• Title/Summary/Keyword: Monostatic

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Detection of an Object Bottoming at Seabed by the Reflected Signal Modeling (천해에서 해저면 반사파의 모델링을 통한 물체의 탐지)

  • On, Baeksan;Kim, Sunho;Moon, Woosik;Im, Sungbin;Seo, Iksu
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.53 no.5
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    • pp.55-65
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    • 2016
  • Detecting an object which is located at seabed is an important issue for various areas. This paper presents an approach to detection of an object that is placed at seabed in the shallow water. A conventional scheme is to employ a side-scan sonar to obtain images of a detection area and to use image processing schemes to recognize an object. Since this approach relies on high frequency signals to get clear images, its detection range becomes shorter and the processing time is getting longer. In this paper, we consider an active sonar system that is repeatedly sending a linear frequency modulated signal of 6~20 kHz in the shallow water of 100m depth. The proposed approach is to model consecutively received reflected signals and to measure their modeling error magnitudes which decide the existence of an object placed on seabed depending on relative magnitude with respect to threshold value. The feature of this approach is to only require an assumption that the seabed consists of an homogeneous sediment, and not to require a prior information on the specific properties of the sediment. We verify the proposed approach in terms of detection probability through computer simulation.

Analysis of Target Identification Performances Using Bistatic ISAR Images (바이스태틱 ISAR 영상을 이용한 표적식별 성능 분석)

  • Lee, Seung-Jae;Lee, Seong-Hyeon;Kang, Min-Seok;Yang, Eunjung;Kim, Kyung-Tae
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.566-576
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    • 2016
  • Inverse synthetic aperture radar(ISAR) image generated from bistatic radar(Bi-ISAR) represents two-dimensional scattering distribution of a target, and the Bi-ISAR can be used for bistatic target identification. However, Bi-ISAR has large variability in scattering mechanisms depending on bistatic configurations and do not represent exact range-Doppler information of a target due to inherent distortion. Thus, an efficient training DB construction is the most important factor in target identification using Bi-ISARs. Recently, a database construction method based on realistic flight scenarios of a target, which provides a reliable identification performance for the monostatic target identification, was applied to target identification using high resolution range profiles(HRRPs) generated from bistatic radar(Bi-HRRPs), to construct efficient training DB under bistatic configurations. Consequently, high identification performance was achieved using only small amount of training Bi-HRRPs, when the target is a considerable distance away from the bistatic radar. Thus, flight scenarios based training DB construction is applied to target identification using Bi-ISARs. Then, the capability and efficiency of the method is analyzed.

Experiment and Analysis of Backscattering Signals According to Presence or Absence of Chloroform (클로로폼 침적 유무에 따른 후방산란신호 측정 실험 및 분석)

  • Him Chan Seo;Jee Woong Choi;Yongmyung Kim;Moonjin Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.28 no.spc
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    • pp.18-22
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    • 2022
  • Because it is difficult to apply direct and optical detection techniques to sunken hazardous and noxious substances (HNS), effective acoustic detection techniques are required to detect sunken HNS in water. In this study, the possibility of acoustic detection of sunken HNS was investigated through backscattering signal measurement experiments using chloroform, a sunken HNS. After establishing a pool in an acrylic tank, backscattering signals were measured according to the presences or absence of chloroform by varying the grazing angle from 90° to 50° in 0.5° intervals using a pan&tilt system. A directional transducer transmitted and received sinusoidal signals with a frequency of 200 kHz and a pulse length of 25 ㎲ in a monostatic state. When chloroform was deposited, the received level of the backscattering signal at the interface between water and chloroform became low at a grazing angle of approximately 80° or smaller. Based on the backscattering signal results obtained at the interface between water and chloroform, the possibility of acoustic detection of sunken HNS was demonstrated.