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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Mouse embryonic stem cells

검색결과 185건 처리시간 0.02초

The Question of Abnormalities in Mouse Clones and ntES Cells

  • Wakayama, Teruhiko
    • 한국발생생물학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국발생생물학회 2003년도 제3회 국제심포지움 및 학술대회
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    • pp.7-8
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    • 2003
  • Since it was first reported in 1997, somatic cell cloning has been demonstrated in several other mammalian species. On the mouse, it can be cloned from embryonic stem (ES) cells, fetus-derived cells, and adult-derived cells, both male and female. While cloning efficiencies range from 0 to 20%, rates of just 1-2% are typical (i.e. one or two live offspring per one hundred initial embryos). Recently, abnormalities in mice cloned from somatic cells have been reported, such as abnormal gene expression in embryo (Boiani et al., 2001, Bortvin et al., 2003), abnormal placenta (Wakayama and Yanagimachi 1999), obesity (Tamashiro et ai, 2000, 2002) or early death (Ogonuki et al., 2002). Such abnormalities notwithstanding, success in generating cloned offspring has opened new avenues of investigation and provides a valuable tool that basic research scientists have employed to study complex processes such as genomic reprogramming, imprinting and embryonic development. On the other hand, mouse ES cell lines can also be generated from adult somatic cells via nuclear transfer. These 'ntES cells' are capable of differentiation into an extensive variety of cell types in vitro, as well assperm and oocytes in vivo. Interestingly, the establish rate of ntES cell line from cloned blastocyst is much higher than the success rate of cloned mouse. It is also possible to make cloned mice from ntES cell nuclei as donor, but this serial nuclear transfer method could not improved the cloning efficiency. Might be ntES cell has both character between ES cell and somatic cell. A number of potential agricultural and clinical applications are also are being explored, including the reproductive cloning of farm animals and therapeutic cloning for human cell, tissue, and organ replacement. This talk seeks to describe both the relationship between nucleus donor cell type and cloning success rate, and methods for establishing ntES cell lines. (중략)

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Generation of Embryonic Stem Cell-derived Transgenic Mice by Using Tetraploid Complementation

  • Park, S.M.;Song, S.J.;Uhm, S.J.;Cho, S.G.;Park, S.P.;Lim, J.H.;Lee, H.T.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제17권12호
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    • pp.1641-1646
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    • 2004
  • The objective of this study was to generate transgenic mice expressing human resistin gene by using the tetraploidembryonic stem (ES) cell complementation method. Human resistin gene was amplified from human fetal liver cDNA library by PCR, cloned into pCR(R) 2.1 TOPO(R) vector and constructed in pCMV-Tag4C vector. Mammalian expression plasmid containing human resistin was transfected into D3-GL ES cells by Lipofectamine 2,000, and then after 10-12 days of transfection, the human resistin-expressing cells were selected with G418. In order to produce tetraploid embryos, blastomeres of diploid embryos at the two-cell stage were fused with two times of electric pulse using 60 V 30 μsec (fusion rate: 2,114/2,256, 93.5%) and cultured up to the blastocyst stage (development rate: 1,862/2,114, 94.6%). The selected 15-20 ES cells were injected into tetraploid blastocysts, and then transferred into the uteri of E 2.5 d pseudopregnant recipient mice. To investigate the gestation progress, two E 19.5 mused fetuses were recovered by Cesarean section of which one fetus was confirmed to contain human resistin gene by genomic DNA-PCR. Therefore, our findings demonstrate that tetraploid-ES mouse technology can be considered as a useful tool to produce transgenic mice for the rapid analysis of gene function in vivo.

Promising Therapeutic Effects of Embryonic Stem Cells-Origin Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Experimental Pulmonary Fibrosis Models: Immunomodulatory and Anti-Apoptotic Mechanisms

  • Hanna Lee;Ok-Yi Jeong;Hee Jin Park;Sung-Lim Lee;Eun-yeong Bok;Mingyo Kim;Young Sun Suh;Yun-Hong Cheon;Hyun-Ok Kim;Suhee Kim;Sung Hak Chun;Jung Min Park;Young Jin Lee;Sang-Il Lee
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    • 제23권6호
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    • pp.45.1-45.22
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    • 2023
  • Interstitial lung disease (ILD) involves persistent inflammation and fibrosis, leading to respiratory failure and even death. Adult tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) show potential in ILD therapeutics but obtaining an adequate quantity of cells for drug application is difficult. Daewoong Pharmaceutical's MSCs (DW-MSCs) derived from embryonic stem cells sustain a high proliferative capacity following long-term culture and expansion. The aim of this study was to investigate the therapeutic potential of DW-MSCs in experimental mouse models of ILD. DW-MSCs were expanded up to 12 passages for in vivo application in bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis and collagen-induced connective tissue disease-ILD mouse models. We assessed lung inflammation and fibrosis, lung tissue immune cells, fibrosis-related gene/protein expression, apoptosis and mitochondrial function of alveolar epithelial cells, and mitochondrial transfer ability. Intravenous administration of DWMSCs consistently improved lung fibrosis and reduced inflammatory and fibrotic markers expression in both models across various disease stages. The therapeutic effect of DW-MSCs was comparable to that following daily oral administration of nintedanib or pirfenidone. Mechanistically, DW-MSCs exhibited immunomodulatory effects by reducing the number of B cells during the early phase and increasing the ratio of Tregs to Th17 cells during the late phase of bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis. Furthermore, DW-MSCs exhibited anti-apoptotic effects, increased cell viability, and improved mitochondrial respiration in alveolar epithelial cells by transferring their mitochondria to alveolar epithelial cells. Our findings indicate the strong potential of DW-MSCs in the treatment of ILD owing to their high efficacy and immunomodulatory and anti-apoptotic effects.

배아주간세포수립을 위한 Alkaline Phosphatase(AP)의 상이한 발현 양식의 추적 (Follow Up Expression Patterns of Alkaline Phosphatase(AP) as a Marker for Establishing Mouse Embryonic Stem (ES) Cells)

  • 김진회;차수경;노민경;송상진;구덕본;이훈택;정길생
    • 한국가축번식학회지
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 1995
  • The putative totipotency germ cells has a relative abundance of alkaline phosphatases. Thus, histological staining of AP activity offers a new route to isolate totipotent cells and also provides insights into culture systems of these cells. Furthermore, the AP staining technique is simple and fast, requires only the napthol AS/MS substrate in combination with trapping diazonium salts such as fast red or fast blue. However, our unexpected finding was that AP staining of mouse ES cells were detected in the undifferentiaed epiblast-derived cells as well as several types of differentiating cells. This findings are different from results of Talbot et al. (1993) reported usefulness of the AP staining and implies that histological staining of AP may not by useful to determine undifferentiaed state or totipotency of ES cells. Thus, we have investigated the patterns of AP expression by RT-PCR in order to identify a marker of undifferentiated ES/primordial germ (PG) cells. In RT-PCR analysis, embryonic (E)-AP was detected only in undifferentiated ES cells, but intestinal(I)-AP was not detected in all of the examined ES and PG cells. In addition, nonspecific (NS)-AP wasdetected in undifferentiated PG cell from day 7, 5 to 13 of gestation. Histological activity of AP in ES cells was completely suppressed by addition of L-phenylalanine (Phe), L-homoarginine (Har), and L-phenylalanylglycylglycine (PheGlyGly) as an inhibitor, but RT-PCR showed the same results as in the absence of an inhibitors. Our findings suggested that expression of E-AP and NS-AP may use as a marker to determine the undifferentiated status in ES and PG cells.

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Establishment of Porcine Embryonic Stem Cells by Aggregation of Parthenogenetic Embryos

  • Zhang, Jin-Yu;Diao, Yun Fei;Oqani, Reza K.;Wo, Je-Sok;Jin, Dong-Il
    • Reproductive and Developmental Biology
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    • 제35권1호
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    • pp.123-129
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    • 2011
  • The pig has been considered to serve as an appropriate model of human disease. Therefore, establishment of porcine embryonic stem cell lines is important. The purpose of the present study was to further work in this direction. We produced porcine parthenogenetic embryos, and separately aggregated two of each of two-cell (2×2), four-cell (2×4), and eight-cell (2×8) embryos derived by parthenogenesis. After culture for 4 days, the developmental ability of the aggregates and total blastocyst cell numbers were evaluated. The percentage of blastocysts was significantly higher in both 2×4- and 2×8-aggregated embryos (58.3±1.9 and 37.2±2.8, respectively) than in the control or 2×2-aggregated embryos (23.6±1.1 and 12.5±2.4, respectively). Total blastocyst cell numbers were increased in the 2×4- and 2×8-aggregated embryos (by 44±3.0 and 45±3.3, respectively) compared with those of control or 2×2-aggregated embryos (30.5±2.1 and 30.7±2.6, respectively; p<0.05). The levels of mRNA encoding Oct-4 were higher in both the 2×4- and 2×8-aggregated embryos than in the control. When blastocysts derived from 2×4- aggregated embryos or intact normal embryos were cultured on mouse embryonic fibroblast feeder cells to obtain porcine stem cells, blastocysts from aggregated embryos formed colonies that were better in shape compared with those derived from intact blastocysts. Together, the data show that aggregation of porcine embryos not only improves blastocyst quality but also serves as an efficient procedure by which porcine embryonic stem cells can become established.

Expression Profiling of Genes involved in the Control of Pluripotency Using cDNA Microarray

  • Lee, Young-Jin;Hong, Seok-Ho;Nah, Hee-Young;Chae, Ji-Hyung;Jung, Ho-Sun;Kim, Beom-Sue;Kim, Chul-Geun
    • 한국수정란이식학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국수정란이식학회 2001년도 추계학술대회 및 정기총회
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    • pp.12-21
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    • 2001
  • To identify genes implicated in the control of pluripotency as well as characteristics of stem cells, we analyzed expression profiles of genes derived from mouse morulas, blastocysts, embryonic stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells, and uterus tissue using cDNA microarray. Comparative analyses of their expression profiles identified putative clones that expressed specifically in specific samples or not in a specific sample. The expression pattern of these condidate clones was analyzed using RT-PCR and non-radioactive in situ hybridization. Functional annotation of these clones on pluripotency and stem cell plasticity is in ongoing. These studies may further our understanding on the nature of the stem cells and molecular mechanisms underlying many facets of mammalian development and differentiation.

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Expression Profiling of Genes involved in the Control of Pluripotency Using cDNA Microarray

  • Lee, Young-Jin;Hong, Seok-Ho;Nah, Hee-Young;Chae, Ji-Hyung;Jung, Ho-Sun;Kim, Beom-Sue;Kim, Chul-Geun
    • 한국동물번식학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국동물번식학회 2001년도 발생공학 국제심포지움 및 학술대회 발표자료집
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    • pp.18-24
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    • 2001
  • To identify genes implicated in the control of pluripotency as well as characteristics of stem cells, we analyzed expression profiles of genes derived from mouse morulas, blastocysts, embryonic stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells, and uterus tissue using cDNA microarray. Comparative analyses of their expression profiles identified putative clones that expressed specifically in specific samples or not in a specific sample. The expression pattern of these candidate clones was analyzed using RT-PCR and non-radioactive in situ hybridization. Functional annotation of these clones on pluripotency and stem cell plasticity is in ongoing. These studies may further our understanding on the nature of the stem cells and molecular mechanisms underlying many facets of mammalian development and differentiation.

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Mitochondrial energy metabolic transcriptome profiles during cardiac differentiation from mouse and human pluripotent stem cells

  • Cho, Sung Woo;Kim, Hyoung Kyu;Sung, Ji Hee;Kim, Yeseul;Kim, Jae Ho;Han, Jin
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
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    • 제26권5호
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    • pp.357-365
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    • 2022
  • Simultaneous myofibril and mitochondrial development is crucial for the cardiac differentiation of pluripotent stem cells (PSCs). Specifically, mitochondrial energy metabolism (MEM) development in cardiomyocytes is essential for the beating function. Although previous studies have reported that MEM is correlated with cardiac differentiation, the process and timing of MEM regulation for cardiac differentiation remain poorly understood. Here, we performed transcriptome analysis of cells at specific stages of cardiac differentiation from mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) and human induced PSCs (hiPSCs). We selected MEM genes strongly upregulated at cardiac lineage commitment and in a time-dependent manner during cardiac maturation and identified the protein-protein interaction networks. Notably, MEM proteins were found to interact closely with cardiac maturation-related proteins rather than with cardiac lineage commitment-related proteins. Furthermore, MEM proteins were found to primarily interact with cardiac muscle contractile proteins rather than with cardiac transcription factors. We identified several candidate MEM regulatory genes involved in cardiac lineage commitment (Cck, Bdnf, Fabp4, Cebpα, and Cdkn2a in mESC-derived cells, and CCK and NOS3 in hiPSC-derived cells) and cardiac maturation (Ppargc1α, Pgam2, Cox6a2, and Fabp3 in mESC-derived cells, and PGAM2 and SLC25A4 in hiPSC-derived cells). Therefore, our findings show the importance of MEM in cardiac maturation.