• 제목/요약/키워드: New Space Satellite Security

검색결과 8건 처리시간 0.023초

Vulnerabilities and Mitigation Strategies in Communication Protocols of Small Satellites in New Space

  • Jinwoo Jeong;Isaac Sim;Woohyun Jang;Sangbom Yun;Jungkyu Rho
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • 제16권4호
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    • pp.87-99
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    • 2024
  • We explore the latest trends and future directions in network security system development, with a focus on emerging technologies aimed at strengthening defenses against increasing cyber threats. Our study reviews recent advancements across critical areas such as encryption, intrusion detection, and secure communication protocols. Additionally, we examine the potential challenges and practical applications of these technologies, especially in the context of satellite networks. Through this research, we provide new insights into how these technologies might evolve to address future security needs, contributing a unique perspective on the practical deployment of these security measures.

Performance Analysis of DPSK Optical Communication for LEO-to-Ground Relay Link Via a GEO Satellite

  • Lim, Hyung-Chul;Park, Jong Uk;Choi, Mansoo;Choi, Chul-Sung;Choi, Jae-Dong;Kim, Jongah
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • 제37권1호
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2020
  • Satellite optical communication has gained significant attention owing to its many quality features (e.g., a larger bandwidth, license free spectrum, higher data rate, and better security) compared to satellite microwave communication. Various experiments have been performed during many space missions to demonstrate and characterize inter-satellite links, downlinks, and uplinks. Korea has also planned to establish an experimental communication system using a geostationary earth orbit (GEO) satellite and the Geochang station as an optical ground station for low Earth orbit (LEO)-to-ground optical relay links. In this study, the performance of inter-satellite communication links and downlinks was investigated for the new Korean experimental communication system in terms of link margin, bit error rate (BER), and channel capacity. In particular, the performance of the inter-satellite links was analyzed based on the receiving apertures and the transmitting power, while that of the downlink was analyzed in terms of atmospheric turbulence conditions and transmitting power. Finally, we discussed two system parameters of receiving aperture and transmitting power to meet the three criteria of link margin, BER, and channel capacity.


  • Yang Chan-Su
    • 대한원격탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한원격탐사학회 2005년도 Proceedings of ISRS 2005
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    • pp.253-256
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    • 2005
  • The use of satellite remote sensing in maritime safety and security can aid in the detection of illegal fishing activities and provide more efficient use of limited aircraft or patrol craft resources. In the area of vessel traffic monitoring for commercial vessels, Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) which use the ground-based radar system have some difficulties in detecting moving ships due to the limited detection range. A virtual vessel traffic control system is introduced to contribute to prevent a marine accident such as collision and stranding from happening. Existing VTS has its limit. The virtual vessel traffic control system consists of both data acquisition by satellite remote sensing and a simulation of traffic environment stress based on the satellite data, remotely sensed data. And it could be used to provide timely and detailed information about the marine safety, including the location, speed and direction of ships, and help us operate vessels safely and efficiently. If environmental stress values are simulated for the ship information derived from satellite data, proper actions can be taken to prevent accidents. Since optical sensor has a high spatial resolution, JERS satellite data are used to track ships and extract their information. We present an algorithm of automatic identification of ship size and velocity. This paper lastly introduce the field testing results of ship detection by RADARSAT SAR imagery, and propose a new approach for a Vessel Monitoring System(VMS), including VTS, and SAR combination service.

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Japanese Space Policy - Where is she going?

  • Hashimoto, Yasuaki
    • 항공우주정책ㆍ법학회지
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    • 제9권
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    • pp.435-443
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    • 1997
  • Passing 26 years from 1970 when the first satellite was launched into the orbit, Japan developed and successfully launched H-II from Tanegashima Space Center in 1994. During those period, Japanese space policy has experienced a big shake from independent development to technology import from the US, and back again to independent development. In general, the H-II rocket which was manufactured by 100% domestic technology, brings Japan from the old era (experimental stage) to the new era (practical use stage). Fundamental Policy of Japan's Space Activities, which decides such policy as mentioned, was revised in January, 1996 this year after an interval of 7 years. This revised outline confirms the result of Japanese space technology until present and identifies the future direction and framework of her space activities for a period of coming ten years on the basis of a ong-term perspective towards the 21st century. However, when comparing with the last Fundamental Policy in 1989, there seems no big change in it, and a long-term perspective is also not seen there. The description varies on some important points in international space law, like international cooperation, protection of environment, commercial use, etc. In addition, the immaturity as well as the necessity of broader discussion are felt because neither this Fundamental Policy nor The National Defense Program Outline treated any national and international security matters concerning outer space. Considering the present time when Japan enters into the practical use of outer space, such as application, commercial use and launching service, etc, it is doubtful whether new Fundamental Policy was properly planned or not. It seems necessary to use several measures by which the public opinion, opinions from industry and debate on the security are reflected in the policy making.

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아시아의 우주개발과 우주법 (Space Development and Law in Asia)

  • 조홍제
    • 항공우주정책ㆍ법학회지
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.349-384
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    • 2013
  • 1957년 스푸트니크 1호 발사 이후 세계는 우주활동에 대한 국제적 규범의 필요성을 인식하였으며, 유엔은 우주의 평화적 이용위원회를 설립하여 이러한 문제들을 검토하여 왔다. 1960년대는 미소가 군사적 우주활동을 중심으로 하여왔으나, 최근에는 민간의 우주활동들도 상당히 증가되고 있다. 특히, 우주활동으로 인한 사회적, 경제적 혜택은 더욱 가시화됨에 따라, 각국은 우주 활동에 대한 민간 지출을 계속 증가 시키고 있다. 거의 모든 새로운 우주활동에 참여하는 국가들은 사회 및 경제 개발을 지원하기 위해 우주기반 활동에 더욱 중점을 두고 있다. 위성 항법 및 지상관측과 같은 우주활동들은 기존의 민간 우주 프로그램의 핵심이다. 이와 더불어 달 탐사는 중국, 러시아, 인도, 일본 등 우주력이 있는 국가들에게 우선순위가 되어가고 있다. 최근 위성 및 지상 장비를 제조하는 회사들은 상당한 성장을 하고 있다. 중국은 2012년 2월 25일 자체 개발한 지구항법 위성시스템을 위한 열한 번째 위성을 성공적으로 발사하였다. 중국은 1986년에 중국 만리장성 산업주식회사에 부여된 우주활동으로부터 발전하기 시작했다. 중국 항천공사는 1993년 중국의 국가우주국의 설립에 이어, 창설되었다. 일본의 민간우주활동은 1960년에 창설된 국가우주활동위원회에 의해 이루어졌다. 대부분의 활동은 동경대학, 국립항공 우주 연구소 항공과학연구소 및 국립 우주 개발 기구에 의해 수행 되었다. 2003년에 이 모든 활동들은 일본 우주항공개발연구기구(JAXA)로 통합되었다. 일본은 군사적인 우주개발에 대한 제한을 완화하였다. 2012년 6월 일본은 우주기본법을 수정하여 JAXA을 포함한 일본의 우주 정책과 예산을 통제할 수 있는 권한과 조직을 개편하였다. 과거 문화체육부에 소속되어 있던 우주 프로그램의 개발에 대한 책임을 수상직할로 변경하였다. 그리고 JAXA를 규율하던 우주기본법 제4조의 "평화적인 목적으로만 사용" 한다는 조항을 삭제함으로써 비공격적인 군사적 우주활동을 할 수 있게 되었다. 이로써 동아시아의 긴장이 증대되는 시점에서 국가방위를 강화하기 위한 목적에서 우주를 이용하기 위한 가능성을 열어놓았다. 이러한 점에서 아시아의 상업적 우주활동을 발전시키기 위한 협력적 기구 창설이 필요하다.

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인공위성 원격탐사의 활용: 선박 감시 기법 (Space-based Ocean Surveillance and Support Capability: with a Focus on Marine Safety and Security)

  • 양찬수
    • 해양환경안전학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 해양환경안전학회 2006년도 춘계학술발표회
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    • pp.41-45
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    • 2006
  • From the 1978 Seasat synthetic aperture radar(SAR) to present systems, spaceborne SAR has demonstrated the capability to image the Earth's ocean and land features over broad areas, day and night, and under most weather conditions. The application of SAR for surveillance of commercial fishing grounds can did in the detection of illegal fishing activities and provides more efficient use cf limited aircraft or patron craft resources. In the area of vessel traffic monitoring for commercial vessels, Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) which uses the ground-based radar system has some difficulties in detecting moving ships due to the limited detection range cf about 10 miles. This paper introduces the field testing results of ship detection by RADARSAT SAR imagery, and proposes a new approach for a Vessel Monitoring System(VMS), including VTS, and SAR combination service.

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영해관리를 위한 인공위성 원격탐사기술 (Space-based Ocean Surveillance and Support Capability: with a Focus on Marine Safety and Security)

  • 양찬수
    • 해양환경안전학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 해양환경안전학회 2007년도 춘계학술발표회
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    • pp.127-132
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    • 2007
  • From the 1978 Seasat synthetic aperture radar(SAR) to present systems, spaceborne SAR has demonstrated the capability to image the Earth's ocean and land features over broad areas, day and night, and under most weather conditions. The application of SAR for surveillance of commercial fishing grounds can aid in the detection of illegal fishing activities and provides more efficient use of limited aircraft or patrol craft resources. In the area of vessel traffic monitoring for commercial vessels, Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) which uses the ground-based radar system has some difficulties in detecting moving ships due to the limited detection range of about 10 miles. This paper introduces the field testing results of ship detection by RADARSAT SAR imagery, and proposes a new approach for a Vessel Monitoring System(VMS), including VTS, and SAR combination service.

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도약적 국가 우주력 발전을 선도할 제2 우주센터 구축 필요성 연구 (Research on the Necessity of Building the Second Space Rocket Launching Sites for Breakthrough Development of R.O.K National Space Power)

  • 박기태
    • 우주기술과 응용
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.146-168
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    • 2022
  • 미·중간 패권경쟁과 최근 미·러간 동유럽(우크라이나)에서의 군사적 경쟁에서 증명한 것처럼, 대부분의 안보 전문가들은 21세기 미국의 가장 큰 안보위협은 강대국간 경쟁의 복원이라고 평가하고 있다. 상기 강대국간 패권경쟁의 핵심수단은 군사력이며, 이러한 군사력 운용의 효율과 효과성을 극대화하는 수단은 단연 우주력(space power)이다. 이를 반영하듯 최근 미국과 중·러간 우주패권경쟁이 전(全) 분야로 확대되고 있다. 상기한 전략환경하에서 우리나라도 우주에서의 국익을 보호하고 국민의 생명과 재산을 보호하기 위해 도약적인 국가 우주력 발전이 필요하다. 우리나라는 2021년 6월 한·미 미사일 지침 해제 및 한국의 '아르테미스' 프로젝트 참가 결정을 계기로 도약적 우주력 발전을 위한 계기가 마련되었다. 반면, 한반도의 지정학적 위치의 제한으로 현(現) '나로' 우주센터에서 우주 발사체를 활용하여 우주자산을 궤도에 올려놓는 것은 많은 제한사항이 존재한다. 발사방향 제한, 충분한 안전공간확보 불가 및 지원시설 구축 제한 등 선진국 우주센터와 비교해 많은 제한사항이 존재한다. 본고에서는 현(現) '나로' 우주센터 입지조건을 선진국 우주센터와 비교하고 제한사항을 식별하고, 이를 상쇄할 수 있는 국내 후보지를 제시하는 데 있다.