• Title/Summary/Keyword: Nearest neighbor distance Method

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Multimodal Emotion Recognition using Face Image and Speech (얼굴영상과 음성을 이용한 멀티모달 감정인식)

  • Lee, Hyeon Gu;Kim, Dong Ju
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 2012
  • A challenging research issue that has been one of growing importance to those working in human-computer interaction are to endow a machine with an emotional intelligence. Thus, emotion recognition technology plays an important role in the research area of human-computer interaction, and it allows a more natural and more human-like communication between human and computer. In this paper, we propose the multimodal emotion recognition system using face and speech to improve recognition performance. The distance measurement of the face-based emotion recognition is calculated by 2D-PCA of MCS-LBP image and nearest neighbor classifier, and also the likelihood measurement is obtained by Gaussian mixture model algorithm based on pitch and mel-frequency cepstral coefficient features in speech-based emotion recognition. The individual matching scores obtained from face and speech are combined using a weighted-summation operation, and the fused-score is utilized to classify the human emotion. Through experimental results, the proposed method exhibits improved recognition accuracy of about 11.25% to 19.75% when compared to the most uni-modal approach. From these results, we confirmed that the proposed approach achieved a significant performance improvement and the proposed method was very effective.

Statistical Approach to Noisy Band Removal for Enhancement of HIRIS Image Classification

  • Huan, Nguyen Van;Kim, Hak-Il
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2008.03a
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    • pp.195-200
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    • 2008
  • The accuracy of classifying pixels in HIRIS images is usually degraded by noisy bands since noisy bands may deform the typical shape of spectral reflectance. Proposed in this paper is a statistical method for noisy band removal which mainly makes use of the correlation coefficients between bands. Considering each band as a random variable, the correlation coefficient measures the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two random variables. While the correlation between two signal bands is high, existence of a noisy band will produce a low correlation due to ill-correlativeness and undirectedness. The application of the correlation coefficient as a measure for detecting noisy bands is under a two-pass screening scheme. This method is independent of the prior knowledge of the sensor or the cause resulted in the noise. The classification in this experiment uses the unsupervised k-nearest neighbor algorithm in accordance with the well-accepted Euclidean distance measure and the spectral angle mapper measure. This paper also proposes a hierarchical combination of these measures for spectral matching. Finally, a separability assessment based on the between-class and within-class scatter matrices is followed to evaluate the performance.

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Estimation of Missing Records in Daily Climate Data over the Korean Peninsula (한반도의 과거 기후 데이터 구축을 위한 누락된 기록 추정)

  • Noh, Gyu-Ho;Ahn, Kuk-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2020.06a
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    • pp.135-135
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    • 2020
  • 우리나라의 기후 자료는 일반적으로 기상청에서 발표하는 종관기상관측(ASOS)과 방재기상관측(AWS), 그리고 북한이 세계기상기구(WMO, World Meteorogical Organization)의 기상통신망(GTS)을 통해 보낸 북한기상관측(NKO)을 사용 할 수 있다. 그러나 이 중 40년 이상의 완전한 관측 자료를 얻을 수 있는 건 ASOS가 유일하지만 공간적인 표현에 한계를 갖고 있다. AWS는 관측소가 많다는 장점이 있지만 관측 기간이 길지 않고 이용 가능한 기간에도 관측이 연속적이지 못한 경우가 많다. NKO는 비록 27개의 관측소가 있지만 많은 데이터가 누락되어 일별 기후자료의 사용에 한계를 갖고 있다. 이러한 미관측 기간이나 관측 자료의 누락은 연속적인 시계열 자료분석을 기반으로 하는 수자원 모델링에 있어서 문제를 야기한다. 본 연구는 1973년부터 2019년까지 47년의 신뢰도 높은 한반도 일일 기후 자료를 구축하기 위해 다양한 방법론을 비교하였다. 추정에 사용한 방법은 총 7개로 EM algorithm for probabilistic principal components (PPCA-EM), Inverse distance weight method (IDWM), Nearest neighbor method (NNM), Multivariate normal copulas (Copula), Elastic net model (Elastic), Ordinary kriging (OK), Regularized principal components with EM algorithm (RPCA-EM)를 살펴보았다. 다양한 형태의 결측치를 가정하여 그 결과값을 비교하였고 이는 Root mean squared error(RMSE), Kling-Gupta efficiency(KGE), Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency(NSE)를 통해 평가하였다. 최종 선택된 방법론을 통하여 한반도 전역을 그리드 기반의 강수 및 최저온도/최고온도의 일별자료로 생성하였다.

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Fast Search with Data-Oriented Multi-Index Hashing for Multimedia Data

  • Ma, Yanping;Zou, Hailin;Xie, Hongtao;Su, Qingtang
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.9 no.7
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    • pp.2599-2613
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    • 2015
  • Multi-index hashing (MIH) is the state-of-the-art method for indexing binary codes, as it di-vides long codes into substrings and builds multiple hash tables. However, MIH is based on the dataset codes uniform distribution assumption, and will lose efficiency in dealing with non-uniformly distributed codes. Besides, there are lots of results sharing the same Hamming distance to a query, which makes the distance measure ambiguous. In this paper, we propose a data-oriented multi-index hashing method (DOMIH). We first compute the covariance ma-trix of bits and learn adaptive projection vector for each binary substring. Instead of using substrings as direct indices into hash tables, we project them with corresponding projection vectors to generate new indices. With adaptive projection, the indices in each hash table are near uniformly distributed. Then with covariance matrix, we propose a ranking method for the binary codes. By assigning different bit-level weights to different bits, the returned bina-ry codes are ranked at a finer-grained binary code level. Experiments conducted on reference large scale datasets show that compared to MIH the time performance of DOMIH can be improved by 36.9%-87.4%, and the search accuracy can be improved by 22.2%. To pinpoint the potential of DOMIH, we further use near-duplicate image retrieval as examples to show the applications and the good performance of our method.

An Analysis of Accuracy for Submarine Topographic Information by Interpolation Method (보간기법에 따른 해저지형의 정확도 분석)

  • Kim Ga-Ya;Moon Doo-Youl;Seo Dong-Ju
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.20 no.3 s.70
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2006
  • Three-dimensional information of submarine topography was acquired by assembling DGPS and Echo Sounder, which is mainly used in the marine survey. However, the features of submarine topography, derived according to mechanical data, were confirmed using human eyes. Because the dredging capacity using a submarine surveying data influences harbor public affairs, analysis and the process method of surveying data is a very special element in construction costs. In this study, information on submarine topography is acquired by assembling DGPS and Echo Sounder. Moreover, the dredging capacity in harbor public affairs has been analyzed by the interpolation method: inverse distance to a power, kriging, minimum curvature, nearest neighbor, and radial basis function. Also, utilization of DGPS and Echo Sounder method in calculation of the dredging capacity have been confirmed by comparing and analyzing the dredging capacity and the actual one, as per each interpolation. According to this comparison result, in the case of applying Radial basis function interpolation and Kriging, 3.94 % and 4.61 % of error rates have been shown, respectively. In the case of the study for application of the proper interpolation, as per characteristics of submarine topography, is preceded in calculation of the dredging capacity relevant to harbor public affairs, it is expected that more speedy and correct calculation for the dredging capacity can be made.

A novel method for natural motion mapping as a strategy of game immediacy

  • Lee, Ji Young;Woo, Tack
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.2313-2326
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    • 2018
  • The method of operating a game could determine the psychological distance between the player and the game character, and thus, in the Virtual Reality, players' control methodologies are important to enhance their immersion. This study has the objective of examining the difference in games according to the method of operation based on the player's movements. This study researched the effect of the method of operating movement conforming to the movement of the character and the physical operation of the body on forming game experiences for the player. The result of performing an experiment increased reality for the game player through a controller in the shape of the actual control, to increase focus in the game. As so, game play through movements, including actual movements by the player displayed to enhance game satisfaction. In the part of media remediation field, Game can be defined as media which has their own unique hypermediacy. Especially, in the motion based game, players' movement mediates players and the game, therefore, players' movement could make players' experience augmented or immediate in accordance with the characteristics of movements. Even though sports and dances genres of motion-based games are common, RPG or adventure genres are rare. It can be explained that the characteristics of the action have been explained in the immediacy. In a game of fantasy, which is difficult to experience in real-life situations, the nature of the player's motion can increase the immersion of the game, which can contribute to utilization of players' motion and experience design in the various genres and suggestion of grounds theory. In addition, through this study, it is able to design motion-based games of various genres.

An Advanced Scheme for Searching Spatial Objects and Identifying Hidden Objects (숨은 객체 식별을 위한 향상된 공간객체 탐색기법)

  • Kim, Jongwan;Cho, Yang-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.1518-1524
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, a new method of spatial query, which is called Surround Search (SuSe) is suggested. This method makes it possible to search for the closest spatial object of interest to the user from a query point. SuSe is differentiated from the existing spatial object query schemes, because it locates the closest spatial object of interest around the query point. While SuSe searches the surroundings, the spatial object is saved on an R-tree, and MINDIST, the distance between the query location and objects, is measured by considering an angle that the existing spatial object query methods have not previously considered. The angle between targeted-search objects is found from a query point that is hidden behind another object in order to distinguish hidden objects from them. The distinct feature of this proposed scheme is that it can search the faraway or hidden objects, in contrast to the existing method. SuSe is able to search for spatial objects more precisely, and users can be confident that this scheme will have superior performance to its predecessor.

Indoor Path Recognition Based on Wi-Fi Fingerprints

  • Donggyu Lee;Jaehyun Yoo
    • Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 2023
  • The existing indoor localization method using Wi-Fi fingerprinting has a high collection cost and relatively low accuracy, thus requiring integrated correction of convergence with other technologies. This paper proposes a new method that significantly reduces collection costs compared to existing methods using Wi-Fi fingerprinting. Furthermore, it does not require labeling of data at collection and can estimate pedestrian travel paths even in large indoor spaces. The proposed pedestrian movement path estimation process is as follows. Data collection is accomplished by setting up a feature area near an indoor space intersection, moving through the set feature areas, and then collecting data without labels. The collected data are processed using Kernel Linear Discriminant Analysis (KLDA) and the valley point of the Euclidean distance value between two data is obtained within the feature space of the data. We build learning data by labeling data corresponding to valley points and some nearby data by feature area numbers, and labeling data between valley points and other valley points as path data between each corresponding feature area. Finally, for testing, data are collected randomly through indoor space, KLDA is applied as previous data to build test data, the K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) algorithm is applied, and the path of movement of test data is estimated by applying a correction algorithm to estimate only routes that can be reached from the most recently estimated location. The estimation results verified the accuracy by comparing the true paths in indoor space with those estimated by the proposed method and achieved approximately 90.8% and 81.4% accuracy in two experimental spaces, respectively.

Construction of a artificial levee line in river zones using LiDAR Data (라이다 자료를 이용한 하천지역 인공 제방선 추출)

  • Choung, Yun-Jae;Park, Hyeon-Cheol;Jo, Myung-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.185-185
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    • 2011
  • Mapping of artificial levee lines, one of major tasks in river zone mapping, is critical to prevention of river flood, protection of environments and eco systems in river zones. Thus, mapping of artificial levee lines is essential for management and development of river zones. Coastal mapping including river zone mapping has been historically carried out using surveying technologies. Photogrammetry, one of the surveying technologies, is recently used technology for national river zone mapping in Korea. Airborne laser scanning has been used in most advanced countries for coastal mapping due to its ability to penetrate shallow water and its high vertical accuracy. Due to these advantages, use of LiDAR data in coastal mapping is efficient for monitoring and predicting significant topographic change in river zones. This paper introduces a method for construction of a 3D artificial levee line using a set of LiDAR points that uses normal vectors. Multiple steps are involved in this method. First, a 2.5-dimensional Delaunay triangle mesh is generated based on three nearest-neighbor points in the LiDAR data. Second, a median filtering is applied to minimize noise. Third, edge selection algorithms are applied to extract break edges from a Delaunay triangle mesh using two normal vectors. In this research, two methods for edge selection algorithms using hypothesis testing are used to extract break edges. Fourth, intersection edges which are extracted using both methods at the same range are selected as the intersection edge group. Fifth, among intersection edge group, some linear feature edges which are not suitable to compose a levee line are removed as much as possible considering vertical distance, slope and connectivity of an edge. Sixth, with all line segments which are suitable to constitute a levee line, one river levee line segment is connected to another river levee line segment with the end points of both river levee line segments located nearest horizontally and vertically to each other. After linkage of all the river levee line segments, the initial river levee line is generated. Since the initial river levee line consists of the LiDAR points, the pattern of the initial river levee line is being zigzag along the river levee. Thus, for the last step, a algorithm for smoothing the initial river levee line is applied to fit the initial river levee line into the reference line, and the final 3D river levee line is constructed. After the algorithm is completed, the proposed algorithm is applied to construct the 3D river levee line in Zng-San levee nearby Ham-Ahn Bo in Nak-Dong river. Statistical results show that the constructed river levee line generated using a proposed method has high accuracy in comparison to the ground truth. This paper shows that use of LiDAR data for construction of the 3D river levee line for river zone mapping is useful and efficient; and, as a result, it can be replaced with ground surveying method for construction of the 3D river levee line.

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A Study on the Earthwork Volume Computation and Topographic Analysis using DTM Interpolations (DTM 보간기법별 토공량 산정과 지형분석에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Woon-Yong;Kim, Chun-Young;Lee, Hyun-Woo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.9 no.1 s.17
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2001
  • DTM(Digital Terrain Model) can play a key rule in a great number of the fields of construction Engineering. One of the most important application fields is to determine volume in that the total construction expenses is usually calculated through this. It therefore is necessary to the study on improving the precise of the determination using DTM on account of saving time and cost. On this study, 1:5000 topographic maps issued by NGI in 15 districts involved in Pusan city was digitalized to generate DTM at first. After this step, not only was the determination of the volume as well as readjusted area and height done for the sake of estimating the changable topography caused by cut & fill volume in future but also provided the model to calculate it as results. In addition, comparison among the interpolations, such as Inverse Distance Method and Nearest Neighbor, was respectively done to look over the differences of the volume estimated from each interpolation and also to find the most suitable method. As a result, the former yielded the largest values of area and the volume while the latter gave the smallest ones. Moreover, the values estimated on this study were closely similar to ones obtained by the government of Pusan.

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