• Title/Summary/Keyword: National forest inventory

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Floristic study and conservation management strategies of algific talus slopes on the Korean peninsula (한반도 풍혈지의 관속식물상과 보전관리 방안)

  • Kim, Jin-Seok;Chung, Jae-Min;Kim, Jung-Hyun;Lee, Woong;Lee, Byoung-Yoon;Pak, Jae-Hong
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.213-246
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    • 2016
  • Algific talus slopes tend to occur on steep north-facing slopes with bedrock that retains ice and emits cold air throughout the growing season. Algific talus slopes provide a suitable microclimate for disjunct or relict populations of northern plant species at low altitude habitats in temperate zones. The purpose of this study is to suggest a strategy for the comprehensive conservation of the vegetation of algific talus slopes through studies of the floristics and plant species compositions and threat factors at present and in the future of 15 major algific talus slopes in Korea. As a result, the vascular plants surveyed on 15 major algific talus slopes were recorded, with a total of 587 taxa, 109 families, 323 genera, 531 species, 7 subspecies, 47 varieties 1 form and 1 hybrid. Of them, endemic plants numbered 26 taxa, and threatened species according to the IUCN valuation basis numbered 8 taxa. Fourth (IV) and fifth (V) degree indicator species as specified by floristic subregions numbered 31 taxa. Peculiarly, several subalpine-native plant species, in this case Cystopteris fragilis, Gymnocarpium dryopteris, Huperzia selago, Rosa koreana, Vaccinium vitis-idaea and Woodsia hancockii, were distributed on algific talus slopes at 100-600 m above sea level. Numerous and diverse biological resources native to algific talus slopes in Korea have been consistently disturbed or damaged by human activities without some form of protection. An all-taxa biodiversity inventory should be surveyed to provide more information about all biological species living on algific talus slopes. In addition, conservation strategies to ensure biodiversity and effective management of algific talus slopes are discussed in detail.

Assessment of Anion Generation on the Isolated Trees at Summer (여름철 단일수목의 음이온 발생에 관한 평가)

  • Kim, Jeong-Ho;Seo, Yu-Hwan;Joo, Chang-Hun;Yoon, Yong-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2014
  • This research aims to analyze changes in anion according to locations through changes in the measuring point centering on a single tree. The subject tree was the Zelkova serrata which is most widely used as a landscape tree, and the measurement was conducted for a total of 3 days with summer solstice as the basic date. In consideration of the solar altitude and the location of the Zelkova serrata, a total of 4 measurement points - $T_a$ at the opposite direction of the shadow, $T_b$ in the center of the tree $T_c$ in the center of the shadow, and $T_d$ at the end of the shadow - were established. The mean temperature of the measurement days was the highest at $T_a$ with $28.4^{\circ}C$ and was the lowest at $T_c$, in the center of the shadow with $27.9^{\circ}C$. The relative humidity was the lowest with 42.5% at $T_a$ where the temperature was the highest. The amount of insolation was the highest at $T_a$ with $1,024.6W/m^2$, followed by $T_d(701.48W/m^2$), $T_c$($215.63W/m^2$), and $T_b(227.75W/m^2)$, and the anion was the highest at $T_a$ with $654ea/cm^3$, followed by $T_d$, $T_c$, and $T_b$, with $639.4ea/cm^3$, $615.3ea/cm^3$, $612.3ea/cm^3$, respectively. The results of the correlation analysis proved that anion correlated with the temperature, the amount of insolation, and the relative humidity on the significant level. Of these, the temperature and the amount of insolation had the positive correlation with the correlation coefficients of .687 and .332, respectively, and the significance probability of .000, and .037, respectively. The relative humidity was found to have negative correlation. Its correlation coefficient and the significance probability were -.557, and .000, respectively.

A Study on the Forest Yield Regulation by Systems Analysis (시스템분석(分析)에 의(依)한 삼림수확조절(森林收穫調節)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Cho, Eung-hyouk
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.344-390
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    • 1977
  • The purpose of this paper was to schedule optimum cutting strategy which could maximize the total yield under certain restrictions on periodic timber removals and harvest areas from an industrial forest, based on a linear programming technique. Sensitivity of the regulation model to variations in restrictions has also been analyzed to get information on the changes of total yield in the planning period. The regulation procedure has been made on the experimental forest of the Agricultural College of Seoul National University. The forest is composed of 219 cutting units, and characterized by younger age group which is very common in Korea. The planning period is devided into 10 cutting periods of five years each, and cutting is permissible only on the stands of age groups 5-9. It is also assumed in the study that the subsequent forests are established immediately after cutting existing forests, non-stocked forest lands are planted in first cutting period, and established forests are fully stocked until next harvest. All feasible cutting regimes have been defined to each unit depending on their age groups. Total yield (Vi, k) of each regime expected in the planning period has been projected using stand yield tables and forest inventory data, and the regime which gives highest Vi, k has been selected as a optimum cutting regime. After calculating periodic yields and cutting areas, and total yield from the optimum regimes selected without any restrictions, the upper and lower limits of periodic yields(Vj-max, Vj-min) and those of periodic cutting areas (Aj-max, Aj-min) have been decided. The optimum regimes under such restrictions have been selected by linear programming. The results of the study may be summarized as follows:- 1. The fluctuations of periodic harvest yields and areas under cutting regimes selected without restrictions were very great, because of irregular composition of age classes and growing stocks of existing stands. About 68.8 percent of total yield is expected in period 10, while none of yield in periods 6 and 7. 2. After inspection of the above solution, restricted optimum cutting regimes were obtained under the restrictions of Amin=150 ha, Amax=400ha, $Vmin=5,000m^3$ and $Vmax=50,000m^3$, using LP regulation model. As a result, about $50,000m^3$ of stable harvest yield per period and a relatively balanced age group distribution is expected from period 5. In this case, the loss in total yield was about 29 percent of that of unrestricted regimes. 3. Thinning schedule could be easily treated by the model presented in the study, and the thinnings made it possible to select optimum regimes which might be effective for smoothing the wood flows, not to speak of increasing total yield in the planning period. 4. It was known that the stronger the restrictions becomes in the optimum solution the earlier the period comes in which balanced harvest yields and age group distribution can be formed. There was also a tendency in this particular case that the periodic yields were strongly affected by constraints, and the fluctuations of harvest areas depended upon the amount of periodic yields. 5. Because the total yield was decreased at the increasing rate with imposing stronger restrictions, the Joss would be very great where strict sustained yield and normal age group distribution are required in the earlier periods. 6. Total yield under the same restrictions in a period was increased by lowering the felling age and extending the range of cutting age groups. Therefore, it seemed to be advantageous for producing maximum timber yield to adopt wider range of cutting age groups with the lower limit at which the smallest utilization size of timber could be produced. 7. The LP regulation model presented in the study seemed to be useful in the Korean situation from the following point of view: (1) The model can provide forest managers with the solution of where, when, and how much to cut in order to best fulfill the owners objective. (2) Planning is visualized as a continuous process where new strateges are automatically evolved as changes in the forest environment are recognized. (3) The cost (measured as decrease in total yield) of imposing restrictions can be easily evaluated. (4) Thinning schedule can be treated without difficulty. (5) The model can be applied to irregular forests. (6) Traditional regulation methods can be rainforced by the model.

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