• Title/Summary/Keyword: Multi-resolution Modeling

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Numerical Study of a Novel Bi-focal Metallic Fresnel Zone Plate Having Shallow Depth-of-field Characteristics

  • Kim, Jinseob;Kim, Juhwan;Na, Jeongkyun;Jeong, Yoonchan
    • Current Optics and Photonics
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.147-152
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    • 2018
  • We propose a novel bi-focal metallic Fresnel zone plate (MFZP) with shallow depth-of-field (DOF) characteristics. We design the specific annular slit patterns, exploiting the phase-selection-rule method along with the particle swarm optimization algorithm, which we have recently proposed. We numerically investigate the novel characteristics of the bi-focal MFZP in comparison with those of another bi-focal MFZP having equivalent functionality but designed by the conventional multi-zone method. We verify that whilst both bi-focal MFZPs can produce dual focal spots at $15{\mu}m$ and $25{\mu}m$ away from the MFZP plane, the former exhibits characteristics superior to those of the latter from the viewpoint of axial resolution, including the axial side lobe suppression and axial DOF shallowness. We expect the proposed bi-focal MFZP can readily be fabricated with electron-beam evaporation and focused-ion-beam processes and further be exploited for various applications, such as laser micro-machining, optical trapping, biochemical sensing, confocal sensing, etc.

Recognition of 3D Environment for Intelligent Robots (지능로봇을 위한 3차원 환경인식)

  • Jang, Dae-Sik
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.135-145
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    • 2006
  • This paper presents a novel approach to real-time recognition of 3D environment and objects for intelligent robots. First. we establish the three fundamental principles that humans use for recognizing and interacting with the environment. These principles have led to the development of an integrated approach to real-time 3D recognition and modeling, as follows: 1) It starts with a rapid but approximate characterization of the geometric configuration of workspace by identifying global plane features. 2) It quickly recognizes known objects in environment and replaces them by their models in database based on 3D registration. 3) It models the geometric details on the fly adaptively to the need of the given task based on a multi-resolution octree representation. SIFT features with their 3D position data, referred to here as stereo-sis SIFT, are used extensively, together with point clouds, for fast extraction of global plane features, for fast recognition of objects, for fast registration of scenes, as well as for overcoming incomplete and noisy nature of point clouds. The experimental results show the feasibility of real-time and behavior-oriented 3D modeling of workspace for robotic manipulative tasks.

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The Development of Gamma Energy Identifying Algorithm for Compact Radiation Sensors Using Stepwise Refinement Technique

  • Yoo, Hyunjun;Kim, Yewon;Kim, Hyunduk;Yi, Yun;Cho, Gyuseong
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.91-97
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    • 2017
  • Background: A gamma energy identifying algorithm using spectral decomposition combined with smoothing method was suggested to confirm the existence of the artificial radio isotopes. The algorithm is composed by original pattern recognition method and smoothing method to enhance the performance to identify gamma energy of radiation sensors that have low energy resolution. Materials and Methods: The gamma energy identifying algorithm for the compact radiation sensor is a three-step of refinement process. Firstly, the magnitude set is calculated by the original spectral decomposition. Secondly, the magnitude of modeling error in the magnitude set is reduced by the smoothing method. Thirdly, the expected gamma energy is finally decided based on the enhanced magnitude set as a result of the spectral decomposition with the smoothing method. The algorithm was optimized for the designed radiation sensor composed of a CsI (Tl) scintillator and a silicon pin diode. Results and Discussion: The two performance parameters used to estimate the algorithm are the accuracy of expected gamma energy and the number of repeated calculations. The original gamma energy was accurately identified with the single energy of gamma radiation by adapting this modeling error reduction method. Also the average error decreased by half with the multi energies of gamma radiation in comparison to the original spectral decomposition. In addition, the number of repeated calculations also decreased by half even in low fluence conditions under $10^4$ ($/0.09cm^2$ of the scintillator surface). Conclusion: Through the development of this algorithm, we have confirmed the possibility of developing a product that can identify artificial radionuclides nearby using inexpensive radiation sensors that are easy to use by the public. Therefore, it can contribute to reduce the anxiety of the public exposure by determining the presence of artificial radionuclides in the vicinity.

Recognition and Modeling of 3D Environment based on Local Invariant Features (지역적 불변특징 기반의 3차원 환경인식 및 모델링)

  • Jang, Dae-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.31-39
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    • 2006
  • This paper presents a novel approach to real-time recognition of 3D environment and objects for various applications such as intelligent robots, intelligent vehicles, intelligent buildings,..etc. First, we establish the three fundamental principles that humans use for recognizing and interacting with the environment. These principles have led to the development of an integrated approach to real-time 3D recognition and modeling, as follows: 1) It starts with a rapid but approximate characterization of the geometric configuration of workspace by identifying global plane features. 2) It quickly recognizes known objects in environment and replaces them by their models in database based on 3D registration. 3) It models the geometric details the geometric details on the fly adaptively to the need of the given task based on a multi-resolution octree representation. SIFT features with their 3D position data, referred to here as stereo-sis SIFT, are used extensively, together with point clouds, for fast extraction of global plane features, for fast recognition of objects, for fast registration of scenes, as well as for overcoming incomplete and noisy nature of point clouds.

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Diagnosis of the Transitional Disk Structure of AA Ori by Modeling of Multi-Wavelength Observations

  • Kim, Kyoung Hee;Kim, Hyosun;Lee, Chang Won;Lyo, Aran
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.42.2-42.2
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    • 2020
  • We report on multi-wavelength observations of AA Ori, a Young Stellar Object in Orion-A star-forming region. AA Ori is known to have a pre-transitional disk based on infrared observations including Spitzer/IRS data. We construct its broadband spectral energy distribution (SED) by not only taking data in the optical and IR region but also including Herschel/PACS, JCMT/SCUBA, and SMA observational data. We use the Monte Carlo radiative transfer code (RADMC-3D) to reconstruct the SED with a viscous accretion disk model initialized by a radially continuous disk and finally having an inner and outer dusty disk separated by a dust-depleted radial gap. By comparing the model SEDs with different configurations of disk parameters, we discuss the limits to find a single solution of model parameters to fit the data. We suggest that some models with a modified inner disk surface density gradient and some degree of dust depletion in the inner disk can explain the AA Ori's SED, from which we infer that the inner disk of AA Ori has evolved. We present that model configurations of a pre-transitional disk with a large gap extended to 60-80 AU in a settled dusty disk of a few hundred AU size with a high inclination angle (~60°) also create model SEDs close to the observed one. To distinguish whether the disk has a just-opened narrow gap or a large gap, with an altered surface density of the inner disk extended to 10 AU, we suggest a further investigation of AA Ori with high angular resolution observations.

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Geospatial Data Modeling for 3D Digital Mapping (3차원 수치지도 생성을 위한 지형공간 데이터 모델링)

  • Lee, Dong-Cheon;Bae, Kyoung-Ho;Ryu, Keun-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.393-400
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    • 2009
  • Recently demand for the 3D modeling technology to reconstruct real world is getting increasing. However, existing geospatial data are mainly based on the 2D space. In addition, most of the geospatial data provide geometric information only. In consequence, there are limits in various applications to utilize information from those data and to reconstruct the real world in 3D space. Therefore, it is required to develop efficient 3D mapping methodology and data for- mat to establish geospatial database. Especially digital elevation model(DEM) is one of the essential geospatial data, however, DEM provides only spatially distributed 3D coordinates of the natural and artificial surfaces. Moreover, most of DEMs are generated without considering terrain properties such as surface roughness, terrain type, spatial resolution, feature and so on. This paper suggests adaptive and flexible geospatial data format that has possibility to include various information such as terrain characteristics, multiple resolutions, interpolation methods, break line information, model keypoints, and other physical property. The study area was categorized into mountainous area, gently rolling area, and flat area by taking the terrain characteristics into account with respect to terrain roughness. Different resolutions and interpolation methods were applied to each area. Finally, a 3D digital map derived from aerial photographs was integrated with the geospatial data and visualized.

3D Measurement Method Based on Point Cloud and Solid Model for Urban SingleTrees (Point cloud와 solid model을 기반으로 한 단일수목 입체적 정량화기법 연구)

  • Park, Haekyung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.6_2
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    • pp.1139-1149
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    • 2017
  • Measuring tree's volume is very important input data of various environmental analysis modeling However, It's difficult to use economical and equipment to measure a fragmented small green space in the city. In addition, Trees are sensitive to seasons, so we need new and easier equipment and quantification methods for measuring trees than lidar for high frequency monitoring. In particular, the tree's size in a city affect management costs, ecosystem services, safety, and so need to be managed and informed on the individual tree-based. In this study, we aim to acquire image data with UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), which can be operated at low cost and frequently, and quickly and easily quantify a single tree using SfM-MVS(Structure from Motion-Multi View Stereo), and we evaluate the impact of reducing number of images on the point density of point clouds generated from SfM-MVS and the quantification of single trees. Also, We used the Watertight model to estimate the volume of a single tree and to shape it into a 3D structure and compare it with the quantification results of 3 different type of 3D models. The results of the analysis show that UAV, SfM-MVS and solid model can quantify and shape a single tree with low cost and high time resolution easily. This study is only for a single tree, Therefore, in order to apply it to a larger scale, it is necessary to follow up research to develop it, such as convergence with various spatial information data, improvement of quantification technique and flight plan for enlarging green space.

Developing A Multi-dimensional Spatio-visual Information System (다차원기반 고정밀 공간영상정보 시스템 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Mi-Yun;Yeo, Wook-Hyun;Choi, Jin-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.649-658
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    • 2009
  • The recent emergence of the paradigm of new urban planning for building intelligent urban spaces, such as U-City and U-Eco City, of which the concept of ubiquitous technology is applied, requires high quality three-dimensional spatial information of the urban area. The aim of this study is to build a multi-dimensional spatio-visual information system that includes the solution for visualization, spatial information search, analysis, and evaluation by integrating various types of 3D-modeled spatial information concerning the large urban-size area based on the latest GIS application technology. The range of this study is the integration, visualization, and utilization of spatial information with the goal of building 3D virtual urban environment of high-quality and high-resolution by increasing the utilization of the systematic urban facilities in order to fully reflect the actual user's needs, using the aerial LiDAR data as the plan to overcome the limitations of the existing 3D urban modeling. By reproducing the virtual urban environment the most similar to the actual world through the mash-up of satellite images and aerial photos on the standard format of spatial information constituted of properties and signs, the system will be built with many analysis and utilization functions that support the view and sunlight analysis, various administrative tasks, as well as the decision making process of the city.

The Role of Magnetic Topology in the Heating of Active Region Coronal Loops

  • Lee, Jin-Yi;Barnes, Graham;Leka, K.D.;Reeves, Katharine K.;Korreck, K.E.;Golub, L.;Deluca, E.E.
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.86.2-86.2
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    • 2011
  • We investigate the evolution of coronal loop emission in the context of the coronal magnetic field topology. New modeling techniques allow us to investigate the magnetic field structure and energy release in active regions (ARs). Using these models and high-resolution multi-wavelength coronal observations from the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer and the X-ray Telescope on Hinode, we are able to establish a relationship between the light curves of coronal loops and their associated magnetic topologies for NOAA AR 10963. We examine loops that show both transient and steady emission, and we find that loops that show many transient brightenings are located in domains associated with a high number of separators. This topology provides an environment for continual impulsive heating events through magnetic reconnection at the separators. A loop with relatively constant X-ray and EUV emission, on the other hand, is located in domains that are not associated with separators. This result implies that larger-scale magnetic field reconnections are not involved in heating plasma in these regions, and the heating in these loops must come from another mechanism, such as smallscale reconnections (i.e., nanoflares) or wave heating. Additionally, we find that loops that undergo repeated transient brightenings are associated with separators that have enhanced free energy. In contrast, we find one case of an isolated transient brightening that seems to be associated with separators with a smaller free energy.

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Model-based and wavelet-based fault detection and diagnosis for biomedical and manufacturing applications: Leading Towards Better Quality of Life

  • Kao, Imin;Li, Xiaolin;Tsai, Chia-Hung Dylan
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.153-171
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, the analytical fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) is presented using model-based and signal-based methodology with wavelet analysis on signals obtained from sensors and sensor networks. In the model-based FDD, we present the modeling of contact interface found in soft materials, including the biomedical contacts. Fingerprint analysis and signal-based FDD are also presented with an experimental framework consisting of a mechanical pneumatic system typically found in manufacturing automation. This diagnosis system focuses on the signal-based approach which employs multi-resolution wavelet decomposition of various sensor signals such as pressure, flow rate, etc., to determine leak configuration. Pattern recognition technique and analytical vectorized maps are developed to diagnose an unknown leakage based on the established FDD information using the affine mapping. Experimental studies and analysis are presented to illustrate the FDD methodology. Both model-based and wavelet-based FDD applied in contact interface and manufacturing automation have implication towards better quality of life by applying theory and practice to understand how effective diagnosis can be made using intelligent FDD. As an illustration, a model-based contact surface technology an benefit the diabetes with the detection of abnormal contact patterns that may result in ulceration if not detected and treated in time, thus, improving the quality of life of the patients. Ultimately, effective diagnosis using FDD with wavelet analysis, whether it is employed in biomedical applications or manufacturing automation, can have impacts on improving our quality of life.