• Title/Summary/Keyword: Modern philosophy

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Rousseau's Philosophy of Education and Christian Public Education (루소의 교육철학과 기독교 공공교육론)

  • Kim, Youngho
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.71
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    • pp.97-120
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    • 2022
  • Korean churches and theology of today are experiencing a decline in reliability and a lack of communication from the Korean society due to the absence of proper reflection. Moreover, with the COVID-19 Pandemic, the church is led to a situation where the problem of survival has become a concern. In addition, churches and theology failed to restore the public nature of faith from civil society, and how these beliefs could be developed in terms of Christian education has become an important theological task. The restoration of the public nature of the church brings interest in public theology, and if education is an important area of the public forum, we pay attention to educational philosophers who provided the basis for publicness and civil democracy education philosophy in Christian education. Rousseau, as an educationalist who opened the modern philosophy of education is opening up the civil society through discovering the existence of children with the proposition "Return to Nature" in the 18th century. This study aims to use Rousseau's educational philosophy in his books Emil, The Theory of Inequality Origins, and Social Contract Theory as the basis of educational theory that opened the foundation of the public domain and civil society.

Symbiotic Framework for Campus Core and Modern Expansion A Case Study of Princeton University Campus, Princeton USA

  • Han, Gwang Ya;Kim, Hong Ill;Lee, Hee Won;Kim, Hwan
    • Architectural research
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2006
  • Campus core is an essential element in a university's physical environment for symbolic importance of high educational philosophy as well as hierarchical significance of campus structure. Yet, as modern expansion develops into and out of campus core, a challenging design and planning problem for a growing university is how to integrate a new development into the existing core structure and how to expand the fast-growing development beyond the core while maintaining a symbiotic harmony between the campus core and the modern expansion. Such challenge addresses four design frameworks for symbiotic development of the campus core and the modern expansion: (1) building grouping with territorial proximity; (2) building design rules for form and texture; (3) open space network with pedestrian walkway; (4) use-programming for on-campus student community. This study aims to explore these issues with in-depth case study of the Princeton University campus in Princeton, New Jersey in the United States. The study concludes that the Princeton campus is a result from successful synthesis of all the complex design elements, especially in relationship between the old and the new; and adds further that the development of a modern university campus requires a comprehensive plan that takes into account the older buildings when conceiving the new in symbiotic relationship along with open space network as well as functional program distribution.

An Extracted Communication and Amusement from the Convergence of Information Technology and Modern Poet (정보기술과 현대시와의 융합에서 추출한 '소통과 유희')

  • Choi, Sunyoul
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this research is to try to enrich human life by applying the convergence energy of humanities and science to modern poetry. "Communication and entertainment", as modern poetry with modernist aesthetics, must indulge people's lives, which is simply to live happy lives. Entertainment is especially crucial because it is a method through which people can lead humane and satisfactory lives. The prerequisites for achieving this are true liberty and happiness. If these two prerequisites derive from humanity's consciousness, "communication and entertainment" can be born from "convergence of information technology and modern poetry", as the author insisted.

A Study on Present States of Nursing Education - Junior College of Nursing - (한국 간호교육의 실제와 문제점 - 전문대학 교육과정 -)

  • Park Choon-Ja
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.24-31
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    • 1995
  • This study was attempted to identify the present state of the Junior College of Nursing such as philosophy of education and goal of education. The study was based on the data from 17 Junior colleges of nursing. The survey was conducted from Jun. 21st to 30th. 1994. Data was analyzed by percentage. The results of this .study was summarized as follows : 1. The number of Junior college of nursing is 44, the number of graduates is 776, and the rate of employment is 97.3% in 1993. 2. 6 of 17 schools present the philosophy of education and the chief concepts of them were idea of establishment, human being, health, environment, nursing, nursology, nursing education and nurses. The most frequent presented general goal of the education was to train professional nurse (64.7%). The most concrete goal of the education was fostering of the competence and quality of students to enhance self development which based upon scientific thinking and skillful activities. (58.8%). The average total credit was 142.3(range of 133 to 155). The average liveral art credit was 27.2 and major credit was 104.1. The credit of clinical pracetice was 20.6 (1153.6 hours). 3. The most important problems of Junior College of Nursing was multiprogram of nursing edcuation. It should be unionized into 4 year program. 4. There should be a good nursing curriculum and philosophy which meet the modern nursing concept and diversional social needs.

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Untold story about why King Sejong invented the Korean alphabet

  • JUNG, Sanggyu
    • Journal of Koreanology Reviews
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2022
  • HunMinJeongEum, meaning "the right sound to teach the people," was created in 1443 CE by King Sejong the Great, the fourth king of the Joseon Dynasty. In today's modern language, this letter, called Hangeul, is internationally recognized for its linguistic science. However, it is hard to find a comprehensive study on the fact that King Sejong himself created Hangeul, the Confucian perspective on natural disasters and democracy revealed in the process of writing, the independent efforts emphasized from a certain period, and the achievements of King Sejong, who shared the sorrow of the people and carried out national policies despite the extreme opposition of the nobility. Accordingly, I analyzed the consonants of HunMinJeongEum and looked at the essence of humanity and oriental philosophy (Yin-Yang Five Elements, Sangsu Philosophy, Hado). Surprisingly, different meanings from previous studies and interpretations were found, and King Sejong's "Da Vinci Code," which was left behind in the process of making the consonant, is reinterpreted and revealed. King Sejong's achievements were all connected as one. This is the root of democracy in the Republic of Korea today, and this is why King Sejong was selected as the most beloved and respected historical figure by the Korean people. This study will start with more people's understanding of the fundamental perception and philosophy of the world in Asia, including Korea, to reinterpret and reveal the hardships and great achievements experienced by a leader of a country in the process of creating korean alphabet, and to emphasize democracy, which is an important value for Asians and Westerners' mutual respect and co-prosperity.

Characteristics of Daesoon Thought in Korean Modern Times - Focused on Transnationalism, Modern and Post-modern Values - (한국 근대시기 대순사상의 특질 - 초민족주의와 근대 및 탈근대 가치를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Jae-hyun
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.24_1
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    • pp.255-289
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    • 2014
  • This study's aim is to identify modern and post-modern values and transnationalism embodied in Daesoon Thought and to seek for the new value to overcome irrationality of modern values in this society we live in. Several previous studies discussed about these issues, but most of them studied them on the basis of Korean new religions or Jeungsangyo, or in sociological theory perspective. Therefore, this study focused on Daesoon Thought encompassing ideological perspective as well as historical perspective of Daesoonjinrihoe. As for nationalism, while Eastern learning(Dong-Hak) is prone to ethnocentricity, Daesoon Thought shows trans-ethnic perspective. As for historical perspectivel, Mugeuikdo, a precursor to Daesoonjinrihoe showed non-relationship with any politics as contrasted with other new korean religious movement at that time. As for aspects of modern values, 3 perspectives (political system, social system, abolition of premodern values) were discussed. As for political system perspective, while Eastern learning advocates democratic modernity but accepted monarchy, Jeungsan denied monarchy. And While western political philosophy advocated rationality-based absolute person, Daesoon Thought proposes ideal human who can have political power and do religious indoctrination all together. As for social system perspective, while western humanism is based on all of he people's equity in front of God, Eastern learning on humans are Heaven (人乃天), Daesoon Thought is based on Injon thought(人尊思想) which encompasses spiritual world, human world and all of the universe. Daesoon Thought also proposes abolition of discrimination by gender, social position. As for abolition of premodern values, Daesoon Thought critics pre-modern formalism and advocate acceptance of other nations' culture, pragmatism, and humanism. As presented above, Daesoon Thought has not only modern values but also aspects of post-modernity and transnationalism. In the future, further studies are needed which tackle these issues and search for new values of Daesoon Thought which can overcome limitation of modern values.

A Meaning of 'World History' in Hegel's System of Philosophy: Focusing on the Relationship between 'Objective Spirit' and 'Absolute Spirit' (헤겔의 철학 체계에서 '세계사'의 의미: '객관 정신'과 '절대 정신'의 관계를 중심으로)

  • Seo, Jeong-Hyok
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • no.114
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    • pp.241-263
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    • 2016
  • History is not only Hegel's philosophical subject, but it corresponds to his entire system of philosophy. Because his system of philosophy is a description of the self-movement of spirit and 'world history' reveals the overall movement of spirit. Hegel's 'historical and philosophical standpoint' goes through the description of his entire system, and this tendency is more and more reinforced towards the later Hegel. If it is reasonable to find the corresponding relationship between Hegel's system of philosophy and 'world history', the relationship between 'objective spirit' and 'absolute spirit' must be systematically unraveled in the horizon of world history. The world-historical perspective in 'objective spirit' has the limit to consider 'modern European nations' as a final destination. On the contrary, world history that acts as a mediator in the transition from 'objective spirit' to 'absolute spirit' makes it possible to jump in absolute horizon by recognizing limitations of nation states and avoiding specific and limited conditions dialectically. So what is revealed through the study of 'world history' in Hegel's system of philosophy is that in the view of 'absolute spirit' of art, religion, philosophy 'political state' is not the end that all mankind should aim at. Therefore, it is undesirable only to criticize Hegel's philosophy of history as 'Eurocentrism'.

Classification of Articles in the "Korean Philosophy Journal" and Analysis of the Articles of Two Scholars - From 1st to 55th edit (『한국철학논집』의 논문 분류 및 두 학자의 논문 분석 - 제1집에서 제55집까지 -)

  • Hwang, Kwang-Oog
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.58
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    • pp.97-137
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    • 2018
  • This paper analyzes the thesis classification of the "Korean Philosophy Journal" and the subject and characteristics of two representative scholars of the Research Society in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the 'Korean Philosophy History Research Society'. The "Korean Philosophy Journal" was published from the 1st edition in 1991 to the 55th edition until November, 2017, and introduced a total of 582 papers. In the meantime, the 'Korean Philosophy History Research Society' became a registered place after being nominated by the Korea Research Foundation. Among the 582 chapters, 297 papers deal directly with Korean philosophy, and 174 papers on Chinese philosophy. Among the Korean philosophical theses, the most popular one was the 198th issue, and the Chinese philosophical thesis was the most popular with the subject of theology. Among the Korean philosophers, Chung Yak - Yong and Chinese philosophers Chu Shi were the most studied. Among the writers who participated in the "Korean Philosophy Journal", 203 were all of them. Among them, Lee Sang Ik published the most articles with 28, and Choi Young Sung was the second with 23. Based on Lee Sang Ik 's thesis 28, Lee Sang Ik is a well - known neo - Confucianism scholar. His research is based on the theory of neo - Confucianism and the theory of secularism. On the one hand, he establishes his own moral theories and criticizes other moral theories. On the other hand he establishes his own governing theory and criticizes other governing theories. And theoretical proposals on various problems in modern society Based on Choi Young Sung 's thesis, 23, Choi Young Sung is the best researcher in the field of studying in Korea. His research focuses on correcting mistaken perceptions and descriptions in the history of study abroad in Korea, and developing the undeveloped parts. In addition, I am looking for a new perspective on the history of studying in Korea. In addition, he has been studying the philosophical thought of Choi Chih Won in order to establish a philosophical foundation for approaching the history of thought rather than just the study of the history of thought. The "Korean Philosophy Journal" has been advanced in quantity and quality, and has developed quantitatively and qualitatively. Revitalization of the SungKyunKwan university Korean Philosophy Department is indispensable for the continuous development of "Korean Philosophy Journal" and 'Korean Philosophy History Study Society' and to create excellent scholars.

A Study on the Problem of the Sublime in the Visual Arts - J.-F. Lyotard's Theory on the Postmodern Sublime - (시각예술에 있어서 숭고(the sublime)의 문제 : 리오타르의 포스트모던 숭고론을 중심으로)

  • Park Nam-Hee
    • Journal of Science of Art and Design
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    • v.3
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    • pp.178-224
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    • 2001
  • This thesis aims to suggest the notion of the sublime as one of the common elements of contemporary plastic arts, as a new key for the reading of our visual environment. The concept of sublimity has been one of important categories in traditional aesthetics since the eighteenth century; beyond the domain of this tradition, however, it is rigorously investigated in sociology, literary criticism, visual art theory and post-structuralist philosophy, especially the investigation of post-modern conditions by Jean-Fran cois Lyotard. Jean-Fran cois Lyotard defines sublimity as the elemental feature of the late twentieth century visual arts based on post-structuralism and suggests the feeling of the sublime as dominant sensibility in post-modern society. According to Lyotard, the sublime is a contradictory feeling of pleasure mixed with suffering as in the theory of experimental avant-gardes; the post-modern sublimity is the feeling of suffering or agony when we feel in confronting the new and the unknown. The investigation of the sublime based on Lyotard's perspectives, therefore, is meaningful in decoding contemporary visual arts. This investigation, therefore, mainly deals with the post-modern concept of the sublime and contemporary visual arts viewed in the sublime.

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The Fashion Trend of Modern Naturalism in the Collection of Comme des Garcons (Comme des Garcons 컬렉션에 표현된 현대 내추럴리즘 패션 트렌드)

  • Lee, Ji-Eun;Hong, In-Sook;Kweon, Soo-Ae
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.771-783
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, I studied the trends of naturalism reflected on the fashion trends in 2000s, and the design characteristics of naturalism showed in modern fashions, based on the information about women's wear trend serviced by www.samsungdesign.net. The analysis was focused on the Comme des Garcons collections, and the results are as follows. First, in modern society, the scientific and realistic concept of naturalism was being shifted to nature-friendly and actual concept which harmonized with nature conceived to be important in environments. Second, the interests on well-being and LOHAS introduced the actual naturalism, and the naturalism became a prominent trend at turning times to 21th century. Third, the concepts of naturalism showed in modern fashions could be categorized into ecology, primitive, retro and exotic trends. Finally, the Comme des Garcons collections did not follow a passing fashion trend only, instead they formed unformalized natural silhouette and details in the view of new analysis and philosophy of themselves. The silhouette represented a natural sense in harmony with colors of simple materials.