The study, using the input-output analysis of 402 industrial sectors by Bank of Korea(BOK) and the resulting outcomes of price model, aims to evaluate the spillover effects the international fluctuations in crude oil prices have on the commodities prices and consequently, analyse the management and profitability of the offshore fisheries in Korea. At present, the fisher men are provided with tax-free oils for their fishing operations as specified under the Special Tax Treatment Control Law. However, the exhaustion of marine resources and new international fisheries agreements, which resulted in the loss of fishing grounds, made the stable catch even more unpredictable and the hike in the price of the international crude oil would have adverse effects on the fishing industry. The study revealed that the increasing rise in the price of crude oil would exert sweeping spillover effects on other industry sectors in general and accordingly, lead to a poorer performance by fisheries. The price spillover coefficients for the diesel oil was 0.6026, which would translate into the 42.6% increase in the prices of oil when the increase ratio of 73.3% for the base crude oil was applied based on the calculation methods employed in the study. This in turn increased the ratio of diesel oil required in the offshore fisheries from 23.3% to 16.6%, diminishing the ratio of current net profits to minus 2.0% from 4.2% otherwise. By fishing type, the Pair Trawl suffered current net profits loss most by ratio of minus 9.4% and other fisheries such as Coastal Stow Nets, Coastal Angling, Danish Sein also suffered ratio of 7% and more in the loss of current net profits. With the deteriorating fishing performance, coupled with the increasing international crude oil prices, it is urgently required that the authorities concerned deliberate in depth on such schemes as follows in efforts to secure stable fishing production. First, provision of large-scale storage facilities for oil is needed to timely adapt to the fluctuations in international crude oil prices. Secondly, in line with the stabilization of tax-free oil prices, duty levied on oils for fishing and tax collected from the refineries need to be tax-exempt. Thirdly, the beneficiaries from the provision of tax-free oil should be broadened, not limited to special fishing operation only. Fourth, investment in stabilization of the oil prices should be encouraged, possibly through funding from the formation of fisheries development funds underway.
Recently CFRP laminate joints process by bolts and nets are developed rapidly in aircraft industries. However, there are serious drawback during jointing process. Many hole processes are needed for the manufacturing and structural applications using composite materials. Generally, very durable polycrystalline crystalline diamond (PCD) drill has been used for the CFRP hole process. However, due to the expensive price and slow process speed, chemical vapor deposition (CVD) diamond drill has been used increasingly which are relatively-low durability but easily-adjustable process speed via drill shape change and price is much lower. In this study, the comparison of hole process between PCD and CVD diamond coated drills was done. First of all, CFRP hole processbility was evaluated using the equations of hole processing conditions (feed amount per blade, feed speed). The comparison on thermal damage occurring from the CFRP specimen was also studied during drilling process. Empirical equation was made from the temperature photo profile being taken during hole process by infrared thermal camera. In addition, hole processability was compared by checking hole inside condition upon chip exhausting state for two drills. Generally, although the PCD can exhibit better hole processability, hole processing speed of CVD diamond drill exhibited faster than PCD case.
This study was conducted to examine major growth responses, the production and partitioning of dry matter on different growth stages, and yields and to select the optimal shading material in both quality and productivity of ginseng. Two cultivars of ginseng, Cheonpoong and Geumpoong, were cultivated in the paddy soil with three different shading materials; three-layered blue and one-layered black polyethylene (TBP), blue polyethylene sheet (BPS), and aluminium-coated polyethylene sheet (APS). Plant heights were linearly increased until June 24 and then maintained with showing higher height in Cheonpoong than that in Geumpoong cultivar. Root lengths were gradually increased until October 16. They were longer in Cheonpoong than that in Geumpoong cultivar, showing slightly longer with APS compared to TBP and BPS. The ability of producing dry matter of leaves was much higher from April to June compared to those of other growth periods, whereas its ability of root was concentrated from the end of June to the end of August. Among the shading materials, the ability of producing dry matter of shoot was higher with TBP than those with BPS and APS, while its ability of root was not appeared certain tendency unlike the shoot. The yield of ginseng roots was the highest with TBP among three shading materials and it was higher in Cheonpoong than that of Geumpoong cultivar. The shading materials which affect the light intensity and the temperature would be considered as an important factor to get better quality and productivity of Korean ginseng.
The handling and processing of agricultural products in Korea is done manually. Small plastic boxes, nets, and corrugated cardboard boxes are used as containers during harvesting, sorting and other product handling operations. However, these practices are labor-intensive, time-consuming, require various kinds of packing materials, and are expensive because of high operating costs. To overcome these problems, the use of pallet bins with pre-cooling and storage features for handling and processing bulk farm products was investigated. The airflow resistances through bulk potato, onion and mandarin stocks were measured, and the pallet bins and a pressure pre-cooling device were manufactured. The opening ratio, bed depth and airflow rate through bulk potato, onion and mandarin in the pallet bin were defined with regression equations. The cooling rates of bulk potato, onion and mandarin were 0.8C/h ($21.7{\rightarrow}0C$, 14.5 h), 0.4C/h ($15.4{\rightarrow}.0C$, 32.2 h) and 0.7C/h ($13.7{\rightarrow}C$, 18.8 h), respectively, with the pressure pre-cooling system. Temperature deviances for storage of bulk potato, onion and mandarin were 0.12C, 0.12C and 0.17C, respectively.
The purpose of this study is to find out the impacts of VTS on the marine safety and users' opinion on the VTS which have been being operated in the port of Pohang for the last 3 years and is to suggest a guideline to the successful operation of VTS in the future. This study is based upon the questionnaire survey and the respondents include 236 masters/mates of merchant vessels who have visited the port of Pohang and 6 pilots who have been working in the port. From the questionnaire results, this study notes the following conclusions related to the VTS operations. (1) A few of the respondents (mainly foreigners) do not understand the entering procedure of the port and the fundamental concept of VTS. Accordingly, the more active VTS services have to be provided for the mariners. (2) It was found that themost dangerous factors in tehvicinity of the port were the floating materials, fishing nets, andillegal fishing activities inthe fairway. Therefore, the proper surveillance, stricter enforcement of Acts and the instructive education for the fishermen are required to avoid the risks. (3) A majority of the respondents agreed the VTS has contributed to the safety of vessel traffic, and they pointed out ' the assiatances in reduced visibililty conditions' is the most important task of VTS. The amount of 75.6% of the respondents answered that they have experienced the assistance from VTS more than 1 time since the system was established in the port of Pohang . Also 44.2% of the respondents considered they were able to avoid marine casualties such as collision, ramming or agrounding with the VTS assistances. (4) 49.2% of the respondents preferred the passive information services , while, 38.8% of them preferred the positive control advices in the case of encountering any potential risks. VTS iperators have to consider seriously when they provide the positive control advices of ship's course and speed. (5) A majority of the respondents confirmed that the prot and its approaches is suitable for the VTS coverge . To extend the service areas of the VTS and to improve radar detecting ability, the use of radar transponders are seen as the ideal method. (6) A minority of the respondents pointed out 'the improper orders or recommendatinos caused by the poor decision making' firstly, ' the language problem(sea-speaking in English)' secondly, as the deficiency of personal qualification. It seems, therefore, theat the personal efforts of the operators and systematic training programmes for them are necessary to solve the problems.
This paper deals with the morphology and taxonomy of the first reported species of echinostome belonging to the genus Himasthla Dietz, 1909, found from dunlins (Calidris alpina sakhalina) in Korea. Birds were captured with mist-nets at the tidal flat of Yeochari, Kanghwa-gun, Kyunggi-do, Korea. The worms were removed from avian intestines in physiological saline, fixed, acetocarmine stained and observed. Himasthla kusasigi Yamaguti, which was found in 1939, was characterized morphologically by a long and slender body (5.27 mm in length), besetting with spines and reniform head collar (0.27 mm) in a form of a single and uninterrupted row of 31 spines. The oral sucker (0.057$\times$0.0684 mm) is smaller than the ventral sucker (0.35$\times$0.29 mm). The ventral sucker was close to the anterior extremity of the body. The worm had two elliptical testes (anterior 0.47$\times$0.30 mm, posterior 0.59$\times$0.27 mm). The testes were close to the posterior end of the body. The uterus was very long, winding and extending through at least two thirds of the body length. The ovary (0.13$\times$0.14mm) was round and small. Below the ovary, a round and small seminal receptacle was found.
Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
This study aims to develop an alternative energy like oil made from marine organic waste by marine products waste, spent fishing nets. There are already many commercial examples and case studies based on the petroleum industry-refuse plastic or refuse tire, however, it is rare that a research developing alternative energy from food waste and organic waste. Therefore, this study investigated the oil made from thermal decomposition under the high temperature and high pressure condition, and examined the possibility for commercial use by testing its own characteristics. A bio-oil from thermal decomposition at $250^{\circ}C$ and 40 atm was hard to remove impurities because of its high viscosity, showed lower caloric value than heavy oil, and generated various gases which were not appropriate for the use of fuel. It is noticeable that thermal decomposition was occurred at $250{\pm}5^{\circ}C$ using steam pressure, which much lower compared to the existing method of thermal decomposition, more than $500^{\circ}C$. Since the high viscosity of bio-oil, it is necessary a further study to use as liquid fuel.
본연구에서는 그물어구의 상사를 지배하는 무차원수 K를 $$K=\frac{{\nu}^n\rho_wv^{2-n}}{{d^{1+n}(\rho-\rho_w)}$$ d, p: 재료의 직경 및 밀도 $\nu,\rho_w,v$: 물의 동점성계수, 밀도 및 속도으로 정하고, 여기에서의 직경의 비를 결정하는 방법에 따라 실물과 모형과의 상사를 완전하게 그리고 근사적으로 만족시키는 조건들을 구하였다. 즉, 원전한 상사한 경우는 직경의 비를 축척비와 같게 하고, 나아가서 다른 모든 치수의 비도 축척비와 같게 함으로써 만족된다고 하였으며, 측사적 상사의 경우느 직경의 비가 축척비 $(\frac{\lambda_2}{\lambda_1})$와 같지 않아도 된다고 하여, 그물실의 직경 d, 코의 크기 $\iota$ 및 콧수 N의 비를 $$\frac{d_2}{d_1}=\frac{\iota_2}{\iota_1}=\frac{\lambda_2}{\lambda_1}{\cdot}\frac{N_1}{N_2}$$ 으로, 줄의 직경 d', 길이 $\iota'$ 및 밀도 $\rho'$의 비를 $$\frac{d_2'}{d_1'}=\sqrt{{\frac{\lambda_2}{\lambda_1}}\cdot{\frac{d_2}{d_1}}\cdot{\frac{\rho_2-\rho_{w2}}{\rho_1-\rho_{w1}}\cdot{\frac{\rho_1'-\rho_{w1}}{\rho_2'-\rho_{w2}}}}$$, $\frac{\iota_2'}{\iota_1'}=\frac{\lambda_2}{\lambda_1}$로, 부속구의 치경 $d'$, 밀도 $\rho'$ 및 수 $N'$의 비를 $$\frac{N_2'}{N_1'}=(\frac{\lambda_2}{\lambda_1})^2(\frac{d_2}{d_1})(\frac{d_1'}{d_2'})\frac{(\rho_2-\rho_{w2})}{(\rho_1-\rho_{w1})}\frac{(\rho_1'-\rho_{w1})}{(\rho_2'-\rho_{w2})}$$으로 정하였다. 이렇게 정해진 모형어구에 대해 유속 v의 비느 $K_1=K_2$로부터 $$(\frac{u_2}{u_1})^{2-n}=(\frac{\nu_2}{\nu_1})^{-n}\;(\frac{\rho_{w1}}{\rho_{w2}})\;(\frac{\rho_2-\rho_{w2}}{\rho_1-\rho_{w1}})\;(\frac{d_2}{d_1})^{1+n}$$으로 주어지므로, 이를 이용하여 어구저항 D 및 그물감의 다리에서의 장력 $\tau$의 비를 $$\frac{D_2}{D_1}=\frac{d_2(\rho_2-\rho_{w2})}{d_1(\rho_1-\rho_{w1})}(\frac{\lambda_2}{\lambda_1})^2$$$${\frac{\tau_2}{\tau_1}=\frac{d_2\iota_2(\rho_2-\rho_{w2})}{d_1\iota_1(\rho_1-\rho_{w1})}\;{\cdot}\frac{\lambda_2}{\lambda_1}$$로 정하였다.
Zuh, Cephas Kwesi;Abobi, Seth Mensah;Campion, Benjamin Betey
Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Background: The black-chinned tilapia, Sarotherodon melanotheron, is the most abundant fish species in the Nakwa (an open lagoon) and Brenu (a closed lagoon) in the Central Region of Ghana. Aspects of the life history characteristics and the ecology of the fish populations in both lagoons were studied to assess the bio-ecological status of this important resource. Methods: Fish samples were obtained from fishermen that fish on the Nakwa and Brenu lagoons using cast, drag and gill nets. The age of the fish was assessed from otoliths analysis and its growth modelled following the von Bertalanffy growth function. Morphometric characteristics of the fish populations were analysed using power regression and ANOVA for parameters comparisons, and Student's t test to determine whether species grew isometrically. The percentage occurrence method was used to analyse the stomach contents of the fish. Results: A total of 382 fish samples from both lagoons were measured, comprising 209 from Nakwa lagoon and 176 from Brenu lagoon. The size and weight of fish samples ranged between 3.9-11.5 cm total length and 1.0-27.3 g for Nakwa Lagoon and 5.6-12.8 cm total length and 3.2-29.8 g for the Brenu Lagoon. The estimated von Bertalanffy growth parameters were L∞ = 12.04 cm and K = 2.76/year for the Nakwa Lagoon samples and L∞ = 13.44 cm and K = 3.27/year for Brenu Lagoon samples. Daily otolith incremental rate ranged from 0.01-0.03 mm per day to 0.01-0.02 mm per day for Nakwa and Brenu lagoons, respectively. Stomach content analysis of the fish samples revealed that the species are planktivorous and the range of food varied between the lagoons. Green algae were the most prevalent food item in the stomachs of the fish samples from Nakwa with the frequency of 69% whilst diatoms (80.5%) were most prevalent phytoplanktonic food item for the fish in Brenu lagoon. Conclusions: The estimates of asymptotic length for the species in both lagoons are close to known values of the species length at first sexual maturity and points to intensive fishing pressure. As a consequence, a comprehensive sample-based survey is required in both lagoons to derive estimates of management reference points. The results of the stomach content analysis are beneficial to the construction of diet matrix for ecosystem models of the two systems.
This study was done in order La provide basic data to a Fee System for hospital based Home Health Care services in Korea in the future. It was done by investigating activities provided to possible Home Health Care clients who could be discharged early from genera] hospitals and then estimating the nursing care fee according to each nursing activity based upon the time used for activity. The subjects of the study were selected by convenience sampling and consisted of 35 clients who might be clients for Home Nursing Care and were presently admitted to a medical- surgical ward of Y University Medical Center located in Seoul, Korea. The data collection period was from September 1, 1991 to September 30, 1991. The research in strum nets utilized for the study were a client selection criterial for Home Health Care developed by Choo(l991) and a check-list of nursing activity developed by researcher. The results of the study were as follows : 1. There were 44 different nursing activities provided in the seven days but the time was calculated for only 25 of the nursing activities. 2. Fees for the 25 different nursing activities were calculated by multipling the median of the average wage of a staff nurse having five years experience in an A grade general hospital to the Lime of the nursing activity. The results were compared with the insurance fee which the government recognized as an appropriate fee for that activity. The nursing activities with a lower calculated fee than the insurance fee were suction, catheterization, exercise education and dressing change. The nursing activities with a higher calculated fee than the government recognized fee were 1M injection and vital sign check. 3. There was a range of 1-15 nursing activities provided daily to the client. For the average number of nursing activities per day of 6.26 events the nursing care fee was calaulated at W 6136 per day. 4. Based upon the results of the study, a recommentdation for a Home Health Care fee per visit based on the nursing activities provided could be formulated for a Home Health Care fee system. It could be formulated as following: 1) Home health Care fee per visit $=[(direct{\;} nursing{\;}fee(direct{\;}nursing{\;}care{\;}time{\;}per{\;}activity{\;}{\times}{\;}average{\;}nursing{\;}wage)+indirect fee]{\times}average$ nursing activity per visit]+management fee+ materials fee+a travel fee In this way a nursing fee could be calculated based upon the result of the study of the nursing fees per visit. 2) Nursing activity fees per visit. = $([direct nursing{\;}care{\;}fee+indirect{\;}nursing{\;}fee]{\times}average$ number of nursing activities provided per visit] (W 6, 136) + travel fee(\ 5, 542) +management fee material $fee({\alpha})\{\;}16, 436+{\alpha}$ The nursing fee per visit as calculated in this research of $\{\;}15, 0000+{\alpha}$ could be adjusted according to the patient's condition or the use of high technology nursing care or according to the amount of time spent for travel. The nursing care fee per visit presented in this study can be validated through a Home Health Care demonstration project.
본 웹사이트에 게시된 이메일 주소가 전자우편 수집 프로그램이나
그 밖의 기술적 장치를 이용하여 무단으로 수집되는 것을 거부하며,
이를 위반시 정보통신망법에 의해 형사 처벌됨을 유념하시기 바랍니다.
[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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③ 회원은 당 사이트 및 제 3자의 지적 재산권을 침해해서는 안 됩니다.
제 4 장 서비스의 이용
제 12 조 (서비스 이용 시간)
① 서비스 이용은 당 사이트의 업무상 또는 기술상 특별한 지장이 없는 한 연중무휴, 1일 24시간 운영을
원칙으로 합니다. 단, 당 사이트는 시스템 정기점검, 증설 및 교체를 위해 당 사이트가 정한 날이나 시간에
서비스를 일시 중단할 수 있으며, 예정되어 있는 작업으로 인한 서비스 일시중단은 당 사이트 홈페이지를
통해 사전에 공지합니다.
② 당 사이트는 서비스를 특정범위로 분할하여 각 범위별로 이용가능시간을 별도로 지정할 수 있습니다. 다만
이 경우 그 내용을 공지합니다.
제 13 조 (홈페이지 저작권)
① NDSL에서 제공하는 모든 저작물의 저작권은 원저작자에게 있으며, KISTI는 복제/배포/전송권을 확보하고
② NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 상업적 및 기타 영리목적으로 복제/배포/전송할 경우 사전에 KISTI의 허락을
받아야 합니다.
③ NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 보도, 비평, 교육, 연구 등을 위하여 정당한 범위 안에서 공정한 관행에
합치되게 인용할 수 있습니다.
④ NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 무단 복제, 전송, 배포 기타 저작권법에 위반되는 방법으로 이용할 경우
저작권법 제136조에 따라 5년 이하의 징역 또는 5천만 원 이하의 벌금에 처해질 수 있습니다.
제 14 조 (유료서비스)
① 당 사이트 및 협력기관이 정한 유료서비스(원문복사 등)는 별도로 정해진 바에 따르며, 변경사항은 시행 전에
당 사이트 홈페이지를 통하여 회원에게 공지합니다.
② 유료서비스를 이용하려는 회원은 정해진 요금체계에 따라 요금을 납부해야 합니다.
제 5 장 계약 해지 및 이용 제한
제 15 조 (계약 해지)
회원이 이용계약을 해지하고자 하는 때에는 [가입해지] 메뉴를 이용해 직접 해지해야 합니다.
제 16 조 (서비스 이용제한)
① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
경우 서비스 이용을 제한할 수 있습니다.
- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.