• 제목/요약/키워드: Mouse embryonic stem cells

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BCF1 생쥐 배반포기 유래 배아간세포 작성에 관한 연구 (Maintenance and Differentiation of Pluripotential Embryonic Cell Lines from Mouse Blastocysts)

  • 이재원;이훈택;정길생
    • 한국가축번식학회지
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.235-244
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    • 1995
  • 생쥐 배반포기 내부세포괴를 체외에서 분리 배양하여 분화가 억제된 내부세포괴 유래 증식세포를 미분화 상태에서 무한히 증식할 수 있는 전능성을 지닌 배아간세포(embryonic stem cell : ES cell)로 확립하고자 본 연구를 실시하였다. BCF1 생쥐 배반포를 10% FCS, 0.1mM nonessential amino acid, 0.1mM sodium pyruvate, 0.1mM 2-mercaptoethanol과 1,000U/ml LIF(세포분확억제인자)가 첨가된 DMEM 기초배양액에 mitomycin-C를 처리한 STO 단층배양세포에서 배양하여 분화가 억제된 내부세포괴 유래의 배아간세포를 분리하였다. 배반포를 STO 단층배양세포에서 4일간 배양하여 내부세포괴세포를 신선한 STO 단층배양세포에서 약 5일 간격으로 반복하여 계대배양을 실시하였다. 5차 계대배양후 뚜렷한 분화 양상없이 배양된 미분화 세포군에 대한 alkaline phosphatase (AP)염색과 체외분화능 검색을 실시한 결과 적색의 미분화 AP 양성반응이 확인되었으며 체외에서 배분화 형성이 유도됨에 따라 배양된 배아간세포주의 다능성 배아간세포 특성을 확인할 수 있었다.

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DOT1-like histone lysine methyltransferase is critical for adult vessel maintenance and functions

  • HeeJi Lee;Dong Wook Han;Hyeonwoo La;Chanhyeok Park;Kiye Kang;Ohbeom Kwon;Sang Jun Uhm;Hyuk Song;Jeong Tae Do;Youngsok Choi;Kwonho Hong
    • Animal Bioscience
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    • 제37권9호
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    • pp.1635-1643
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    • 2024
  • Objective: Disruptor of telomeric silencing 1-like (DOT1L) is the only known histone H3K79 methyltransferase essential for the development of the embryonic cardiovascular system, including the heart, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels, through transcriptional regulation. Our previous study demonstrated that Dot1l deletion results in aberrant lymphatic development and function. However, its precise function in the postnatal cardiovascular system remains unknown. Methods: Using conditional and inducible Dot1l knockout (KO) mice, along with a reporter strain carrying the Geo gene at the Dot1l locus, DOT1L expression and its function in the vascular system during postnatal life were investigated. To assess vessel morphology and vascular permeability, we administered Latex or Evans blue dye to KO mice. In addition, in vitro tube formation and cell migration assays were performed using DOT1L-depleted human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Changes in the expression of vascular genes in HUVECs were measured by quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Results: Our findings demonstrate that conditional Dot1l knockout in the Tg (Tie2-cre) strain results in abnormal blood vessel formation and lymphatic anomalies in the intestine. In a mouse model of Rosa26-creER-mediated inducible Dot1l knockout, we observed vascular phenotypes, including increased vascular permeability and brain hemorrhage, when DOT1L was deleted in adulthood. Additionally, DOT1L depletion in cultured HUVECs led to impaired cell migration and tube formation, likely due to altered gene transcription. These findings highlight the essential role of DOT1L in maintaining vascular integrity and function during embryonic development and postnatal life. Conclusion: Our study revealed that DOT1L is required for the maintenance of adult vascular function through the regulation of gene expression.

배아기간세포 (ES cell)의 체외에서의 분화능;embryoid body형성과 실제 적용 (Differentiative potential of embryonic stem (ES) cells in vitro; formation of embryoid body and its practical application)

  • 박종임
    • 한국수정란이식학회지
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.6-15
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    • 1999
  • ES cell의 수립으로 특히 mouse를 중심으로 한 발생학, 유전학 연구의 획기적 발전과 형질변환 동물의 생산 및 동물 체내에서 유전자 기능의 탐구에 매우 큰 변혁을 가져오게 되었다. 또한 ES cell과 embryoid body는 체외 분화능의 연구에 있어 새로운 cytokine의 발견 및 세포 수준에서의 유전자 기능 해석의 강력한 연구수단으로서 폭 넓게 이용되어 질 수 있는 가능성을 시사하고 있다. 이는 ES cell line이 지닌 두 가지 장점, 즉, 유전자 조작의 용이함과, 거의 모든 종류의 성체 구성세포로 분화할 수 있는 성질 때문이다. 이러한 ES cell technology를 실제로 제반 학문과 특히, 인간에게 적용하기 위해서는 반드시 해결해야 할 중요한 문제점이 있다. 첫째로, ES cell을 대상으로 하는 형질변환 방법의 편의성 및 효율개선이 이루어 wu야 하며, 두 번째로 인간의 유전자 및 세포 이식 치료 등을 비롯한 제반 연구에 직접 적용 가능한 ES cell line의 수립과 체외에서 목적으로 하는 분화 세포를 얻기 위한 배양조건이 확립되어져야 한다. 이러한 목표를 달성하기 위해 ES cell의 발생, 분화과정에 있어서의 분자조절기구, 세포 특이적 promotor, 유도 signal등에 대한 연구가 활발히 진행되어져야 할 것이다.

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CRISPR/Cas9-mediated generation of a Plac8 knockout mouse model

  • Lee, HyunJeong;Kim, Joo-Il;Park, Jin-Sung;Roh, Jae-il;Lee, Jaehoon;Kang, Byeong-Cheol;Lee, Han-Woong
    • Laboraroty Animal Research
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    • 제34권4호
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    • pp.279-287
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    • 2018
  • Placenta specific 8 (PLAC8, also known as ONZIN) is a multi-functional protein that is highly expressed in the intestine, lung, spleen, and innate immune cells, and is involved in various diseases, including cancers, obesity, and innate immune deficiency. Here, we generated a Plac8 knockout mouse using the CRISPR/Cas9 system. The Cas9 mRNA and two single guide RNAs targeting a region near the translation start codon at Plac8 exon 2 were microinjected into mouse zygotes. This successfully eliminated the conventional translation start site, as confirmed by Sanger sequencing and PCR genotyping analysis. Unlike the previous Plac8 deficient models displaying increased adipose tissue and body weights, our male Plac8 knockout mice showed rather lower body weight than sex-matched littermate controls, though the only difference between these two mouse models is genetic context. Differently from the previously constructed embryonic stem cell-derived Plac8 knockout mouse that contains a neomycin resistance cassette, this knockout mouse model is free from a negative selection marker or other external insertions, which will be useful in future studies aimed at elucidating the multi-functional and physiological roles of PLAC8 in various diseases, without interference from exogenous foreign DNA.

Comparative pluripotent characteristics of porcine induced pluripotent stem cells generated using different viral transduction systems

  • Sang-Ki Baek;In-Won Lee;Yeon-Ji Lee;Bo-Gyeong Seo;Jung-Woo Choi;Tae-Suk Kim;Cheol Hwangbo;Joon-Hee Lee
    • 한국동물생명공학회지
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    • 제38권4호
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    • pp.275-290
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    • 2023
  • Background: Porcine pluripotent stem cells (pPSCs) would provide enormous potential for agriculture and biomedicine. However, authentic pPSCs have not established yet because standards for pPSCs-specific markers and culture conditions are not clear. Therefore, the present study reports comparative pluripotency characteristics in porcine induced pluripotent stem cells (piPSCs) derived from different viral transduction and reprogramming factors [Lenti-iPSCs (OSKM), Lenti-iPSCs (OSKMNL) and Sev-iPSCs (OSKM)]. Methods: Porcine fibroblasts were induced into Lenti-iPSCs (OSKM) and Lenti-iPSCs (OSKMNL) by using Lentiviral vector and Sev-iPSCs (OSKM) by using Sendaiviral vector. Expressions of endogenous or exogenous pluripotency-associated genes, surface marker and in vitro differentiation in between Lenti-piPSCs (OSKM), Lenti-iPSCs (OSKMNL) and Sev-piPSCs (OSKM) were compared. Results: Colonial morphology of Lenti-iPSCs (OSKMNL) closely resembles the naïve mouse embryonic stem cells colony for culture, whereas Sev-iPSCs (OSKM) colony is similar to the primed hESCs. Also, the activity of AP shows a distinct different in piPSCs (AP-positive (+) Lenti-iPSCs (OSKMNL) and Sev-iPSCs (OSKM), but AP-negative (-) Lenti-iPSCs (OSKM)). mRNAs expression of several marker genes (OCT-3/4, NANOG and SOX2) for pluripotency was increased in Lenti-iPSCs (OSKMNL) and Sev-iPSCs (OSKM), but Sev-iPSCs (OSKM). Interestingly, SSEA-1 of surface markers was expressed only in Sev-iPSCs (OSKM), whereas SSEA-4, Tra-1-60 and Tra-1-81 were positively expressed in Lenti-iPSCs (OSKMNL). Exogenous reprogramming factors continuously expressed in Lenti-iPSCs (OSKMNL) for passage 20, whereas Sev-iPSCs (OSKM) did not express any exogenous transcription factors. Finally, only Lenti-iPSCs (OSKMNL) express the three germ layers and primordial germ cells markers in aggregated EBs. Conclusions: These results indicate that the viral transduction system of reprograming factors into porcine differentiated cells display different pluripotency characteristics in piPSCs.

EMPAS: Electron Microscopy Screening for Endogenous Protein Architectures

  • Kim, Gijeong;Jang, Seongmin;Lee, Eunhye;Song, Ji-Joon
    • Molecules and Cells
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    • 제43권9호
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    • pp.804-812
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    • 2020
  • In cells, proteins form macromolecular complexes to execute their own unique roles in biological processes. Conventional structural biology methods adopt a bottom-up approach starting from defined sets of proteins to investigate the structures and interactions of protein complexes. However, this approach does not reflect the diverse and complex landscape of endogenous molecular architectures. Here, we introduce a top-down approach called Electron Microscopy screening for endogenous Protein ArchitectureS (EMPAS) to investigate the diverse and complex landscape of endogenous macromolecular architectures in an unbiased manner. By applying EMPAS, we discovered a spiral architecture and identified it as AdhE. Furthermore, we performed screening to examine endogenous molecular architectures of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs), mouse brains, cyanobacteria and plant leaves, revealing their diverse repertoires of molecular architectures. This study suggests that EMPAS may serve as a tool to investigate the molecular architectures of endogenous macromolecular proteins.

The Hyaluronic Acid Receptor (CD44) is Expressed in Early Stage Embryos of Porcine

  • Lee, S.E.;Kim, S.W.;Lee, Y.K.;Lee, P.Y.;Han, J.H.;Park, C.G.;Baek, K.R.;Lee, H.G.;Lee, J.Y.;Chang, W.K.;Park, J.K.
    • 한국동물번식학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국동물번식학회 2004년도 춘계학술발표대회
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    • pp.236-236
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    • 2004
  • Hyaluronic acid (HA) is one of the most abundant glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in the female reproductive tract such as uterine, oviductal and follicular fluids in mouse, pig, cattle and human. CD44 is the principal cell membrane receptor for HA, expressed from the 1-to 8-cell stage in human embryos, during post-implantation mouse and bovine embryogenesis and on the surface of differentiated embryonic stem cells. (omitted)

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생쥐 초기 배아에서 분리한 할구를 이용한 배아줄기세포주 확립 (Establishment of Embryonic Stem Cell Line from Isolated Blastomeres from Mouse Preimplantation Embryos)

  • 임천규;성지혜;최혜원;조재원;신미라;전진현
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • 제33권1호
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2006
  • 목 적: 본 연구에서는 착상전 생쥐 배아에서 분리한 할구를 이용하여 배아줄기세포주를 확립하고 그 효용성과 특성을 살펴보고자 하였다. 연구방법: 생쥐 (C57BL/6J)의 2- 또는 4-세포기 배아에서 투명대를 제거하고 할구를 분리하여 지지세포와 공동배양한 후 할구로부터 형성된 내세포괴를 분리하여 계대배양을 실시하였다. 계대배양 중인 세포주의 특성을 확인하기 위해 alkaline phosphatase 활성도와 표지 인자 및 관련 유전자 발현을 세포면역화학적 염색과 RT-PCR 방법으로 살펴보았다. 또한, 계대배양 중인 배아줄기 세포주의 염색체 분석을 실시하였다. 결 과: 전체적으로 2-세포기에서 분리한 할구와 4-세포기에서 분리한 할구에서 각각 3.0% (1/33)와 4.0% (1/25)의 효율로 배아줄기세포주를 확립할 수 있었다. 이는 4-세포기의 배아를 사용하였을 때의 16.7% (5/30)에 비해 현저하게 낮았다. 분리된 할구로부터 확립된 배아줄기세포주에서 SSEA-l 과 Oct-4의 발현을 관찰하였고, 이들에서 분화된 배아체에서 삼배엽성 분화 관련 유전자들의 발현도 확인할 수 있었다. 결 론: 본 연구에서는 동물모델을 이용하여 착상전 초기 배아에서 분리한 할구를 이용하여 배이줄기세포를 확립할 수 있음을 확인하였다. 지속적인 관련 연구를 통해 인간의 체외수정 및 배아이식술에서 배아의 파괴 또는 발생 능력에 손상을 주지 않고 새로운 인간 배아줄기세포주를 생산할 수 있는 방법을 개발하고 실용화할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.