• Title/Summary/Keyword: Noise and Vibration Characteristics

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A Study on the Application of Finishing Materials According to the Locational Function of the Chapel in Church Space (교회공간 예배실의 위치적 기능에 따른 마감재 적용 연구)

  • Yeo, Mi;Lee, Chang No
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.178-188
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    • 2015
  • This study has the main objective of being of help as a reference data for the application of the finishing materials when designing the interior of the chapel of the church space through analysis of the finishing materials against the chapels of church space which has complex function. As precedent studies for this, the composition of the function and concept of the church space was surveyed and the complex function of the church space was surveyed. The theoretical surveyed was performed according to the casual composition, behavior of the community and role and location of the duties of the church members. The case objects were 10 chapels constructed by 5 professional interior design companies. The content of the analysis was the finishing materials in the chapels and their application characteristics. The detailed considerations to be referred to when designing the interior of the chapels of church space in the future were proposed. The analysis result of the application of the finishing materials according to the locational function of the chapels of church space can be explained as follows. First, the platform area was the characteristic of applying finishing materials which induce visual immersion. As for the floor materials in the platform, in order to minimize the floor sound and vibration phenomenon occurring during movements, noise insulation and dust protection rubber sheet was place and on top of it the floor or the carpet was placed. Second, the Choir area had the difficult problem of having to consider the appropriate sound absorption occurring due to the proliferation of sound and performance of classical instruments at the same time. However, in the case, this problem was solved through the sculptures of convex shape. Third, since the scheelite is a space where many people move around, the finishing material which absorbs sound was mainly used. Fourth, the entrance area was composed of thick wall materials compared to other walls, and the sound absorption character was most significantly considered when applying the finishing material. Fifth, the broadcasting room was composed either in independent type or an open type and performed its function and the main finishing materials was transparent glass which was highest use frequency.

A study on the characteristics of Micro Pressure wave for the optimum cross-section design in Honam high speed railway (호남고속철도 터널 단면선정을 위한 미기압파 특성 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seon-Hong;Mun, Yeon-O;Seok, Jin-Ho;Kim, Gi-Rim;Kim, Chan-Dong;Yu, Ho-Sik
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Rock Mechanics Conference
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    • 2008.03a
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    • pp.51-68
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    • 2008
  • When the train enters into a tunnel a high speed, pressure waves are generated inside the tunnel. The pressure waves at propagate in a form of compression wave toward the tunnel exit and a fraction of the compression waves that arrives at the exit of the tunnel are discharged to outside of the tunnel and the remainder is reflected into the tunnel as expansion waves. The compression waves emitted from the tunnel does not radiate in a specific direction but in all directions. If the amplitude of the compression wave is great, it causes noise and vibration, and it is called "Micro-Pressure Wave." "Micro-Pressure Wave" must be considered as a decision for the optimum tunnel cross-section as the amplitude of the compression wave depends on train speed, tunnel length, area of tunnel and train. Therefore, this paper introduces the case study of Micro-Pressure Wave characteristics for determination of tunnel cross section in Honam high speed railway, the pressure inside the tunnel and the micro-pressure waves at tunnel exit were measured at Hwashin 5 tunnel in Kyungbu HSR line. At the same time. a test of train operation model was performed and then the measurement results and test results were compared to verify that the various parameters used as input conditions for the numerical simulations, which were appropriate. Also a model test was performed, in order to analysis of the Micro-Pressure Wave Mitigation Performance by Type of Hood at Entrance Portal.

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A study on the clogging of shield TBM cutterhead opening area according to the characteristics of cohesive soil content (점성토 함량 특성에 따른 shield TBM cutterhead 개구부의 폐색현상에 관한 연구)

  • Bang, Gyu-Min;Kim, Yeon-Deok;Hwang, Beoung-Hyeon;Cho, Sung-Woo;Kim, Sang-Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.265-280
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    • 2021
  • Population density due to urbanization is making people interested in underground space development and much interest in TBM construction with low vibration and noise. This led to a lot of research on TBM. However, research on the characteristics of the cutterhead opening of the TBM equipment being occluded under the ground conditions under which it is excavated is insufficient. Accordingly, a study was conducted to investigate clogging of the cutterhead opening during the shield TBM rolling. To identify the clogging of cutterhead openings in SHIELD TBM equipment, the reduced model experiment was divided into clay rate (10%, 30%, 50%, 60%), cutterhead opening rate (30%, 50%, 60%), and cutterhead rotation direction (one-way, two-way) and rotational speed (3 RPM) and conducted in 36 cases. Results of scale model test on shield TBM clogging, it was analyzed that the ground condition containing clay soil increased the clogging effect in both directions than the unidirectional rotation, and that the lower the rotational speed of the cutterhead, the less the clogging effect. Accordingly, the direction of cutterhead rotation, rotational speed and opening rate are calculated by taking into account ground conditions during ground excavation, the clogging effect can be reduced. It is believed to be effective in saving air as the clogging effect is reduced. Therefore, this study is expected to be an important material for domestic use of shield TBM.

Behavior Characteristics of Helical Pile in Granite Residual Soil (풍화토 지반에 관입된 나선형 강관말뚝의 거동 특성)

  • Cho, Chunhee;Heo, Yol;Bae, Wooseok
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 2013
  • The rotate penetration pile is a type of displacement pile: the surrounding soil is displaced when installing the pile, and the pile can exert a large bearing power and pullout force. In addition, it uses displaced soil method that does not generate slime, and its applications are increasing in foreign countries owing to the environmentally friendly characteristics such as small noise and vibration. However, mostly driven piles-which are directly driven to the ground, and bored pile- pre-fabricated piles are buried to prebored underground, are used; however, rotate penetration piles still have limited use. Most of the laboratory tests have been carried out until now to identify the support behavior after installation of piles and ground construction, the evaluating the support behavior is lacking due to the rotation intrusive process of the rotate penetration piles. Therefore, this study used indoor experiments simulating rotation intrusive process in weathered soil, to evaluate the bearing power behavior for the weathered soil, varying the diameter of the helical bearing plates, helical bearing plate spacing, number of the helical bearing plates, and helical bearing plate specifications. As the outcome of this study, the helical pile bearing power evaluation results, change in bearing power in accordance with main specifications, and review on the comparative analysis with the existing theories were provided.

An Experimental Study on the Longitudinal Resistance Behavior of an Existing Ballastless Steel Plate Girder Bridge (기존 무도상 판형교 궤도의 종저항거동에 대한 실험)

  • Kim, Kyoungho;Hwang, Inyoung;Baek, Inchul;Choi, Sanghyun
    • Journal of The Korean Society For Urban Railway
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.327-337
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    • 2018
  • Since the track of the ballastless steel plate girder bridge is connected to a main girder without a deck and a ballast, the impact generated by train passage is transferred directly to bridge main members, and it can cause frequent damage of the bridge as well as higher noise and vibration level. Applying the CWR (Continuously Welded Rail) technology can reduce this structural problems, and, to this end, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of factors influencing vehicle-track or track-bridge interaction. In this paper, experimental study results are presented for examining the longitudinal resistance characteristics of the track, including a rail fastener, a sleeper fastener, and a track skeleton, installed on a ballastless steel plate girder bridge. The experiment is conducted using a disposed bridge from service, which is transported to a laboratory. The experimental results show that the rail fastener satisfies the performance criteria of the longitudinal resistance presented in KRS TR 0014-15, and the longitudinal resistance of old and new type sleeper fasteners is higher than the values provided in the existing research. Also, the unloaded longitudinal resistance of the ballastless track is between the ballast and the concrete tracks.

New Gain Function Based on Attenuation Characteristics of Ballast Track for GPR Analysis (GPR 분석을 위한 자갈궤도 자갈의 감쇄특성을 이용한 이득함수 개발)

  • Shin, Jihoon;Choi, Yeongtae;Jang, SeungYup
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2017
  • Ballasted track has been used as track system for more than 100 years. Ballasted track has advantages of low construction cost, flexible maintenance, low noise and vibration, and so on. However, ballasted track leads to continuous settlement which causes maintenance. Recently, increase in speed, traffic volume, and weight of train requires more frequent maintenance. Fouling, well-known phenomenon of accumulation of fine materials due to intrusion of subgrade and breakage of ballast materials, expedites the settlement (i.e., irregular settlement) of track. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) can be one of non-destructive tools that can evaluate fouling level of ballast. In this paper, a gain function based on the attenuation characteristics of ballast material is suggested in conjunction with Hilbert transform. Lab box tests and full-scale tests indicate that the suggested method reasonably classifies clean, fouled layers, and subgrade. However, additional study to eliminate effect of sleeper and to include the scattering features of the electromagnetic wave in ballast voids should be required in order to enhance the accuracy.

A comparative study of field measurements of the pressure wave with analytical aerodynamic model for the high speed train in tunnels (고속철도 터널내 압력파 측정과 공기압 해석모델에 대한 기초연구)

  • Kim, Hyo-Gyu;Choi, Pan-Gyu;Hong, Yoo-Jung;Yoo, Ji-Oh
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.319-332
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    • 2015
  • The pressure wave formed by the piston effects of the train proceeds within the tunnel when a train enters the tunnel with a high speed. Depending on the condition of tunnel exit, the compression waves reflect at a open end, change to the expansion waves, transfer to tunnel entrance back. Due to interference in the pressure waves and running train, passengers experience severe pressure fluctuations. And these pressure waves result in energy loss, noise, vibration, as well as in the passengers' ears. In this study, we performed comparison between numerical analysis and field experiments about the characteristics of the pressure waves transport in tunnel that appears when the train enter a tunnel and the variation of pressure penetrating into the train staterooms according to blockage ratio of train. In addition, a comparative study was carried out with the ThermoTun program to examine the applicability of the compressible 1-D model(based on the Method of Characteristics). Furthermore examination for the adequacy of the governing equations analysis based on compressible 1-D numerical model by Baron was examined.

A Process Optimization of HVOF on ALBC3 by Experiments Design (실험계획법을 이용한 ALBC3에 대한 고속화염용사의 최적 공정 설계)

  • Kim, Young-Moon;Lim, Byung-Chul;Kim, Min-Tae;Park, Sang-Heup
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.448-453
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    • 2016
  • Erosion and abrasion caused by cavitation damage occur in fluid equipment, such as ships or impellers. Similarly, the equipment damage from noise and vibration can shorten its life. This study analyzed the importance of the parameter characteristics of the process optimization of HVOF (High Velocity Oxygen Fuel spraying), which is generally used in a variety of industries for enhancing the resistibility from the cavitation phenomenon. The surface of the ALBC3 substrate was coated with an amorphous powder as a filler metal according to the experimental design using the Taguchi method, and then the characteristics with each parameter were analyzed using a porosity measurement test. The optimal process conditions was a combustion pressure of 80psi, coating distance of 270mm, gun speed of 200mm/s, and powder feed rate of 25g/min as a result of the HVOF coating by applying the experimental design. The combustion pressure, coating distance and powder feed rate were more than 25% and indicated a similar contribution rate, but the contribution rate of the gun speed was 19%, which was slightly less than the others. The contribution rate with each parameter was only slightly significant. On the other hand, all four parameters were found to be important in the contribution rate aspects of the HVOF coating process.

Development of a Ranging Inspection Technique in a Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor Using a Plate-type Ultrasonic Waveguide Sensor (판형 웨이브가이드 초음파 센서를 이용한 소듐냉각고속로 원격주사 검사기법 개발)

  • Kim, Hoe Woong;Kim, Sang Hwal;Han, Jae Won;Joo, Young Sang;Park, Chang Gyu;Kim, Jong Bum
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.48-57
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    • 2015
  • In a sodium-cooled fast reactor, which is a Generation-IV reactor, refueling is conducted by rotating, but not opening, the reactor head to prevent a reaction between the sodium, water and air. Therefore, an inspection technique that checks for the presence of any obstacles between the reactor core and the upper internal structure, which could disturb the rotation of the reactor head, is essential prior to the refueling of a sodium-cooled fast reactor. To this end, an ultrasound-based inspection technique should be employed because the opacity of the sodium prevents conventional optical inspection techniques from being applied to the monitoring of obstacles. In this study, a ranging inspection technique using a plate-type ultrasonic waveguide sensor was developed to monitor the presence of any obstacles between the reactor core and the upper internal structure in the opaque sodium. Because the waveguide sensor installs an ultrasonic transducer in a relatively cold region and transmits the ultrasonic waves into the hot radioactive liquid sodium through a long waveguide, it offers better reliability and is less susceptible to thermal or radiation damage. A 10 m horizontal beam waveguide sensor capable of radiating an ultrasonic wave horizontally was developed, and beam profile measurements and basic experiments were carried out to investigate the characteristics of the developed sensor. The beam width and propagation distance of the ultrasonic wave radiated from the sensor were assessed based on the experimental results. Finally, a feasibility test using cylindrical targets (corresponding to the shape of possible obstacles) was also conducted to evaluate the applicability of the developed ranging inspection technique to actual applications.

Development of High Precision Fastening torque performance Nut-runner System (고정밀 체결토크 성능 너트런너 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Youn-Hyun;Kim, Sol
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2019
  • Nut fasteners that require ultra-precise control are required in the overall manufacturing industry including electronic products that are currently developing with the automobile industry. Important performance factors when tightening nuts include loosening due to insufficient fastening force, breakage due to excessive fastening, Tightening torque and angle are required to maintain and improve the assembling quality and ensure the life of the product. Nut fasteners, which are now marketed under the name Nut Runner, require high torque and precision torque control, precision angle control, and high speed operation for increased production, and are required for sophisticated torque control dedicated to high output BLDC motors and nut fasteners. It is demanded to develop a high-precision torque control driver and a high-speed, low-speed, high-response precision speed control system, but it does not satisfy the high precision, high torque and high speed operation characteristics required by customers. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a control technique of BLDC motor variable speed control and nut runner based on vector control and torque control based on coordinate transformation of d axis and q axis that can realize low vibration and low noise even at accurate tightening torque and high speed rotation. The performance results were analyzed to confirm that the proposed control satisfies the nut runner performance. In addition, it is confirmed that the pattern is programmed by One-Stage operation clamping method and it is tightened to the target torque exactly after 10,000 [rpm] high speed operation. The problem of tightening torque detection by torque ripple is also solved by using disturbance observer Respectively.