체계를 구축하기 위한 정책을 추진하였고 추진주체로서 산학연 전문가를 중심으로 구성된 지역혁신협의회를 만들었다. 당시 강원도의 지역혁신협의회 조직은 운영위원회와 사무국을 중심으로 기획조정분과, 전략산업분과, 문화관광산업분과, 지연산업분과, 지역인적자원개발분과 등으로 구성되어 지역혁신정책을 수립, 검토, 심의, 평가, 확정하는 업무를 담당하는 등 의욕적으로 추진되었다. 하지만, 기존 정부조직과의 역할차별화 문제, 균형발전위원회의 예산확보문제, 전략적 조직체계 문제, 의사결정구조 문제등으로 애초에 기획했던 지역혁신협의회의 기능과 역할과는 달리 미래지향적 전략설정과 혁신적 지역산업정책의 추진은 어렵게 되고 지역에서 기존에 추진하고 있던 산업과 연구자원에 근거하여 전략산업이 선정되고 예산배분이 결정되었다. 성공적이지 못한 결과에도 불구하고 오늘날과 같은 혁신사회에서는 지역의 혁신정책을 결정하고 심의, 조정할 수 있는 지역혁신협의회와 같은 조직의 역할과 필요성이 점점 중요해지고 있는 추세이다. 아마 차기정부에서도 비슷한 역할을 담당할 혁신과 창업의 추진체가 앞으로도 계속 출현할 것으로 예상한다. 본 논문의 목적은 지역혁신협의회의 조직구조를 분석하고 기존 조직의 전략과 조직구조에 대한 문제점을 도출하고 이에 대한 해결책을 제시함으로써 바람직한 혁신추진체의 역할과 모습을 재정립하는 것이다. 본 논문에서는 저자가 속한 강원도 지역혁신협의회의 조직구조와 분과의 역할을 체계적으로 분석하고 문제점을 식별, 논의하고 바람직한 추진체가 갖추어야 할 사항과 시사점을 제시하고자 하였다.

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기업의 인적자원관리와 경영성과의 관계에 대한 연구 : 말콤 볼드리지 평가 기준을 중심으로 (A Study on the Relation between the Human Resource Management and Management Performance in Enterprise : Focused on the Malcolm Baldrige's Evaluation Model)

  • 박형근;정영배
    • 산업경영시스템학회지
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    • 제33권4호
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    • pp.85-99
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    • 2010
  • This study is to identify the present condition and level of human resource administration in domestic profit and non-profit organizations, and to investigate on the relation between human resource management and management performance in enterprise. This study is to make items related to the human resource management of American Malcolm Baldrige Award's level and management performance researching questions, investigates seven patterns of organs surveyed positively. The results are as follows: Firstly, the profit organs like manufacturing companies shows more positive than non-profit in comparison with human resource management of each organs. And a local government and public enterprise which is non-profit show to recognize human resource management is insufficient on th whole. Secondly, perception level of a medical institution, educational institution and service industry about aromaticity of human resource management by global standard shows to be positive, but the local government negative. Thirdly, the profit organ in the recognition of human resource management about details practice too, shows to be positive, while non-profit negative. Fourth, the result which compares and analyzes management performance between the similar industry overall show to recognize positive, but public enterprise negative about product, service performance and human resource management. Fifthly, the details practice of human resource administration shows to influence meaningly to all management performance. Therefore, all organizations will positively confront human resource management, make the circumstance of organization through systematic program, and promote the management performance of the organization.

수용보호시설(收容保護施設) 운영개선(運營改善) 방향(方向) (A Study of Welfare Program for the Social Welfare Agencies)

  • 김진복
    • 한국사회복지학
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    • 제3권
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    • pp.47-62
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    • 1982
  • This paper is intended to study actual condition and problems of Social Welfare, and to institute the plan of social welfare administ ration. Recently, Social welfare agendas, public and private, in our country adhere to traditionary and temporary relief of the clients. The improvement of social work is neglected among some pravile social welfare organization in this society are as follows : Firstly, Big enterprises should undertaken the non-earnest social welfare foundation, this plan, however, can be eastablished by policy making of the proper authorities. Secondly, improvement of public institution and personnel administration should be stressed and innovated. Thirdly, We should not rely on the other social welfare organization and perform our own way of duty. Lastly, The government, community and private social work organization should accomplish cooper ation system among them.

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항공·우주분야 연구개발사업(R&D) 성과영향요인이 R&D 성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 (A Study on R&D Critical Factors Affecting R&D Performance in Aviation and Aerospace Industries)

  • 소은정;김기웅;김광일
    • 한국항공운항학회지
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.26-36
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    • 2019
  • Although the investment size of R&D in Aviation and Aerospace Industries is increasing, R&D performance has not been quite good considering resources invested in it. This study is to find which R&D critical factors affect R&D Performance in aviation and aerospace industries. According to the result of research, a technology provider factor, an organization factor, a system factor and a market environment factor influence positively on financial performance, and a policy factor influences negatively on financial performance. Otherwise, a technology provider factor and an organization factor influence positively on non financial performance, and technology factor influences negatively on non financial performance. Thus, personnel involved in R&D of Aviation and Aerospace Industries should develop policy and system taking positive and negative factors to improve R&D performance. It could lead to take the better performance from R&D in Aviation and Aerospace Industires.

우리나라 기름오염방제제도의 문제점과 개선방안 (National Oil Pollution Response System : Current Issues and Policy Recommendation)

  • 목진용
    • 해양환경안전학회지
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.105-121
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    • 2001
  • After the Sea Prince oil spill accident in 1995, the korean government has taken a measure to establish an emergency response system and equip clean-up capacity against large spill, major contents of which are as follows: First, Korea Marine Pollution Response Corporation has been established as a non-government organization for recovery of spilled oil in order to improve private response capabilities. Second, clean-up equipments, such as large clean-up vessels and oil fences for the open sea operation has been expanded. Third, a national contingency plan on the large spill accidents has been established compliance with the provisions of Article 6 of the OPRC 1990. However, there exist some problems in the national response system, such as clearly roles definition between government and private agencies; propel amendment of the Marine Pollution Prevention Act to incorporate major contents of the OPRC 1990; and training and exercises of clean-up personnel. With the above problems in mind, this paper reviews the current issues on the national oil pollution response system and recommends policy-making to tackle to those problems.

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The Changing Role of Government Research Institutes in Innovation Systems

  • Guinet, Jean
    • STI Policy Review
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.63-92
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    • 2010
  • Recent years have seen an intensified discussion in many OECD countries about the role and mission of public research in the innovation system. This discussion takes place in quite specific national contexts, but should benefit from international experience. However, whereas voluminous literatures address the changing governance methods, organizational forms and missions of universities, much less attention has been devoted to developing a common understanding of the challenges faced by non-university public research institutions. The main goals of this paper is to contribute to clarifying the nature of these challenges, outlines possible policy answers and draws some implications for Korea. In the first section, the paper uses available internationally comparable indicators to review trends in the contribution of government research institutes (GRIs) to R&D and innovation activities. In the second section, the paper identifies the current major changes in the dynamics of innovation that may call for further adjustments in the positioning, organization and steering of public research institutes. Finally, the paper outlines some strategic objectives and orientations for the reform of public research institutes as part of the broader agenda of the Korean innovation strategy.