• Title/Summary/Keyword: Multiple People

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Impact of Participation in Sport for All on Leisure Satisfaction, Psychological Wellbeing and Subjective Wellbeing (생활체육 참여활동이 여가만족과 심리적, 주관적 웰빙에 미치는 영향)

  • Moon, Tae-Young;Heo, Chung-Uk
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.9
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    • pp.3984-3993
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of participation in sport for all on leisure satisfaction, psychological wellbeing and subjective wellbeing in an attempt to make a contribution to the leisure satisfaction, psychological wellbeing and subjective wellbeing of people enjoying sport for all. The subjects in this study were 200 people who were selected by convenience sampling from a population of male and female adults who participated in sport for all in Gangwon Province. The statistical package SPSS 11.0 was employed to make a frequency analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis and multiple regression analysis. The findings of the study were as follows: First, participation in sport for all had a statistically significant impact on leisure satisfaction. Those who more participated in sport for all expressed more satisfaction with their leisure life. Second, leisure satisfactionexerted a statistically significant influence on psychological wellbeing. Third, leisure satisfaction affected subjective wellbeing in a statistically significant way. The findings of the study indicated that the leisure satisfaction of those who participated in sport for all exercised a great physical and mental influence on themselves. Those who don't participate in sport for all should steadily be advised to do that, and the national and local governments should develop a wide variety of sport-for-all programs to let everybody lead a better life by enjoying sport for all.

South Korean and Japanese intention to use automated external defibrillators in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest situations (일반인의 AED 사용에 관한 한·일 비교 연구)

  • Leem, Seung-Hwan
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.17-27
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    • 2014
  • Purpose : The purpose of the study is to investigate the factors influencing using AED use in South Korea and Japan. Methods : I conducted a questionnaire survey from February 25 to March 4, 2013, receiving responses from 517 people in Korea and 520 people in Japan. The questionnaire included sociodemographic factors, history of heart disease, AED knowledge, and other variables. A logistic regression analysis was conducted. Results : Among the 517 Korean respondents, 220 (42.6%) intended to use AEDs. Among the 520 Japanese respondents, 384 (74.4%) had similar intentions. Multiple logistic regression analysis found the following significant predictors of intent to use AEDs: gender (odds ratio [OR] = 0.419), household income (OR = 0.991), and AED knowledge (OR = 2.833) in Korea; and gender (OR = 0.582), age (OR = 0.968), cardiac disease history (OR = 2.099), and AED knowledge (OR = 2.984) in Japan. Conclusion : It would be helpful to teach AED use to encourage performing public access defibrillation. In addition, it is necessary to design AED education programs based on country-specific factors.

Local Community and Nursing-home of the resident elderly in the Comparative Study of the Time Use for Occupational balance (작업균형에 의한 시간 사용 비교 연구: 지역 사회 거주 노인과 시설 거주 노인을 기준으로)

  • Park, Hun-Kyung;Jeon, Byoung-Jin;Lee, Jae-sin;Kim, Su-Kyoung
    • The Journal of Korean society of community based occupational therapy
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 2014
  • Objective : Local Community and Nursing-home of the elderly of the general characteristics and time use compared with the Occupational balance of the two groups is to look at what is being done. Method : The study conducted by the Time Use Survey 2009 of National Statistical office, the results were statistically analyzed 246 by based on more than 65 years of age and older living in Daejeon. The Comparison subjects of this study compared the Daejeon nursing homes in two locations were selected and 146 people of use on the general characteristics and time use data were collected. Analysis using SPSS 12.0 for correlation analysis and multiple logistic regression analysis for the study were analyzed. Result : Local Community and Nursing-home of the elderly are compared. Each classified behavior correlation showed significant results in a difference in a time-use, respectively and also Nursing-home of the elderly, non-activity time in the form of the activity time was higher than the results. Conclusion : Through this research, according to the living environment for elderly people with a time use to find out that there was significant, the elderly living in Nursing-home more than the elderly living in the community and show the imbalance of the Occupational could be.

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Cancer Care-giver Burden On The Parents-Children Negative Communication - The Moderating Effect Of Family TSL Attitude - (암환자 주부양자의 부양부담이 자녀와의 역기능적 의사소통에 미치는 영향에서 가족간 TSL 태도의 조절효과: 청장년층과 중장년층의 비교연구)

  • Kim, Jae Yop;Sung, Shin Myoung;Hwang, Ho Koung;Im, Ji-hye
    • Korean Journal of Family Social Work
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    • no.54
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    • pp.77-106
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of cancer care-giver burden on the parent-children negative communication. Plus the moderating effect of family TSL Attitude(positive thinking and behaviors between family member). Cancer family care burden and parent-children communication have a difference in the family life cycle. So It compared to the young adult group and middle-aged group. The research conducted from 2015 April to September and It was targeted to cancer care-giver who were at the great hospitals in Seoul. The total people were 199, but for the purpose of this study 145 people who had children were extracted. Frequency analysis, T-test and Multiple Regression Analysis were conducted. Consequently, the young adult group care burden have direct effect on the negative parent-children communication, and the Family TSL Attitude have moderating effect. however, In the middle-age group, the care burden haven't significant effect on the negative parent-children communication and family TSL Attitude haven't moderating effect. Base on the this result, this study suggested the need of cancer care-giver burden relieving program and family communication program. Also It proposed the different access to the cancer patient family in the life cycle.

The Relationship between Age-friendly Environment and Life Satisfaction : A Comparison of Three Different Age Groups (고령친화환경과 삶의 만족도의 관계 : 연령집단별 비교를 중심으로)

  • Chung, Soondool;Kim, Miri
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.121-141
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    • 2017
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the influence age-friendly environment factors on different age groups' life satisfaction. Data were taken from "2014 Survey on the Aged Society", with total of 1,000 participants divided into three groups: 300 youth participants from age 20 to 44, 300 middle aged participants from age 45 to 64, and older adults participants from age 65 and more. Performing ANOVA and multiple regression analysis showed that age-friendly environment factors had positive correlations with life satisfaction, regardless of the participants'age. However, the sub-dimensions of age-friendly environment that affected each age group was different. Among three sub-dimensions of age-friendly environment, which were housing factor, social participation factor, and community and health service factor, only housing factor affected life satisfaction of the youth group, while both community and health service factor, and housing factor affected life satisfaction of the middle-aged and the elderly groups. The result clearly presents that age-friendly environment factors are not only beneficial for older people but for people at all ages. Therefore, various measures need to be taken in order to increase the age-friendliness of communities, and improve the quality of life.

A Study on Status Quo and Problems of Cultural Exchange of Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor from the Perspective of Soft Power

  • Sun, Xiqin;He, Hongmei;Zhou, Yunsong;Zhou, Yuting
    • Korea and Global Affairs
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.183-220
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    • 2019
  • Nowadays, soft power is playing a more important role in international communication and cooperation, and as cultural exchange in regional cooperation is deeply influenced by national soft powers, the development is usually unbalanced. Bangladesh, China, India and Myanmar are adjacent to each other with a long history of intercourse. In the year 2013, initiation of constructing Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor advocated by China and India was responded positively by Bangladesh and Myanmar. Since then, the world has witnessed an increasing connection of these four countries. Being the critical bond connecting the southwestern areas of China and Bangladesh, India as well as Myanmar, Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor is characterized by multiple regional cultures along with frequent connections in cultural products and activities. However, cultural exchange now is dominated by imbalanced development due to potent soft power of China and India that these two countries export more cultural products to the rest, which has an impact in many fields of Bangladesh and Myanmar. Priority should be given to coordinated development in cultural exchange regarding the construction of Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor. Only by developing a sustainable development mechanism for cultural exchange, to coordinate the influences of soft powers of these four countries, then a fine complexion of "all flowers are in bloom" can be created, returning to five original intention of the construction of this economic corridor: "Policy Communication" and "Strength People-to-people Ties", etc.

Usability Test on Haptic Interaction With Real Object in Virtual Reality (실제 사물을 이용한 VR 햅틱 인터랙션 사용성 테스트)

  • Yang, Han Ul;Park, Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Computer Game
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.197-203
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    • 2018
  • As people's interest in Virtual Reality has recently increased, peripherals have also made many progress. There is a lot of research being done from VR environment to VR configuration through scanning at room level with various interface devices that can interact with objects in the environment. According to current VR research Home VR uses multiple haptic interfaces to interact with objects configured in the VR environment, the method uses room scanning to some extent is beyond the spatial constraints and may use tracking equipment to interact with real objects. And advances in 3D printers have enabled the distribution of commercial 3D printers and home 3D printers, and made it easy for 3D printers to create models of their choice at home or at home. Considering the above two factors, We think it is necessary to study the difference between a model's object that people feel when interacting directly with an easy-to-create model in a VR environment. Therefore, in this paper, we are going to implement objects produced by 3D printers in VR space and study the differences between using real objects and other general interaction equipment through user testing with those that are actually implemented.

Weaving the realities with video in multi-media theatre centering on Schaubuhne's Hamlet and Lenea de Sombra's Amarillo (멀티미디어 공연에서 비디오를 활용한 리얼리티 구축하기 - 샤우뷔네의 <햄릿>과 리니아 드 솜브라의 <아마릴로>를 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Young-Joo
    • Journal of Korean Theatre Studies Association
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    • no.53
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    • pp.167-202
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    • 2014
  • When video composes mise-en-scene during the performance, it reflects the aspect of contemporary image culture, where the individual as creator joins in the image culture through the device of cell phone and computer remediating the former video technology. It also closely related with the contemporary theatre culture in which 1960's and 1970's video art was weaved into the contemporary performance theatre. With these cultural background, theatre practitioners regarded media-friendly mise-en-scene as an alternative facing the cultural landscape the linear representational narrative did not correspond to the present culture. Nonetheless, it can not be ignored that video in the performance theatre is remediating its historical function: to criticize the social reality. to enrich the aesthetic or emotional reality. I focused video in the performance theatre could feature the object with the image by realizing the realtime relay, emphasizing the situation within the frame, and strengthening the reality by alluding the object as a gesutre. So I explored its two historical manuel. First, video recorded the spot, communicated the information, and arose the audience's recognition of the object to its critical function. Second, video in performance theatre could redistribute perceptual way according to the editing method like as close up, slow motion, multiple perspective, montage and collage, and transformation of the image to the aesthetic function. Reminding the historical function of video in contemporary performance theatre, I analyzed two shows, Schaubuhne's Hamlet and Lenea de Sombra's Amarillo which were introduced to Korean audiences during the 2010 Seoul Theatre Olympics. It is known to us that Ostermeir found real social reality as a text and made the play the context. In this, he used video as a vehicle to penetrate the social reality through the hero's perspective. It is also noteworthy that Ostermeir understood Hamlet's dilemma as these days' young generation's propensity. They delayed action while being involved in image culture. Besides his use of video in the piece revitalized the aesthetic function of video by hypermedial perceptual method. Amarillo combined documentary theatre method with installation, physical theatre, and video relay on the spot, and activated aesthetic function with the intermediality, its interacting co-relationship between the media. In this performance theatre, video has recorded and pursued the absent presence of the real people who died or lost in the desert. At the same time it fantasized the emotional aspect of the people at the moment of their death, which would be opaque or non prominent otherwise. As a conclusion, I found the video in contemporary performance theatre visualized the rupture between the media and perform their intermediality. It attempted to disturb the transparent immediacy to invoke the spectator's perception to the theatrical situation, to open its emotional and spiritual aspect, and to remind the realities as with Schaubuhne's Hamlet and Lenea de Sombra's Amarillo.

A Study on the Location Determinants for the Sales of Railroad Convenience Stores - With Focus on the Convenience Store "Storyway" - (철도역사 편의점 매출에 영향을 미치는 입지요인에 관한 연구 : 스토리웨이(Storyway)를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Yong Rae;Baek, Sung Joon
    • Korea Real Estate Review
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.7-21
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to determine the location determinants that influence the sales of the "Storyway" convenience stores built at the country's railway stations. The preceding studies were about the convenience stores located in the residence-business areas or along the roadsides. This study, on the other hand, focused on the characteristics of the stations, based on a theory that is different from the existing theories. The targets of this study were the 301 "Storyway" convenience stores doing business in the 198 railway stations in the country, and the dummy parameter and hedonic-price model function were used for multiple regression analysis. For the study results, it was found that the number of people using the railway and the size of the store have a positive effect on the sales whereas the other brand competitors have a negative effect thereon. Second, the subway stations holding 89% of the total passengers in the country have unexpectedly no positive influence on the sales. Third, depending on the transfer, it was found that no transfer station had smaller sales than the transfer stations. Finally, as for the location of the stores in the station, the stores located on the platforms or passageways have a smaller turnover rate than the stores in the welcoming spaces and squares. This research result shows that when starting a convenience store business, the number of people using the railway, the size of the store, the transfer possibility, and the location of the store inside the station have to be considered under the circumstance of recession on the part of the convenience stores due to excessive competition.

A Study on the Trend of Lighting in Tang Dynasty of China (중국 당나라 시대(618년--907년) 조명 기구의 경향에 관한 연구)

  • Nie, Yan;Go, Jung-Wook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.92-101
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    • 2018
  • It is important to inherit and develop the unique cultural characteristics of each country and region in the trend of globalization. The traditional lighting fixtures in China are the main artifacts that can be used to extract the cultural aesthetics and practicality of the people, and are a major relic of the people's cultural sensitivities and practicalities. The purpose of this study is to understand the background of the time and the meaning of national culture through the lighting equipment of the most revived Tang Dynasty in Chinese history. The purpose of this paper is to examine the development trend of lighting equipment in the Tang Dynasty through the recognition of the social background, religious thought, cultural characteristics, and characteristics of lighting fixtures in the Tang Dynasty. In this paper, we analyzed seven factors (function, molding, fuel, usage space, usage method, religious thought, and living environment) of the Tang dynasty lighting fixtures through multiple factor analysis method. In addition, the Tang Dynasty period lighting fixtures had four trends: "popularization of lighting, universal simplification of molding, diversification of use, and spread of Buddhist influence." This tendency has a meaning to provide a new motive for modern lighting design in the context of cultural uniqueness and perspectives.