• Title/Summary/Keyword: National Health Insurance Claims Data

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Outcomes Analysis for Western Medicine and Korean Medicine Using the Propensity Score Matching in Allergic Rhinitis: Data from the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service (알레르기 비염에서 성향 점수 매칭을 이용한 의과·한의과 간 성과 분석: 건강보험심사평가원 청구 자료 이용)

  • Kang, Chae-Yeong;Kim, Hui-Jun;Kim, Jeong-Hun;Hwang, Jin-Seub;Lee, Dong-Hyo
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology and Dermatology
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.53-69
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    • 2021
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of treatment between Western medicine and Korean medicine on Allergic rhinitis patients using national population-based claim data from the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service. Methods : The subjects of the study were 30,024 patients in the Korean medicine group and 30,024 in the Western medicine group who were diagnosed with Allergic rhinitis from September 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018. Propensity score analysis was used for matching age, sex, etc. at a ratio of 1:1. Cox regression and subgroup analysis were used to estimate the adjusted hazard ratio of recurrence, Asthma, and Atopic dermatitis in Korean medicine group and Western medicine group. In addition, the total treatment period, total treatment cost, and average cost per day of visit were compared and analyzed. Results : Compared to Korean medicine, Western medicine had a significantly higher risk of recurrence at 1.701 times, Asthma occurrence risk at 1.609 times and Atopic dermatitis occurrence risk at 1.098 times. Compared to Western medicine, the total treatment period of Korean medicine was 14.27 days longer, the total treatment cost was 53,591 won more, and the average cost per day was 7,539 won more. Conclusions : This study is a retrospective cohort study using the propensity score matching in Korea to compare the outcomes of Allergic rhinitis between Western medicine and Korean medicine. Further research is needed by considering patients characteristics, and linking with additional data.

Prediction of Health Care Cost Using the Hierarchical Condition Category Risk Adjustment Model (위계적 질환군 위험조정모델 기반 의료비용 예측)

  • Han, Ki Myoung;Ryu, Mi Kyung;Chun, Ki Hong
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.149-156
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    • 2017
  • Background: This study was conducted to evaluate the performance of the Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC) model, identify potentially high-cost patients, and examine the effects of adding prior utilization to the risk model using Korean claims data. Methods: We incorporated 2 years of data from the National Health Insurance Services-National Sample Cohort. Five risk models were used to predict health expenditures: model 1 (age/sex groups), model 2 (the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services-HCC with age/sex groups), model 3 (selected 54 HCCs with age/sex groups), model 4 (bed-days of care plus model 3), and model 5 (medication-days plus model 3). We evaluated model performance using $R^2$ at individual level, predictive positive value (PPV) of the top 5% of high-cost patients, and predictive ratio (PR) within subgroups. Results: The suitability of the model, including prior use, bed-days, and medication-days, was better than other models. $R^2$ values were 8%, 39%, 37%, 43%, and 57% with model 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively. After being removed the extreme values, the corresponding $R^2$ values were slightly improved in all models. PPVs were 16.4%, 25.2%, 25.1%, 33.8%, and 53.8%. Total expenditure was underpredicted for the highest expenditure group and overpredicted for the four other groups. PR had a tendency to decrease from younger group to older group in both female and male. Conclusion: The risk adjustment models are important in plan payment, reimbursement, profiling, and research. Combined prior use and diagnostic data are more powerful to predict health costs and to identify high-cost patients.

Analyzing the Specialization Status of Hospital's Services in Korea (의료기관 서비스 전문화 수준의 측정 및 분석)

  • Lee, Kwang-Soo;Chun, Ki-Hong
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.67-85
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    • 2008
  • This study evaluated the specialization status of Korean hospitals by applying index measures that were developed to determine how hospitals are specialized. In addition, multivariate regression analysis was applied to assess how the measures responded to the internal and external factors of hospitals. National Health Insurance claims for 2004 were used to calculate the information theory index, internal Herfindahl index, number of distinct diagnosis-related groups (DRGs) treated, and percent of the five most common DRGs. Data from the Ministry of Health and Welfare and Korean Hospital Association were used to determine the size, ownership, teaching status, organization type, and location of the hospitals. The four indexes analyzed showed that there were significant differences in the specialization status of providers, depending on the provider size, organization type, and location. Hospitals that were smaller and located in metropolitan areas tended to provide specialized services; this is considered to constitute a competitive strategy for hospitals. It is expected that specialized hospitals will increase given the current market structure. Therefore, policy makers will need an index for measuring how hospital services are specialized. Information from such an index could provide a picture of how hospital services are mixed and change over time.

Effects of Long-term Fluoride in Drinking Water on Risks of Hip Fracture of the Elderly: An Ecologic Study Based on Database of Hospitalization Episodes (수돗물 불소화와 노령 인구의 고관절 골절에 대한 생태학적 연구)

  • Park, Eun-Young;Hwang, Seung-Sik;Kim, Jai-Yong;Cho, Soo-Hun
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.147-152
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    • 2008
  • Objectives : Fluoridation of drinking water is known to decrease dental caries, particularly in children. However, the effects of fluoridated water on bone over several decades are still in controversy. To assess the risk of hip fracture related to water fluoridation, we evaluated the hip fracture-related hospitalizations of the elderly between a fluoridated city and non-fluoridated cities in Korea. Methods : Cheongju as a fluoridated area and Chungju, Chuncheon, Suwon, Wonju as non-fluoridated areas were chosen for the study. We established a database of hip fracture hospitalization episode based on the claims data submitted to the Health Insurance Review Agency from January 1995 to December 2002. The hip fracture hospitalization episodes that satisfied the conditions were those that occurred in patients over 65 years old, the injuries had a hip fracture code (ICD-9 820, ICD-10 S72) and the patients were hospitalized for at least 7days. A total of 80,558 cases of hip fracture hospitalization episodes were analyzed. Results : The admission rates for hip fracture increased with the age of the men and women in both a fluoridated city and the non-fluoridated cities (p<0.01). The relative risk of hip fracture increased significantly both for men and women as their age increased. However, any difference in the hip fracture admission rates was not consistently observed between the fluoridated city and the non-fluoridated cities. Conclusions : We cannot conclude that fluoridation of drinking water increases the risk of hip fracture in the elderly.

Time series analysis for incidence of scarlet fever in children in Jeju Province, Korea, 2002~2016 (2002~2016년도 제주도 소아의 성홍열 발생의 시계열분석)

  • Shin, In-Hye;Bae, Jong-Myon
    • Journal of Medicine and Life Science
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.90-95
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    • 2019
  • The Korea Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention interpreted that recent outbreaks of scarlet fever in Korea since 2011 was resulted from the expansion of scarlet fever notification criteria. To suggest a relevant hypothesis regarding this emerging outbreak, a time series analysis(TSA) of scarlet fever incidence between 2002 and 2016 was conducted. The raw data was the nationwide insurance claims database administered by the Korean National Health Insurance Service. The inclusion criteria were children aged ≤14 years residing in Jeju Province, Korea who received any form of healthcare for scarlet fever from 2002 to 2016. The season was defined as winter (December, January, February; Q1), spring (March, April, May; Q2), summer (June, July, August; Q3), and autumn (September, October, November; Q4). There were seasonal variations with showing peak season on Q1 and Q3. And three phases as 2002 Q2~2005 Q2, 2005 Q2~2009 Q4, and 2010 Q1~2016 Q4 were found between 2002 and 2016. The results from TSA suggested that the recent outbreak of scarlet fever among children in Jeju Province might be a phenomenon from 'unknown birth-related environmental factors' changed after 2010.

Revision and Evaluation of Korean Outpatient Groups-Korean Medicine (한의 외래환자분류체계 개선 및 평가)

  • Ryu, Jiseon;Lim, Byungmook;Lee, Byungwook;Kim, Changhoon;Han, Chang-Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.93-102
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: This study aimed at revising the Korean Out-patient Groups for Korean Medicine (KOPG-OM, version 1.0) based on clinical similarity and resource use, by using the accumulated claims data, and evaluating the validity of the revised classification system. Methods: A clinical specialist panel involving 19 specialists from 8 Korean medicine (KM) specialty areas reviewed the classification tree, diagnosis groups and procedure groups in terms of clinical similarity. Several models of outpatient grouping were formulated, with the validity of each tested based on the $R^2$ coefficient of determination for the treatment costs of all visits. To add age splits, the variances of treatment costs by age groups were also analyzed. These statistical analyses were performed using KM claims data of National Health Insurance from 2010 to 2012. Results: The classification tree designed via panel discussions was used to allocate outpatient cases to 26 diagnosis groups, with cases involving procedures such as acupuncture, moxibustion and cupping, then allocated to 9 procedure groups in each diagnosis group. The cases without procedures were categorized into the visit index - medication group. This process resulted in 298 outpatient groups. The $R^2$ values for treatment costs of all visits ranged from 0.38 to 0.69 depending on the providers' types. Conclusions: The revised model of KOPG-KM has a higher validity for outpatient classification than the current system and can provide better management of the costs of outpatient care in KM.

The Effect of Drug Vintage on Mortality : Economic Effect of New Drug (약의 허가시점분포가 사망률에 매치는 영향 : 신약의 거시경제적 효과)

  • Jung, Kee-Taig;Kim, Jeong-Yoon;Lichtenberg, Frank
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.147-168
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    • 2006
  • Technological innovation has been regarded as the core competence for the economic growth of individual, as well as organization and country. Pharmaceutical innovation, what we call new medicines, influence people's longevity and productivity by increasing output per hour worked. Therefore, using claims data on virtually all the drugs and diseases of over 550,000 people enrolled in National Health Insurance Program in Korea, we examined the impact of the vintage (original FDA and KFDA approval year) of drugs used to treat a patients from July 1st to December 31st in 2002 on the patient's mortality at the end of 2004, controlling for demographic characteristics(age and sex), utilization of medical services, and the nature and complexity of illness. We found that people using newer drugs are less likely to die at the end of 2004, conditional on covariates. The estimated mortality rates were declining with respect to drug vintage for 1970s, 1980s and 1990s and highly significant. In addition to estimating the model for the entire sample, we estimated the model separately for several disease categories classified by Korean Classification of Disease. Estimates of three drug vintage variables for subgroups of people with (1)neoplasms, (2)endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases, and (3)the diseases of circulatory system displayed similar patterns.

Competition in the Hospital Service Market and Its Impact on Hospital Behavior in Korea (병원시장의 경쟁특성과 병원행태)

  • Park, Ha-Young;Kwon, Soon-Man;Jung, Young-Ho
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2008
  • How health care providers compete and how competition among them affects their behavior are crucial questions in theory and health policy. In ordinary markets, competition improves social welfare, However in health care markets facing uncertainty and information asymmetry, competition can take the form of wasteful quality competition and result in cost increase. The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics of hospital service markets and examine the impact of hospital competition on hospital behavior, more specifically hospital cost and the size of personnel. Based on patient discharge data of 2002 by the Ministry of Health and Welfare and Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, and health insurance EDI claims data of 2002, this study measures the degree of competition in the inpatient service market of hospitals, using variable radius method and Herfindahl index. The result of the study shows that the hospital service market consists of on average 3.13 government administrative units(shi, gun, or gu). Compared with hospitals, general or general specialized hospitals cover larger markets and operate in more competitive markets. Nearly 60% of patients use hospitals, which are not located in their government administrative units, meaning that market definition based on variable radius is better than the conventional method of market definition based on government administrative units. The results of multivariate analysis show that competition is not associated with high cost index of hospitals. But hospitals in more competitive markets employ larger(more intensive) input of personnel per 100 beds, implying that hospital competition in Korea can have the form of quality and cost-increasing competition.

Cost of Illness due to Maternal Disorders in Korea (우리나라 모성 관련 질환의 사회적 비용)

  • Cho, Bogeum;Lee, Sang-il;Jo, Min-Woo;Ahn, Jeonghoon;Oh, In-Hwan;Lee, Ye-Rin
    • The Journal of Health Technology Assessment
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.123-132
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: Maternal morbidity and mortality are important healthcare issues. However there have been few studies on cost of illness (COI) from maternal disorders. This study aimed to estimate the COI due to maternal disorders in Korea. Methods: By reviewing previous studies and consulting expert we determined the scope of maternal disorders. We operationally defined maternal disorders as maternal hemorrhage, maternal sepsis, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, obstructed labor, and abortion for maternal disorders. The reference period of this study is the year 2015. Main source of data were the National Health Insurance Service claims data, cause of death statistics from the Korea National Statistical Office, and the Korea Health Panel study. We classified the total costs into direct and indirect costs. The direct costs cover healthcare costs and non-healthcare costs. The indirect costs consist of productivity losses due to morbidity and premature death. Results: The cost of maternal disorders in 2015 was 229.7 billion won. The direct and indirect costs of maternal disorders were 165.2 billion won and 64.5 billion won respectively. The largest cost item for maternal disorders was healthcare cost (138.3 billion won, 60.2%). By age groups, the COI in 30-39 years old women were the highest (165.1 billion won, 71.9%). Abortion was the disorder with the highest COI among maternal disorders (71.9 billion won, 31.3%). Conclusion: The COI due to maternal disorders in Korea is quite substantial. Economic burden of maternal disorder increased when being compared with the year 2012 data despite the continued low birth rate in Korea. Therefore, it is necessary to continuously monitor the social costs of the maternal disorders in Korea.

Quality Assessment of Outpatient Antibiotic Consumptions in Korea Compared with Other Countries (항생제 사용의 질 지표를 이용한 국내 외래 항생제 사용현황의 국제 비교)

  • Park, Sylvia;Chae, Su-Mi
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    • v.58 no.3
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    • pp.200-207
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    • 2014
  • This study aimed to assess the quality of outpatient antibiotic consumption in Korea compared with other countries. We used the National Health Insurance claims data for outpatient services in March, June, September, and December in 2012 and calculated nine indicator values based on the 12 European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption (ESAC) drug-specific quality indicators. Indicator values in this study reflect the yearly use of antibiotic expressed in defined daily doses for 1,000 inhabitants per day (DID) and the use of main subclasses of antibiotics expressed in DID and as percentage of the total antibiotic use. Korea showed lower quality in the consumption of total antibiotics (J01), especially in the use of Cephalosporins (J01D) expressed in DID. Korea also showed low quality with regard to the use of narrow/broad spectrum antibiotics. The percentage of the use of narrow-spectrum Penicillins (J01CE) was lowest in Korea. The quality on the use of the third- and fourth-generation cephalosporin (J01(DD+DE)) was the fourth lowest among 26 countries. High rates of antibiotic resistance and payment system based on fee-for-service might have influenced on the high consumption of the broad spectrum antibiotics in Korea. It needs to further investigate the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics to identify the target of strategies promoting quality use of antibiotics in Korea.