• Title/Summary/Keyword: Natural and rural landscape

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Evaluation of the City Residents' Images on the Landscape Elements of the Rural Traditional Theme Village (농촌전통 테마마을의 경관구성요소에 대한 도시주민의 이미지평가)

  • Kim, Chun-Il;Kim, Ick-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.227-233
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    • 2010
  • This study analyzes the images of city residents on the landscape elements of the rural theme villages. The results of analysis bring the following conclusions. 1) Important factor of rural landscape with worth preserving is natural landscape such as dense forests, trees and creek. 2) Natural landscape such as forests and trees is evaluated high in image-assessment as well. However, it is evaluated low in the image of "Diversity", therefore, various species of trees need to be preserved. 3) In the future, people who spent their life only in the city would be the main stream of Green-tourism, and their structure of image-assessment needs to be reorganized.

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A Study on the Over-layered Landscape Characteristics of Ipsan Village, Uiryeong Area (의령 입산마을의 중층적 경관 특성)

  • Lim, Eui-Je;So, Hyun-Su;Bae, Su-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.113-127
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    • 2018
  • This study comprehends that the landscape of Ipsan Village is the accumulated output of the landscape management and social behavior by the historic personages through the reference research and field surveys. And the study sorted out the over-layered landscape characteristics of Ipsan Village by analyzing the dispersed landscape elements as follows. First, right before the start of Japanese invasions to Korea(1592-98), Tamjin(耽津) An(安) Family moved into Ipsan and started establishing the a single clan village. At a site with mountain background and facing the water(背山臨水), the village used to be a typical farming one with an organically planned road-system and housing area following the traditional order. However, the landscape has changed drastically since the 20th century with the construction of banks, roads and readjustment of arable land etc. Second, the original landscape, which can be figured out through the 'Gosanjaesibyukgyeong(高山齋十六景)' in the 18th century, shows its harmony with natural landscape: mountain & valley, stream & field, traditional trees, etc, cultural landscape: village, well, spring, etc, and momentary landscape: seasons, time, weather phenomena, sound, behavior, etc. Third, based on the second, 16 natural landscape elements: mountain & stream, planting, etc. and 25 cultural landscape elements: housing spaces, self-cultivation & ceremony spaces, community spaces and modern education & enlightenment spaces were selected and interpreted as landscaping meanings. Fourth, the over-layered landscape which stems from the compositive functions and inter-connectivity of landscape elements which consists Ipsan Village is regarded as 'Natural geographical and Fungsu landscape', 'Rural production and livelihood landscape', 'Confucian ceremony and symbolic landscape' and 'Modern education and enlightenment landscape.'

A Study on the Rural Landscape and Locality according to the Community Planning - Focused on the Daewon Ri Sanoe Myeon Boeun Gun Chungbuk - (마을계획에 따른 농촌경관과 지역성 고찰 - 충북 보은군 산외면 대원리를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Heon-Choon;Kim, Seung-Geun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 2008
  • Recently, has been the subject of high interest in rural areas. However it incite the damage to rural landscape and destruction of the locality. The reason is the economic logic that potential was ignored of community. In the meantime, has thrown out the importance to restore damaged rural landscape. So, pleasant natural environment and community resources to create value. Therefore, the purpose of this research, redefine the value of the future of rural landscape that the community design and community planning is to offer basic data. The results of study are as follows; First, the landscape that all human perception through the senses, so the community planning to landscape the locality of the formation is a very important element. Second, if it build a new building would have to find space in community. So, the plan must reflect the community and the locality, If so the landscape of th community, the building will be imbibe naturally. Third, the rural area of the rural community when planning for past, present and future should be thoroughly analyzed, and for the future direction of the community will be set up. Finally, analyzing correctly past of the community to reconfigure the rural community is very important. When configure the space of rural community, if created the new space based on original characteristic of the community, the landscape will be kept in rural community.

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Study on the Rural Landscape Management System for Preserving Rural Identity -Focusing on the AONBs of England- (농촌다움 보전을 위한 농촌 경관 관리체계의 시사점 -영국의 AONB 제도 사례를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Do-Eun;Jung, Hae-Joon;Kang, Dong-Jin;Son, Yonghoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.51-68
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    • 2024
  • Since 1949, the UK has implemented a national land planning strategy to sustain rural areas, emphasizing the concept of 'Natural Beauty.' This involves designating "Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)" as a political approach to conserving rural landscapes and fostering a societal consensus on environmental conservation. AONB adopts an integrated and systematic approach to achieve harmony between the environment and human activities. This study investigates the implications of the AONB rural landscape management approach through case studies of the Cotswolds Conservation Board and Cannock Chase Joint Committee. It examines the legislative designation and supporting processes of AONB, analyzing the governance system to clarify the roles of authorities in policy decision-making. AONB's system revolves around joint committees or conservation boards of local authorities responsible for establishing, implementing, and monitoring management plans. The planning process involves a harmonious management plan system reflecting regional demands, including regular forums. AONB serves as a powerful tool for local residents to engage in the development of their region through stewardship. The study suggests that understanding the AONB model could provide a foundation for developing rural landscape conservation and spatial management plans tailored to Korea's context in the future.

A Study on the Direction of Rural Landscape Color Plan according to the Expert Perceptions (전문가 인식에 따른 농촌경관 색채계획 방향 설정 연구)

  • Kim, EunJa;Han, ChaeWon;Lim, ChangSu;Park, MeeJung;Choi, JinAh;Kwon, SoonChan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2017
  • People are making efforts multilaterally to create agricultural landscape beautifully. Still in farming villages, however, large-scale facilities or houses are disharmonized with natural environment because of their outer colors, mostly primary colors, not considering natural environment. The main study is done on experts' color perception. Investigation about perception of color experts ' view according to the existence of the energy business based on the color to set the direction of the rural landscape in the future. The result of the study shows that the image of the rural area is not reflected well, and the symbolic color of the rural landscape is the reverse image according to the energy business. The rural village's image in the future, "Harmonious", "Natural", "Rural" were higher Figure. There were the most important and harmony with nature. Based on such future harmony with nature in the color planning The colors match and is expected to be the color within the scope. Lack of awareness in the current farming town scenery is unsatisfactory. Awareness about the need for further improvement was higher. Therefore, color according to a harmony with nature images in accordance with the type of farming model should be planned.

A Study on the Analysis of the Importance of Natural Landscape by the Development Project (개발사업에 의한 자연경관 영향 저감방안 중요도 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Min-Ji;Shin, Ji-Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.99-117
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    • 2019
  • Environmental impact assessment (EIA), which predicts, evaluates, and manages the influences on natural landscape, plays a role of monitoring natural resources for systematic management of natural landscape. However, the function of verification and correction of the system is still insufficient and feed-back, one of the most important features of EIA follow-up, has not been introduced in Korea's EIA system yet. As a procedure, it is required to check if the opinions of the evaluators are properly reflected to the outcomes of the project through a reviewing process after assessing environmental impacts of a development project. In reality, despite the awareness about the importance of follow-up inspection of the conformity with, the system mainly focuses on the agreement during the planning stage of the development project and fails to continuously manage after its completion. There have been various preceding studies related to prediction, evaluation, and management of environmental impacts on natural landscape for better management. They primarily dealt with the problems in the EIA process and suggested improvement measures, including directions for institutional development, step-by-step goals, and operation methods, to address the problems which arise in the EIA follow-up process. However, suggested measures are not actively applied with the focus only put on institutional operation, there are virtually no standardized methods to predict and assess landscape changes due to the development project and to manage landscape after the project. Against this backdrop, this study aims to explore the existing methods to analyze the impacts natural landscape and to establish a system where landscape management is continued after the development project. To this end, we will suggest reducing methods according to the predicted changes in landscape for post-project management of natural landscape. Characteristics of reduction methods by project type were examined through reviewing the guide to natural landscape rating and the importance of development project impacts on natural landscape by type of reduction was evaluated through questionnaire for experts. Evaluated types of reduction are classified and presented by characteristics of each development project and content of reduction type.

The Characteristics of the Rural Landscape of Daesan Plain Around the Japanese Colonial Era (일제강점기 전후 대산평야 농촌경관의 형성과 변화)

  • Jeong, Jae-Hyeon;Lee, Yoo-Jick
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.15-31
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    • 2024
  • The study primarily aims to examine the characteristics of the transition from natural landscape to modern agricultural landscape on the Daesan plain in Dong-myeon, Changwon-si, in the lower reaches of the Nakdong River. The periods covered in the transition include the late Joseon Dynasty, the early Japanese colonial period, and the late Japanese colonial period. The study concluded the following: It was found that the Daesan Plain used to function as a hydrophilic landscape before it formed into a rural landscape. This is characterized by the various water resources in the Plain, primarily by the Nakdong River, with its back marsh tributaries, the Junam Reservoir and Jucheon. To achieve its recent form, the Daesan Plain was subjected to human trial and error. Through installation of irrigation facilities such as embankments and sluices, the irregularly-shaped wetlands were transformed into large-scale farmlands while the same irrigation facilities underwent constant renovation to permanently stabilize the rural landscape. These processes of transformation were similarly a product of typical colonial expropriation. During the Japanese colonial period, Japanese capitalists initiated the construction of private farms which led to the national land development policy by the Governor-General of Korea. These landscape changes are indicative of resource capitalism depicted by the expansion of agricultural production value by the application of resource capital to undeveloped natural space for economic viability. As a result, the hierarchical structure was magnified resulting to the exacerbation of community and economic structural imbalances which presents an alternative yet related perspective to the evolution of landscapes during the Japanese colonial period. In addition, considering Daesan Plain's vulnerability to changing weather conditions, natural processes have also been a factor to its landscape transformation. Such occurrences endanger the sustainability of the area as when floods inundate cultivated lands and render them unstable, endangering residents, as well as the harvests. In conclusion, the Daesan Plain originally took the form of a hydrophilic landscape and started significantly evolving into a rural landscape since the Japanese colonial period. Human-induced land development and geophysical processes significantly impacted this transformation which also exemplifies the several ways of how undeveloped natural landscapes turn into mechanized and capitalized rural landscapes by colonial resource capitalism and development policies.

A Study on the Morphological Management of Major Landscape Elements in Organic Farming (유기농업단지 주요경관요소의 물리적 관리방안에 관한 연구)

  • An, Phil Gyun;Kong, Min Jea;Lee, Sang Min;Kim, Sang Bhum;Jo, Jung Lae;Kim, Nam Chun;Shin, Ji Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 2020
  • Up to date, the majority research on the major landscape elements in organic farming has been mainly focused on the practice of seeking efficiency. The problem is that this type of study contributes to polluting the agricultural environment and damaging the ecological circulation system. As an alternative, there is a growing body of research on organic farming, but it is not widely applied that research on how to manage the landscape considering the scenic characteristics of farming villages practicing organic farming. Therefore, this study was carried out in the conservative aspects of rural landscapes in order to effectively manage the landscape of organic agriculture and, intended to be used to maintain and preserve natural and ecologically harmonious landscapes by deriving management methods suitable for landscape elements targeting the major landscape elements of the organic farming complex. To carry out, this study performed the experts survey which is composed of 13 major landscape elements, including rice paddies and fields, monoculture and diverse crops, dirt roads, windbreak trees, accent planting, dum-bung(small pond), natural small river, natural waterways, plastic film houses, one-storied houses, and pavilion. As a result, Farm land was formed in a square shape, concentrated in an independent space, planted companion plants around the crop, and covered with plants to manage the borders. As for the surrounding environment, it was analyzed that the aspart road system circulating through the village, the evergreen broad-leaved windbreak forest around the cultivated land, and the accent plant located at the entrance of the village were suitable. The hydrological environment consists of Round small pond made of stone in an open space, natural rivers around the village, and natural channels around the farmland, and The Major facilities are suitable for greenhouses that are shielded by plants in independent regions, and wooden duck houses located inside the cultivation area are suitable and The settlement facilities were analyzed to be suitable for single-story brick houses located in independent residential areas, pavilion located with greenery in the center of the village, and educational spaces shielded with wood from arable land. If supplementary evaluation criteria suitable for the management of organic farming landscape are additionally supplemented based on the results derived from this study, It is expected to enhance the landscape value of ecologically superior organic farming.

Biomass Changes of a Human-influenced Pine Forest and Forest Management in Agricultural Landscape System (인간간섭하의 소나무림의 현존량변화와 농촌경관시스템내에서의 산림관리)

  • Hong, Sun-Kee;Nobukazu Nakagoshi
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.305-320
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    • 1996
  • It is necessary to obtain information about the productivity of the human-influenced forest and to understand the consumption of biomass resources in secondary forest in order to examine the resource flux by human activity in rural landscape. Thus the aims of this study were to elucidate the biomass and their use of secondary Pinus densiflora forests and to discuss sustainable utilization of secondary forests in rural landscape system. This study was carried out in Yanghwa-ri, Kongjugun, Chungcheongnam-do, central Korea. The changes of growth rate and aboveground biomass of a pine forest for 2 years were analyzed to understand forest management regimes in rural pine forests. Through allometric equations deduced from 25 sample trees, biomass was estimated. The biomass increase of pine forest was approximately 16.36 t/ha/yr in the unexploited stand and 12.24 t/ha/yr in the exploited stand. These were nearly equal to those of natural pine forests in central Korea. This result proved that human-influenced pine forest in rural landscape as well as the natural one has high potentiality to provide forest products. Making graveyard in forest-land was the important disturbance and land-use which currently occurring in rural landscape in the study area. Finally, we presented some forest management for stutainable and positive uses of secondary forests as one of the local energy resources in terms of the holistic landscape-ecological view.

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A Study on the Policy for Rural Cultural Landscapes and for Enhancing the Value of the Rural Community Groves and Dangsan Groves (농촌 문화경관 관련시책과 마을숲.당산숲의 위상 제고를 위한 기초연구)

  • Choi Jai-Ung;Kim Dong-Yeob
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.3 s.116
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    • pp.41-58
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    • 2006
  • Rural areas dominates the country landscapes in size with less population and rich traditional heritages as well as natural landscapes. Rural community groves (RCG) and Dangsan groves have been established by community residents during a few hundred years, and most of them have been disturbed. Only a few RCGs and Dangsan groves remain for an extensive period with efforts from community residents. These remnant RCGs and Dangsan groves are highly evaluated representing Korean rural cultural landscapes. Sound understanding on the structure of the rural landscapes and their role on the rural community environment is required to provide an appropriate policy for managing rural landscapes. This study aims to understand the characteristics of RCGs and Dangsan groves in the cultural landscapes, to investigate policies and issues of the advanced countries on RCGs and Dangsan groves, and to overview domestic policies for rural landscapes. The study results showed that there is a close relationship between RCGs and main issues discussed in EU countries. Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry of Korea, Ministry of Environment and Rural Development Administration have to focus on the potential of RCGs and Dangsan groves for multi-functions of agricultural and rural areas, natural streams, rural amenity, direct subsidy for landscape preservation and rural tourism. Based on the findings, this study suggests that RCGs and Dangsan groves will provide benefits to develop rural-mountain-sea villages and to enhance country's landscapes as well as local landscapes.