• Title/Summary/Keyword: Morning

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Changes in Marketability of Strawberry 'Maehyang' for Export as Affected by Harvest Time of the Day and Temperature of Precooling and Storage (수출 딸기 '매향'의 일중 수확시기와 예냉 및 저장 온도에 따른 상품성 변화)

  • Park, Ji Eun;Kim, Hye Min;Hwang, Seung Jae
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.153-160
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted out to investigate the effect of harvest time of the day, precooling or not, and temperature of precooling and storage on the marketability in strawberries 'Maehyang' for export in May. Strawberry colored with 60±5% of the skin was harvested at 07:00 am or 15:00 pm, respectively. After harvesting, some strawberries were precooled to 0, 2, 4℃ for 3 hours in the cold store, respectively, and the others were kept at room temperature. And then, strawberries were stored at low temperature in the cold store set at 4, 8 or 10℃ storage temperatures. The weight loss rate, firmness, soluble solids content, color, incidence of gray mold of strawberries were measured at two days intervals during storage for 14 days. Both 07:00 am and 15:00 pm harvest, fruits as the storage periods lapses increased weight loss rate compared to the weight at harvest time of the day, and the difference in the weight loss rate of fruits depending on the treatment was greater at 15:00 pm harvest than at 07:00 am. Firmness tended to increase again after 8th day at 07:00 am or 15:00 pm harvest, respectively. In the afternoon harvest, 10℃ storage without precooling showed the lowest fruit firmness on the 2nd day after storage. The soluble solids content at 07:00 am or 15:00 pm harvest tended to be maintained at high value with precooled and stored at low temperature as storage days elapse. The color values were significantly higher at 'L' indicating brightness and lower at 'a', indicating redness at low storage temperature regardless of harvesting time of the day and whether it was precooling or not. The incidence of gray mold was higher at 15:00 pm harvest than at 07:00 am harvest, and it was significantly higher in the treatments stored at 10℃ after precooling similarly. In this study, strawberry 'Maehyang' for export harvested at 07:00 am and stored at 4℃ after precooling at 0℃ maintained the best shelf life, therefore, it is judged that desirable to harvest in the morning with low temperature and to precool and store at low temperature.

Effect of Inhaled Steroids on the Cortisol Concentration by Different Dosage or Delivery Method (흡입성 스테로이드 제제의 투여용량 및 방법이 기저 코르티솔농도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Yong-Chul;Rhee, Yang-Keun
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.888-899
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    • 1995
  • Background: Topical inhaled steroids, budesonide(Bu) and beclomethasone dipropionate (BOP), are now established as effective drugs in the management of chronic asthma. These drugs have high topical anti-inflammatory effect with low systemic activity. This study was performed to determine the effects of two inhaled corticosteroids, Bu and BOP, on the adrenocortical supression in 44 patients with bronchial asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Methods: The adrenocortical function was assessed by measurement of serum cortisol concentration at 8 o'clock in morning and free cortisol in 24-hour urine collection at interval in 44 patients. No steroid was administered during the pretreatment period of 10 days and the final 6 days of the study. Each subject inhaled BOP or Bu, in daily doses of 800 or 1,600 micrograms for 12 days. The dose was delivered by metered dose inhaler (MDI) or diskhaler or large spacing device attached to MDI. Results: The levels of serum cortisol and 24-hour urinary free cortisol were decreased during the treatment period in patients inhaled Bu delivered by MDI in daily doses of 800 and 1,600 micrograms. In contrast, serum cortisol level was decreased on 6 and 12th day of treatment period in patients with BDP diskhaler in daily doses of 800 micrograms. In daily doses of 1,600 micrograms, the serum cortisol and 24hour urine free cortisol levels were decreased on 6, 9 and 12th day of treatment period in patients with BDP disk haler. The serum cortisol and 24-hour urinary free cortisol levels were not significantly decreased during the treatment period in patients inhaled Bu delivered by large spacing device attached to a MDI. Conclusion: These results showed that 1) the endogenous cortisol secretion was suppressed after inhalation of BDP and Bu in daily doses of 800 and 1,600micrograms, 2) Bu with MDI suppressed the adrenocortical function more than BDP with diskhaler, in daily doses of 1600 micrograms. and 3)large spacing device attached to a MDI might decrease the risk of suppression in the hypothalamic -pituitary- adrenal axis.

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  • 조완근
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.101-109
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    • 1994
  • Chlorinated water in swimming pools contains chloroform at elevated levels compared to chlorinated drinking water Chloroform levels in four indoor swimming pools(swimming pools A, B and C in a city of Korea and swimming pool D in a city of New Jersey in the United States) were examined. The chloroform levels in the water of swimming pool C (city-managed) weve shown to be significantly(p=0.0001) different from those of private swimming pools A and B: the mean chloroform levels in the pools A, B, and C are 22.8, 17.8, and 31.1 $\mu\textrm{g}$/l, respectively. Furthermore, all of these chloroform levels are significantly(P=0.0001) different from those of New Jersey: chloroform concentration of the Korean pools ranged from 10.9 $\mu\textrm{g}$.l to 47.9 $\mu\textrm{g}$/l with a mean of 23.2 $\mu\textrm{g}$/l, while it ranged from 27 $\mu\textrm{g}$/l to 96$\mu\textrm{g}$/l with a mean of 64.4 $\mu\textrm{g}$/l in the New Jersey pool. The disinfection processes would cause part of this difference since the swimming pools in Korea applied both chlorination and ozonation method, while the swimming pool in New Jersey used chlorination method only. It was implied that swimming parameters inconsistently vary, resulting in fluctuation of and no constant accumulation of chloroform in the water with the change of time for the day. A regression analysis showed no relationships between sampling time and chloroform concentrations for the sampling day in the swimming pools of Korea. A F-test indicated no significant difference of chloroform concentrations in the morning and afternoon samples collected in the swimming pools. Ingestion dose was estimated to be 0.58$\mu\textrm{g}$ from an hour swimming in a city of Korea, taking into accounting an average of 23.2 $\mu\textrm{g}$/l in swimming pools in the city In extreme situation, the ingestion dose was estimated to be 12.0 $\mu\textrm{g}$ from an hour swimming in a city of Korea.

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Characteristics of Diurnal Variation of High PM2.5 Concentration by Spatio-Temporal Wind System in Busan, Korea (시·공간적 풍계에 따른 부산지역 고농도 PM2.5의 일변화 특성)

  • Kim, Bu-Kyung;Lee, Dong-In;Kim, Jeong-Chang;Lee, Jun-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.469-480
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    • 2012
  • This study was to analyze the characteristics of diurnal variation of high $PM_{2.5}$ concentration, $PM_{2.5}/PM_{10}$ concentration ratio by spatio-temporal wind system (wind speed and wind direction) for high $PM_{2.5}$ concentration (over the 24 hr environmental standard of $PM_{2.5}$, $50{\mu}g/m^3$) in the air quality observation sites (Jangrimdong: Industrial area, Jwadong: Residential area) that were measured for 3 years (2005. 12. 1-2008. 11. 30) in Busan. The observation days of high $PM_{2.5}$ concentration were 182 at Jangrimdong and 27 at Jwadong. The seasonal diurnal variation of hourly mean of high $PM_{2.5}$ concentration and of $PM_{2.5}/PM_{10}$ concentration ratio showed a similar pattern that had higher variation at dawn, and night and in the morning than in the afternoon. Durning daytime in summer at Jwadong, the $PM_{2.5}/PM_{10}$ concentration ratio increased because a secondary particulate matter, which was created by photochemical reaction, decreased the coarse particles of $PM_{10}$ more than the fine particles of $PM_{2.5}$ concentrations in ocean condition. We did an analysis of spatio-temporal wind system (wind speed range and wind direction) in each time zone. The result showed that high $PM_{2.5}$ concentration at Jangrimdong occurred due to the congestion of pollutants emissions from the industrial complex in Jangrimdong area and the transportation of pollutants from places nearby Jangrimdong. It also showed that high $PM_{2.5}$ concentration occurred at Jwadong because of a number of local residential and commercial activities that caused the congestion of pollutants.

A Survey on Health Management and Life Habits for the Urban Salaried Workers (도시 직장인들의 생활습관 및 건강관리 실태 조사에 관한 연구 -5대도시(부산, 여수, 창원, 진주, 인천)를 중심으로 -)

  • 정복미;임상선;김은실
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.482-491
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    • 2002
  • This study was to evaluate health management and life habits of the urban salaried workers. The results showed the followings: There were more men than women who thought their health good (p<0.01). Stomach disease was the highest in the subjects, and the second was liver disease (p<0.001). Of respondents, 10% always exercised in the morning, 26% often, and 63% never. Men took exercise more regularly than women (p<0.001). The kinds of exercises were walk (33%), jogging (25%), physical training (14%), golf (6.4%), rope jumping, and tennis. Men ate healthy drug more than womon. Most of men thought that sports were the best for health management. Women considered that baying regular habits was the best for control of her health. The smoking rate of respondents was 41%, and the rate in Chinju showed higher than the other area (p<0.001). Man smokers were more than women (p<0.001). Drinking rate of respondents was 78%. Men enjoyed soju, while women liked beer (p<0.001)

A Study on the Water Exchange Plan with Disaster Prevention Facilities in Masan Bay (마산만 재해방지시설을 이용한 해수교환 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Gweon-Su;Ryu, Ha-Sang;Kim, Kang-Min
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.637-645
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    • 2013
  • Masan bay with a semi-enclosed waters has serious water quality problems due to the low flow and river pollution load from land, and shows the vulnerable locational characteristics to storm surge. We are seeking the way of both operating disaster prevention facilities and water quality improvement measures in the bay. That is, the water was exchanged using the head difference occurred by operating disaster prevention facilities. The location of disaster prevention facilities was assumed to be in the inlet of the bay, in the vicinity of Machang bridge, and in the vicinity of Dot island and the operation time was assumed to be early morning hours(01~05) considering the number of shipping passage and annual tide, and spring tide of the largest head difference. In addition, the experiment case of water exchange including the in-outflow feeder pipe was tested. According to the simulation results, water exchange rate in all experiments has shown a steady increase. Water exchange rate of the whole of Masan bay in the case of present is 38.62%. The water exchange rate of the inside of Masan bay compared with the inlet of bay, appeared to be very low. Thus, we judged that the characteristics of semi-enclosed waters were well reproduced. On the results of the experiment of disaster prevention facilities and in-outflow feeder pipe, the case of the operation of disaster prevention facilities, water exchage rate is high compared with the case of present. And, the higer the operating frequency, the more water exchange is appeared. The cases of water exchange prevention facilities through the in-outflow feeder pipe caused by the head difference, also showed the higest improvement of the water quality. Compared with the south of Machang bridge, the effect of water exchange was better in the inlet of Masan bay and Dot island. On the other hand, the inlet of Masan bay is higer than Dot island as for water exchange of the whole of Masan bay, but opposite, water change rate including Masan inside was higher in the case of Dot island.

Changes in Temperature and Light Distribution in the Rice Crop Canopy at the Different Growth Stages (수도군락내(水稻群落內) 온도(溫度) 및 광분포(光分布)의 시기별(時期別) 변화(變化))

  • Lee, Jeong-Taek;Jung, Yeong-Sang;Ryu, In-Soo;Kim, Byung-Chan
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.108-113
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    • 1984
  • To find out the differences in micro-meteorological changes in the rice plant canopy at the different growing stages, Seokwang-byo, a high yielding variety, was cultivated with three planting densities of 50, 80 and 110 hills per $3.3m^2$ in 1982, and Seokwangbyo and Chucheong-byo, a local variety, were planted with a density of 80 hills per $3.3m^2$. Air temperature in plant canopies, water and soil temperatures were continuously monitored throughout the growing period. The relationship between solar radiation interception and leaf area indices at different height in the canopy also was studied. The results were as follows: 1. Air temperature in the densely planted canopy was 1 to $1.5^{\circ}C$ higher than that in the sparsely planted one at the early growing stage, but was inverted after 60 days of transplanting. The vertical distribution of temperature in the canopies showed that air temperature at 10 cm height from the ground was higher than that at 30 cm height. The temperature inversion occurred showing lower temperature at the 10 cm height than at the 30 cm height. 2. The highest temperature of a day in the canopy occurred at 14:00 to 15:00 Korean Standard Time same as that of air temperature, but approached to the solar noon time as the plants grew thick. 3. The air temperature in the canopy became higher than water temperature when the leaf area indices were 4.6 for Chucheongbyo and 5.2 for Seokwangbyo, and the light penetration ratios were 40 percents. 4. Light extinction coefficients of the 50 to 70 cm layer of the canopies were 0.3 to 0.5 but decreased at the lower layers. 5. Albedo of the canopies was 0.4 in the morning and evening while that was about 0.25 at noon. The difference in albedo between Seokwangbyo and Chucheongbyo could be recognized with the difference in leaf structure.

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Origin-Destination Estimation Based on Cellular Phone's Base Station (휴대폰 기지국 정보를 이용한 O/D 추정기법 연구)

  • Kim, Si-Gon;Yu, Byeong-Seok;Gang, Seung-Pil
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.93-102
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    • 2005
  • An Origin-Destination (O/D) is considered as one of the important information in route choices and trip assignments. A household interview survey is deemed to be the traditional and the most widely used method in making sample O/D and its conversion to the total O/D. Some researchers have studied to estimate dynamic O/D from the relationship between link volumes and trip assignment model. Nowadays, owing to the recent rapid spread of cellular phones. Location information of the cellular phone through the Base Station(BS) is considered as an alternative to O/D estimation. In this study, the methodology of generating BS-based O/D and the methodology of converting this O/D into an administrative district-based O/D are proposed. The information of GPS positions and cellular BS positions have acquired by establishing GPS equipment and cellular phone on taxies in Cheongju. Three weeks data are collected and used in estimating O/D by matching them on a digital map. Scatter diagram and sample correlation coefficients are used to investigate the similarity of the GPS-based O/D pattern among weeks, among days, and among times in day. The results show that there are few significant differences among weeks. But there is a difference in O/C pattern between weekday and weekend. Furthermore, there is a difference between morning peak and afternoon peak. Two methodologies are proposed to convert BS-based O/D into an administrative district-based O/D. The first one is to use the distribution pattern of GPS coordinates, the other is to use the coverage area of the BSs. To validate such converted O/D, GPS O/D is used as a true value. The statical analyses through scatter diagram, MAE and RMSE shows that there is few significant defference of pattern between the estimated BS-based O/D and GPS O/D. In the case of using only cellular information, the methodology using coverage area of the BSs is recommended for estimating O/D.

Survey on Ambient Air Quality in Pusan Areas (부산의 대기오염도 조사)

  • Kim, Y.W.;Kim, J.Y.;Lee, C.U.;Jun, J.H.;Moon, D.H.;Shin, H.R.;Lee, J.T.;Lee, M.C.;Kim, S.C.;Pae, K.T.
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.19 no.2 s.20
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    • pp.252-262
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    • 1986
  • In order to assess the degree of atmospheric pollution and to contribute the health improvement of residents in Pusan, the authors measured CO, $SO_2,\;NO_2$ and TSP level at 3 places by season and time from July, 1985 to April, 1986. The places were Somyon, Sasang and Daeshin-dong, which were known as the commercial, industrial and residental area in Pusan, respectively. The obtained results were as follows: 1) The average concentration of CO was highest with $2.19{\pm}0.52$(3.5-1.0)ppm at Sasang area, and lowest with $1.32{\pm}0.55$(3.0-0.5)ppm at Daeshin-dong areas. 2) The average concentration of $SO_2$ was highest with $0.092{\pm}0.073$(0.378-0.028)ppm at Sasang, and lowest with $0.041{\pm}0.014$(0.083-0.019)ppm at Daeshin-dong. 3) The average concentration of $NO_2$ was highest with $0.069{\pm}0.012$(0.090-0.050)ppm at Somyon, and lowest with $0.043{\pm}0.010$(0.061-0.032)ppm at Daeshin-dong. 4) The average concentration of TSP was highest with $300{\pm}130(780-130){\mu}g/m^3$ at Sasang, and lowest with $160{\pm}80(390-70){\mu}g/m^3$ at Daeshin-dong. 5) The level of CO and TSP were highest in summer at Somyon and Daeshing-dong, and in winter at Sasang, respectively. The level of $SO_2$ and $NO_2$ were highest in winter and spring at all areas. 6) The level of all air pollutants were higher in the afternoon or night than in the morning.

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A study on the oral health care and the effects of nutritional and oral health education for elementary school students (초등학교 아동의 구강보건관리실태와 영양교육 및 구강보건교육 효과에 관한 연구)

  • 김혜영;원복연
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2004
  • This study was executed to find the effects of dietary control and oral health care on dental caries and oral problems in elementary school students, including the effects of nutritional and oral health education on the prevention of dental caries. 1. The oral health study found that 88.9% of students brushed their teeth everyday, 63.7% 2 times a day, and 50.4% in the morning and at night. 2. According to the general characteristics whether or not, the female students had more dental caries than the males, and 29.1% of the students that had dental caries ate snacke 1 or 2 times a day. 3. After the nutritional education, more students brushed their teeth in the after meal 4. According to gender, grade and nutritional education for oral health care, male students and higher grade students were more aware that “brushing teeth after meals is better than before”. The male and higher grade students, after the nutritional education, were more aware that “Bones and teeth are made from calcium”, and “Fluorine prevents teeth from dental caries” and the differences between the genders were statistically significant in relation to both these facts (p〈0.05) and before and after education (p〈0.01). The male and higher grade students, and those nutritionally educated were more conscious that “vegetables and fruits are good for teeth”, with the differences before and after the nutritional education were statistically significant (p〈0.05). The male and higher grade students were well aware that “Foods that have sugar cause dental caries”, and significant differences were shown between grades (p〈0.05). The male and higher grade students, after the nutritional education and were well aware that “Milk is good for teeth”, with a significant gender difference (p〈0.05). The female and higher grade students, and those after nutritional education were well aware that “Dental caries can not be perfectly cured once it had already occurred”. after nutrition, but not much differences.