• 제목/요약/키워드: Natural Ethics

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유가(儒家) 자연법사상의 헌법상 전승 (A Study on the Confucian Natural Legal Ideology Embodied in the Korean Constitution)

  • 문효남
    • 한국철학논집
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    • 제56호
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    • pp.47-80
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    • 2018
  • 이 논문은 유가(儒家)의 자연법사상(自然法思想)이 대한민국의 최고 기본법이자 최고 규범인 헌법(憲法)에 어떠한 내용과 의미로 전승되어 오고있으며, 이러한 유가사상이 오늘날에 있어 어떠한 과제를 우리에게 제시하고 있는 것인지를 살펴보기 위한 글이다. 유가사상 특히 민본(民本), 예치(禮治), 덕치(德治) 및 친친주의(親親主義)로 대표되는 선진유가의 자연법사상이 오늘날에 있어서는 그 영향력이 현저히 감소하였으나, 여전히 우리 민족의 의식 속에 하나의 윤리규범 내지 미풍양속으로서의 위치를 차지하고 있으며, 대한민국 현행 법령에 있어서도 다양한 형태로 전승되어 오고 있어, 실제 규범으로서의 법집행력도 일정 부분 가지고 있다. 즉 대한민국의 최고 기본법인 헌법을 위시하여 민법을 비롯한 민사법령 그리고 형법을 비롯한 형사법령에 유가 법사상을 반영한 입법 규정들이 산재해 있으며, 법원 및 헌법재판소의 판례나 결정 등을 통해 유가사상이 재해석되어 전승되어 오고 있는 것이다. 유가의 법사상은 헌법 명문규정으로는 헌법 전문(前文)과 본문(本文) 제9조 등에 규정된 '전통(傳統)', '전통문화(傳統文化)'의 내포개념으로 전승되어 오는 한편, 헌법재판소의 위헌법률제청사건 및 위헌소원사건 등에 대한 결정을 통하여 재해석되어 전승되고 있다. 헌법재판소의 재해석을 통한 전승은 크게 두 가지로 나누어 볼 수 있는데, 하나는 유가의 사상 내지 윤리와 관련된 결정이며, 다른 하나는 전통문화와 관련된 결정이다. 지난 20여 년 간 헌법재판소의 판례 및 결정문을 면밀히 분석하여 검토하는 작업을 통해, 헌법재판소는 우리 사회가 유교적 전통을 받아들이고 체화(體化)시켜 일정 부분 우리의 고유한 의식으로 남아 있음을 인정하는 일관된 입장을 유지하고 있으며, 특히 가정의 영역에서는 법률보다 전통적 윤리의 역할을 더 강조하는 입장을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 유가사상 내지 도덕관념에 터 잡은 전통문화가 어떠한 기준 하에서 우리의 고유한 전통의식 내지 도덕규범으로서 헌법적 정당성(正當性)을 갖는지 여부에 대한 중요한 기준 내지 척도를 도출해 낼 수 있었다. 헌법재판소는 헌법상 전통문화 내지 윤리로서 정당성을 인정받기 위해서는 단순히 전통문화라는 역사적 사실과 이를 계승하는 것만으로는 부족하며, 이 시대의 사회 경제적 기반에 맞아야 한다는 '시대적합성(時代適合性)'과 오늘날에 있어서도 보편타당한 전통윤리 내지는 도덕관념이어야 한다는 '현재적 보편타당성(現在的 普遍妥當性)'을 양대 기준으로 천명하고 있다. 또한 이러한 '시대적합성'과 '현재적 보편타당성'은 '오늘날의 의미로 재해석되어 포착된 것'이어야 하며, 이를 위한 가장 중요한 척도로서 '헌법이념(憲法理念)과 헌법의 가치질서(價値秩序)' 및 '인류(人類)의 보편가치(普遍價値), 정의(正義)와 인도정신(人道精神)'을 들고 있다. 여기서 우리는 헌법상 정당성을 가지는 전통문화의 주요한 축으로서의 유가사상 내지 유가 자연법사상의 '시대적합성'과 '현재적 보편타당성'을 확보하고 '헌법이념과 헌법의 가치질서' 및 '인류의 보편가치, 정의와 인도정신'이라는 척도를 가지고 유가 사상을 '오늘날의 의미로 재해석하여 포착'하여야 한다는 새로운 과제와 임무를 부여받게 된다. 이는 현재 세계적으로 활발히 논의되고 있는 "새로운 보편윤리(the Universal Ethics)의 모색" 이라는 지성사적 작업과도 연결하여 논의를 진행해볼 수 있다는 점에서 오늘날 우리에게 매우 중요한 시사를 하고 있다. 또한 현재 정치권 등에서 활발히 거론되고 있는 헌법 개정 문제와 관련하여 유가 자연법사상 중 보편적 윤리 내지 가치를 발굴하여 이를 헌법개정안에 반영시켜 나갈 것인지 여부에 대하여도 진지하고도 폭넓은 관심과 연구가 시급히 전개되어야 할 것이라고 생각한다.

KODISA 연구윤리의 표절 판단기준과 글로벌 학술지 가이드라인 (The Standard of Judgement on Plagiarism in Research Ethics and the Guideline of Global Journals for KODISA)

  • 황희중;김동호;윤명길;이정완;이종호
    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제12권6호
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    • pp.15-20
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - In general, researchers try to abide by the code of research ethics, but many of them are not fully aware of plagiarism, unintentionally committing the research misconduct when they write a research paper. This research aims to introduce researchers a clear and easy guideline at a conference, which helps researchers avoid accidental plagiarism by addressing the issue. This research is expected to contribute building a climate and encouraging creative research among scholars. Research design, data, methodology & Results - Plagiarism is considered a sort of research misconduct along with fabrication and falsification. It is defined as an improper usage of another author's ideas, language, process, or results without giving appropriate credit. Plagiarism has nothing to do with examining the truth or accessing value of research data, process, or results. Plagiarism is determined based on whether a research corresponds to widely-used research ethics, containing proper citations. Within academia, plagiarism goes beyond the legal boundary, encompassing any kind of intentional wrongful appropriation of a research, which was created by another researchers. In summary, the definition of plagiarism is to steal other people's creative idea, research model, hypotheses, methods, definition, variables, images, tables and graphs, and use them without reasonable attribution to their true sources. There are various types of plagiarism. Some people assort plagiarism into idea plagiarism, text plagiarism, mosaic plagiarism, and idea distortion. Others view that plagiarism includes uncredited usage of another person's work without appropriate citations, self-plagiarism (using a part of a researcher's own previous research without proper citations), duplicate publication (publishing a researcher's own previous work with a different title), unethical citation (using quoted parts of another person's research without proper citations as if the parts are being cited by the current author). When an author wants to cite a part that was previously drawn from another source the author is supposed to reveal that the part is re-cited. If it is hard to state all the sources the author is allowed to mention the original source only. Today, various disciplines are developing their own measures to address these plagiarism issues, especially duplicate publications, by requiring researchers to clearly reveal true sources when they refer to any other research. Conclusions - Research misconducts including plagiarism have broad and unclear boundaries which allow ambiguous definitions and diverse interpretations. It seems difficult for researchers to have clear understandings of ways to avoid plagiarism and how to cite other's works properly. However, if guidelines are developed to detect and avoid plagiarism considering characteristics of each discipline (For example, social science and natural sciences might be able to have different standards on plagiarism.) and shared among researchers they will likely have a consensus and understanding regarding the issue. Particularly, since duplicate publications has frequently appeared more than plagiarism, academic institutions will need to provide pre-warning and screening in evaluation processes in order to reduce mistakes of researchers and to prevent duplicate publications. What is critical for researchers is to clearly reveal the true sources based on the common citation rules and to only borrow necessary amounts of others' research.

윤리적 탐구 중심의 초등 도덕과 환경수업 (A Study on the Environmental Instruction focused on ethical inquiry in elementary school)

  • 송영민
    • 한국철학논집
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    • 제28호
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    • pp.87-116
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    • 2010
  • 초등학교에서 환경교육은 여러 교과에서 이루어지고 있다. 각 교과의 환경수업은 그 교과의 특성 및 교과와 관련된 환경교육의 내용을 반영하여 구성된다. 도덕과의 환경수업에도 환경교육과 관련된 내용 및 도덕과의 특성이 반영된다. 초등학교 도덕과 교육과정에서 환경교육과 직접적으로 관련된 지도요소는 '생명의 소중함'과 '올바른 자연관과 환경 보호'이다. 도덕과는 이 지도요소를 통해 동식물의 생명을 소중히 여겨야 하는 이유와 자연과의 관계에 대한 도덕적 인식을 중심으로 접근한다. 초등 도덕과의 환경교육은 사실적 이해를 중심으로 하는 교과와는 달리 규범적 접근을 중심으로 한다는 측면에서 차별된다. 도덕과의 정체성을 반영하면서 규범적 내용에 접근하기 위해서는 생명과 자연에 대한 윤리적 탐구를 중심으로 수업이 전개되어야 한다. 특히 도덕과 환경수업은 동물 생명의 도덕적 지위, 식물 생명의 도덕적 지위, 전체 자연계의 도덕적 지위에 대한 윤리적 탐구라는 논리적 순서로 형식적 응집성이 구성될 수 있다. 이를 위해서는 개체주의적인 윤리적 확대주의에 근거한 동물 생명의 도덕적 지위의 해명, 개체주의적 탈인간중심 윤리에 근거한 식물 생명의 도덕적 지위의 해명, 전체주의적 탈인간중심 윤리에 근거한 전체 자연의 도덕적 지위의 해명을 근거로 수업을 구성할 수 있다. 이를 반영한 구체적인 수업 안은 '사람과 동물의 공통점 찾기', '공통점을 대하는 모습', '공통점을 대하는 모습이 다른 이유 생각하기', '식물이 죽으면 사라지는 것', '비생명체의 가치 이해하기'로 전개된다. 물론 이러한 수업의 예시는 비판적으로 재구성될 수 있다. 하지만 초등 도덕과의 정체성이 반영된 환경수업을 위해서는 윤리적 탐구를 통한 환경 의식을 함양이라는 목적은 유지되어야 한다.

선(禪)생태학관점에서 본 전통사찰의 공간조형개념 연구 - 조선시대 선(禪)적 특성이 두드러진 전각을 중심으로 - (A Study on the Space Formative Concepts of Traditional Temple viewed in the Seon Ecology - Focused on Traditional Seon Buddhist Temple of Joseon Dynasty -)

  • 이고은;김개천
    • 한국실내디자인학회논문집
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    • 제22권6호
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    • pp.58-67
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    • 2013
  • Since environmental pollution emerges as an important issue, integration of academic discipline has been accomplished for development of environmental ethics. Combination of Buddhism and Ecology is the instance of this background. The background of this research is the assumption that from Seon Ecology standpoint, Buddhist temple would define conception of Seon Ecology specifically. The study based on advanced study about Seon Ecology, the peculiarity of Seon Ecology was dependent originations, order, the nature of Buddha, moderation, and impersonated nature. In addition, this study researched how these peculiarity has relation with traditional temples. This attempt has a significance in that finding a new approach of interpreting traditional temple and possibility of Seon Ecology Seon Ecology space formative concepts of traditional temple is cyclical allness, transitory balance, Denial of perfection and natural void characteristics from Seon Ecological studies. This study examined how characteristic of Seon Ecology is reflected in traditional temple, through analyzing Buseoksa-Anyangru, Bongjeongsa-Yeonsanam, Seonamsa simgeomdang, Songgwangsa woohwagak, Hwaamsa woohwaru which have remarkable characteristic of selection using above space formative concepts. traditional temple was filled with life coexisted with dynamics, independence, and equality within interrelationship between nature and architecture.

루소의 건강관에 대한 현대적 고찰 -$\mathbb{\ulcorner}$Emil$\mathbb{\lrcorner}$을 중심으로- (A Study on Rousseau's Health Theory and Health education in $\mathbb{\ulcorner}$Emil$\mathbb{\lrcorner}$)

  • 반덕진
    • 보건교육건강증진학회지
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.187-201
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    • 1999
  • A purpose of this study is to provide Rousseau's health theory and health education in 『Emil』. Though Rousseau was not so much a doctor as a philosopher, he was good at health care and health education. After he had thought over healthy children for 20 years, he had written 『Emil』 for 3 years. His health theory was included in the book. He was aware of the importance of mother's milk, clothes, and physical health. Especially, he told mothers to rear a child at the breast. He understood thoroughly the demerits of medicines, and made no account of doctors and medicines. But on the other hand, He emphasized natural healing power in human body. He thought that one oneself was a physician. He thought highly of inner healing. He thought that only hygiene of medicine was useful to mankind. He prescribed that hygiene was a kind of ethics education. Therefore, his hygiene was associated with mental health and moral evaluation. Because many years have passed, today we can not accept all his assertions. But we need to stress preventive medicines, spontaneous healing, and self-care in health education.

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Ethics of Situated-ness, Sustainability and Ecology

  • Baek, Jin
    • Architectural research
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.11-16
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    • 2011
  • This article illuminates the relationship between the human being and the surrounding things by referring to the philosophy of Martin Heidegger and Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Criticizing our habitual approaches to apprehending 'what a thing is,' the two thinkers elucidate how 'what a thing is' can be understood only in conjunction with situations in the everyday and how humanity is joined with the qualities of the thing. In addition to the situated-ness of a thing, this article demonstrates the situated-ness of the human being, too, by referring to the notion of the horizon in the tradition of phenomenology. The last part of the paper discusses the basic premises of sustainability in reference to the situated-ness of both things and human beings. Framing natural things such as light as the alternative sources of energy propagandized in sustainability seems progressive. However, this attitude maintains fundamentally the same instrumental attitude we had towards nature, an attitude that has caused the current ecological crisis. By pointing this out, this article seeks to shape a ground for a broad spectrum of sustainability that embraces non-instrumental dimensions such as the practical, the ethical and the spiritual. This article also points out the limits of some of the currently available versions of ecology such as Shallow Ecology and Deep Ecology. In so doing, it seeks to lay out the parameters that any future version of sustainability and ecology needs to address.

동중서(董仲舒)의 양(陽) 중심 사상에 대한 고찰 -"황제내경(黃帝內經)"과의 비교(比較)를 통하여- (A Study on Dongjungseo(董仲舒)'s Yin-Yang theory - Yang Central Idea -)

  • 김성지;김수중
    • 대한한의학원전학회지
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.145-160
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    • 2009
  • The most famous thought of Dongjungseo's must be 'the Sky-Earth Response Theory.' The theory includes the Same 'Gi' Correspondence(the Same Category Homology) and explains the relationship between the nature and the men based on Yin-Yang. This theory, commonly studied by the scholars of the political science, however, has been constituting the foundation of the oriental medicine. Also, he insists many other theories related to Yin-Yang including the natural calamity, the treatise of human nature, the name and reality, and the national school of Confucianism, etc. This paper covers the Yin-Yang theory, particularly with regard to ethics. politics, human nature of Dongjungseo, and the comparison of his Yin-Yang and that of the Emperor Inner Cannon. Dongjungseo insists on the harmony of Yin-Yang just only in the area of health care, excluding other areas such as state and family governance. However, in contrast, he asserts the Yang central idea for what he defined as the order of a family, a society and a state. This presents his contradiction and logicality. In the last part of this paper, his logical flaws would be discussed and analysed. However, he is a lucky scholar, because his Yang central idea has been successfully governing peoples for a long time, despite such imperfection and contradiction in his studies.

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Sustainability education in textile and apparel programs in higher education - A web-based content analysis -

  • Yoh, Eunah;Kim, Hye-Shin
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.203-216
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    • 2018
  • This study explores sustainability education in textile and apparel (T&A) programs in U.S. higher education institutions. Specifically, the researchers study whether more courses with sustainability focus are offered in higher-ranked institutions and explore whether sustainability is taught more in specific T&A related subject fields. Content analysis was conducted for 3,200 courses found in online course catalogs or the course information sites of 69 institutions. Institutions were selected from the 2015 rankings of the top 50 fashion design and top 50 fashion merchandising schools in the US on www.fashion-schools.org. All cases were coded by two coders with a Cohen's Kappa score of 97.5%, indicating good interrater reliability. Coded data were analyzed through descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and t-tests. The findings show that sustainability is being integrated into the curricula and across courses of T&A programs in the U.S. Over half of the institution surveyed offered at least one sustainability embedded course. Higher ranked institutions provided more sustainability-related courses than power-ranked institutions. A natural match between the subject field and specific sustainability theme was observed (e.g., cultural diversity in history/culture and social psychology/education; recycle/reuse in textile science; sustainability in fashion design; social responsibility and ethics in industry/consumer). The need to introduce sustainability in courses holistically is discussed, whereby sustainability within the industry supply chain is examined in a connected way.

Examination of Students' Perceptions of the Selection of Science Subjects in High School Credit System and Their Reasons for Selection

  • Dong-Seon Shin;Jong Keun Park
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • 제11권4호
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    • pp.263-272
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    • 2023
  • We investigated and analyzed students' perceptions of their choice of science subjects in the high school credit system and the reasons for their choice. To achieve this, the selection of science subjects was investigated for the second year of S high school over the past three years. Students selected an average of 1.54 science subjects, and it was found that the rate of selection of science subjects was gradually increasing by year. Students chose high in the order of life science I, earth science I, chemistry I, physics I, etc. in the science subject group. Students who wish to enter the natural and engineering fields chose life science I, chemistry I, physics I, etc., while, students who wish to enter the humanities society chose society and culture, life science I, ethics and thought, etc. On the other hand, the reason for choosing science subjects was 'related to college admission', followed by 'aptitude and interest', 'career and real life help', etc. physics I, chemistry I, etc., were high in the subjects selected according to the 'related to college admission'. The subjects selected according to 'aptitude and interest' were high in life science I, earth science I, etc. Physics I, chemistry I, etc. are recognized as subjects necessary for college entrance, and life science I, earth science I, etc., are found to be related to their interests and aptitudes.


  • 금기숙
    • 복식
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    • 제14권
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    • pp.167-183
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    • 1990
  • As an attempt to view Chason costume from a aesthetic perspective, the aesthetic values of the Choson people, as expressed through the aesthetic characteristics of costumes, are pursued in this study. To appreciate the beauty of the traditional Korean costume, the following aesthetic characteristics of Choson costumes are investigated: form, color, pattern, material and ornament. From the view point of aesthetics, this study shows that Choson costume had comfortable and voluminous forms with beautiful curved lines and rhythm. The most favored colors were white and natural colors of materials. However unusual combination of colors such as the contrast of black and white, the harmony of the primary and rainbow colors were often used. Patterns revealed two aspects : while subdued patterns generally prevail, at times the unexpected beauty of primary colored patterns draws our attention. Smooth natural materials were preferred. Ornaments both for practical and decorative purposes were used together with certain colors and patterens, indicating wearer's status and warding off the evil's spirits. The aesthetic values in costumes as expressed through the aesthetic characteristics can be classified into the following categories: the beauty of nature, the beauty of personality, the aesthetics of evil's eye and the beauty of tradition. The beauty of nature, as appreciated by the Chason people through their prevailing nature, the "Pung-rew Spirit" and through their Worship of Heaven, produced aesthetic characteristics in harmony with nature. The beauty of personality influenced by the ethical standard of Confucianism produced aesthetic characteristics in costumes, through which the appropriate personality was shown for the appropriate social status. On the other hand, the aesthetics of evil's eye, rooted deeply in Folk religion and Shamanism, contributed to various aesthetic characteristics, which strongly inclined to sorcery and symbolism through choice of patterns, colors and ornaments. Finally, the beauty of tradition, which was based on the ethics of Confucianism and the Choson people's conservative tendencies, demonstrated the strong tendency to adhere to the external characteristics of the Choson costume. These aesthetic values were the yardsticks of the aesthetic judgment of the Choson people. These values influenced Chason people in designing costumes and in appreciating the beauty of costumes. The aesthetic experience and attitudes of the Chason people, which were based on these aesthetic values, represented their aesthetic consciousness and desires.

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