• Title/Summary/Keyword: Named-Data Networking

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An Intelligent Character Manipulation System Suitable for Wireless Broadband Network Environment (휴대인터넷에 활용 가능한 지능형 캐릭터 제작 시스템 개발에 대한 연구)

  • Ryu, Seuc-Ho;Yun, Hwang-Rok;Kyung, Byung-Pyo;Lee, Dong-Lyeor;Lee, Wan-Bok;Lee, Kyoung-Jae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.100-107
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    • 2008
  • The aim of this paper is to design an intelligent character manipulation system suitable for the wireless broadband network environment named as Wibro and for the recent social networking service (SNS). The main feature of our proposed system is an automatic synthesis of a character utilizing the meta data which is attached to each component stored in a character database. It is the second advantageous feature that a user can make or modify his or her own character by modifying the component animation clip of its character. Once the character database is created, it can be represented and utilized in several ways by utilizing the meta data which is related to personal properties including emotion, life style, favorite things, and so on. The system can be evolved to a more powerful one by adopting the more user-related information and the more intelligent synthesis module.

A Mechanism to Support Scalability for Network Mobility (확장성 있는 네트워크 이동성 지원 방안)

  • Kim Taeeun;Lee Meejeong
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.34-50
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    • 2005
  • Recently, various proposals for supporting network mobility, which provides efficient Internet access when a network formed within a vehicle moves around as a unit, have emerged. The schemes in those proposals, though, manifest some major drawbacks with respect to scalability: If the number of mobile nodes within a mobile network is large, the handoff latency would increase greatly, causing communication disruption; Data delivery to a node within a nested mobile network nay suffer extremely inefficient pinball routing. We propose a scalable network mobility supporting mechanism named SNEMOS (Scalable NEtwork Mobility Support), which resolves the above two major problems of the existing schemes. The performance of SNEMOS is compared with the existing schemes through extensive simulations. The numerical results show that SNEMOS outperforms the existing schemes with respect to handoff latency hop counts of routing paths, packet delivery time, header overhead in data packets, and signaling overhead.

Mobile Oriented Future Internet (MOFI): OpenFlow-based Implementation and Testbed Experimentation over KOREN (모바일 중심 미래 인터넷: OpenFlow 기반 구현 및 KOREN 테스트베드 실험)

  • Kim, Ji-In;Jung, Heeyoung;Koh, Seok-Joo
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.167-176
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we discuss the implementation and experimentations of a new future Internet architecture for mobile-oriented environments, named Mobile Oriented Future Internet (MOFI). The MOFI architecture is featured by the host identifier and local locator for identifier-locator separation, Query-First Data Delivery (QFDD), and Distributed Mapping System (DMS) for identifier-locator mapping control. In the existing study on MOFI, we examined the intra-domain mobility control, the implementation of MOFI over Linux platform, and the performance analysis over the small-scale testbed. In this paper, we describe how to implement the MOFI architecture for inter-domain mobility control by using the OpenFlow and Click Modular Router platform. From the experimentations over the KOREN testbed, we can see that the MOFI scheme can give better performance than the existing Proxy Mobile IP scheme.

Multi-Channel Multi-Interface Active RFID Reader and Protocol (다중 채널 다중 인터페이스 능동형 RFID 리더 및 프로토콜)

  • Park, Hyun-Sung;Kim, Dong-Hyun;Chung, Sang-Hwa;Baek, Yun-Ju;Kim, Jong-Doek
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.118-129
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    • 2009
  • The ISO 18000-7 Active RFID standard, a single channel system operating in the 433Mhz, faces technical difficulties in supporting some recently introduced application demands because of its low transmission rates and radio interference between readers. We propose a new multi-channel active RFID system operating in the 2.4Ghz. The special feature of the proposed system is that a reader makes use of multiple interfaces to improve its performance like a multi-core processor. However if only a small part of interfaces are actually used, the performance improvement would not meet the expectation. To overcome this problem, a new multi-channel multi-interface active RFID protocol, which balances communication loads among all available interfaces, is necessary. 3 protocols, named as "Aggregated", "LP-Combined", "AP-Balanced", are proposed. Through simulation, we compare them for various conditions by changing number of tags, number of interfaces, tag data size. AP-Balanced shows the best performance and its performance increases almost linearly as the number of interface increases, which meets our expectation.

A Minimum Energy Consuming Mobile Device Relay Scheme for Reliable QoS Support

  • Chung, Jong-Moon;Kim, Chang Hyun;Lee, Daeyoung
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.618-633
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    • 2014
  • Relay technology is becoming more important for mobile communications and wireless internet of things (IoT) networking because of the extended access network coverage range and reliable quality of service (QoS) it can provide at low power consumption levels. Existing mobile multihop relay (MMR) technology uses fixed-point stationary relay stations (RSs) and a divided time-frame (or frequency-band) to support the relay operation. This approach has limitations when a local fixed-point stationary RS does not exist. In addition, since the time-frame (or frequency-band) channel resources are pre-divided for the relay operation, there is no way to achieve high channel utilization using intelligent opportunistic techniques. In this paper, a different approach is considered, where the use of mobile/IoT devices as RSs is considered. In applications that use mobile/IoT devices as relay systems, due to the very limited battery energy of a mobile/IoT device and unequal channel conditions to and from the RS, both minimum energy consumption and QoS support must be considered simultaneously in the selection and configuration of RSs. Therefore, in this paper, a mobile RS is selected and configured with the objective of minimizing power consumption while satisfying end-to-end data rate and bit error rate (BER) requirements. For the RS, both downlink (DL) to the destination system (DS) (i.e., IoT device or user equipment (UE)) and uplink (UL) to the base station (BS) need to be adaptively configured (using adaptive modulation and power control) to minimize power consumption while satisfying the end-to-end QoS constraints. This paper proposes a minimum transmission power consuming RS selection and configuration (MPRSC) scheme, where the RS uses cognitive radio (CR) sub-channels when communicating with the DS, and therefore the scheme is named MPRSC-CR. The proposed MPRSC-CR scheme is activated when a DS moves out of the BS's QoS supportive coverage range. In this case, data transmissions between the RS and BS use the assigned primary channel that the DS had been using, and data transmissions between the RS and DS use CR sub-channels. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed MPRSC-CR scheme extends the coverage range of the BS and minimizes the power consumption of the RS through optimal selection and configuration of a RS.

Mapping Categories of Heterogeneous Sources Using Text Analytics (텍스트 분석을 통한 이종 매체 카테고리 다중 매핑 방법론)

  • Kim, Dasom;Kim, Namgyu
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.193-215
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    • 2016
  • In recent years, the proliferation of diverse social networking services has led users to use many mediums simultaneously depending on their individual purpose and taste. Besides, while collecting information about particular themes, they usually employ various mediums such as social networking services, Internet news, and blogs. However, in terms of management, each document circulated through diverse mediums is placed in different categories on the basis of each source's policy and standards, hindering any attempt to conduct research on a specific category across different kinds of sources. For example, documents containing content on "Application for a foreign travel" can be classified into "Information Technology," "Travel," or "Life and Culture" according to the peculiar standard of each source. Likewise, with different viewpoints of definition and levels of specification for each source, similar categories can be named and structured differently in accordance with each source. To overcome these limitations, this study proposes a plan for conducting category mapping between different sources with various mediums while maintaining the existing category system of the medium as it is. Specifically, by re-classifying individual documents from the viewpoint of diverse sources and storing the result of such a classification as extra attributes, this study proposes a logical layer by which users can search for a specific document from multiple heterogeneous sources with different category names as if they belong to the same source. Besides, by collecting 6,000 articles of news from two Internet news portals, experiments were conducted to compare accuracy among sources, supervised learning and semi-supervised learning, and homogeneous and heterogeneous learning data. It is particularly interesting that in some categories, classifying accuracy of semi-supervised learning using heterogeneous learning data proved to be higher than that of supervised learning and semi-supervised learning, which used homogeneous learning data. This study has the following significances. First, it proposes a logical plan for establishing a system to integrate and manage all the heterogeneous mediums in different classifying systems while maintaining the existing physical classifying system as it is. This study's results particularly exhibit very different classifying accuracies in accordance with the heterogeneity of learning data; this is expected to spur further studies for enhancing the performance of the proposed methodology through the analysis of characteristics by category. In addition, with an increasing demand for search, collection, and analysis of documents from diverse mediums, the scope of the Internet search is not restricted to one medium. However, since each medium has a different categorical structure and name, it is actually very difficult to search for a specific category insofar as encompassing heterogeneous mediums. The proposed methodology is also significant for presenting a plan that enquires into all the documents regarding the standards of the relevant sites' categorical classification when the users select the desired site, while maintaining the existing site's characteristics and structure as it is. This study's proposed methodology needs to be further complemented in the following aspects. First, though only an indirect comparison and evaluation was made on the performance of this proposed methodology, future studies would need to conduct more direct tests on its accuracy. That is, after re-classifying documents of the object source on the basis of the categorical system of the existing source, the extent to which the classification was accurate needs to be verified through evaluation by actual users. In addition, the accuracy in classification needs to be increased by making the methodology more sophisticated. Furthermore, an understanding is required that the characteristics of some categories that showed a rather higher classifying accuracy of heterogeneous semi-supervised learning than that of supervised learning might assist in obtaining heterogeneous documents from diverse mediums and seeking plans that enhance the accuracy of document classification through its usage.

A Bit-Map Trie for the High-Speed Longest Prefix Search of IP Addresses (고속의 최장 IP 주소 프리픽스 검색을 위한 비트-맵 트라이)

  • 오승현;안종석
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.282-292
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    • 2003
  • This paper proposes an efficient data structure for forwarding IPv4 and IPv6 packets at the gigabit speed in backbone routers. The LPM(Longest Prefix Matching) search becomes a bottleneck of routers' performance since the LPM complexity grows in proportion to the forwarding table size and the address length. To speed up the forwarding process, this paper introduces a data structure named BMT(Bit-Map Tie) to minimize the frequent main memory accesses. All the necessary search computations in BMT are done over a small index table stored at cache. To build the small index table from the tie representation of the forwarding table, BMT represents a link pointer to the child node and a node pointer to the corresponding entry in the forwarding table with one bit respectively. To improve the poor performance of the conventional tries when their height becomes higher due to the increase of the address length, BMT adopts a binary search algorithm for determining the appropriate level of tries to start. The simulation experiments show that BMT compacts the IPv4 backbone routers' forwarding table into a small one less than 512-kbyte and achieves the average speed of 250ns/packet on Pentium II processors, which is almost the same performance as the fastest conventional lookup algorithms.