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L1-norm Regularization for State Vector Adaptation of Subspace Gaussian Mixture Model (L1-norm regularization을 통한 SGMM의 state vector 적응)

  • Goo, Jahyun;Kim, Younggwan;Kim, Hoirin
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.131-138
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we propose L1-norm regularization for state vector adaptation of subspace Gaussian mixture model (SGMM). When you design a speaker adaptation system with GMM-HMM acoustic model, MAP is the most typical technique to be considered. However, in MAP adaptation procedure, large number of parameters should be updated simultaneously. We can adopt sparse adaptation such as L1-norm regularization or sparse MAP to cope with that, but the performance of sparse adaptation is not good as MAP adaptation. However, SGMM does not suffer a lot from sparse adaptation as GMM-HMM because each Gaussian mean vector in SGMM is defined as a weighted sum of basis vectors, which is much robust to the fluctuation of parameters. Since there are only a few adaptation techniques appropriate for SGMM, our proposed method could be powerful especially when the number of adaptation data is limited. Experimental results show that error reduction rate of the proposed method is better than the result of MAP adaptation of SGMM, even with small adaptation data.

A Spectropolarimetric Investigation of the Photospheric and Chromospheric Layers of Sunspots

  • Kim, Hyunnam;Solanki, Sami.K.;Lagg, Andreas;Kim, Kap-Sung;Lim, Daye;Choe, G.S.
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.128.2-128.2
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    • 2012
  • Spectro-polarimetry is the most powerful technique for deducing the magnetic structure of the Sun. Stokes vector allow us to infer the physical conditions in the solar atmosphere prevailing during the line formation. Inversion codes are the main tool to extract this information from the Stokes spectra. This study will focus on measurements of the chromospheric He I 1083.0 nm triplet and the photospheric Si I 1082.7 nm line. A spectropolarimetric data set of sunspots, obtained with the German Vacuum Tower Telescope (VTT) at the Teide observatory on Tenerife, is analyzed using an inversion technique. We will introduce the German Vacuum Tower Telescope and the inversion code HeLix, and will show data sets that are analyzed by HeLix. Finally I made variety plots and maps for understanding photospheric and chromospheric layers of sunspots.

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Comparisons of Stressor and Coping Style between Headache-Suffering Children and Headache-Free Children (두통을 호소하는 초등학생의 스트레스요인과 대처방식)

  • Chung Bok Yae;Hong Youn Lan
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.354-361
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the stressors and coping styles between headache- suffering children and headache-free children. The subjects of this study consisted of 112 headache-suffering children and 203 headache- free children. They were 5th and 6th grade of elementary school around Taegu city. The periods of study was from June 1, to July 20, 2000. Data were analyzed by SAS computer programme The results of this study were as follows: 1. The score of stressor of headache-suffering children was higher than that of headache- free children significantly. The scores of school stressor and mess media stressor of headache-suffering children were higher than those of headache-free children significantly. 2. There was no significant difference even though the mean score of the coping style in headache-suffering children was higher than that of headache-free children. There were also no significant differences in both problem-oriented coping style and emotion- oriented coping style. 3. Logistic regression analysis(stepwise) revealed that the most powerful predictor was the variable stressor in school(standardized estimate=0.316, P<.001), followed by stressor in mass media(standardized estimate=0.224, P<.05).

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Using integrated displacement method to time-history analysis of steel frames with nonlinear flexible connections

  • Hadianfard, M.A.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.675-689
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    • 2012
  • Most connections of steel structures exhibit flexible behaviour under cyclic loading. The flexible connections can be assumed as nonlinear rotational springs attached to the ends of each beam. The nonlinear behaviour of the connections can be considered by suitable moment-rotation relationship. Time-history analysis by direct integration method can be used as a powerful technique to determine the nonlinear dynamic response of the structure. In conventional numerical integration, the response is evaluated for a series of short time increments. The limitations on the size of time intervals can be removed by using Chen and Robinson improved time history analysis method, in which the integrated displacements are used as the new variables in integrated equation of motion. The proposed method permits longer time intervals and reduces the computational works. In this paper the nonlinearity behaviour of the structure is summarized on the connections, and the step by step improved time-history analysis is used to calculate the dynamic response of the structure. Several numerical calculations which indicate the applicability and advantages of the proposed methodology are presented. These calculations illustrate the importance of the effect of the nonlinear behaviour of the flexible connections in the calculation of the dynamic response of steel frames.

A Study on the Recognition of the Environmental Matters by Korean Middle School Students (중학교 학생들의 환경에 대한 태도 연구)

  • 정완호;염영원
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.19-33
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    • 1993
  • This result showed that the middle school students' response for the environment condition was highly negative. The major findings of this study are as follows. 1. Students would become to know the environmental pollution through reading of newspapers and TV rather than school education. 2. Students' response for air and water pollution was seriously accepted in city areas than in country areas, and in large cities than in small cities. 3. Students' response for air pollution showed that the quality of air was getting worse and major factor of air pollution was the exhausts of automobiles. 4. It showed that students' concern for water pollution was increased and water pollution was being accelerated by the increase of domestic and industrial sewages, the overuse of the agricultural chemicals, the entrophication and acid rain. 5. Students thought that soil pollution was mainly due to factory sewage, life sewage, heavy metal and agricultural medicines and so on. But now they think it is due to the degenerated and inseparable things such as used vinyle for farm and plastics. 6. Most students thought of the pollution of our country as serious. But they thought it could be removed if we tried to get rid of pollution. 7. Now students' consciousness to protect the nature took an active interest turn and was strong. Putting these various findings together, I suggested that, the efforts to turn students affirmative consciousness for the environment and a powerful plan by the nation to take off pollution should be needed. Also the education to enforce the environment preservation had to be needed.

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Substrate and Inhibitor Specificities of Esterase in Lucilia illustris Meigen (연두금파리 Esterase의 기질 및 억제제 특이성에 관한 연구)

  • 유종명;박천배이형철
    • The Korean Journal of Zoology
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.190-197
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    • 1996
  • The optimal conditions and substrate specificity of whole body esterase (EST) activity, effects of inhibitors (Eserine, Paraoxon, p-HMB, DDVP, DFP) on the enzyme, and ontogenv of the isozymes were determined in Lucilio ilfustris Meisen. The optimal temperature was $45^{\circ}C$ regardless of kind of reacted substrate, $\alpha-naphthyl$ acetate $(\alpha-Nal,$ a.naphthvl butylate $(\alpha-N),$ and Pnaphthyl acetate $(\beta-Na),$ but the optimal pH showed some regioselectivitv to naphthvl group of the esters; PH 7.0 for Iform, pH 7.5 for a-form. The maximum reaction rate was recorded at about 2.5 $\times$ 10's M of PNa and etNa, but 1.0 $\times$ 10'S M of $\alpha-Nb.$ Among the five EST inhibitors tested, DDVP was the most powerful. However, distinction of the relative specificity of inhibitors between three body parts, head, thorax, and abdomen, was shouts, representing differences in the distribution and activity of isozvmes. Of 12 carboxyl-esterases (CE), 8 cholinesterases (ChE) and 2 arvlesterases (ArE) identified based on their inhibitor specificity throughout the development, two larval and prepupal stage specific ChEs, no pupal specific, and 2 CEs.2ChEs. and one ArE adult specific isozvmes were confirmed.

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Vagueness and the Context-Fixing Argument (모호성과 맥락고정논변)

  • Lee, Jun-Hyo
    • Korean Journal of Logic
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.23-54
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, I introduce what Boundary-Shifting theories of vagueness (or Contextualism about vagueness) are and what the Context-Fixing Argument is, which is the most powerful and plausible objection to Boundary-Shifting theories. The basic idea of the Context-Fixing Argument is that vagueness still remains even if we hold the context fixed. Many objections based on this simple idea can be found in the literature on Boundary-Shifting theories. It seems that, without a convincing response to the Context-Fixing Argument, Boundary-Shifters must be in trouble. But, oddly, defenders of Boundary Shifters have said very little about this matter. In this situation, ${\AA}$kerman and Greenough try to defend Boundary-Shifting theories of vagueness by suggesting several answers. In this paper, I critically examine their suggestions and develop a new answer to the Context-Fixing Argument.

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Comparative Studies on the Effects of Fresh, White and Red Ginseng Their Effects on the Content of Several Components in Rat Serum and the Production of Lipid Peroxide in Rat Liver (수삼, 백삼 및 홍삼의 효과에 대한 비교 연구 흰쥐의 혈청내 몇가지 성분 함량 및 과산화지질생성에 미치는 영향)

  • 임창진;박은희;이동권;홍순근
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 1981
  • Seventy percent ethanol extracts were prepared from 6-year-old fresh, white and red ginseng cultivated in Kangwha, and administered orally into rats for the comparison of their effects. And their effects on the production of lipid peroxide in the livers of ethanol-administered rats were measured. Red ginseng administered group showed the largest body weight increase. However, fresh, white, red ginseng extract administered group showed no significant change in concentration of total lipid, triglyceride and free cholesterol in serum. White and red ginseng extract administeration decreased blood-sugar levels significantly. Lipid peroxide content in livers of white and red ginseng administered groups was decreased significantly. Red ginseng administered group showed greater decrcase in lipid peroxide content than that of white ginseng administred group. The increase of lipid peroxide content in the livers of ethanol-administered group was inhibited by administration of fresh, white, and red ginseng extract. And the strongest-inhibitory action was observed in red ginseng administered group. Therefore, it is supposed that red ginseng has the most powerful antiaging effect.

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Information Professionals' Knowledge Sharing Practices in Social Media: A Study of Professionals in Developing Countries

  • Islam, Anwarul;Tsuji, Keita
    • International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.43-66
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    • 2016
  • The primary objective of this study was to investigate the perception of informational professionals' knowledge sharing practices in social media platforms. The specific objectives of the study included learning professionals' perceptions and awareness of knowledge sharing using social media, understanding their opinions and beliefs, and gaining familiarity with and reasons for using these tools. Open & close ended web-based questions were sent out by email to the international training program (ITP) participants. Findings indicated that most of the respondents' were aware of using social media and that they used social media for knowledge sharing. Speed and ease of use, managing personal knowledge, easier communication with users and colleagues and powerful communication tool are the areas that motivated them to use it. It also stated some barriers like lack of support, familiarity, trust, unfiltered information and fear of providing information. The study was limited to the perceptual aspect of the issue, specifically from the individuals' opinions and sentiments.


  • MiHeeKim
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 1996
  • This study examines the furniture usage behavior of the apartment dwellers in tile city of furniture usage by resident’s characteristics, such as floor space size, household income, the stage of family life cycle and housewife’s age. To this end, interviews were conducted with 304 individuals, either household heads or their spouses living in three residential areas in Seoul. The sample was selected among people living in apartment units with the 30s and 40s pyong of floor space size.The major findings of this study are as fllows ; The furniture and furnishings selected for the study are grouped into four clusters such as conversation-space components, ordinary decoration, high-quality decoration and miscellaneous components. Families in the stage of primary school life cycle were likely to possess fewer furniture and decorations than those in the stage of high school life cycle and in the launching stage. Younger housewives are less likely to possess ordinary and high-quality decorations than the older. Those living in the larger apartment units are likely to decorate their living room in an ornamental rather than functional way, and to possess more ordinary and high-quality decorations than those in the smaller. In this study, the size of floor space appers a variable most powerful to explain the pattern of furniture usage.

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