• Title/Summary/Keyword: Multi-domain Problem

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Loads of a Rigid Link Connecting a Container Ship and a Catamaran Type Container Offloading Vessel in Waves (파랑중 컨테이너선과 하역선의 연결장치에 작용하는 하중계산)

  • Hong, Do-Chun;Kim, Yong-Yook;Han, Soon-Hung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.83-90
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    • 2010
  • The hydrodynamic interaction of two floating bodies in waves freely floating or connected by a rigid link is studied by using a boundary element method in the frequency-domain. The exact two-body hydrodynamic coefficients of added mass, wave damping and exciting force are calculated from the radiation-diffraction potential solution of the improved Green integral equation associated with the free surface Green function. The irregular frequencies in the conventional Green integral equation make it difficult to predict the physical resonance of the fluid in the gap between two bodies floating side by side. However, the improved Green integral equation employed in this study is free of irregular frequencies and always yields the exact solution of the multi-body radiation-diffraction potential boundary value problem. The 6 degree-of-freedom motions of two bodies freely floating side by side or connected parallel by a rigid link have been calculated for the incident wave frequencies ranging from 0.1 to 5 radians per second in head, left and right bow quartering seas. The 6-component load of the rigid link have also been presented.

A Simulation-based Optimization Approach for the Selection of Design Factors (설계 변수 선택을 위한 시뮬레이션 기반 최적화)

  • Um, In-Sup;Cheon, Hyeon-Jae;Lee, Hong-Chul
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2007
  • In this article, we propose a different modeling approach, which aims at the simulation optimization so as to meet the design specification. Generally, Multi objective optimization problem is formulated by dependent factors as objective functions and independent factors as constraints. However, this paper presents the critical(dependent) factors as objective function and design(independent) factors as constraints for the selection of design factors directly. The objective function is normalized far the generalization of design factors while the constraints are composed of the simulation-based regression metamodels fer the critical factors and design factor's domain. Then the effective and fast solution procedure based on the pareto optimal solution set is proposed. This paper provides a comprehensive framework for the system design using the simulation and metamodels. Therefore, the method developed for this research can be adopted for other enhancements in different but comparable situations.

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A Method of ISAR Geometric Calibration for Point Target Using Impulse-Radio UWB (임펄스 초광대역 레이다를 이용한 점표적의 ISAR 기하 보정 방법)

  • Yu, Jiwoong;Nikitin, Konstantin;Paek, Inchan;Jang, Jong Hun;Ka, Min-Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.397-403
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, a method of ISAR geometric calibration is represented by using impulse-radio UWB radar. The ir-UWB is good for using a signal processing in time domain, so, it does not occur a multi-path or coupling problem. If a signal that between antennas and target is assumed a plane wave, a center of rotation in ISAR geometry model can be estimated by using point target. Before image is reconstructed with sinogram, the center of rotation can be calculated by using least square fitting. This method can be obtained a more contrast image, and a maximum value of entropy of image. The method, that estimates a center of rotation in received data, will be used a initial setup of instruments or a periodic compensation to reconstruct image. It would be useful in medical, security and surveillance imaging equipments that have a fixed geometry.

A Study on Spectrum Moment Estimation in an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP에서의 스펙트럼 모멘트 추정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jonggil
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.17 no.8
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    • pp.1790-1795
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    • 2013
  • The current velocity and turbulence information in each range cell can be obtained from the first and second Doppler spectrum moment estimates. However, the very widely used correlation method often called as the pulse-pair method has the inherent restrictions under the highly turbulent conditions since it does not satisfy the assumptions that the return Doppler spectrum should be symmetric and have a single peak value. Therefore, in this paper, the quality of pulse-pair estimates were compared with that of FFT estimates for problem analysis using various shapes of simulated Doppler spectra. It can be known that the pulse-pair method often yields meaningless results if the received signals are severely biased or multi-peak Doppler spectra in the Doppler frequency domain.

Signal Enhancement of a Variable Rate Vocoder with a Hybrid domain SNR Estimator

  • Park, Hyung Woo
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.962-977
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    • 2019
  • The human voice is a convenient method of information transfer between different objects such as between men, men and machine, between machines. The development of information and communication technology, the voice has been able to transfer farther than before. The way to communicate, it is to convert the voice to another form, transmit it, and then reconvert it back to sound. In such a communication process, a vocoder is a method of converting and re-converting a voice and sound. The CELP (Code-Excited Linear Prediction) type vocoder, one of the voice codecs, is adapted as a standard codec since it provides high quality sound even though its transmission speed is relatively low. The EVRC (Enhanced Variable Rate CODEC) and QCELP (Qualcomm Code-Excited Linear Prediction), variable bit rate vocoders, are used for mobile phones in 3G environment. For the real-time implementation of a vocoder, the reduction of sound quality is a typical problem. To improve the sound quality, that is important to know the size and shape of noise. In the existing sound quality improvement method, the voice activated is detected or used, or statistical methods are used by the large mount of data. However, there is a disadvantage in that no noise can be detected, when there is a continuous signal or when a change in noise is large.This paper focused on finding a better way to decrease the reduction of sound quality in lower bit transmission environments. Based on simulation results, this study proposed a preprocessor application that estimates the SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) using the spectral SNR estimation method. The SNR estimation method adopted the IMBE (Improved Multi-Band Excitation) instead of using the SNR, which is a continuous speech signal. Finally, this application improves the quality of the vocoder by enhancing sound quality adaptively.

A hierarchical semantic segmentation framework for computer vision-based bridge damage detection

  • Jingxiao Liu;Yujie Wei ;Bingqing Chen;Hae Young Noh
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.325-334
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    • 2023
  • Computer vision-based damage detection enables non-contact, efficient and low-cost bridge health monitoring, which reduces the need for labor-intensive manual inspection or that for a large number of on-site sensing instruments. By leveraging recent semantic segmentation approaches, we can detect regions of critical structural components and identify damages at pixel level on images. However, existing methods perform poorly when detecting small and thin damages (e.g., cracks); the problem is exacerbated by imbalanced samples. To this end, we incorporate domain knowledge to introduce a hierarchical semantic segmentation framework that imposes a hierarchical semantic relationship between component categories and damage types. For instance, certain types of concrete cracks are only present on bridge columns, and therefore the noncolumn region may be masked out when detecting such damages. In this way, the damage detection model focuses on extracting features from relevant structural components and avoid those from irrelevant regions. We also utilize multi-scale augmentation to preserve contextual information of each image, without losing the ability to handle small and/or thin damages. In addition, our framework employs an importance sampling, where images with rare components are sampled more often, to address sample imbalance. We evaluated our framework on a public synthetic dataset that consists of 2,000 railway bridges. Our framework achieves a 0.836 mean intersection over union (IoU) for structural component segmentation and a 0.483 mean IoU for damage segmentation. Our results have in total 5% and 18% improvements for the structural component segmentation and damage segmentation tasks, respectively, compared to the best-performing baseline model.

A Study on a Moving Adaptive Grid Generation Method Using a Level-set Scheme (레벨셋법을 이용한 이동 집중격자 생성법에 대한 연구)

  • Il-Ryong Park;Ho-Hwan Chun
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.18-27
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    • 2002
  • In order to improve the accuracy of the solution near the boundary in an analysis of viscous flow around an arbitrary boundary which move and be deformed using an Eulerian concept, a level-set based grid deformation method is introduced to concentrate grid points near the boundary. This paper presents a new monitor function which can easily control the level of the concentration of grid points along the boundary. Computations for steady flow around a semi-circular cylinder mounted on the bottom of the flow domain were carried out to check the improvement of the solution using the adaptive grid system with an immersed boundary method. The present numerical results show a good agreement with the solutions obtained by a body fitted grid system and more accurate solutions than those computed with non-adaptive grid system. For the validation of mechanical usefulness of the present method, an expanded analysis of flow around multi-body fixed in the flow domain was carried out. Finally, the present moving adaptive grid method was applied to a two-dimensional bubble rise problem. The computed results show well adapted grid points around the boundary of the bubble at every time and a good agreement with the result calculated by fixed grid system.

Ensemble of Nested Dichotomies for Activity Recognition Using Accelerometer Data on Smartphone (Ensemble of Nested Dichotomies 기법을 이용한 스마트폰 가속도 센서 데이터 기반의 동작 인지)

  • Ha, Eu Tteum;Kim, Jeongmin;Ryu, Kwang Ryel
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.123-132
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    • 2013
  • As the smartphones are equipped with various sensors such as the accelerometer, GPS, gravity sensor, gyros, ambient light sensor, proximity sensor, and so on, there have been many research works on making use of these sensors to create valuable applications. Human activity recognition is one such application that is motivated by various welfare applications such as the support for the elderly, measurement of calorie consumption, analysis of lifestyles, analysis of exercise patterns, and so on. One of the challenges faced when using the smartphone sensors for activity recognition is that the number of sensors used should be minimized to save the battery power. When the number of sensors used are restricted, it is difficult to realize a highly accurate activity recognizer or a classifier because it is hard to distinguish between subtly different activities relying on only limited information. The difficulty gets especially severe when the number of different activity classes to be distinguished is very large. In this paper, we show that a fairly accurate classifier can be built that can distinguish ten different activities by using only a single sensor data, i.e., the smartphone accelerometer data. The approach that we take to dealing with this ten-class problem is to use the ensemble of nested dichotomy (END) method that transforms a multi-class problem into multiple two-class problems. END builds a committee of binary classifiers in a nested fashion using a binary tree. At the root of the binary tree, the set of all the classes are split into two subsets of classes by using a binary classifier. At a child node of the tree, a subset of classes is again split into two smaller subsets by using another binary classifier. Continuing in this way, we can obtain a binary tree where each leaf node contains a single class. This binary tree can be viewed as a nested dichotomy that can make multi-class predictions. Depending on how a set of classes are split into two subsets at each node, the final tree that we obtain can be different. Since there can be some classes that are correlated, a particular tree may perform better than the others. However, we can hardly identify the best tree without deep domain knowledge. The END method copes with this problem by building multiple dichotomy trees randomly during learning, and then combining the predictions made by each tree during classification. The END method is generally known to perform well even when the base learner is unable to model complex decision boundaries As the base classifier at each node of the dichotomy, we have used another ensemble classifier called the random forest. A random forest is built by repeatedly generating a decision tree each time with a different random subset of features using a bootstrap sample. By combining bagging with random feature subset selection, a random forest enjoys the advantage of having more diverse ensemble members than a simple bagging. As an overall result, our ensemble of nested dichotomy can actually be seen as a committee of committees of decision trees that can deal with a multi-class problem with high accuracy. The ten classes of activities that we distinguish in this paper are 'Sitting', 'Standing', 'Walking', 'Running', 'Walking Uphill', 'Walking Downhill', 'Running Uphill', 'Running Downhill', 'Falling', and 'Hobbling'. The features used for classifying these activities include not only the magnitude of acceleration vector at each time point but also the maximum, the minimum, and the standard deviation of vector magnitude within a time window of the last 2 seconds, etc. For experiments to compare the performance of END with those of other methods, the accelerometer data has been collected at every 0.1 second for 2 minutes for each activity from 5 volunteers. Among these 5,900 ($=5{\times}(60{\times}2-2)/0.1$) data collected for each activity (the data for the first 2 seconds are trashed because they do not have time window data), 4,700 have been used for training and the rest for testing. Although 'Walking Uphill' is often confused with some other similar activities, END has been found to classify all of the ten activities with a fairly high accuracy of 98.4%. On the other hand, the accuracies achieved by a decision tree, a k-nearest neighbor, and a one-versus-rest support vector machine have been observed as 97.6%, 96.5%, and 97.6%, respectively.

Multiple Layer File Format for Safe Collaborative Design (안전한 협업 디자인 작업을 위한 다중 레이어 파일 포맷)

  • Kim, Kichang;Yoo, Sang Bong
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.45-65
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    • 2013
  • A design file can get larger in size as the complexity of the target object increases. A large design file may reside in a large parallel computing system, such as cloud computing systems, and many designers may work concurrently on the same design file. In such a case, it is obvious that we need some kind of protection mechanism so that each user can access only the area of the file he or she is entitled to. Two approaches can be taken for this problem: one is the traditional access control mechanisms and the other encryption techniques. We take the latter approach to ensure the safety of the file even in public domain such as clouding systems, and in this paper, we suggest an encryption scheme for a file where the file is encrypted in multi-layer so that each user is allowed to access the file only at the layer for which the user has the proper access right. Each layer of the file is encrypted with different keys and these keys are exposed only to those who have the right access permit. The paper explains the necessary file format to achieve this goal and discusses the file manipulation functions to handle this new file format.

An Implementation of Automatic Genre Classification System for Korean Traditional Music (한국 전통음악 (국악)에 대한 자동 장르 분류 시스템 구현)

  • Lee Kang-Kyu;Yoon Won-Jung;Park Kyu-Sik
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2005
  • This paper proposes an automatic genre classification system for Korean traditional music. The Proposed system accepts and classifies queried input music as one of the six musical genres such as Royal Shrine Music, Classcal Chamber Music, Folk Song, Folk Music, Buddhist Music, Shamanist Music based on music contents. In general, content-based music genre classification consists of two stages - music feature vector extraction and Pattern classification. For feature extraction. the system extracts 58 dimensional feature vectors including spectral centroid, spectral rolloff and spectral flux based on STFT and also the coefficient domain features such as LPC, MFCC, and then these features are further optimized using SFS method. For Pattern or genre classification, k-NN, Gaussian, GMM and SVM algorithms are considered. In addition, the proposed system adopts MFC method to settle down the uncertainty problem of the system performance due to the different query Patterns (or portions). From the experimental results. we verify the successful genre classification performance over $97{\%}$ for both the k-NN and SVM classifier, however SVM classifier provides almost three times faster classification performance than the k-NN.