• Title/Summary/Keyword: Natural-Friendliness

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A Study on Consumer Behavior and Preference towards Textile materials with Environment-Friendly treatment

  • Lee, Jung-Min;Kim, Jong-Jun
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.128-145
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    • 2010
  • Nowadays people are turning to have a more intimate environment-friendly lifestyles. In the clothing industry they are focusing on making products that are more human-friendly and not harmful to the environment. In the midst of the spread of consumption research is being done to develop manufacturing textiles that do not induce pollution. For instance, advantages of the natural textile fibers, cotton, silk, and ramie, have been newly recognized in terms of environment-friendliness, Together with these fibers, the natural high molecular materials, such as chitosan and hyaluronic acid, have found new roles in the application sectors of human-friendliness and environment-friendliness. Products using these substances and processing methods can make the products more wearable, have high sensitivity, make people feel aesthetic appreciation for the products, and make them appreciate the value of a more healthier environment. In a survey according to subjects in their 20s and 30s, their preferences towards their consciousness and awareness of the development of materials as well as their attitude towards environment-friendly products were determined as a conclusion. It was shown that consumers that are more conscious about the interest of the environment as well as the problems concerning the environment were more intent on buying products that were environmentally-friendly. Women have shown more active and positive attitudes towards the importance of the awareness of the environment in comparison with men. Generally, consumers in their 20s and 30s preferred the feel of materials that were less than 1% concentration process than those of materials that were 1% concentration process. To increase the "rustly" feeling of the materials, it was found that 1% concentration process was suitable for manufacturing.

Analyses on Environment-friendliness of Root Barrier Materials based on Fish Toxicity Test (어독성 실험에 따른 방근재 친환경 특성 분석)

  • Woo, Ji-Keun;Kim, Sung-Kyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.42-51
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of environment-friendliness of Root Barrier materials based on comprehensive experiments on harmfulness of Root Barrier materials and fish toxicity of Oryzias latipes mortality to verify eco-toxicity of each method of construction and Root Barrier material, which are to be applied by taking eco-toxicity into account when building ecological flows in upper areas on natural and artificial grounds. As a result, the following conclusions have been reached in this study: 1. In regard of the harmfulness analyzed, each material showed a different result of analytical value in each lab tank. Compared to lab tank, pH (la), DO (lb), T-N (VI) and T-coli (la) were in the same grade, but COD, SS, T-P and F-coli were less than that of control, respectively increased or decreased by material were analyzed. 2. In the experiment of fish toxicity, Barrier sheet was found to have 66.7% of fish mortality, indicating strong fish toxicity. Synthetic rubber system root barrier sheet (20.0%) was analyzed to have medium fish toxicity, while Synthetic resin system root barrier-waterproof sheet (3.3%), Synthetic rubber system membrane root barrier sheet (3.3%) and Synthetic resin system root barrier sheet (0.0%) showed relatively lower mortality and fish toxicity. To sum up such results as found in the experiment mentioned so far, the values of harmfulness and root penetration resistance analyzed were different in each lab tank, but there was absolutely little correlation with the mortality gained from the experiment on fish toxicity. In the experiment of fish toxicity, environment-friendly root barrier materials were analyzed, and it was found that Synthetic resin system root barrier sheet, Synthetic resin system root barrier waterproof sheet and Synthetic rubber system membrane root barrier sheet are highly environment-friendly. In contrast, Synthetic rubber system root barrier sheet was found to have medium-level environment-friendliness. Also, Barrier sheet was analyzed to have low environment-friendliness.

Evaluation of Eco-friendliness for Major Development Projects by EA-INDEX in South Korea (EA-INDEX를 활용한 국내 주요 개발사업의 친환경성 평가)

  • Jihyeon Park;Hyun-Jin Choi
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.131-141
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    • 2024
  • The environmental impact assessment have been played important role for sustainable development of the country. Meantime, various studies have been conducted for scientific and effective environmental impact assessment. Howeverthe quantitative data such as regional distribution status and development characteristics according to the type of development project, environmental changes due to development projects, and spatial-temporal changes are insufficient, currently. In this study, we investigated the eco-friendliness of major development projects (industrial complex, urban development, tourist complexes, and waste disposal equipments) by integrating the EA-INDEX of each development projects which were reported by prior researches. As a result, we found that the eco-friendliness of development projects tended to gradually increase overtime due to the increase in eco-friendliness in the protection of living environment sector. The protection of living environment sector was a major factor in the the eco-friendliness of industrial complexes and urban development projects. In the case ofroad construction, landfill and tourist complex development projects, the natural environment conservation sector was a major factor in the eco-friendliness of the project. As a result of analyzing the eco-friendliness of development projects by local government, the eco-friendliness of development projects promoted and implemented in Ulsan, Jeonnam, and Gwangju was higher compared to other regions, and it was relatively low in Daejeon, Gyeongnam, and Daegu. This study is considered to be significant in that it conducted a quantitative analysis of the eco-friendliness of development projects carried out over a relatively long period of time throughout South Korea by dividing them by year and local government.

Environmental Friendliness Assessment of Golf Courses in the Capital Region of Korea (수도권 지역 골프장의 환경친화성 평가)

  • 김광두;방광자;강현경
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.20-30
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    • 2003
  • This study is aimed at establishing the categories and items for ecological assessment and evaluation of the environmental friendliness of golf courses in the capital region of Korea. The categories and items for the assessment have been derived based on the existing literature and interviews with golf experts. This study covers 32 golf courses in the capital region of Korea that are available in terms of data and on-site surveys. In order to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the environmental friendliness of the golf courses, the assessment area was divided into 4 categories that include a total of 14 sub-categories. The 4 categories encompass 1) location, 2) topography, 3) vegetation, and 4) construction. As its sub-categories, the location category includes current land use and zoning in the National Land Use Management Law. Topography has 2 sub-categories in the damage ratio of existing topography, gradient, cut area, and slope height. The assessment of vegetation is largely based on site surveys in the categories of preservation of the existing vegetation, the use of natural resources and existing trees, the component ratio of native tree species, the multi-layered structure of vegetation, and the utilization of water purification plants. In the aspect of construction, afforestation on tile slopes and the utilization of existing surface soil were evaluated. The examination of comparative analysis among the 10 items as a ratio measure showed that the scores were low in the sub-categories of current land we, the use of existing trees, and the multi-layered structure of vegetation. However, the rating results were satisfactory in the 2 sub-categories including cut area, and the utilization of native tree species. Those proved to be contributing factors in the ecological health of the golf courses. According to correlation analysis of the 10 items to the overall ecological rating of each golf course, the sizes of the 32 golf courses were mainly affected by the damage ratio of existing topography, gradient, preservation of vegetation and slope height. This study has the initiative to conduct an ecological assessment of golf courses in the country based on site surveys. The study results revealed that location factors such as current land use, damage ratio of topography and gradient and topographical factors were the main factors affecting the environmental friendliness of golf courses. This indicates indicating the significance of these factors in the future construction practices of golf courses. Furthermore, this study raises the need for follow-up studies to establish more detailed assessment criteria and to develop assessment techniques for areas such as slope afforestation and water purification plants that need a qualitative approach.

Compressive Strength of Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites (천연섬유강화 폴리머 복합재료의 압축강도 특성)

  • Song, Jun-Hee;Mun, Sang-Don;Kim, Yoo-Young;Kim, Hong-Gun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.140-144
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    • 2010
  • In recent years there has been a growing interest for the use of natural fibers in composite applications due to their low cost, environmental friendliness, and good mechanical properties. The purpose of this study is to determine the characteristic of bending strength on bamboo fiber reinforced polymer composites. The parameters of RTM process depend on the weight ratio of bamboo fiber and resin, the number of bamboo ply and amount of hardening agent. Besides the existence of pore in composites according to vacuum time investigated a effect on mechanical properties of reinforced polymer composites. Test result shows that compressive strength was a maximum(approximately 1,840kgf/$cm^2$) value when weight ratio of resin was 12%.

Bending Strength of Natural Woven Bamboo Fiber-reinforced Polymer Composites with Manufacturing Factors (직조된 대나무 자연섬유 복합재료의 제조인자에 따른 굽힘강도)

  • Song Jun-Hee;Lim Jae-Kyoo
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.30 no.8 s.251
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    • pp.916-922
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    • 2006
  • In recent years there has been a growing interest for the use of natural fibers in composite applications due to their low cost, environmental friendliness, and good mechanical properties. The purpose of this study is to determine the characteristic of bending strength on bamboo fiber reinforced polymer composites. The parameters of RTM process depend on the weight ratio of bamboo fiber and resin, the number of bamboo ply and amount of hardening agent. Mechanical properties was investigated for each process factor of polymer composites. Test result shows that bending strength was a maximum(approximately 85MPa) value when composite thickness was 6mm and weight ratio of resin was 13%.

A Study on the Development of the Future Housing - The Development Direction and the Planning Factors of the Future Housing - (미래형 주거개발에 관한 연구 - 미래주거 개발방향과 계획요소 -)

  • 권소현
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.109-120
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    • 1996
  • This study which aimed to propose development directions for the future housing through the social change tries to predict the change of the future. Establish directions for planning of concept-Sustainability. Human-friendliness. High Technology and, with reference to case study and literature judge feasibility of them. The major findings were as follows : 1. Development direction related to the future housing can be classified into 7 principle : energy-saving, resource-saving, natural adaptation, community, user participant, super high level, and home intelligent. 2. Planning factors of the future housing can be divided into several itemes.

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The Analysis on Traditional Housing Characteristics Preferred by Apartment Residents (전통주택의 특성에 대한 아파트 거주자의 선호분석)

  • Jang, Mi-Seon;Lee, Yeun-Sook
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.16 no.1 s.60
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    • pp.83-90
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    • 2007
  • The identity of Korean housing culture has been the subject of discussion in the past several decades. Recently construction company is using the expression of Korean Identity based on traditional housing as a strategic concept. There, however, has yet been found a concrete solution despite the ambitions intent to modernize Korean tradition. In this circumstances, this research was intended to understand the characteristics of traditional housing preferred by consumers, in order to embody the scheme in which Korean tradition can be modernized. The main conceptual characteristics and concrete examples were included in the characteristics of traditional housing. In result, Environment-Friendliness, Visual Openness, Human-Centeredness have been turned out to be the most preferred attributes amongst the major concept characteristics of traditional housing. In concrete case of Environment-Friendliness, the use of healthy natural materials such as timber or yellow mud was preferred the most. Consumers were also especially fond of open passage through connecting front and back balcony as for Visual Openness, and spaces created based on human body measurements regarding Human-Centeredness. The Savored characteristics of traditional housing varied by gender, age, family type, income, and scale of residence. The result of this research will be useful for housing construction company in planning Korean style apartments and also exploring preferred qualities according to the type of consumer.

Substitute Textile Preferences for Eco-Friendly Leather Goods: Focusing on Shoes and Bags

  • Kim, Ji-Soo;Na, Young-Joo
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.55-70
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    • 2022
  • In the 21st century, the demand for eco-friendly leather, such as eco-leather and vegan leather, is steadily increasing. This study examines the influence of eco-friendliness on consumers' purchasing intentions and the possibility of eco-friendly changes in the fashion accessory market, which is dominated by leather material and leather substitutes. This study administered a questionnaire survey to 227 males and females between 20 and 60 years of age in Korea. With a 5-point Likert scale, data were collected on evaluation criteria when purchasing shoes and bags and purchasing intention of various leather substitute materials according to the democratic variables. The eco-friendliness attitude was divided into eco-consciousness and green behavior. As the eco-friendly attitude increased, most purchasing standards increased, but the purchasing criteria, such as trends, brands, and prices, did not correlate with the eco-friendly attitude. The eco-consciousness of a consumer had a high correlation with the design evaluation criteria, while the green behavior of the consumer aligned with durability and comfort criteria when purchasing a bag. There was a preference for recycled leather, vegetable leather, synthetic leather, and chemical leather, and the fabric type was ranked as natural fiber, biodegradable fiber, and synthetic fiber. Consumers with both green behavior and eco-consciousness are more likely to purchase biodegradable textiles and vegetable leather for the material of shoes and bags.

University Students' Awareness of Eco-friendly Textile Fiber (친환경 섬유소재에 대한 대학생들의 인식도 연구)

  • Lee, Sun Young;Lee, Seung Goo;Kim, Jung Hwa;Lee, Jung Soon
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.781-790
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    • 2012
  • In midst of growing interest and awareness towards sustainability and being "green", there has been increased demand for sustainable clothing. In the purpose of boosting eco-friendly textiles industry, this research was conducted by investigating environmentally-conscious clothing behavior of university students and assessing their views on eco-friendliness of fibers. Thus, their awareness on recycled polyester fiber was evaluated. The research was conducted by surveying 257 university students residing in Daejeon. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and reliability analysis, using SPSS 19.0. The results were as follows. 1) The majority of the subjects answered "Disposing clothing in the clothing recycling container" to reduce environmental impact. 2) Six factors of eco-friendliness of fiber were extracted as reutilization, unfinishedness, economics, environment preservation, natural materials, and slow fashion by using factor analysis. 3) Subjects scored organic cotton as most eco-friendly among various fibers. Recycled polyester fiber was graded less sustainable than natural fiber, but more eco-friendly than artificial one. 4) In assessment of subject's awareness of recycled polyester fiber, they highly valued on resource-reutilization and economics, but less valued on its hygiene, thermal insulation and health-functionality.