• Title/Summary/Keyword: New Village

검색결과 414건 처리시간 0.022초

전남지역 농촌마을의 단지형 조성 실태에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Phenomena of Performance for Rural Villages in Cheon Nam Provincial Area)

  • 오병태;최찬환
    • 한국농촌건축학회논문집
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.117-123
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to extract the actual condition on the provision of rural new villages which are provided by public sectors such as rural modernized village, advanced rural village, happy village and rural new town in Cheon Nam provincial area. This study perform literature survey, research articles and data to analyze and classify. In the case of rural modernized village multiple regression analysis is carried out to look at the relationship of constructed lots with supplied lots. The outcome of the study show that the average size of new rural village is $32,497m^2$ and $52,542m^2$ in the case of rural modernized village and advanced rural village respectively, furthermore it shows that quiet large amount of villages are not sold as a proportion of 48% which is lower than nation-wide ratio of 55%. This study suggests the reasons for low sale of new villages and change of government rural village policy and process from public based planning to private based planning.

낙후농촌의 지속적 수익 창출 위한 도농교류활동 개발 전개과정과 특징 -농촌마을종합개발사업 칠갑산권역 천장리(알프스마을)을 사례로- (Development Process of Activities about Urban and Rural Interchange and Its Characteristics for Making Continuous Profit in Underdeveloped Rural Village -The Case of Cheonjang-ri(Alps village), Mount Chilgab-Region in Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project-)

  • 김두환
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.35-49
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    • 2013
  • The study area is Cheonjang-ri, also called Alps village, making continuous profit after performing Comprehensive Rural Village Development Projects. This study aims to determine the development process of activities about urban and rural interchange and its characteristics for making continuous profit by residents themselves. A focus on thinking about the process is necessary to make activities in order to achieve continuous profits in the underdeveloped rural village by residents themselves. As a result of this study, Alps village has developed new activities, improving problems which are encountered on the development process of activities. And, Alps village has developed new activities by linking them with previous activities. To improve problems, Alps village has made an effort by itself and cooperated with the subject, both inside and outside of the village. This way has been effective for increasing the number of visitors in village. Increasing the number of visitors in village has been effective in making a continuous profit. Also, continuing to make new activities in order to substitute previous activities including problems has been effective to increase profit.

어촌뉴딜300 사업의 경제적 파급효과 분석 (The Analysis on Economic Ripple Effect of the Fishing Village New Deal 300 Project)

  • 이서구;김정태
    • 수산경영론집
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    • 제50권3호
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    • pp.73-86
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to provide logical and policy justification for the feasibility and sustainability of the project through analysis of economic ripple effects of the fishing village new deal 300 project. To do this, we applied the industry-related analysis, which is mainly used to analyze the economic ripple effects, to the fishing village new deal 300 project. The industry association analysis classifies the detailed project of the preliminary plan for the selection of the business into the software business such as the hardware business and the capacity enhancement in the construction field and analyzes the economic ripple effect through the inter-industry association. As a result, it is expected that the fishing village new deal 300 project will have a positive economic impact. When the total investment of 3 trillion won is invested in the project, it is estimated that the production inducement effect and the value added effect are 5,545.3 billion won and 2,102.7 billion won, respectively. In addition, 62,005 get job inducements, where 10,952 employment inducements were associated with job creation. The analysis of the above impacts seems to have secured the logical justification for the implementation of the fishing village new deal 300 project.

새만금간척지 신농촌마을 계획수립연구 (A Study on New Village Planning in the Farming Zone of Saemangeum Reclaimed Area)

  • 심환휘;최수명;조중현
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.61-74
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    • 2011
  • Based on the critical review of previous new village planning proposals in Saemangeum Farming Zone, this study tried to derive rational and realistic planning/design criteria for new villages firstly through home-and-abroad case studies analysis, interview works on farmers in two villages located in the existing reclaimed farming areas and influential zone analysis from neighborhood villages in old land. By applying these criteria(population structure, farming size, maximum distance between farmland and home, village site size, number of new villages planned) on Saemangeum Farming Zone, basic new village planning framework was proposed finally.

어촌환경 변화에 대응한 어촌공동체 발전방향 (A Study on Development direction for the Fishing Village Community according to Its Environmental Changes)

  • 김대영
    • 수산해양교육연구
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    • 제29권3호
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    • pp.899-908
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to identify challenges related to social, economic and environmental change for fishing villages and suggest the developmental direction of fishing village to actively respond to new changes. This study mainly focuses on fishing village fraternities. Its current problems are summarized as follows: shortage of labor, population aging, entry barrier against newcomers, insufficient guidance and supervision functions, lack of funds of new projects and inadequate statistics and data. The fishing village community in the modern meaning of the term can be understood as an economic and flexible social-cultural community based on openness, cooperation instead of exclusiveness and closeness, which aligns fisheries with local industries. Thus, in order for the fishing village community to improve, the followings areas required. First, strengthening capacity of the fishing village community. Second, establishing the database system and the third, reorganizing the fishing village community into a sea village community.

간척지 농촌취락계획을 위한 기초연구 -전남 보성군 득량간척지 농촌취락의 사례연구- (A Fundamental Study on Village Planning in the Reclaimed Area -A Case Study of Farming Villages in Deuk Ryang Reclaimed Area-)

  • 최수영;이원철;한경수;황한철
    • 한국농공학회지
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    • 제35권2호
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 1993
  • In order to obtain the basic information for the optimal settlement planning in the reclaimed area, various existing settlement conditions on reclaimed farming village were analysed through a case study of in-and-round farming villages in Deuk Ryang Reclaimed Area. By comparison study between in-and-around villages, the allocation policy of farming settlement in the samll and medium scale area was proposed. The results obtained in this study were as follows ; 1.The population structure of the inner village(Ansim village) had become worse than the around village during 1976~1981 period from the viewpoint of total and female emigration ratios. Especially, the originally unbalanced sex ratio of Ansim village had worsen to the unacceptable ratio of 1.5 : 1(male : female). Therefore, the structural stability of the population should be carefully improved in the newly reclaimed farming villages by the systematic long-term controlling machanism.2.The farming status of Ansim village was much lower than the around villages viewing of the cultivated acreage and agricultural machinery stock Therefore, the continuous and intensive governmental support different from the existing farming area should be required for the settling of reclaimed farming. 3. The regularity of the village site as a planned village, though pursed in the first phase of village construction, had been severely disturbed inflowing of squatters. Recently, there are increasing vaccant houses in the village, and the level of living amenities and personal mobility of Ansim village are much lower than the around village. So, now, the physical structure of the village should be improved to the level of village reconstruction or new village construction. 4. The cultivated area of Ansim village leans to the south side which would be unfavoured by the farmers of the around villages, while its distributing pattern should be concentric around the village site. This phenomenon disturbs the central fuction of the planned farming village. In this respect, role assignment, relationship and balance of competence in farming activities should be planned between in-and-around villages in the reclaimed area from the initial stage. 5. Putting together the above results in this study, the farming and living conditions of Ansim village threaten its existence as a planned new farming village in the reclaimed area. And, so, the full scale reconstruction of village structure, including moving to the new site, should be designed as soon as possible. Although further many studies should be carried out, it would be sure that the new village planning should be reconsidered in the small and-medium scale reclamation works.

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세계화 시대의 한국 산지촌에 관한 이론연구 (A Study on the Theory of Mountain Village Region in Korea of Globalization Age)

  • 오남현
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.43-51
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    • 2007
  • The propose of this paper is to study a theory on the research of mountain village region in korea of globalization age. The theory of this study is over-depopulation region study, endogenous regional development theory and resident organization, localities and new regional studies The case of over-depopulation region study, which population and land use of mountain village region due to urbanization and industrialization are changed by external factors. However, the case of some region is changed by internal factors of community residents. The endogenous regional development theory and have approached by investment policy of authorities of the mountain village region development and resident organization. The development of mountain village region have to described simultaneously both behavior strategy of community residents and investment policy of the authorities. According to localities and new regional studies, which agricultural products of mountain village region is extended to big-scale city by the progress transportation-communication and globalzation So, the research of mountain village region have to explained together intra with inter region. In the future, the research of mountain village region has to described all of case of over-depopulation region study, endogenous regional development theory, localities and new regional studies.

농어촌뉴타운조성사업의 특성 및 개선방안에 관한 연구 (The Study on Characteristics and Improvement of Rural New Town Development Project)

  • 한석종;주석중
    • 한국농촌건축학회논문집
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2011
  • The agricultural population, the farming, the agriculture of our country has been decreased more rapidly than those of other countries. Also, the changing speed of the rural village in Korea has shown a similar trend. By considering the urbanization process and migration state caused by the economic growth and the increasing level of relative poverty in comparison with the urban area, it has been necessary to go through the impoverishment and slum-orientation of the rural area. In our country, the rural village became old age. So, the collapse is predicted to a population shortage if such trend is continued in the village society. according to investigate, Many urban peoples have opinion that migrates to a farm village. but those not migrate to rural community. The mainly reason is low life environment. therefore it is need the plan that the urban people migrates to a rural village, and must have the plan to be engaged in the agriculture. lt was the rural-fishing New Town development project that started in 2009 for 30~40 years's urban people. This study is about characteristic and improvement of Rural-Fishing New Town development project.

하동 삼신마을 신농촌개발사업 기본계획에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Master Plan of New Rural Community Development Project of Sam-Sin Village in Hadong)

  • 김강섭;김석규;이상정
    • 한국농촌건축학회논문집
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.79-92
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    • 2002
  • Internationally Present-day, the paradigm in rural community is changing to continually prospering rural community. So, it's time to provide the vision of new rural life. The purpose of this study is to provide the basic plan which can revitalize the rural area and improve the living standards of the inhabitants. The range of this study is restricted to Sam-Sin village in Hadong and from Feb. 2002 to May 2002. We arranged the outline of 'new rural community development project' and investigated the present state of the village by spot survey. Through the study, we suggest green-tea which can increase the life quality of inhabitants and achieve the prosperity of the village at the same time. We expect the results of this study can realize the Green Tourism and establish the identity of village caused by green-tea cultural festival.

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농촌의 마을개선사업에 관한 마을 대표자의 요구 조사 (The Needs of the Representatives of Rural Villages for the Policy of Korean Rural Village Remodeling)

  • 최병숙;유옥순;오찬옥;박윤호;전영미
    • 한국주거학회논문집
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.59-68
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to find out the new directions of Korean rural village remodeling policy based on the representatives' needs in 32 rural villages. The villages were selected by accessibility, type of village construction, geographic characteristics of rural area, and administrative district. The interview data were collected from the representatives of each village. By analyzing the qualitative and the quantitative data, the following conclusions were derived: 1) The village remodeling program should be performed with a long schedule plan, flexible budget, and residents' participation. 2) In new villages, the post village management system should be set up in order to conserve the rural environment. 3) Above all, the expert service system based on government support should be done. The experts would guide residents by consulting about village tour, village viewscape of houses and facilities, and the merchandising of the village's specialized resources. 4) The rural village remodeling program should be carried out on the base of the sense of community and the elderly life.