• Title/Summary/Keyword: National forest inventory

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Mapping for Biodiversity Using National Forest Inventory Data and GIS (국가 생태정보를 활용한 생물다양성 지도 구축)

  • Jung, Da-Jung;Kang, Kyung-Ho;Heo, Joon;Kim, Chang-Jae;Kim, Sung-Ho;Lee, Jung-Bin
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.573-581
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    • 2010
  • Natural ecosystem is an essential part to connect with the plan for biodiversity conservation in response strategy against climate change. For connecting biodiversity conservation with climate change strategy, Europe, America, Japan, and China are making an effort to discuss protection necessity through national biodiversity valuation but precedent studies lack in Korea. In this study, we made biodiversity maps representing biodiversity distribution range using species richness in National Forest Inventory (NFI) and Forest Description data. Using regression tree algorithm, we divided various classes by decision rule and constructed biodiversity maps, which has accuracy level of over 70%. Therefore, the biodiversity maps produced in this study can be used as base information for decision makers and plan for conservation of biodiversity & continuous management. Furthermore, this study can suggest a strategy for increasing efficiency of forest information in national level.

The National Forest Inventory of the United States of America

  • McRoberts, Ronald E.
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.127-135
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    • 2008
  • The mission of the Forest Inventory and Analyis (FIA) program of the Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, is to conduct the national forest inventory of the United States of America for purposes of estimating the area of forest land; the volume, growth, and removal of forest resources; and the health of the forest. Users of FIA data, estimates, and related products include land managers, policy and decision-makers, forest industry, environmental organizations, and university researchers. To accomplish its mission, the FIA program has established a sampling design with an intensity of approximately one permanent plot per 2,400 ha across the entire country. Depending on the region of the country, each plot is remeasured at intervals of five or 10 years. The program releases data annually and reports estimates at the county level for each state every five years. Due to budgetary constraints and natural variability among plot observations, sufficient numbers of plots cannot be measured to satisfy precision guidelines for the estimates of many variables unless the estimation process is enhanced using ancillary data. Classified satellite imagery has been demonstrated to be a source of ancillary data that can be used with stratified estimation techniques to increase the precision of estimates with little corresponding increase in costs. A crucial factor restricting the utility of FIA data is that the exact locations of inventory plots cannot be released to the public. Thus, users are generally not able to obtain estimates for small areas or for their own areas of interest if exact plot locations are required. To compensate, satellite imagery, inventory plot data, and the k-Nearest Neighbors technique are being used to construct Internet-based maps of forest attributes from which estimates for arbitrary user-defined areas of interest may be obtained.

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Estimation of Forest Growing Stock by Combining Annual Forest Inventory Data (연년 산림자원조사 자료를 이용한 임목축적 추정)

  • Yim, Jong Su;Jung, Il Bin;Kim, Jong Chan;Kim, Sung Ho;Ryu, Joo Hyung;Shin, Man Yong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.101 no.2
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    • pp.213-219
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    • 2012
  • The $5^{th}$ national forest inventory (NFI5) has been reorganized to annual inventory system for providing multi-resources forest statistics at a point in time. The objective of this study is to evaluate statistical estimators for estimating forest growing stock in Chungcheongbuk-Do from annual inventory data. When comparing two estimators; simple random sampling (SRS) and double sampling for post-stratification (DSS), for estimating mean forest growing stock ($m^3/ha$) at each surveyed year, the estimate for DSS in which a population of interest is stratified into three sub-population (forest cover types) was more precise than that for SRS. To combine annual inventory field data, three estimators (Temporally Indifferent Method; TIM, Moving Average; MA, and Weighted Moving Average; WMA) were compared. Even though the estimated mean for TIM and WMA is identical, WMA-DSS is preferred to provide more smaller variance of estimated mean and to adjust for catastrophic events at a surveyed year (so-called "lag bias") by annual inventory data.

Mapping of Spatial Distribution for Carbon Storage in Pinus rigida Stands Using the National Forest Inventory and Forest Type Map: Case Study for Muju Gun (국가산림자원조사 자료와 임상도를 활용한 리기다소나무림의 탄소 저장량에 대한 공간분포도 작성: 무주군의 사례로)

  • Seo, Yeonok;Jung, Sungcheol;Lee, Youngjin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.106 no.2
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    • pp.258-266
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    • 2017
  • This study was conducted to develop a carbon storage distribution map of Pinus rigida stands in Muju-gun by using of the National Forest Inventory data and digital forest map. The relationships between the stand variables such as height, age, diameter at breast height (DBH), crown density and aboveground biomass of Pinus rigida were analyzed. The results showed that the crown density had the highest positive correlation with a value of 0.74 followed by the height variable with value of 0.61. The aboveground biomass regression models were developed to estimate biomass and carbon storage map. The results of this study showed that the average carbon storage was 58.2 ton C/ha while the total carbon stock of rigida pine forests in Muju area was estimated to be 430,963 C ton.

Estimating the Spatial Distribution of Forest Stand Volume in Gyeonggi Province using National Forest Inventory Data and Forest Type Map (국가산림자원조사 자료와 임상도를 이용한 경기지역 산림의 임분재적 공간분포 추정)

  • Kim, Eun-Sook;Kim, Kyung-Min;Kim, Chong-Chan;Lee, Seung-Ho;Kim, Sung-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.99 no.6
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    • pp.827-835
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    • 2010
  • Reliable forest statistics provides important information to meet the UNFCCC. In this respect, the national forest inventory has played a crucial role to provide the reliable forest statistics for several decades. However, the previous forest statistics calculated by administrative district has not provided spatial information in a small scale. Thus, this study focused on developing models to estimate an explicit spatial distribution of forest growing stock. For this, first, stand volume model by stand types was developed using National Forest Inventory(NFI) data. Second, forest type map was integrated with this model. NFI data were used to calculate plot-level stand volume and basal area. The stand types of NFI plot including the species composition, age class, DBH class and crown density class are very crucial data to be connected with forest type map. Finally, polygonlevel stand volume map was developed with spatial uncertainty map. Average stand volume was estimated at 85.7 $m^3$/ha in the study area, and at 95% significance interval it was ranged from 79.7 $m^3$/ha to 91.8 $m^3$/ha.

Land-use Change Assessment by Permanent Sample Plots in National Forest Inventory (국가산림자원조사 고정표본점 자료를 이용한 토지이용변화 평가)

  • Yim, Jong-Su;Kim, Rae Hyun;Lee, Sun Jeoung;Son, Yeong Mo
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2015
  • Forests are to be recognized as an important carbon sink under the UNFCCC that consist of above- and below-biomass, dead organic matter (DOM) such as dead wood and litter, and soil organic matter (SOM). In order to asses for DOM and SOM, however, it is relevant to land-use change matrices over last 20 years for each land-use category. In this study, a land-use change matrix was produced and its uncertainty was assessed using a point sampling technique with permanent sample plots in national forest inventory at Chungbuk province. With point sampling estimated areas at 2012 year for each land-use category were significantly similar to the true areas by given six land-use categories. Relative standard error in terms of uncertainty of land-use change among land-use categories ranged in 4.3~44.4%, excluding the other land. Forest and cropland covered relatively large areas showed lower uncertainty compared to the other land-use categories. This result showed that selected permanent samples in the NFI are able to support for producing land-use change matrix at a national or province level. If the $6^{th}$ NFI data are fully collected, the uncertainty of estimated area should be improved.

Height-DBH Growth Models of Major Tree Species in Chungcheong Province (충청지역 주요 수종의 수고-흉고직경 생장모델에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Yeon Ok;Lee, Young Jin;Rho, Dai Kyun;Kim, Sung Ho;Choi, Jung Kee;Lee, Woo Kyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.100 no.1
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    • pp.62-69
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    • 2011
  • Six commonly used non-linear growth functions were fitted to individual tree height-dbh data of eight major tree species measured by the $5^{th}$ National Forest Inventory in Chungcheong province. A total of 2,681 trees were collected from permanent sample plots across Chungcheong province. The available data for each species were randomly splitted into two sets: the majority (90%) was used to estimate model parameters and the remaining data (10%) were reserved to validate the models. The performance of the models was compared and evaluated by $R^2$, RMSE, mean difference (MD), absolute mean difference (AMD) and mean difference(MD) for diameter classes. The combined data (100%) were used for final model fitting. The results showed that these six sigmoidal models were able to capture the height-diameter relationships and fit the data equally well, but produced different asymptote estimates. Sigmoidal growth models such as Chapman-Richards, Weibull functions provided the most satisfactory height predictions. The effect of model performance on stem volume estimation was also investigated. Tree volumes of different species were computed by the Forest Resources Evaluation and Prediction Program using observed range of diameter and the predicted tree total height from the six models. For trees with diameter less than 30 cm, the six height-dbh models produced very similar results for all species, while more differentiation among the models was observed for large-sized trees.

Comparison of Land-use Change Assessment Methods for Greenhouse Gas Inventory in Land Sector (토지부문 온실가스 통계 산정을 위한 토지이용변화 평가방법 비교)

  • Park, Jin-Woo;Na, Hyun-Sup;Yim, Jong-Su
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.329-337
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    • 2017
  • In this study, land-use changes from 1990 to 2010 in Jeju Island by different approaches were produced and compared to suggest a more efficient approach. In a sample-based method, land-use changes were analyzed with different sampling intensities of 2 km and 4 km grids, which were distributed by the fifth National Forest Inventory (NFI5), and their uncertainty was assessed. When comparing the uncertainty for different sampling intensities, the one with the grid of 2 km provided more precise information; ranged from 6.6 to 31.3% of the relative standard error for remaining land-use categories for 20 years. On the other hand, land-cover maps by a wall-to-wall approach were produced by using time-series Landsat imageries. Forest land increased from 34,194 ha to 44,154 ha for 20 years, where about 69% of total forest land were remained as forest land and 19% and 8% within forest lands were converted to grassland and cropland, respectively. In the case of grassland, only about 40% of which were remained as grassland and most of the area were converted to forest land and cropland. When comparing land-cover area by land-use categories with land-use statistics, forest areas were underestimated while areas of cropland and grassland were overestimated. In order to analyze land use change, it is necessary to establish a clear and consistent definition on the six land use classification.

Assessment on Forest Resources Change using Permanent Plot Data in National Forest Inventory (국가산림자원조사 고정표본점 자료를 활용한 산림자원변화 평가에 관한 고찰)

  • Yim, Jong-Su;Kim, Eun Sook;Kim, Chel Min;Son, Yeong Mo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.104 no.2
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    • pp.239-247
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    • 2015
  • Since 2006, new national forest inventory in Korea has been restructured to assess current status and and monitor the changes in forest resources based on permanent sample plots. The objective of estimate this study is to assess changes in forest resources such as land use/cover categories and forest stand variables. For this study, permanent plot data were collected between 2006-2008 and 2011-2013 in Chungcheongbuk-do, respectively. In order to produce land use/cover change matrix which plays an important role as an activity data for estimating GreenHouse Gas inventory, permanent plots were classified into six land use/cover categories. Additionally, matrixes for assessing the changes in age class and dominant tree species can provide more detailed information. For forest stand variables(tree density, basal area, growing stock, mean diameter at breath height, and mean height), their growth and change were assessed. The periodic annual growth ratios for tree density and basal area were slightly declined whereas that of growing stock was estimated to be about 3.7%. The uncertainty of changes in forest stand variables is less than 5%, except for tree density (RSE: 58%). The variation of tree density is relatively high compared to the other variables.

Brief history of Korean national forest inventory and academic usage

  • Park, Byung Bae;Han, Si Ho;Rahman, Afroja;Choi, Byeong Am;Im, Young Suk;Bang, Hong Seok;So, Soon Jin;Koo, Kyung Mo;Park, Dae Yeon;Kim, Se Bin;Shin, Man Yong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.299-319
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    • 2016
  • The National Forest Inventory (NFI) is important for providing fundamental data for basic forest planning and the establishment of forest policies for the purpose of implementing sustainable forest management. The purpose of this study is to present the development of Korea's NFI including legal basis, sampling design, and measured variables and to review the usage of NFI data. The survey methods and forestry statistics among the Unites States, Canada, Japan, China, and European countries were briefly compared. Total 140 publications utilizing NFI data between 2008 and 2015 were categorized with 15 subjects. Korea has conducted the NFI 6 times since 1971, but only the $6^{th}$ NFI is comparable with the fifth, the previous NFI, because the permanent sampling plots have been shared between the periods. The Korean Forestry Statistics contains only half as many variables as that of advanced countries in Forestry. More researches were needed to improve consistent measurement of diverse variables through implementation of advanced technologies. Additional data for Forest Health Monitoring since the NFI $6^{th}$ must be under quality control which will be an essential part of the inventories for providing the chronological change of forest health.