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Free strain analysis of the performance of vertical drains for soft soil improvement

  • Basack, Sudip;Nimbalkar, Sanjay
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.963-975
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    • 2017
  • Improvement of soft clay deposit by preloading with vertical drains is one of the most popular techniques followed worldwide. These drains accelerate the rate of consolidation by shortening the drainage path. Although the analytical and numerical solutions available are mostly based on equal strain hypothesis, the adoption of free strain analysis is more realistic because of the flexible nature of the imposed surcharge loading, especially for the embankment loading used for transport infrastructure. In this paper, a numerical model has been developed based on free strain hypothesis for understanding the behaviour of soft ground improvement by vertical drain with preloading. The unit cell analogy is used and the effect of smear has been incorporated. The model has been validated by comparing with available field test results and thereafter, a hypothetical case study is done using the available field data for soft clay deposit existing in the eastern part of Australia and important conclusions are drawn therefrom.

Sustainable Business Strategies for Local Fashion Communities (small and medium scale enterprises) in Ethiopia and Ukraine

  • Khurana, Karan;Ryabchykova, Kateryna
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.22-33
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    • 2018
  • The aim of the research study is to carve sustainable business strategies for the fashion communities in Ethiopia and Ukraine which are suffering today due to ever-increasing share of fast fashion consumerism. Fashion houses and international brands propagandize sustainability and consumption for better consumer base, where as originally sustainable local-based craftsmen still stay in the shade. Four communities/local designers are selected from the countries through the method of purposive sampling. Qualitative analysis is the basis of the research as we performed personal interviews and in-depth analysis of the communities to diagnose the problems and subsequently devise the solutions. In this research, we have studied and analyzed the problems faced by hereditary communities and ethnic designers in small and medium scale enterprise sector from two emerging economies. After the grounding the difficulties faced we advised strategies for sustainable future growth to the companies. The current academic literature on small and medium scale enterprises highlights the problems and solutions for general industry sectors. This paper brings attention to fashion communities and designers who promote national heritage and are struggling to survive in emerging economies due to industrialization and globalization. Moreover the comparison of the two geographies is unique in nature.

Stochastic buckling quantification of porous functionally graded cylindrical shells

  • Trinh, Minh-Chien;Kim, Seung-Eock
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.651-676
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    • 2022
  • Most of the experimental, theoretical, and numerical studies on the stability of functionally graded composites are deterministic, while there are full of complex interactions of variables with an inherently probabilistic nature, this paper presents a non-intrusive framework to investigate the stochastic nonlinear buckling behaviors of porous functionally graded cylindrical shells exposed to inevitable source-uncertainties. Euler-Lagrange equations are theoretically derived based on the three variable refined shear deformation theory. Closed-form solutions for the shell buckling loads are achieved by solving the deterministic eigenvalue problems. The analytical results are verified with numerical results obtained from finite element analyses that are conducted in the commercial software ABAQUS. The non-intrusive framework is completed by integrating the Monte Carlo simulation with the verified closed-form solutions. The convergence studies are performed to determine the effective pseudorandom draws of the simulation. The accuracy and efficiency of the framework are verified with statistical results that are obtained from the first and second-order perturbation techniques. Eleven cases of individual and compound uncertainties are investigated. Sensitivity analyses are conducted to figure out the five cases that have profound perturbative effects on the shell buckling loads. Complete probability distributions of the first three critical buckling loads are completely presented for each profound uncertainty case. The effects of the shell thickness, volume fraction index, and stochasticity degree on the shell buckling load under compound uncertainties are studied. There is a high probability that the shell has non-unique buckling modes in stochastic environments, which should be known for reliable analysis and design of engineering structures.

Forest Biomass Utilization for Energy Based on Scientifically Grounded and Orthodox (산림바이오매스에너지에 관한 과학적 근거에 따른 통설적 접근)

  • Seung-Rok Lee;Gyu-Seong Han
    • New & Renewable Energy
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.145-174
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    • 2024
  • Addressing climate change necessitates evidence-based policies grounded in science. The use of forest biomass for energy production is based on a broad scientific consensus at the international level. However, some environmental groups in South Korea are opposing this system of energy production. Through this study, the authors aim to reduce unnecessary confusion and foster an atmosphere conducive to meaningful evidence-based policies. We have classified the issue into eight categories: biological carbon cycle, carbon debt, nature-based solutions, air emissions, cascading principles and sustainability certification, forest environmental impacts, climate change litigation, and the behavior of environmental groups and public perception. Consequently, the following key points were derived: (1) the actions of some environmental groups seem to follow a similar pattern to denialist behavior that denies climate change and climate science; (2) the quality of evidence for campaigns that oppose the use of forest biomass for energy production is low, with a tendency to overgeneralize information, high uncertainty, and difficulty in finding new claims.; (3) most of the public believes that forest biomass energy is necessary, and the governments of major countries are aware of its importance. Significantly, Forest biomass for energy is based on an overwhelming level of scientific consensus recognized internationally.


    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.89-95
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    • 2003
  • Observations of dark matter dominated dwarf and low surface brightness disk galaxies favor density profiles with a flat-density core, while cold dark matter (CDM) N-body simulations form halos with central cusps, instead. This apparent discrepancy has motivated a re-examination of the microscopic nature of the dark matter in order to explain the observed halo profiles, including the suggestion that CDM has a non-gravitational self-interaction. We study the formation and evolution of self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) halos. We find analytical, fully cosmological similarity solutions for their dynamics, which take proper account of the collisional interaction of SIDM particles, based on a fluid approximation derived from the Boltzmann equation. The SIDM particles scatter each other elastically, which results in an effective thermal conductivity that heats the halo core and flattens its density profile. These similarity solutions are relevant to galactic and cluster halo formation in the CDM model. We assume that the local density maximum which serves as the progenitor of the halo has an initial mass profile ${\delta}M / M {\propto} M^{-{\epsilon}$, as in the familiar secondary infall model. If ϵ = 1/6, SIDM halos will evolve self-similarly, with a cold, supersonic infall which is terminated by a strong accretion shock. Different solutions arise for different values of the dimensionless collisionality parameter, Qσpbrs, where σ is the SIDM particle scattering cross section per unit mass, pb is the cosmic mean density, and rs is the shock radius. For all these solutions, a flat-density, isothermal core is present which grows in size as a fixed fraction of rs. We find two different regimes for these solutions: 1) for Q<Qth(7.35×104), the core density decreases and core size increases as Q increases; 2) for Q>Qth, the core density increases and core size decreases as Q increases. Our similarity solutions are in good agreement with previous results of N-body simulation of SIDM halos, which correspond to the low-Q regime, for which SIDM halo profiles match the observed galactic rotation curves if Q\~[8.4×1044.9×102]Qth, or σ\~[0.565.6]cm2g1. These similarity solutions also show that, as Q, the central density acquires a singular profile, in agreement with some earlier simulation results which approximated the effects of SIDM collisionality by considering an ordinary fluid without conductivity, i.e. the limit of mean free path λmfp0. The intermediate regime where Q\~[18.6231]Qth or σ\~[1.2×1042.7×104]cm2g1, for which we find flat-density cores comparable to those of the low-Q solutions preferred to make SIDM halos match halo observations, has not previously been identified. Further study of this regime is warranted.

Plant-Based Decellularization: A Novel Approach for Perfusion-Compatible Tissue Engineering Structures

  • Md Mehedee Hasan;Ashikur Rahman Swapon;Tazrin Islam Dipti;Yeong-Jin Choi;Hee-Gyeong Yi
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.1003-1016
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    • 2024
  • This study explores the potential of plant-based decellularization in regenerative medicine, a pivotal development in tissue engineering focusing on scaffold development, modification, and vascularization. Plant decellularization involves removing cellular components from plant structures, offering an eco-friendly and cost-effective alternative to traditional scaffold materials. The use of plant-derived polymers is critical, presenting both benefits and challenges, notably in mechanical properties. Integration of plant vascular networks represents a significant bioengineering breakthrough, aligning with natural design principles. The paper provides an in-depth analysis of development protocols, scaffold fabrication considerations, and illustrative case studies showcasing plant-based decellularization applications. This technique is transformative, offering sustainable scaffold design solutions with readily available plant materials capable of forming perfusable structures. Ongoing research aims to refine protocols, assess long-term implications, and adapt the process for clinical use, indicating a path toward widespread adoption. Plant-based decellularization holds promise for regenerative medicine, bridging biological sciences with engineering through eco-friendly approaches. Future perspectives include protocol optimization, understanding long-term impacts, clinical scalability, addressing mechanical limitations, fostering collaboration, exploring new research areas, and enhancing education. Collectively, these efforts envision a regenerative future where nature and scientific innovation converge to create sustainable solutions, offering hope for generations to come.

Delta-form-based method of solving high order spatial discretization schemes for neutron transport

  • Zhou, Xiafeng;Zhong, Changming;Li, Fu
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.53 no.7
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    • pp.2084-2094
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    • 2021
  • Delta-form-based methods for solving high order spatial discretization schemes are introduced into the reactor SN transport equation. Due to the nature of the delta-form, the final numerical accuracy only depends on the residuals on the right side of the discrete equations and have nothing to do with the parts on the left side. Therefore, various high order spatial discretization methods can be easily adopted for only the transport term on the right side of the discrete equations. Then the simplest step or other robust schemes can be adopted to discretize the increment on the left hand side to ensure the good iterative convergence. The delta-form framework makes the sweeping and iterative strategies of various high order spatial discretization methods be completely the same with those of the traditional SN codes, only by adding the residuals into the source terms. In this paper, the flux limiter method and weighted essentially non-oscillatory scheme are used for the verification purpose to only show the advantages of the introduction of delta-form-based solving methods and other high order spatial discretization methods can be also easily extended to solve the SN transport equations. Numerical solutions indicate the correctness and effectiveness of delta-form-based solving method.

Improvement Considerations for Strengthening Wetland Policies with Case Studies Related to Climate Change Response Strategy (기후변화 대응과 관련된 습지 활용사례 및 정책 개선방향)

  • Jeongcheol Lim;Paikho Rho
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.356-373
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    • 2024
  • The impacts of climate change are being observed globally, and wetlands are known as important ecosystems for climate change mitigation and adaptation with carbon sequestration and biodiversity conservation. However, current wetland policies in Korea are poorly related to climate change response strategies and are not fully utilizing the potential of wetland capabilities. This study aims to suggest improvement considerations and major strategies for strengthening wetland policies with effective tools for climate change response. Case studies and literature reviews on the international efforts to respond to climate change and the use of wetlands in major developed countries are used to identify the key factors to establish wetland policies with consideration of current status and different wetland issues in Korea. Results of this study with systematic literature review and TACCC(Transparency, Accuracy, Consistency, Completeness, Comparability) principles show that integrated approach on wetland policies to climate change response are needed. Based on the results, we propose the following policy recommendations. Firstly, carbon sequestration and storage are integrated through climate change response strategies and wetland conservation policies for national greenhouse gas reduction goals of Nationally Determined Contributions(NDC). Secondly, data-based wetland management should be implemented with scientific research, and wetland conditions and changes are continuously monitored, in particular quantitative data such as carbon absorption of wetlands are systematically collected. Thirdly, cooperating with central and local governments in wetland policies, public participation on wetland conservation are encouraged with establishment of wetland conservation and restoration strategies suitable for local characteristics. Fourthly, expanding the role of wetlands in climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies with incorporation of the Nature-based Solutions(NbS). Fifthly, the implementation capabilities of wetland conservation policies is enhanced by financial supports and training of wetland education and professionals. These wetland policies strengthens the ability of wetlands to respond to climate change effectively, and contribute to sustainable wetland ecosystem management by participating international efforts on wetland conservation and climate change.

Improvement of Genetic Programming Based Nonlinear Regression Using ADF and Application for Prediction MOS of Wind Speed (ADF를 사용한 유전프로그래밍 기반 비선형 회귀분석 기법 개선 및 풍속 예보 보정 응용)

  • Oh, Seungchul;Seo, Kisung
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.64 no.12
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    • pp.1748-1755
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    • 2015
  • A linear regression is widely used for prediction problem, but it is hard to manage an irregular nature of nonlinear system. Although nonlinear regression methods have been adopted, most of them are only fit to low and limited structure problem with small number of independent variables. However, real-world problem, such as weather prediction required complex nonlinear regression with large number of variables. GP(Genetic Programming) based evolutionary nonlinear regression method is an efficient approach to attach the challenging problem. This paper introduces the improvement of an GP based nonlinear regression method using ADF(Automatically Defined Function). It is believed ADFs allow the evolution of modular solutions and, consequently, improve the performance of the GP technique. The suggested ADF based GP nonlinear regression methods are compared with UM, MLR, and previous GP method for 3 days prediction of wind speed using MOS(Model Output Statistics) for partial South Korean regions. The UM and KLAPS data of 2007-2009, 2011-2013 years are used for experimentation.

Agent Oriented Business Forecasting

  • Shen, Zhiqi;Gay, Robert
    • Proceedings of the Korea Inteligent Information System Society Conference
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    • 2001.01a
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    • pp.156-163
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    • 2001
  • Business forecasting is vital to the success of business. There has been an increasing demand for building business forecasting software system to assist human being to do forecasting. However, the uncertain and complex nature makes is a challenging work to analyze, design and implement software solutions for business forecasting. Traditional forecasting systems in which their models are trained based on small collection of historical data could not meet such challenges at the information explosion over the Internet. This paper presents an agent oriented business forecasting approach for building intelligent business forecasting software systems with high reusability. Although agents have been applied successfully to many application domains. little work has been reported to use the emerging agent oriented technology of this paper is that it explores how agent can be used to help human to manage various business forecasting processes in the whole business forecasting life cycle.

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